Zhao Guo, Handan, the bankers were very sad or angry when they heard Guo Kai's telegram from the South Korean government.

"Damn Guo Kai, he doesn't represent our interests at all, he disappoints us too much." Bankers expressed their dissatisfaction, but they can only express their dissatisfaction in this way, because Guo Kai will still act according to himself. They are very annoyed.

"The prime minister's approach is gradually losing our support, and our patience will not last as long." Some middle-aged bankers said.

"Yes, the prime minister looks like a concession on the surface, but in fact it is a kind of procrastination. For us, this kind of procrastination consumes our last time. This is the worst situation for us. We can't put this kind of procrastination. The situation continues. This is an extremely unfavorable situation for us. We cannot continue. We should take some actions." Some bankers have already expressed this.

"But doing so will inevitably irritate the government. We should wait and see. Maybe there are still some turning points. The situation may become very favorable for us." Some steady middle-aged bankers said. To. They said that if they take excessive actions, such as riots, or large-scale demonstrations. Putting pressure on the government in this way will make the government make some opposite choices. At the same time, what is the result of such opposite choices and the chaos of order, then everything needs to be restarted. For them, It's the worst thing. They think they shouldn't do it, because doing so will seriously affect their situation.

"If the society becomes uneasy, we will lose our original intentions, which is even worse for us. We should see such a situation happen and try our best to avoid such a situation. This is for us. If it is good, we should pay attention to such things." said a banker. Others nodded their heads in agreement. In their opinion, such a thing is understandable to them. And they don't want to lose the stability of order. After all, the industry needs a stable state to continue to operate. Only in this way can it bring them greater profits. Without such profits, it is difficult to proceed.

Zhao State Army Department.

"Yes, for them, mobilize some officers from nearby to go there. In addition, we will also raise some non-commissioned officers from nearby to go there, give them some support, let Seth State establish some military academies or military organizations, Strengthen their military offensive power. If necessary, our advisory team can do these things further." The Secretary of the Army decided.

"Do you need to ask the Prime Minister to do so? Sir." A lieutenant adjutant recorded. He felt that this matter seemed very important, which would send out a bad signal. You know, the Koreans have not done this. They are a little too bold to do so.

"I know, but we don't have that much patience. Maybe we should do something, you should know this." The Secretary of War said, walking back and forth. He seems to be a little uneasy, but such uneasiness will not last too long, because he soon made up his mind to do it.

"Our military industry needs some markets, we need Seth people, and Seth people also need our help. We need to build a factory there, and the cooperation with Anthians is carried out secretly, but this kind of secretly We don’t know how long the ongoing project can last, or how long it takes to complete, we don’t know. This is extremely unfavorable to us. We need to open a market and establish a new order, regardless of How, we need to do this. And Seth, may be a new competitive point." The Secretary of the Army said. His assistant quickly recorded. He didn’t quite understand why he did this, but he believed that it must be done for a purpose. Without the Prime Minister’s permission, the Secretary of the Army began to transfer some nearby officers. The non-commissioned officers went to the State of Seth to help the State of Seth. Do some things, maybe, only by doing things, many problems will be completely solved, he thought of this, this is for him. Things seem to be difficult.

In fact, the army of the State of Zhao had already responded like this. After serving as the special adviser of the State of Seth, Zhu Li began to visit with his personal relationship. He continued to invite some nearby military officers and promised them. How much the salary will be higher, and not much life-threatening, etc., in short, he has done many things. What's more, they have done too much. In short, they have done a lot of such things.

Under the temptation of huge salaries, many officers have retired from active service one after another. They began to actively go to Seth without waiting for their permission to withdraw. In their view, they have a lot of technology in their hands. This is not a difficult task for them. They should do such things quickly. This is what they need most.

In this way, the State of Seth did not know where to get the support of the Zhao State military. Although they were all carried out in a private way, this was already very sufficient for the State of Seth.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Naval Staff, the new combat plan is being revised, because some new technical arms are participating, for example, the fast-acting torpedo boats, although the size of the troops is not very large, many sailors do not have their own equipment. However, they have already begun active training, and they believe that they can achieve great results.

"We can't disrupt their formation. We should see this situation. If we want to disrupt the opponent, we need to sacrifice some destroyers to achieve this goal. It is still difficult for us to accept. Such a thing." A lieutenant colonel touched his nose and said. He was a little nervous, and at the same time he was very dissatisfied with such a sacrifice of the destroyer, because such a sacrifice was relatively large.

"It seems that the situation is very unfavorable for us." The Deputy Chief of Naval Staff said worriedly.

"Under normal circumstances, torpedo boats can only be deployed in coastal areas. Goguryeo’s warships seem to be close to the coastal areas. We don’t know yet, and their endurance capabilities are very limited. It seems that we still find it difficult to proceed. For us, It's still relatively bad." The lieutenant colonel continued.

"The only way to attract the enemy and disrupt the opponent’s formation is to involve the destroyers. They can get close to the opponent and release torpedoes, which will cause a lot of formation trouble to the opponent’s warships. Under normal formation, those torpedo boats cannot As we approach the opponent’s fleet quickly, we all know what this situation means, and our warships may face huge losses.” said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"The enemy can organize an effective firepower net. None of our warships can get close to each other quickly. In this case, the other party may pose a great threat to us. We must first disrupt the formation of the opponent's warship fleet. , We can prevent their firepower from being further displayed." The Navy Lieutenant Colonel motioned.

Many naval officers know this, but to do such a thing there must be sacrifices, unless they make the formation very bad. But the probability of this kind of thing happening is too low. They all know very well that only if they exert enough artillery power can they win the war, control the ocean, and control the entire Jeju Island. This is an extremely dangerous idea.

"Maybe we should try some other methods." The Undersecretary of Naval Staff said at this time.

"I don't know what the chief means?" the lieutenant colonel asked. Others are looking forward to the existence of some bold naval officers among them. They have studied such ideas before, such as the use of torpedo boats, but the effect does not seem to be very obvious. There is also the use of submarines, but submarines report Said that it seems that it is still difficult for them to complete such a task, because they can't get close to each other quickly, and can only wait passively, which makes them fruitless. In addition to these, it is advocating the air threat theory. They believe that such a goal can be achieved with the investment of the threatening air power.

"In view of the increase in air, underwater, and various assault forces, I think that in the first wave of offensive, we should invest these forces. It is not easy to build our destroyer warships. They are all major battleships. It’s not okay for us to give up those cheap weapons. We can achieve this goal from underwater, air, and assault forces from the surface. The main battleship is to hide its power. , At the final critical time, take it out to fight the enemy.” said the deputy chief of naval staff.

After all, this is a costing issue, and they all know what this cost means. This means weakening of military power and so on. This situation requires them to make the most critical choice.

"Such sacrifices are acceptable to us. I think you will understand why we did this. After all, all of us have very limited military capabilities. Is this result acceptable to everyone?" The undersecretary of staff asked.

Everyone feels that this may be easier to accept. After all, the construction cost of a speedboat is relatively low.

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