In the waters of Laizhou, Qi State, the Koguryo Navy is conducting a fleet formation exercise. Although this exercise seems to be very simple, it is actually a bit difficult to do. Because the speed of battleships is not uniform. And in order for them to achieve a certain kind of firepower coordination and deal with the possible battle conditions, they need to show their battle formation and firepower to the best state.

"Damn it. The destroyer behind didn't keep up at all." Aboard the Mengjiang cruiser, a major Qi State naval consultant cursed anxiously.

"Send them a signal to follow up as soon as possible. Hurry up and let them cover our flanks. If this is a real war, the cruiser will be the first to encounter a violent blow from the opponent. Our firepower is extremely powerful, and our mobility advantages are all Can’t play it out.” The major cursed. During a turn, the cruiser, which was already slow, was suddenly left behind by the cruiser. As a result, the entire fleet turned into a vacuum zone of firepower. This zone was due to the rapid speed of the cruiser. Turn. His shooting angle was completely unable to play out, and the destroyer was originally to cover his flanks, but because the speed of the destroyer could not keep up at all, he finally had to be thrown off by the opponent. The first cruiser squadron was suddenly exposed. If the enemy finds this opportunity at this time, it will inflict the most serious damage on the opponent.

"Damn it. Why don't they keep up?" Qi State Naval Adviser Lieutenant Commander cursed loudly. They are communicating with light signals.

"Reporter sir, they said that their speed can't keep up, we are too fast. They hope we can slow down." A sailor reported.

"Damn it," the major cursed. But there is no alternative.

The Koguryo navy consists of three destroyer squadrons. They are the first, second, and ground fleets. They each have ten destroyers. The destroyers have different firepower. The first squadron was equipped early, and most of the artillery they used were 120mm artillery. Artillery of this caliber is slightly weaker. But their speed is relatively fast. In this regard, they are also equipped with a cruiser. The fastest speed of the cruiser can reach 20 knots, which is theoretically 21 knots. The destroyer can reach eighteen knots, and when the entire fleet can maintain a high speed of seventeen knots, they can keep up and provide cover for the entire warship.

But the situation is different for the Second Destroyer Squadron and the Third Destroyer Squadron. They were not equipped with cruisers because they were too fast to keep up. Because most of the later destroyers pursued firepower, the artillery was extremely heavy, coupled with the large number. They are equipped with four 150mm guns, which are extremely powerful. But it also reduced their overall speed a lot. The speed of their entire fleet was maintained at 14 knots. In this way, they lost more than three knots at once, because usually they barely maintain this speed, their overall speed. They are generally not high. There is no way, the artillery is too heavy. In addition, their tonnage feels too small. The destroyer tonnage of the Third Destroyer Squadron has reached more than 4,000 tons. Not only that, but their artillery has also increased a lot. At the same time, in order to increase the destroyer’s endurance, they have to Load more coal, as a result, their mobility is severely reduced, and their speed is only thirteen knots. The high-speed cruisers are not affected at all, because their armor is much lighter, and in many places their protection is not as good as destroyers. They rely entirely on their mobility to maintain their defenses, which is simply a disaster for them.

"The destroyer is seriously left behind. This situation must be changed a bit, otherwise, our situation will be very bad." A lieutenant colonel of the Qi State Navy said worriedly.

"Yes, sir, the speed of the destroyer is too slow, unless we reduce the speed of the cruiser, otherwise, they will not be able to keep up." The major said worriedly.

In the first formation, the entire battleship became extremely chaotic. Now, they barely have a certain formation, which can greatly improve their combat effectiveness. However, as some more complex combat formations unfold, for example, a destroyer with a turning and slow speed cannot provide superior firepower. . The cruiser is too fast and throws the destroyer off at once. In this case, it is easy to cause the cruiser to rush in and be beaten. They are the main battleship. Once they suffer a large loss, the problem will become very complicated. This is for them. It's not a good state.

"We can't do anything about it, or it would be much better for many drills a few times," said the navy lieutenant colonel. They also proposed some practical solutions. For example, let the cruiser cruise at a speed of 13 knots. This can solve the problem. However, the cruiser’s mobility advantage cannot be used. It seems that the cruiser is very aggrieved. Sometimes the shapes will slowly gather when they move, which can easily block their shooting angle, which is the worst thing. Because those naval officers and soldiers always think they should get together, as a result, the formation will become very chaotic.

This kind of chaos cannot be solved all at once. It takes a long time to practice. Not only that, but they also need to solve some problems thoroughly. For example, if the formation is changed quickly, these all require some tacit understanding, which takes time. The Qi State naval consultants are all aware of this. But there is not much time left for them.

In Port Seth, South Korea's intelligence services are collecting information that they are interested in. A report from Seth merchants caught their attention.

"The new King Seth seems to be re-arming, and at the same time, they are closely linking with the Zhao people. It seems that they have to do a lot. Reform may be necessary." A captain intelligence officer reported to his chief.

"Reform?" the chief intelligence officer asked curiously.

"Yes, sir, more and more people from Zhao are entering the territory of Seth from other places. Most of them are military officers, banks, and economic experts. In addition, there are a large number of arms dealers passing through the Persians. Entering the Kingdom of Seth, they imported a large number of arms and weapons. According to the gossips that the merchants we controlled, it seemed that their king was going to be fully Zhaohua. That is to fully absorb Zhao’s culture, their military, culture, and Industry and so on." The intelligence captain said worriedly.

"It seems that their actions are great," the chief intelligence officer said.

"Yes, sir, I think we must take some measures. Otherwise, our situation is absolutely not good. The powerful Seth Congress regained control of the surrounding provinces. In that case, we have to face it. For a powerful State of Seth, our current status is based on the weak state of Seth. We must interfere with them, otherwise, our situation will be very bad in the future. They may go deeper. Come to us, in that case," the intelligence captain said. He wants to say that they will lose everything they have gotten for themselves. The big one is the Seth market. And more oil from Seth, and so on.

South Korea’s trade market was built in chaos within Seth, and a unified government could not be formed. For the sake of their own interests, various provinces have to adopt some independent conditions. This kind of independence is a rare unity for them.

"What should we do? Use the least cost thing to do such a thing?" The chief intelligence officer thought for a while. He felt that he should intervene. After all, if they simply submit some reports, in that case, they will be caught in the country. Accusing. Therefore, he felt that he should do something, for example, he could quickly exchange the favor of the other party.

"This is what I think. Sir, we can incite some old nobles in Seth, and at the same time let them unite, unite with independent officials from various provinces, and let them jointly resist some new actions of the king. Because reforms will inevitably lead to serious losses in the interests of some people, if we can instigate them to unite, I think we will gain a great advantage, no matter whether they succeed or not, if they succeed, we can let them continue. In such a chaotic situation, if we fail, I think our loss is not great. After all, for us, this is the loss of some unnecessary pieces." The captain suggested this.

"Yeah. Yes, it sounds great. This is the highest level of use." The chief intelligence officer said. They had been organized to study Sun Tzu's Art of War and other books related to spies. Spy was one of the courses they had to learn.

"Sir, as long as we instigate them, we don't need to interfere too much in the rest. Anyway, they will inevitably lose too much force and national strength. If several provinces in Rugou join together to march, I think the situation is It will become very strange." The captain said with a smile.

"Hehe, I think you are very bad and bad. But I like it. A bad person like you should stay in the intelligence department. If this thing is done very well, I will promote you, and I will leave here sooner or later. , After all, there is still need for development here, I think, the next position may be you, you must work hard." The other party encouraged it.

"Thank you, sir. I will go out and draw up relevant plans. The sooner they are implemented, the more beneficial it will be to us." The captain said with a smile. Then left. Promotion is not a dream.

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