"Now there is nothing to worry about." Yang Li easily said to a staff officer beside him. In his opinion, the situation has changed a lot. For example, they have expelled the opponent's airship raid, which is good news for them.

"Sir, I still think that we should be careful of the other's bombers. They are fast. Although they are not very advantageous in range, I believe that they will definitely appear and attack us. We should be careful." He Said the combat staff worriedly.

"Oh. Tell me?" Yang Li said easily. He now feels that he should maintain the attitude that an officer should have and listen to the necessary reports from his subordinates. After all, these reports should sometimes be the most important summary information. They have the right and it is necessary to do so.

"Yes, sir, if I were a raider, I think I would take some measures to launch an attack from a new assault point. Although our voyage has some problems, if we regard this assault as a single The attack has been from the north, and after the bombing, it can land on the nearby Lantian Airport. According to the rules of the exercise, it does not belong to any party. If they attack in this way, there will still be a big deal. May launch a surprise attack on our airport." The combat staff thought for a while. He felt that he should do something like this from another angle from another direction. This matter can explain to a large extent why they can maintain such a state.

"This." Yang Li didn't know why a bad omen suddenly appeared in his heart because he felt it. Such a thing may be the worst situation for them.

"This." Yang Li controlled himself a little, he felt that it might not happen really, after all, some things can still be handled in a certain way. Or, this matter is not that complicated. He thought so. But the truth is. Soon the phone rang.

"Hello. What happened? Don't panic. Don't panic." The combat staff asked on the phone. He felt very disgusted by the panic of the frontline personnel, because they had been controlled by a negative emotion. In that case, they mean nothing can be done.

"Take the phone." Yang Li reminded him in his heart that this must be a bad thing. Although he didn't admit it, in fact, he had already determined that such a thing would happen. In his opinion, this kind of thing is not a good thing for him.

"Hey. Don't panic, make it clear, what exactly happened." Yang Li asked calmly. The other party seemed to feel the composure of their chief, and then gradually clarified the matter.

Although the other party speaks quickly, but still provides a few keywords as some reference. That is, the goal they defend. It was blown up. And it was blown up suddenly. Their air defense firepower, as well as a little early warning function have not been played out, although the blind people provided some reference. However, the ground personnel did not find the target after all. The bomber is hidden in the clouds. The evidence provided by the blind made them unable to find any targets. that's all. They lost their last chance to resist. Soon, those bombers broke away from the cover of the clouds and suddenly appeared. Although only a few bombs fell on the target area, after all, the other party completed the raid.

The most important thing is that the ground-based air defense forces did nothing, or in other words, they did not even have a chance to react. The raid is over.

"I. Got it." Yang Li weakly hung up the phone, as things turned out to be what the combat staff thought. The fighters were still returning home at this time, and the ground air defense forces did not give too much early warning time, and they could do nothing when the target made a surprise attack. As a result, the sad thing happened.

"Sir, one of our search airships just landed at a nearby airport. They reported that they seemed to have spotted enemy bombers, but they disappeared quickly. Because their wireless telegraphy had a major malfunction, they are now Only reported. Two hours have passed since they discovered the enemy plane." A staff officer came to report.

"Everything is over. It's over." Major General Yang Li said weakly. This report came too late. It has happened before they discovered such a thing, which is a great stimulus for them.

Qin State, the General Staff. The exercise is basically over. The result is as everyone expected.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened." Wang Jian said after looking at the process of combat exercises that took place.

"Yes, if it is a real war, those bombers can choose a lot of targets. In that case, the defensive force in our hands will not be able to defend at all, and they will be in a very unfavorable loading. In addition, I think that the efficiency of an airplane is much faster than that of an airship. Although the airship has a larger load capacity, its speed." Yang Duanhe shook his head and put forward his own negative attitude.

"Yes, I think so too, despite his load capacity. It has great advantages in range, but the speed is extremely slow. This is extremely unfavorable for some search tasks. The war is fast-paced. Especially in terms of air defense, the enemy’s raid came very fast, and the airship could not react at all. Although the fighter squadron did a good job, they were too few in number. The two aircraft used for bombing this time proved the importance of aircraft. The airship should withdraw from the stage of history." Wang Jian made such a decision.

"If this is the case, we may have to eliminate a lot of airships. Is this a bit too much?" Yang Duanhe asked curiously.

"Despite such concerns, I personally think that this should be done. After all, this is a trend. After all, things that are fast have a great advantage, and weapons that cannot keep up with such speed have no advantage at all. . Alright. This is just a preliminary summary, and more summary reports will be delivered later.” Wang Jian said.

In a small railway station in the northern East Mongolia, many people from the Western Regions from the Western Regions crowded here. They ate some military food, but actually just some biscuits with a lot of sugar and salt. This can greatly supplement The physical strength of the soldiers, but now, these Westerners resist the severe cold by eating food. Although spring has arrived in Guanzhong area, it seems that spring is still far away here. The local East Mongolian State knows that they are here to build the East Mongolian State, a constructive economic development zone. Although they are from the Western Regions, the atmosphere here is not too serious racial discrimination. On the contrary, as long as they are the people who come to build here, they They are all welcome, they have the same enthusiasm and hospitality of the northern nomads.

"Give you some hot water, soak some to eat, in that case, you don't need to eat dryly." A train station worker poured some hot water to drink from the Western Regions. They were strictly forbidden to drink cold water. Despite their many measures, several Westerners still died of dysentery. At the same time some people were also infected. In order to effectively reduce more casualties, they have to take some measures to keep their food and drinking water clean. This is what the government can do well.

"Thank you." The people of the Western Regions thanked one after another.

"If it feels cold, we will apply for some blankets for you. If you need it, you must speak and don't be shy. You have come to East Mongolia and you are a member of East Mongolia." The staff said enthusiastically.

"Thank you, thank you very much. We are now full of cleanliness. We just hope to leave soon this winter, otherwise, we can't do anything. For us, the loss is very big." The other party said worriedly.

"Well, we agree with this point, but I don't think it will take long before we can rebuild. Don't worry. Winter will pass soon. There seems to be no spring here, and it will suddenly transition to summer." The other party said with a smile. This surprised the people of the Western Regions, many of them are no longer willing to spend time here. They can't wait to build here. East Mongolia has provided them with the best treatment. They just hope that these people can stay here and make a great contribution to their place.

Seth country. King Arose conscripted Zhu Li again. He read a lot of books about the Central Plains. Most of these books record the great changes that the Central Plains country has made in recent years. For example, they established the prime minister, the prime minister system, the cabinet system, and the parliament. Elections, as well as launching the road to industrialization, and various actions in terms of external expansion. These measures allowed King Arose to see the possibility of the rejuvenation of the Kingdom of Seth. He felt that he could do it himself.

"Sir, I invite you here to talk about my views. I think my previous views are too superficial." The king said politely. He has a great demand for new knowledge and new political reforms, and he has outstanding performance in this regard.

"Your Majesty, please speak." Zhu Li said politely.

"Before, I thought that the reform of the country was a very vague concept, and the prosperity of the country can only be achieved by simply relying on the expansion of military power. However, after I gradually came into contact with this country, this idea was completely Changed. First of all, this country is different, or in other words, there are many things that need to be changed in this country. On the surface, this is indeed the case. The problem that can be achieved by military reform is not a problem at all, and the expansion of military power requires a lot of work. Many things can achieve this goal, such as fiscal reforms. After the reforms, more people are required to pay taxes, but taxes cannot be collected too much. Otherwise, the country will fall into greater disaster. This kind of thing is very likely to happen," said the king.

"Yeah. That's right," Zhu Li nodded and said.

"I don't know what the king wants?" Zhu Li asked at this time. He is just an arms dealer, but he knows that arms are closely related to a country. If you want to do big business, you must be closely united with the country. No matter what choice the country makes, they must To proceed, this is what they have to do. This is their choice.

"I plan to reform and fully Zhaohua, that is, accept the Central Plains civilization and get closer to your civilization." King Seth said amazing ideas.

"This. Zhao Hua on the whole?" Zhu Li looked at the other party with a strange look. He didn't know why the other party suddenly thought this way.

"Your country is also prospering very fast. I think Seth may also reach this point. If this is the case, we can do a lot of things to solve this problem. Our Seth country needs to achieve this goal. ." said the king.

"But King, reform will harm the interests of many people. Zhao's reforms are not smooth sailing. In fact, there are still many things that need to be changed. Bloodshed is inevitable. After all, we have to touch some people. Interests, their interests are inviolable, and we have done something like this. This kind of thing will never be so simple that we can reform if we want to reform. We should be clear that many things are not ours. It's as simple as you think." The other party said so.

"I know this. That's why I need to accept your help. I hope I can get more assistance from you, especially the help of talents. Such reform talents are too scarce for us." The king said so. But Zhu Li just shook his head, this matter was far from as simple as they thought.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"We must make some adjustments or interventions in Wei Guo's affairs. If such things continue, they will have a great impact on us. You must know. The impact caused by real estate may not only affect us. Wei Guo, and some neighboring countries, this kind of influence will bring about great economic fluctuations. The economic order will be destroyed." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

After the price of Liang's real estate plummeted, Xinzheng's real estate prices also fell. Although the magnitude of the decline is not very alarming, it is mainly due to the large population of South Korea's Xinzheng, but this impact will continue. If it is not controlled, they believe that another way of volatility will definitely be adopted to affect the economy. In this regard, the South Korean government is very worried.

"Yeah. But we should abide by the economic rules of the market." Shang Wen said. But Meng Yi doesn't think so, and some measures should be taken to solve these problems when he thinks it is necessary.

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