Although there is a shortage of materials on the construction site of the northern sea city, it is very closely related to transportation. They have blazed a path for the carriage to advance, but this road is still very limited. The road is very tortuous and extremely difficult. Although workers from the Western Regions are desperately building a road to the Haicheng Economic Zone, it will take time and it may take longer, but it is for them. This is not a difficult thing, they will solve these problems soon.

The difficulty lies in the materials for the construction of Haicheng. A large amount of materials are piled up at the railway station in the small town 300 kilometers away, which is the nearest railway station. But they still need to go a long way to get there.

"We can build some small wooden houses first, and our living environment will be there." Said the representative of the Western Regions workers.

"Food, what about food? Our rations can only be provided to 1,000 people for three days. No matter how much it is, we can't do anything." The person in charge of the construction here said embarrassingly. For these enthusiastic Westerners, he felt like he was a stranger. Facing such a person, his situation would become very passive.

"It doesn't matter. There are a lot of edible food nearby, pine nuts, and a lot of deer. The taste is good. We can hunt. In fact, we have already done this. If we only supply it from the rear, we can't do anything. "The representative of the Western Regions workers said so. Hearing this, the person in charge nodded and agreed. He didn't know why these Western Regions people had such great enthusiasm. He may never realize the joy that they get from free people.

Moreover, the local government did not give them more remuneration in order to encourage them to build quickly. Sometimes, their remuneration was only symbolic, such as railways, one-kilometer railways, and Gongxiyu railway workers’ remuneration only. One and a half two. This little money can only buy some food locally. But the government can give them more land, land along the railway, and they can each give them more than a few hundred acres of land. This is something they never dreamed of. For these, for their own freedom, to prove their worth, the workers worked desperately, and the speed of construction was much faster than those bankers expected, in some locations. It's still in the cold winter, but it still keeps them dry.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The workers from the Western Regions did a very good job. Bankers, local councillors, and government officials have made very good comments. We should attract more people to emigrate there. We need more people to do this. Things." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen. With the progress of the construction project on track, the population of Qin will become larger and larger, and the hundreds of thousands of workers in the Western Regions seem to be unable to meet the needs of Qin to build a port city.

"Where do we get them from? I don't know where there are people anymore." Shang Wen said embarrassedly. The decrease of workers in the Western Regions has greatly affected the economic construction of the Western Regions, and it is in consideration of supplementing the population of the Western Regions. The locals have already targeted Dawan, Yuezhi, and even Tocharo and Anxi people. They encourage people from these areas to enter the territory of Qin to live, they will get the right of residence, and they can buy and sell land, etc., they can get the nationality of Qin.

"This. The population of the Western Regions is slowly being replenished. They have a greater absorption capacity for the populations of the surrounding economic regions. But this is still not enough. The Western Regions suddenly exported more than a hundred thousand people. However, they have been supplemented. , There are only less than 20,000 people. Most of them are rich people everywhere, and there are some people with industrial skills, they can bring investment, can bring a certain degree of technology. But. It is still not enough." Yi shook his head and said.

Qin Guo once again proved his advanced nature and ability to attract population. In Dawan, Yueshi, especially Yueshi area, because of the war, a large number of Yueshi people entered the north of Yueshi. The State of Qin occupied it. In fact, it was already the territory of the State of Qin. As for the Yueshi people who have been absorbed, most of them are teachers, rich and wealthy people, and they bring the skills to make money. Teachers and some educated people also come here. They all have certain skills. Many of them have been to Qin State to study, and they have mastered certain technical skills. Skilled workers are extremely precious wealth, which makes Qin's development situation better than ever.

"Yes, we must think of a way to add some population from other places, otherwise, we will not be able to solve this problem at all." Shang Wen said. Although the Western Regions also added some population. However, too much migration and too little absorption. On the whole, the population of Qin is still imbalanced, and the population of the Western Regions is still small, only gathering in a few large cities. The situation of vast land and sparse population is still difficult to change. In contrast, the densely populated Guanzhong area, coupled with the explosive increase in the birth rate, the population pressure in the Guanzhong area has become very large. This demographic imbalance is difficult to continue to change.

Qi State, Laizhou, Admiralty.

"Damn it. How did they make the plan?" The Secretary of the Navy was very annoyed with the battle plan submitted by the Koguryo Admiralty himself. Their plan is this. The landing force will depart in three to five days. During this period, their warships will launch an offensive. A destroyer fleet will be the forward in front, followed by the main battleship, with more than six ships. The cruiser and the main fleet of more than 20 destroyers arrived. After arriving near Jeju Island, they would bombard the fortifications on the shore. If the enemy warship appeared, they would stop the artillery and attack the enemy’s. After destroying the battleship, the battleship continues to bombard the fortifications. In this way, after three to five days of battle, the battle can basically be over. The landing forces went out again.

It can be said that there is no problem with this combat plan, but the problem lies in how they find the enemy and how to solve the problem of destroying the enemy's warships while destroying the enemy's warships. They need to take on two tasks, one is to bombard, and the other is to continue to attack the opponent's warship. Once the shells are consumed, or if they are bombarded during replenishment, the situation will be very bad. This battle plan is problematic.

"Sir, we are also aware that there is a problem with this combat plan, but the problem is that under the current situation, they insist on taking the initiative to attack. We can't intercept them at all. They must do this." The Navy Deputy Commander said helplessly.

"It must be done. I think they are going to die." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head and rejected this plan. However, he did not have a good solution, and he did not have a good solution to solve the problem. Because this plan was put forward by them at the beginning, but after some deduction, they found that there was a big problem in it.

Because they attack first, they must launch an attack against the defense system on the shore. Such an attack can attract the attention of the opponent, and then launch an attack to eliminate the opponent. This will inevitably cause reinforcements from the opposing naval warships, so that Jeju Island will become a decoy, attracting the opposing warships to attack.

But the problem is that if their first wave of offense is too vicious, it will greatly increase the consumption of ammunition. Then when they face the attack of the opponent’s warship, the ammunition may be insufficient. At the same time, if they In the first wave of strikes, they could not cause effective damage to the opponent's target. Although they could leave the battlefield to avoid the threat of coastal defense artillery, they could not effectively solve the possibility of attacking the opponent's fortress. As a result, the warship is in an extremely bad state. This is the deduction of Qi people.

A lieutenant colonel’s staff once proposed a plan, which is a blockade plan, but the premise is to occupy some ports in the south and then block Jeju Island based on these ports. A long-term blockade can achieve this goal, or in other words , And use the occupied port as a basis to completely solve all problems. In this way, the problem can also be solved to a great extent. However, this cannot be achieved diplomatically. Therefore, Qi is still unable to come up with a better combat plan, but the Goguryeo people can't wait to set off at this time. Their fleet's combat effectiveness had not yet reached combat capability and they had to attack, which made the Secretary of the Navy very helpless.

"Sir, the only thing we can do at the moment is to provide them with intelligence support, and hope that such support can help avoid some danger." The Navy Deputy said helplessly.

"They just know too much. So, becoming so blind, they think they can solve each other at once. In fact, this is impossible." The Secretary of the Navy said.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Naval Intelligence Service.

"Is this true?" a navy colonel looked at the report in his hand and asked the lieutenant who came to report.

"Really, I believe this, it should be possible to do this." said the Lieutenant Commander.

"Their navy officers already knew this, and even the sailors spread the news, so we concluded that something would definitely happen." The lieutenant commander reported.

"Well. We have to confirm the truth of this news, until the other party takes action to show that this action is going to be carried out. We don’t believe anything else, of course. There are other things that we have to do too. For example, we need to carry out relevant military training, and report this report to it. Maybe they need such a report to make adjustments.” said the navy colonel.

"Yes. Sir." The major nodded and agreed.

"Don't let your guard down, maybe this telegram will mislead us. Don't have any problems." The colonel emphasized. They also have a lot to do with the Koguryo navy's active attack. After all, it is related to how they attacked. Faced with such a situation, they need to do a lot of things to solve it. Only in this way can they completely clarify Goguryeo. Plan, and the next move.

Inside the Admiralty.

"In this case, there is not much time left for us. There are still many things we need to prepare." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir. This is indeed a big blow to us. The defense on Jeju Island has not been fully deployed, and more things need to be adjusted. In this case, they may not be able to further attack the Koguryo battleship. Make effective threats," said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"There is no other way. Sometimes the war is full of so many surprises and surprises, but this surprise has scared us." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head and said.

Jeju Island. Inside Jeju Naval Command. Xue Haihai saw the telegram sent by the South Korean Admiralty and shook his head helplessly.

"It's too fast." Xue Hai said to his chief of staff.

"Sir, such a thing is unavoidable. Some accidents may have caused such a thing." The Chief of Staff said.

"Yes, the explanation of the South Korean intelligence agency also said the same, but I am not concerned about many accidents, but we are facing a huge fleet of warships, they have about seven cruisers, despite the artillery The maximum caliber is two hundred and seventy-five millimeters, but this still poses a great threat to us. Not only that, but their number is also extremely large. There are more than 30 destroyers, and half of the destroyers have 150 deployed. Millimeter artillery. The power of this artillery is far greater than the 130 millimeter artillery in our hands. There are many, and the artillery is powerful. Such a fleet is really a headache." Xue Hai said helplessly.

"The worst thing is that before the enemy arrives, none of our warships can be replenished. The Koreans only replenished us with fifty small torpedo boats. Although their number is large, the total tonnage is ridiculous. They are ridiculous. They don't know how big the threat can be. Even if they can add a destroyer to us." said the chief of staff.

"Strength, this is the difference in strength." Navy Commander Xue Hai looked at their strength table. They only had two destroyer fleets, twenty destroyers, two cruisers, and the only battleship to be added later, and Compared with the other side, their strength is too different. What kind of things they can do with this kind of force, maybe they can only carry out effective defense, it is also a bit difficult. After all, their number of warships is so large, and many things cannot be done. This sounds very frustrating, but it is helpless. Xue Hai was helpless.

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