Qin State, Xianyang Railway Station. A train coming from the Western Regions has to rest here for twelve hours, and half-way passengers will rest on their own and eat something, of course. They are very curious about Xianyang because they are from the Western Regions. They used to be slaves, but now they are legal citizens of the Qin State. They have the right to vote and be elected. They have the right to enjoy everything in the Qin State. Regulations. This is for them. It is a great liberation. Before they came to Qin State Xianyang, the local government had issued them a new identity certificate, and they were already legal citizens of Qin State.

"Xianyang Railway Station is really big. It can stop more than 20 trains at once." A young man from the Western Regions said excitedly. He has never traveled far abroad. This is the farthest place he travels, Xianyang, for him, it is a god-like existence.

"Well. Big, the train station in our town is much bigger. I have never seen so many trains." A young man next to him also said. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva from time to time. When the train was approaching the station, he had never seen the prosperity of Xianyang. The people here are well-dressed, they are in a hurry, people seem to have things, they are very busy, they see neat streets, all asphalt roads, this kind of road is only the main road in their small town, but Here, there are such roads everywhere. And there are all kinds of motor vehicles on it. They only saw this stuff in their factory. Unfortunately, their factory was closed. I heard that the boss had left the Western Regions to go to Yueshi, and went to Karachi. He didn't know what was good in that place, he had never traveled far, and that was for them. It is simply a dream, a door that makes people feel incredible.

"Everyone, follow me, follow me, don't lose it. There are a lot of people here. Xianyang is a metropolis with a population of one million. You have to get used to life here as soon as possible." A person in charge shouted to them Shouted. Many people began to take their salutes and line up to get off the train. They felt so incredible. For them, everything was so unacceptable.

"Okay. Follow me, don't worry, everyone don't worry." The person in charge said loudly.

"When you come here, you must abide by the laws and regulations. Don't be too far from the train station. Don't cause too much trouble. We have to go to the north. There will be better opportunities for us." The person in charge said loudly. To. The tail of winter has passed. By the time they arrive in the north, they may have already started a new job. This is for them. This is a new beginning.

"Xianyang. I just heard others say in the newspapers, but when you really came here, you had an impulse. You think you can get here someday and live in this metropolis. I have such a feeling. Kind of feeling.” In an unknown diary, a native of the Western Regions wrote like this. Xianyang gave them a shock and a new understanding, which made their heads have a civilized feeling. They knew that this was the life they yearned for, and this might be their goal. For such a kind of Target, they have a great impulsive feeling.

"Did you see it? It's another group of savages from the Western Regions." A train station staff member on the platform said to another colleague next to him.

"Yeah. But there seems to be a lot of trains coming from the Western Regions recently. It seems to be the seventh train today, right?" my colleague asked.

"Yes. That's right. It seems that there will be more in the future. I heard that there will only be more and more trains from the Western Regions, but we don't have to worry about them getting stuck on the railway, because it takes a long, long way from there to here. The distance, what I know is, it seems that we are going to build more train platforms further away. In short, our business is very busy." The staff member looked at the Western Regions who looked around and walked around with their own salutes. To.

"Be careful of your feet, don't fall. And your salute, must be optimistic." The colleague shouted loudly. These people from the Western Regions caused them a lot of trouble. A battalion of military police has been deployed at the railway station. There is also a company of mounted police patrolling nearby, but it still seems unable to make the security here better.

Many thieves and robbers have targeted these people. There were also several homicide cases, which made King Qin very angry. The police station also had to add more staff to help improve the security situation. In short, good things are not happening here. Because many things need to be changed.

The new citizens of Qin from the Western Regions are reaching a new place full of hope. They believe that where they can realize their Qin dreams, they will live better than before. Although it sounds very cold and miserable there, they know that as long as they are full of hope and work hard, there is nothing they can't do. Everything is positive.

Yueshi, next to a railway station on the No. 2 railway line, there is a main road that leads directly to the railway station. This seems to be the only main road here. The main road is not an asphalt road, but a smooth country. Very clean, but dusty dirt road everywhere. This kind of dirt road is already the best road for them here. But this kind of road can be seen on the Western Region Farm of the Qin State. They might as well build the road to the outside world as the farmer himself. At the very least, it is a gravel road. It's much better than here.

"Give us a job, please. I can speak the Qin dialect." A middle-aged man from the Yue family pleaded bitterly. He has lined up here for two hours. Their interviewer seemed to have a headache, and then looked at each other. Just wave your arms and let him in. And there were more people shouting anxiously behind them, as if they were about to eat each other.

"If you meet the conditions, go in, if you don't meet the conditions, go back and back." The interviewer shouted. A boss from the Western Regions of the Qin State established an assembly factory here, where they produced carriages, and at the same time they produced some other parts, of course. Those workers are only skilled workers. There is also a textile factory nearby. I heard that it is from Koreans. The Yue government has given them a lot of help. The tax rate is very low and low, less than 1%. In some special places, they also give the largest Support, for example, land is given to them for free, and this is done to solve their production problems, because their arrival has solved the problem of food for many people.

After the war, Yueshi became devastated and his financial situation was very bad. The best way to solve these problems is to attract foreign investment to build their factories here. In this case, many people will have jobs. Their salary is not very high.

Ordinary workers have only five crescent dollars a day's wages. This is the new monetary unit, and the old monthly bills have collapsed. One Crescent Dollar can be exchanged for 15,000 Yue's old coins. Inflation is still quite severe, but their salary can make their family of five eat full. There is still no problem. The price of food has begun to fall. The food from the south and the north has already met their needs, and at least they don’t have to go hungry. This makes them very happy.

In fact, many people cannot get the salary of five crescents a day, because their factories will always find ways to deduct some, but they are still willing to accept it because they need this job, and it is difficult for them to find such a good job. Work again. In addition to assembly factories and textile factories, there are also railways. However, those who are more professional or have a lot of energy to do such things. In addition to these, a considerable number of people have retired from the army. This is the best condition that the Yue government can win for their soldiers. A large number of soldiers are flooded in various social posts. This can be regarded as a kind of welfare for them.

In Karachi. There are also a large number of engineering projects and the emergence of factories. They have brought about a considerable number of people’s employment problems. This makes them optimistic. People have social sources and a certain amount of income. After solving their food and clothing problems, they Became optimistic.

These are the conditions the new government hopes to see. This can make them more stable. What they need is this kind of situation, not a disorderly and seemingly chaotic situation. In that case, it will only make them extremely crazy. This is They definitely don't want to see the situation. What they need is stability and stability.

However, there are still some small actions under stability. For example, the crime rate during this period is still relatively high. Although the general trend is that society will gradually stabilize, many people have just experienced a huge epidemic, and many people are still not used to it. New social factors. At the same time, after some soldiers retired, they developed into another class and became a new underworld. They became street hooligans. After all, there are so many social resources. In order to obtain more social resources, It can only take some illegal means to seize it continuously. To them. Only by doing this, their situation can be greatly changed. For them, this change is a goal they must achieve. For others, they don't care, which is understandable. After all, everyone knows the situation after the war.

This is an era full of opportunities and shortage of social resources, but there are greater opportunities for development. A different era.

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