The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3573: The first stage of the exercise

Qin State, 20 kilometers north of Xianyang, 3,000 meters in the sky. Apple 3 is searching the scope of their search, which is for them. This task seems a bit difficult.

"Did you find anything?" the flight captain asked the co-pilot on the side, he was looking around with a telescope.

"No, nothing. We don't even know where they are?" The co-pilot shook his head and said. Obviously, his task is not very smooth, they perform a zigzag search task. But their angle is too big. Originally, each of their airships was ten degrees. In this case, they could expand one hundred and eighty degrees, and the mission of each airship would not be too heavy. But now, they only have six airships, and the mission of each airship will become very heavy.

"Damn it. Such a task is simply too torturous." The captain next to him complained. They need to fly more than five to six hours, but the mission still cannot be completed. This makes them look very irritable.

The Qin State General Staff originally planned to revise the air guard exercise plan again, but King Qin didn't have much time for them. It is impossible to give them too much time for them to do such a thing, so they proceed according to the original plan. This is the order of King Qin. He hopes to discover problems, and Qin is not afraid of problems, he is afraid that they will not be discovered.

"I wonder if our height is not enough?" the co-pilot next to him said worriedly.

"Why not, there are clouds above. There are still more clouds today. It seems that there will be rain and snow again. It's really bad." The captain said.

"No, what I want to say is that if the other party takes advantage of the clouds and escapes into the clouds, we can't do anything." The other party said so.

"I understand this. However, we must maintain such a height. If it is too high, our fuel will not be able to fly such a long distance." The captain said. They are bombing airships, and they are also large airships, but in order to carry out such a task, they only equipped with two machine guns, and then a larger radio with a large amount of fuel, and only enough fuel to allow them Complete tasks several times higher than them. If it is raised again, the fuel consumption may be more, but this is the situation where the captain must stop.

Xianyang, the outskirts, and the northern part of the Tianjun airport played an important core goal. There is also a huge cross target nearby. The target is Xianyang. As long as the exercise team drops a bomb into that place at once, the exercise will be lost. The plan itself is not difficult, but this is the first air defense exercise conducted by the entire army.

Air defense commander in the radio transceiver room. Major General Yang Li is already here anxiously awaiting orders. His mission is relatively heavy. He has recruited various military forces. Only one anti-aircraft artillery regiment has been deployed nearby. They are equipped with fifty-two anti-aircraft guns and two large anti-aircraft guns. The rest are all 20mm to 37mm anti-aircraft artillery. There is also a squadron of fighters on standby at the airport, and the defense level here is high. But this still exposes them to enemy fire. This situation will happen soon, and this is the result of no guesswork.

"Is there anything?" Yang Li asked his staff nervously, and even the communications staff could feel their commander very nervous.

"There is no commander yet. Our airship search force is searching. The whole process will take a long time, about five or six hours to complete." The staff officer replied.

"Well, I see." Yang Li nodded and said. He was very uninterested in this task, or that it was 100% wrong, because the entire air was difficult to defend.

"Where do you think they will come from?" Yang Li said. During the exercise, the two flying squadrons of Qin State stationed in the north were acting as the offensive. One was equipped with airships and medium-sized airships. They had a long range, and the other was an airplane. They were bombers of both sides and were modified by Qin's transport aircraft. Here. Their advantage is that they are fast, but the range is not very long, and the search range is far beyond their range, which means that they will be found first.

"Sir, I think they will come from the north, because judging from their combat radius, the airship can barely fly back and forth, but their aircraft can only use a straight line distance and load more auxiliary fuel tanks. This is the only way to allow them. It is guaranteed to have a considerable combat effect. Otherwise, they will never come from there." The staff officer said.

"Yeah. It makes sense." Yang Li had already understood their analysis. This time the target attack point was near the northern oil point, where there was sufficient fuel and the range was relatively short. This was their mission.

"Report." At this moment, a telegrapher quickly reported with the translated telegram.

"Is there anything?" Yang Li asked immediately.

"Yes, sir, there is a situation. Apple VII found the enemy's airship bombing unit. They were three kilometers in the air. Our search airship encountered them." The telegrapher reported.

"Very good, very good." Yang Li immediately came to the podium.

"They are in a certain direction of ours. It seems that they are indeed walking a straight distance. In this case, they can go back after completing the mission. Let the fighters set sail and intercept them." Yang Li ordered. He felt that things didn't seem too bad. At the very least they found the target they should be looking for.

"Yes, sir." The communications staff nodded and said. Yang Li relaxed. But there is another combat force that has not been discovered.

"Sir, did you all take off?" At this time, the combat staff came over and asked nervously.

"Yes, they have a squadron, we must dispatch a squadron fighter to intercept them. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad." Yang Li said worriedly. The mobile force in his hand is relatively small and very tense. Those airships have high defensive power, and it is still difficult to defend well. Therefore, in such a situation, the best way is to concentrate all the forces to solve the opponent.

"But sir, what should we do if the opposing bomber suddenly appears?" the combat staff officer asked.

"I think they will resolve the battle and take off again, of course. We also have anti-aircraft guns. They can block them all at once and buy us time. Don't worry." Yang Li said. But the combat staff does not think so. He believes that the biggest threat comes from those aircraft. In contrast, airships are easy to spot, and they are slow and easy to be spotted, but airplanes are different. They are faster, although Their voyage is still relatively short, which is not a good thing for them. It may be even worse, but if the other party wants to blow up the other party, then they can fly over directly, and the voyage will increase a lot. This threat is still relatively large. He believes that such a big risk should not be taken. Those airships can be dealt with with anti-aircraft guns, but the bombers must leave fighters behind.

"Okay. I see. I will bear the responsibility." Yang Li ordered. In his opinion, those planes. Don't worry at all, because their combat radius is too limited. Unless they don't want those bombers, they won't find those things at all.

The fighter planes at the airport were quickly ordered to take off. Those airships are easy to spot, but it is difficult to shoot them down because they can be equipped with more machine guns. It is said that some airships are also equipped with machine guns, which is very threatening to deal with such targets. The fighter squadron must be treated with care.

Apple 3, the news of the fighter taking off did not reach them, and they did not know about the discovery of the airship target. Because they suddenly found out. Their radio failed. In other words, their radio has lost its proper function.

"Damn, these electronic devices are so unstable all the time." The correspondent scolded, and he had tried his best to repair it. The transistors were replaced twice. But the problem is that there is still no response. It seems that a certain piece was burned due to instability.

"Look, above, what's over the clouds?" The first officer saw something suddenly, and the captain quickly looked over, but the problem was that he didn't see anything.

"Are you wrong?" the captain asked.

"No, there is absolutely nothing wrong, I saw it. There are indeed some strange things flying in the sky, it seems to be a bomber, it should be a bomber." The first officer confirmed.

"Well, I didn't see anything, but, according to the regulations, we must record it, otherwise, our situation will be very bad. But we can only report the news after we get back the warranty, **** radio. It's always on. It breaks when there is a situation. It's really unreliable." The other party said.

"Well, I think so too, but we must go back now, otherwise, we will be in trouble." The co-pilot said. He wanted their airship to fly up to see the situation, but the bomber was much faster than them, and they couldn't intercept those things at all. They just hope that those bombers will not have major problems, otherwise they will have disastrous results for their exercises.

The good news is still there. After the fighters lost three, they also achieved a certain battle result, that is, they shot down two bombing airships and damaged many airships. The bombing airships could not bear it, and they were forced to return. They won the first stage. Of course. These are all evaluated during the exercise. The real situation may be much more tragic.

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