Patriotic, on the west bank of the Suez Canal, coalition soldiers are celebrating something with excitement. Some soldiers even fired their guns in the sky unscrupulously. This makes Yang Fang feel very strange.

"Damn, what do they want to do?" Yang Fang scolded when he walked out of his tent and saw such a scene. He is organizing his own notes. Such notes are of great benefit to them because he can observe the situation on the entire battlefield in a comprehensive manner. To know. The coalition soldiers don't have much ammunition. Each of them only has 20 bullets at most. Shooting in the sky will quickly consume their only bullets. They are not rich. To do such a thing is really hard to figure out.

"They are celebrating victory." Judas came over with a smile and explained.

"Victory?" Yang Fang asked puzzledly. He didn't know what happened. What victory they celebrated, he didn't even know what victory they could celebrate.

"Oh. That's it. A few people sent representatives over. As long as we don't attack from the air, they are willing to maintain this status quo. At the same time, they are willing to pay compensation, which may only be 1.5 million silver coins." Judas explained. One and a half million silver coins are not too much. Therefore, in the following negotiations, the coalition forces asked the other side to export a large amount of labor, and at the same time, they should assume some responsibilities for building and dredging the canal. Do business here and so on.

"Oh. Why did you do this?" Yang Fang was still puzzled, he wanted to know some detailed results.

"Hehe, it's your air force. Your air force helped us do this." Judas explained.

"But our air force did nothing. I remember that their search for the other side's capital failed. It couldn't go on at all, and the voyage seemed to be insufficient." Yang Fang said worriedly. South Korean Air Force personnel and coalition pilots tried to cross the **** fortress area. Although some fortresses were still resisting, many fortresses chose to surrender. Because those big guys flying in the sky are very unfriendly to them, they will drop bombs on their heads when they are unhappy, and many people can't bear the pressure. In fact, that was the way the coalition forces searched for each other’s capital again and again. Yang Fang and many coalition officers thought that finding the capital of the Aijiren and bombing would solve this problem, but they didn’t fly for a long time There is no way to find it. Sometimes the weather is bad, and sometimes, they have found the target, but unfortunately, the fuel is not enough, and in desperation they can only drop bombs at will. Therefore, the military operation failed. They failed because of their extremely inadequate fuel, etc., but his unintentional actions stunned the high-level Aiji all at once. The high-level Aiji was very annoyed by the war.

The expenditure of the war has become very large, not just food. Although many weapons have been replaced, the Aiji Army is still a backward old-style army. Their actions are slow and their responses are clumsy. It is impossible to adapt to this style of modern warfare, and the consumption of weapons and ammunition is astonishing, which far exceeds the consumption of food on logistical supplies. Soon they consumed a large amount of their treasury inventory, and the senior officials were extremely dissatisfied. They deliberately ended the war and restored order.

Several consecutive bombings. It makes their situation very bad. Under such pressure and anxiety, they tend to negotiate to end this damned war. This is why the coalition forces celebrate the victory, because the Aiji government is already at the top. Under oppression, they ended the war, and they were forced to end the war.

"Oh. It turned out to be like this. There is no celebration at all." Yang Fang said after learning about it.

"Oh. Why did you do this?" Judas asked curiously. He didn't know why he said that, but there must be a certain reason for this.

"My idea is very simple, because the war is only a temporary end, and we just reached a ceasefire agreement. With the completion of the Suez Canal, I believe there will be further confrontations in this matter. Watch it." Yang Fang said so. In his view, with the expansion of trade. The conflict between the coalition forces and the Patriotic government will escalate again, because their market cannot further solve these problems.

The news of what happened here quickly reached Suez City, and then the telegram was forwarded again and sent to Qingcheng via submarine cable, followed by Xinzheng in South Korea. Xinzheng, who was thousands of miles away, was able to understand all this happening in time.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"They did a very good job. After the Suez Canal was adjusted, their engineering volume was reduced by 90%, but the same effect can be achieved. The Suez Canal Company has done a good job." Han Shu is saying Is another matter. Regarding the Suez Canal, the Suez Canal quickly adjusted the scale of the entire project. They first changed to dredging, so that they could quickly open the Suez Canal. Trade will begin quickly.

"My lord, although the traffic capacity of the canal after the modification and adjustment has been reduced a lot, only punts and some small motorboats, as well as small and medium-sized commercial ships, can be used. However, we still need to take it step by step. It takes a lot of time, energy, and financial resources to build such a large canal project.” Zhang Liang also agreed to do this. They need access, not the scale of the Suez Canal, despite the canal’s capacity. It has reduced a lot, but with time for relaxation, they can slowly expand these scales to achieve their goals. This is also acceptable to them.

"Yeah. You are right. Let them do this. There is also a telegram here. It is a matter of the Aiji government. They have reached some preliminary agreements with the coalition forces. This agreement is extremely unfair. . But they still accept it. This shows that their condition is not very bad. We need to kill them a little bit slowly, don't worry." Han Shu said confidently. She knew that Ai Ji had entered the trap of Korean construction. As long as some time, Aiji Country will inevitably fall into a disaster. Han Shu was not worried at all about this, but she felt very excited. After all, the other party has entered his trap. What else can she worry about.

In Seth, the king summoned Juri again. This time it seemed that the king was very serious.

"I want to know, do you still have slaves in your country?" King Seth seriously asked such a question. Zhu Li was a little surprised, but he couldn't react. He didn't know why the king suddenly asked such a question.

"This, there shouldn't be. Our country's laws have abolished slavery." Zhu Li replied. This is indeed the case. The State of Zhao has issued an order to abolish slavery. Moreover, the abolition of slavery was not abolished during Li Mu's tenure as prime minister, but was abolished during Guo Kai's tenure as prime minister. It is ironic, but it is indeed a fact, because Zhao Guo needs to develop industry and requires a lot of labor. At the same time, they also A larger market is needed, which requires the lifting of slave restrictions on some people, and Zhao Guo abolished their slavery system in such a haziness. Although it is not so vigorous, it does achieve this.

"Yeah. I just said that I saw some of your books. According to the development of human history, slaves should not continue to be maintained. They should be abolished. Therefore, I decided to abolish slavery and establish a civilian , A country of citizens. Everyone is my courtier, and they should enjoy all civil rights.” The king said in a shocking tone. At this moment, Zhu Li was frightened. He didn't expect that King Seth would have such a grandeur, but he didn't know what was behind such a grandeur. It might be a nonsense, but is it possible? This will make their situation very bad.

"This. This." Zhu Li calmed down for a while. It's not that his reflex arc is too long, but that this matter is too important.

"Your Majesty, I think that this matter should be carefully considered. After all, this kind of thing happened too suddenly. If we do this, it may lead to serious consequences. We must carefully consider this. After all, this is not an easy thing to solve. The abolition of slaves is of great significance." Zhu Li persuaded.

"Yes, it is because it is of great significance that I have to do this." said the king.

"This, I mean, this may involve resistance from some conservative forces, and they may take extreme measures. I don't know if the king has such ability to deal with it. I think it is better for us to be careful, for example, to relax. , Be cautious, extend the time, etc. If you do this, it may arouse more people's resistance. At that time." Zhu Li shook his head with an incredible expression. He opposed the abolition of slaves, but he opposed such a radical abolition of slaves. He knew that if some ministers had not supported him, the king might have abolished it long ago. But at this time slaves were abolished. It is equivalent to pushing those ministers out. He hopes to relax some time, for example, to train some officers or his own forces. In short, their situation is not very good. He hoped that the king would not be too anxious.

"I know, but we can't wait for such a long time. There is not enough time at all." said the king.

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