Regarding the abolition of slaves, Zhuri’s view is to reduce unnecessary obstacles as much as possible, because such obstacles will make the Seth country fall apart, although they maintain the current state of unity on the surface. They can still win some support.

But King Seth looked very anxious. Such a thing is not a good thing for them, which means that some of the king's actions are carried with great risky behaviors, and these risky behaviors will cause great damage to them.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"The new combat plan has been revised. Our first wave of attacks will launch three-dimensional attacks from underwater, water, and air. If it goes well, we will completely disrupt their battle formations. Then, our The destroyer will launch the second wave of offense, and then the cruiser will launch the third wave of offense. At that time, we will completely disrupt their combat plans." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Well. It sounds good. This is some information we just got from the intelligence department. I think you should be interested." The Secretary of the Navy said that he gave an intelligence report to the other party. This report is about the Goguryeo Navy. Although the battleship formation was carried out far away from the sea, the South Korean spies still got some information they wanted to know from other sources. These situations were provided by the local tavern with free drinking wine, and then passed through the mouth of the sailors. Learned. Although it is not very detailed, it has a great reference effect.

The undersecretary of the Navy took up the report and checked it in detail. The report was written in great detail. The content came from the dictation of multiple sailors. The intelligence officers were obviously good at this. They erased some extremely exaggerated elements and formed it. Such a report.

South Korean spies are pervasive. They set up sailor taverns in the local area, especially where the Goguryeo navy and sailors gather. There will be regular free drinks, and they can dig out some necessary military spy information through observation of the sailors and their remarks. , This is very necessary, the facts have proved that their idea is correct. In addition, they are all locals, which makes them relax their vigilance. A lot of information flows from here.

Although South Korean spies could not go further into the opponent’s battleship to investigate their detailed results, such as the waterline of the battleship, the caliber of the artillery, and the number, these can only get a rough idea of ​​information, but the sailors can tell them in the chat. When the information is exposed, this is what they need most, and these things are too easy for them. What they want is such a thing to supplement their battle plan.

"It seems that their formation is not going well." The Navy Deputy Commander said after quickly reading the report.

"Yes, it's not going well. After all, their navy has been established in a relatively short time. And they have mastered so many homes and related warships at once, and their gross tonnage is as high as 200,000 tons. This is nothing short of it. A whole new challenge." The Secretary of the Navy stood up and said.

"However, we must let them fight as soon as possible and make their situation beneficial to us. Only in this way can we maintain our advantage as much as possible," said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, but, how can we attract the other party all at once?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked.

"This. I think the intelligence department needs to do something. Cai right, if we tell them that the defense on Jeju Island is very lax and has not reached the predetermined goal. How?" The Secretary of the Navy told the other party.

"This. Are we a little too crazy?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked worriedly. He thought it was crazy to do so. If you do so, it will inevitably cause a big reaction, such as whether the Koguryo Navy thinks this is a trap.

"No, this is a fact. I have already seen the defense on the island. It takes at least one year to complete it, that is, to complete it as quickly as possible. It will also take half a year after the main building is completed. It can only be completed in late August. At that time, the weather will turn cooler. If we spread the news, I think Qi Guo, the Koguryo Navy. They will definitely be interested. After all, this is for them. A good opportunity." Said the Secretary of the Navy.

The whole battle plan is to attract the anxious Goguryeo navy to attack, because only the Goguryeo navy in the attack is in the weakest state. Their current situation is very bad, and the formation cannot be completed, which means that their maximum firepower is unable to output. Yes, as long as they disrupt their formation, everything will become extremely advantageous. Once they are still in a neat formation, the situation will be very bad for the Jeju Navy.

Therefore, the current Goguryeo Navy makes the Secretary of the Navy very satisfied, because they can't complete the formation. Isn't this the weakest time? It must be. So he suggested spreading such news. After all, this is the case in Jeju Island. After careful consideration, the Deputy Commander of the Navy decided to approve of such a plan. After all, the more time given to the Koguryo Navy, the more fully prepared they would be. In that case, the worse their situation would be. This is the obvious thing.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"We can't interfere too much with regard to Wei Guo. After all, this is an economic free operation." Shang Wen said after thinking about it. Qin State Bank is not interested in the beam real estate bubble. In their opinion, that place is a very unfavorable place for investment, and real estate is useless. They have just fled from that place and have no funds to invest at all, not only Qin State Bank, others National banks think so.

"If we help them, we need too much funds. We simply don't have such a lot of funds. There is nothing we can do about this matter." Meng Yi shook his head and said. He knew that Qin's bank could not lend a helping hand. The same is true for banks in other countries, so now they can only look at each other a little bit and squeeze these bubbles a little bit. Perhaps, this has some benefits for them. Therefore, in this matter, Qin's attitude is that he is not willing to participate in it. After all, there are not many benefits to participating in it. On the contrary, there are many disadvantages. They are too late to avoid it, so how can they participate in it.

In this way, the matter of Wei Guoliang was put on hold.

Zhao Guo, Handan, small-scale meeting between banks.

"The issue of the big beam real estate bubble has an impact on us." said a banker. Although they withdrew in a timely manner, there were still some losses in the future. Fortunately, the losses were not large. The problem is that a large amount of funds are still in the industry, and the real estate bubble has hit the industry the most.

"Of course, steel, cement, and glass have all fallen. The sluggish demand means that our industry can only rely on exports, but for exports, we simply cannot find so many markets, and that is, our industry The price of raw materials is also rising, damn, those vampires, Goguryeos take our money to build warships. This will cause us a great disadvantage. I believe that the stock market will definitely fluctuate on a large scale." Many bankers Speaking of worry. They continue to expand this unfavorable news further, but they seem to be unable to do anything other than scare themselves. But in such a situation, they can't do anything. This is undoubtedly the worst thing for them.

"The current situation is, how do we solve this problem?" A banker thinks that for such a thing, they can do nothing and cannot change a lot, so their only way is to solve these problems.

"There may be only one solution. We found a new market. I think overseas markets are extremely important to us. We need such a market too much for our industrial products." Said the banker.

"This is impossible. The Prime Minister would not do this. If the Prime Minister knew this, he would definitely not do it. I believe." Another banker already shook his head to indicate that this is impossible because In their view, such a thing simply cannot be done. They know too well what the adverse effects of this kind of thing are.

"It's true." Many bankers nodded in agreement. They know this very well. Because of Guo Kai's reaction, Zhao Guo lost a development of overseas markets, and many people feel very sorry.

Guo Kai's prime minister's house. Guo Kai also faces a dilemma.

"The plunge in the price of beam real estate will greatly affect our steel output, not only these, but also due to the plunge in real estate prices, the surrounding housing prices will also fall. In this case, plus there are steel plants everywhere. The emergence of our products is really bad. At present, a large amount of funds are concentrated in the industry. Although we have more types of industries. The problem is how to boost our production demand with so many industrial products. It's very difficult." The Minister of Finance said worriedly. Through the analysis of finances and related economic data, they came to a bad conclusion that in the next one or two years, it may be faster, and they are about to face a major economic crisis.

"How did you solve these problems? There should be a way to solve these problems. I believe you should have such plans." Guo Kai asked his Minister of Finance for help.

"This should be an export. I think only exporting this problem can solve all our current problems. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to bear such a burden. This is a result that is more unbearable for us, but But it is also something we have to do." The Minister of Finance said.

"Well. Then export. Maybe we can do this. In this way, our situation can be changed a bit." Guo Kai said without hesitation.

"But. Prime Minister, all we export are some arms. In this regard, you have strict orders." The Minister of Finance reminded. Guo Kai nodded, and then he remembered that there was something like this. He didn't want to excessively stimulate the interests of South Korea and the people of Qin, but the problem was that if they didn't do this, their industry would have a big problem.

"Perhaps, we still need to readjust to solve this problem." Guo Kai said to himself. The Minister of Finance never heard what Guo Kai was talking about.

The Qi State Navy and the Goguryeo Navy Command are also stationed here.

"Sir, this information is very important to us, and we should see its value." A major of the intelligence department looked at his officer and said.

"Our own affairs have not been done well, and we care too much." The Secretary of the Navy detained the telegram as he said. However, the Goguryeo Navy Commander was very interested. He walked over and took it, because he knew that the information was related to Jeju Island.

"I think that this matter is very beneficial to us, and we must take some actions." The Koguryo Navy Commander said with a smile. Domestic naval expenditures continue to be increased, but the problem has not been solved and solved well. Apart from sending some frigates to mines where there are mines to perform mine clearance tasks, they are still conducting formation training at other times. Goguryeo continued to put pressure on their navy, and they hoped to solve these problems as quickly as possible.

The problem is that the Qi State Navy did not agree to do so.

"Our formation has not been completed, nor has the sea fire formation completed. This means that our navy is still a chaotic fleet. Naval warfare is not a very simple matter. We should treat it with caution, although I know that time The longer we wait, the more unfavorable the situation will be for us. For example, Jeju Island’s defense may further increase. This is a fact that is difficult to change. However, what we need to pay attention to is that if we ourselves have chaos, we will It will give the opposing fleet a great opportunity for combat. Their existence is the biggest threat we face. Such a threat is very bad for us. We must not let such things happen. Otherwise, we will I’m in a very unfavorable state. I believe you understand what this unfavorable state is.” The Minister of the Navy of Qi State was not impressed by this information. Although the intelligence showed that Jeju Island’s defense is at a historically lowest level, this is the case. He knows exactly what level means. The most threatening thing is the opponent's fleet, not the **** Jeju Island coastal defense fortifications. He knows this too well.

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