The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3578: Let the new army go to hell!

Koguryo, Heicheng, inside the Liwei government office building.

"The telegram from the commander of the navy, they think we can attack, what do you think of this matter?" Li Wei asked with the telegram sent to him by the commander of the navy. In fact, he desperately hoped to send troops. In this case, their finances will weaken a lot, which is really good for them. Such benefits will allow them to expand their maritime trade. The expansion of trade can further expand their fiscal revenue. .

"To be honest, our country can no longer withstand such a large pressure. I think you know this. We should have been building infrastructure. At the same time, the national debt we issued and a large number of export mineral resources brought As a result, all foreign exchange reserves of China were replaced by warships. If the navy fails to produce such a result again, I think we will be completely finished in Goguryeo. My term of office will also be completely finished." Li Wei said. There is widespread dissatisfaction in Goguryeo. Because they desperately excavated large amounts of coal, gold, copper, and various mineral resources. As a result, they were still very poor. The country spent the money that should have been spent on them, but it ended up being spent on the navy. People feel very dissatisfied, they think. The government should dissolve the navy. In order to get the support of the people, they decided to fight a victorious war as soon as possible. In this way, their situation would become even more favorable.

"Well, I know, Mr. Prime Minister, but from the perspective of national security, I still stick to my point of view. The people of Qi are right. We cannot launch an offensive like this because such an offense will be very harmful to us. Disadvantage, we cannot let this situation go on, otherwise, our situation will be in an extremely unfavorable state, which is still unfavorable to us.” The Defense Minister said vaguely. This makes Li Wei very unhappy, because he wants to fight a battle.

"Do you think there can be no war yet?" Li Wei asked bluntly.

"Prime Minister, at present our navy is only large in scale and needs to form combat effectiveness. I hope to give them some time, time, and very important." The Minister of Defense also wants to continue to explain the key to the problem, but Li Wei has become different. I'm patient now. Because time means they need to continue to invest, which is a huge burden for them.

"No, I'm asking, is it going to be a war, can we fight now?" Li Wei asked very clearly.

"No. Sir." The Minister of Defense looked at his leader, and he answered clearly.

"Why?" Li Wei asked.

"The timing, sir, our fleet is not yet in time. If we really invest, it will have very catastrophic results. This is not a good thing for us, and we can't do this." The minister said so. This made him very annoyed. But nothing can be done.

The conversation between the two quickly reached a deadlock. Li Wei just looked at the scenery outside. Say nothing. The Minister of Defense does not know how to explain this issue, but what he knows is that if they act rashly, it means that Goguryeo has put aside the big mistakes, and he cannot watch such mistakes develop. Because in that case, it means that their losses will be very heavy. This is an obvious strategic error. They absolutely can't let this kind of thing continue to happen, so he resolutely prevents this kind of thing from developing further.

"Our financial situation is no longer sustainable. Even if we fail, we must have a result, otherwise." Li Wei said while looking outside. The continued deterioration of the financial situation made it difficult for the Goguryeo government to continue. Moreover, the defense of Jeju Island is very poor, which is a true fact on the island. If they are given more time, they may strengthen such defenses. By that time, they may not be able to solve such a dilemma. This allowed Li Wei to decide to launch an attack in advance. The Minister of Defense felt that Goguryeo's future and hopes were extremely slim. Because he can't see such a future.

In Zhao Kingdom, Handan, and Zhao Wang's palace, this is a typical meeting in front of the palace. Usually this is just a meeting on etiquette. After all, most of the power is in the hands of Guo Kai, but this time, it is a little different.

"The widow heard that the house price of Liang had fallen drastically, and the widow was very worried." Zhao Wang said in such a groundbreaking manner. This is the result of pressure from the ministers and nobles, and the result of their persuasion.

"My country, Zhao, is a major industrial country. Most of the steel bars and cement in the real estate are imported from us. We also have joint ventures with many factories. The decline in housing prices is definitely not good news for us. It will cost us a lot." Zhao Wang said worriedly. He also walked back and forth to express this concern, which aroused the resonance of the ministers and nobles.

And Guo Kai simply watched, behind him are all members of his cabinet, they should solve such a thing, and soon, his minister of economy and chief economic adviser came forward to express some of their opinions. They all explained, The impact of falling house prices on Zhao Guo Industry is relatively low. Although they all stated so, the ministers, nobles, and Zhao Wang still have strong concerns. After all, many of them have close relations with these shares, even though the cabinet The members have repeatedly promised that there will be no problems. However, there are indeed big problems with their business conditions. How to explain this.

Guo Kai did not stand up and give more explanations, nor did he want to give more explanations, because too many explanations were not very good, but he felt that he should do something.

After the meeting in front of the temple. He convened a cabinet meeting, and cabinet members expressed their opinions.

"The king has already expressed dissatisfaction with us. It seems that we must find some new product export places for our industry, otherwise, without product export, our situation will fall into a huge disaster." The minister expressed his opinion. Guo Kai's drooping eyelids didn't look at anyone. Many ministers didn't know what Guo Kai thought.

"If you do this, you will inevitably export more weapons. Seth has already strongly expressed this willingness. But the problem is that Koreans and Koreans will not agree to this. We are in Seth. If we support this issue, what will be the result? We may provoke another war. The Koreans will certainly not ignore it. We cannot do this.” The Defense Minister analyzed from a security perspective.

"In that case, we have the opportunity to be trapped alive by ourselves. This is simply a huge disaster for us, and we cannot proceed like this." The Minister of Economy said.

"But we can't put Zhao Guo into a huge disaster," said the defense minister. In his view, a strong conflict with South Korea would be the biggest disaster.

"We just sold our weapons, and didn't do anything else. Why can the Koreans do it, but we can't do it in the country of Zhao?" the other party asked so strongly. This. It is difficult for the Secretary of Defense to answer such things. Guo Kai just looked up, then lowered his head again. This matter is really difficult to handle. In his opinion, this kind of thing should not be done, and they should avoid this kind of thing. Wang Zhao looked a little impatient. And there is such a force in the country that is restless.

In the Kingdom of Seth, the king’s abolition decree was immediately promulgated and enforced forcibly. The new army first guaranteed the safety of slaves in the capital area of ​​Seth. This caught the nobles and ministers by surprise.

"Your Majesty's move is too fast. I just heard some wind and came to discuss with you." A minister and the chief minister discussed this matter. However, they must now release those slaves unconditionally, which makes it difficult for them to accept. But soon, the new army will rush in and take away all the slaves.

These things happened suddenly, and the decrees and actions were carried out almost at the same time. When those slaves heard that they had regained their freedom, they became very happy. After all, no one wants to be slaves. They have no life safety. The nobles are extremely oppressive. They absolutely do not want to see themselves in such an advantage. Environment.

"This is the situation. There is very little we can do. Your Majesty did not tell me such news." The Chief Minister also expressed his dissatisfaction. If it were not for their ministers and the nobles to support him, the king might have been caught long ago. Abolished. Or it is possible to be killed. But now, the king actually bypassed them and issued such a decree, which made the ministers and nobles feel very dissatisfied.

"We must do something, otherwise, we will completely lose everything, our land, power, these are very important to us." The minister felt that the king had betrayed them. It's not that they betrayed the king.

"I know that. But what can we do?" the chief minister asked rhetorically.

"We can put some pressure to cause some rebellions in some provinces and attack here. In this case, the king needs to rely on us and we can support them secretly. In this way, we can control the situation well. Let the king march. Go to hell," the minister said viciously.

"Well, just teach the king a lesson. Let him listen to us, otherwise, we will take severe measures against them." The Chief Minister said. The minister hurriedly nodded to express that he understood, and then he quickly left here.

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