Qi State, Laizhou. Qi State Navy Department.

"The idea of ​​Goguryeo is that they want to attack in advance. It is said that their country can't wait for such a long time. For them, this is a kind of torture, and such a torture is very difficult for them to accept. After all, there are still some chances to take Jeju Island when launching an offensive now. After they strengthen their defenses, it may become more difficult." Said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"However, the crux of the question is whether the Koguryo Navy has such capabilities. I think you should understand the importance of the current situation. The current offensive capabilities that the Koguryo Navy does not have, and their formation capabilities are very poor. Under the circumstances, what will happen if the opponent initiates an attack?" said the Secretary of the Navy.

"They may not be able to withstand the first wave of attacks. The formation becomes very chaotic. In that case, a considerable number of warships will sink. This threat is not non-existent, but too existing. We cannot allow this situation to exist. Keep going, otherwise, we will suffer heavy losses." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"But the Koguryo Navy insists on doing this, sir, I think you should understand this situation. They can't wait to do such a thing. For us, this situation will pose a great danger to us. . We can’t deal with such threats.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

The Secretary of the Navy did not give a detailed answer. He doesn't know how to deal with this problem. From a rational point of view, the Goguryeo Navy's attack is still relatively dangerous at this time. After all, their fleet's combat effectiveness is still unable to form the strongest state, but when it forms the strongest state, it will become a different matter.

Inside the Laizhou Military Port. Some captains and deputy captains have heard some wind.

"I heard that we are going to attack?" a destroyer captain asked another destroyer captain. The destroyer was tall, and people called him big.

"It seems like this, the domestic pressure on us is very great, they very much hope that we can fight a battle. In this way, they can prove that the Navy is useful." The big man said.

"Why, it looks like you are very upset, shouldn't you do such a thing?" The big man asked the other party curiously, because the other party's face looked heavy.

"Yes, I don’t want to see such a thing. Because our formation is in very poor condition. Once formation chaos occurs, our destroyers can hardly provide cover. Those large cruisers can run very fast, but we only Can be beaten. In that case, it's too passive." The captain said worriedly.

"In any case, I think the problem shouldn't be big. We have to attack. Only by attacking can we win the war." The big man said. This is the idea of ​​all the Koguryo naval personnel. They can’t wait to attack, because the battle situation will be very beneficial to them. If they don’t do this, they will encounter unprecedented disasters. They can’t afford this kind of disaster. Therefore, they must make some choices, and only in this way can the problem be solved. Although some rational military officers objected to saying this, he was only a small group, and most of them were optimistic about the prospects of the war, that is, they could win the war.

Seth domestic.

"Slaves who have been free become very happy. They become civilians and they can engage in various occupations. The country's taxation is also undergoing reforms. The taxation of civilians has been reduced a lot, but the scope has increased a lot. There is also an increase. This is really a miracle, and in order to perform their own functions. Many slaves who have just been free can't wait to work, because the work is more or less their own, not the slave owners. For a time, Sai The demand for jobs in Sri Lanka has increased, and the country seems to be unable to provide so many jobs at once.” Zhu Li wrote what he saw in his diary. Perhaps, this will be a very good way to record in the future.

"In order to solve this problem, consultant Zhao Jun, who was transferred from other places in the country of Zhao, proposed a solution, but this method puts a lot of financial pressure on the country of Seth. I don't think it is a good solution. , But it does solve some problems. For them, it may be a way they have to accept. Their idea is to increase the number of troops, and the country will form a new army in the form of mercenary payments, but in this way, the country’s finances The burden is relatively large. But King Seth likes this plan because he has always wanted to expand his army. But this is not good news for the economy and finances. Excessive military expenditures are a problem for the government. Disasters and heavy burdens will crush this nascent government. Another solution is to attract capital. Perhaps domestic banks can solve this problem, but it will take some time, or that bankers need to see the situation clearly. ." Zhu Li wrote quickly. His handwriting looks very sloppy. Many words cannot be recognized clearly, but this is the fastest way to record.

"The situation in Seth, I personally think, is not very good, because there are too many ministers who have offended nobles. Some ministers refused the king's decree by uncooperative means, but they were quickly punished. They lost their positions, and the king robbed some of their property as funds for the treasury. This approach seemed very powerful, but it could effectively solve their financial problems, which made the king very excited.” Zhuri wrote.

"However, I am very worried that this approach will further stimulate the nobles and ministers. In my opinion, they have chosen silence, but silence is not a good thing, because in my opinion, they must be trying to get a way. New solutions to solve this problem, for example, they may create a larger case to overthrow the king, or they may resort to some riots. This may be too much. According to some of our officers’ proposals, they think It is necessary to establish some military or special intelligence agencies to control these developments. The king quickly agreed. This may fill the gap in this area. After all, the Seth people are very happy because they have solved a problem of freedom. . This is their great achievement. This achievement is quite gratifying." Zhu Li wrote. But he was not happy at all. His instinct told him that something would happen. These things will seriously affect the political development of Seth Country, which is definitely the case.

Port Seth, South Korean Intelligence Service.

"It really happened like that, sir." A second lieutenant officer handed a report to their chief.

"How is it?" the chief asked the other party.

"King Seth actually abolished slaves. They enacted relevant laws. In this case, the interests of the slave owners will be greatly lost. This is not good news for them. Such news will be very great. According to the information we already know, they seem to be contacting some neighboring provinces to initiate an intervention. They are looking for an excuse to initiate an offensive. Most of the provinces are hesitating whether they will send troops to help. After all, it costs A lot of money, but if they see a unified central government, they certainly don't want to do it. After all, their power comes from their independence. They want to maintain the status quo." The ensign reported.

"Then support, let them mess up, and we provide them with some ammunition. But the premise is that they must attack, no matter what. As long as they attack, our situation can solve these problems well. This is for us In other words, it is not a big loss." The intelligence chief decided in this way. They should do something. A unified Seth is extremely detrimental to the interests of the Koreans. Unless they use a more powerful force to exist, otherwise, they will completely get rid of all problems.

"The issue of war is still going on." The intelligence chief said inexplicably.

Patriotic, on both sides of the Suez Canal, prisoners of war who surrender will release some officers, but most of the soldiers will be regarded as criminals, and they will be sent to the Suez Canal to clear the river. This is the order of the Koreans. It is also the best way they hope to do so.

"These prisoners of war are still not enough to clear the river. After all, they only have a few thousand people, and we need tens of thousands of people to completely solve this problem." Yang Fang said worriedly.

"It's true. Don't worry. This problem will be resolved soon. I think you should understand this. We have reached a preliminary agreement. This agreement is not a big loss for us. This problem will be solved completely. What we need to do is to get a large number of laborers to sign contracts with us, so that they can solve this problem." Judas said with a smile. They came back to do specific things.

Most of the surrenderers are nobles and ministers of Aiji. They are content with pleasure and the status quo. They don’t care about the deaths of civilians, joys and sorrows. After all, such things have nothing to do with them. All they need to do is, Gather more wealth and enjoy the short-lived riches and nobles. They collude with the Jews, which can bring them most of the profits. Why don’t they do this? If they don’t do this, I am totally sorry for their reason for doing this, so they Choosing such a thing mercilessly, for them. It couldn't be too simple.

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