The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3581: Seth's strategic situation

The northern section of the Suez Canal is being taken over by people from the South Korean Suez Canal Company. They want to survey and map here and make dredging plans, but a large number of people have gathered here. Most of them were prisoners of war, but there were still quite a few people gathered here.

"What's the matter with them?" An engineer assistant wearing glasses asked Yang Fang curiously. Perhaps the officer could know something.

"They were all Jews and they were recruited by aristocrats. I heard that they have reached some cooperation intentions." Yang Fang looked at the people who had gathered. They were listless, and some were standing. Some people are sitting, while others are lying down. It seems that they are in jail. This seems to have nothing to do with them. Anyway, these things are done by them and have nothing to do with them. In their view, things are like this.

"What's the matter? The speed of their gathering of labor seems to be too fast." The assistant asked puzzledly. In his opinion, these people gathered too quickly. It quickly made him a little hard to believe that these things were true.

"It's very simple, money, for the money, the nobles who love a few people, they do everything, they monopolize all the trade, but they still don't make money, because they feel that they don't make enough money, so they decided to cooperate with the Jews, the Jews With us, export our products, sugar, cotton cloth, arms, etc., these are what they need, while they export people, because they don’t have the products we are interested in. Under such circumstances, it is naturally beneficial to us. ." Yang Fang said.

"It's very simple. Those nobles have the influence to gather more labor. This is not a difficult task for them. They have a lot of resources, and we pay them money, or the goods they need, and These people will solve the problem for us regardless of life or death. Okay. This problem is not what you should be concerned about. What you should be concerned about is how to quickly clear the canal. We need such a canal too much. Nothing. We can't do anything about this canal." Yang Fang said. The engineer assistant nodded to show that he understood.

Indeed, for the sake of money, those damned lovers can do anything. In their opinion, these people's lives are not worth at all, they are just goods that can bring value, nothing more.

In Seth, the movement of civilians became more and more prosperous, many slaves suddenly became civilians, and people's enthusiasm for supporting the king was quite high. Every day, quite a few slaves came to the palace and shouted the wiseness of their king.

"Look, this is the wise decision of our king." The chief minister closed the window annoyedly. The glass windows were installed with thick glass, which had good sound insulation effect. The decoration of his office was very luxurious and used. They are all the best furniture shipped from Korea.

"If this continues, we will be bankrupt. Without slaves, our fields cannot produce wealth, our workshops cannot produce goods, and they cannot trade further with Korean merchants. Moreover, I heard." A minister. Speaking in a very worried tone. But when he said this, he stopped suddenly.

"What?" the chief minister asked. He, the chief minister, has actually been emptied. The feeling that this kind of power was taken away by the king was very bad, because he didn't know a lot of news, and the king bypassed him to do it, which made many ministers and nobles feel very dissatisfied.

"We, we will also be taxed. In this case, our losses, plus the taxes we have to pay, my God, this is simply an astronomical figure." The minister said bitterly. It seems that a knife really cuts his flesh.

"Let's not panic. Why panic, we don't have to worry too much about these things. This is for us. There is no need to worry about anything at all." The Chief Minister said. But everyone present didn't think so. In their opinion, if they don't make some counterattacks, they will have nothing.

"We must show the king something to look at, otherwise, our situation will continue to develop. We will all be strangled to death." said a minister. They oppose reform. Oppose the king to come in such a random way.

"Then give the king something powerful, we have to control the king. In addition, we have to contact some troops from other provinces in time and let them intervene in these. As long as we control the king, everything remains ours. Let them be faster." Chief. Said the minister. As the king's reform measures were pressing fast, these ministers and nobles suddenly stood on the opposite side of the king. They are conservative forces. It is the main force against excessive reforms.

In the Palace of Seth, the king is worried about his financial plan.

"If we expand the two infantry divisions, the financial expenditure will increase a lot. Although our financial funds have increased a bit, this is still not enough. We need very, very large amounts of funds, which cannot satisfy us at all. Your Majesty." The Minister of Finance said to the King. King Arose imitated the state of Zhao and set up a cabinet. He did not set up a prime minister or prime minister, but only set up a position of chief minister. In fact, it was his cabinet. His cabinet is in charge of everything in this country.

"Well, I know this, but the expansion of the army must continue. Although there are still some financial difficulties, I will find a way to solve this problem." The king said. In fact, he himself didn't know how to solve this problem. Zhu Li proposed a way to issue treasury bonds, but the problem is that their domestic market is very small, and treasury bonds are still a new thing. No one knows whether this thing is worth any money. If it is not worth it, everything will be over. They don't want this to happen, it's for them. This is an extremely serious blow, and they don't want something like this to happen to them. It is definitely an unfavorable state. They don't want this to happen.

In this regard, he put his hope on Zhao Guoren, perhaps Zhao Guoren can solve such a problem.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai listened carefully to the opinions of the banks. He met with representatives of those banks. He planned to make some compromises. Perhaps, keeping his position was more important than anything else.

"If we get the Seth market, our products can be sold there. The export situation can be opened up. Not only the country of Seth, but the market north of Seth, as well as the rest, the Persian market can be opened. , Because the location there is very important. But now what we have to do is to support them financially. The Koreans are infiltrating there. We must speed up our pace. Otherwise, we will get nothing in the end. "The bankers said worriedly. It seems that they have nothing left at a later stage. In fact, they are a group of greedy guys, they want to occupy everything, hope to get everything. They always think and do things like this. In Guo Kai's view, they are a group of greedy guys.

"But if this is the case, it will cause some unnecessary strategic issues. For example, how do we avoid such problems with the Koreans." Guo Kai said.

"This, this is the stage of freedom, and there is no need for Koreans to interfere with us." Bankers said.

"Oh. I see. I will agree with you to do this. However, we still need to investigate some things, or we still need to study, this will take some time, time to understand?" Guo Kai said. Then, he sent people to send these bankers away.

Inside the staff.

"This country is a landlocked country. Koreans occupy its coastal areas. Koreans can take advantage of their maritime advantages and continuously send a large amount of supplies there. In contrast, our situation is not good. We need to go from the Persian control area, then go around, and then pass through the two provinces that the Kingdom of Seth has lost control to get there, or cross one of them. Once the Koreans block the coastal areas, we can’t transport Give them the supplies. It can be said that if we help Seth Country, the situation may be even worse." Li Zuoche said.

"It will be difficult to open things that are blocked, but can the Koreans continue to support them?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, Koreans can do this. Our situation does not seem to be very favorable. For us, this is an extremely harsh test." Li Zuoche said. As Seth pays more and more attention, the General Staff has to consider some issues. If these issues cannot be discovered in time, their situation will be very passive, which is definitely not what they want to see.

"I understand all of these situations. But the question is, how do we solve this problem. Once some violence occurs, according to the thinking of the Koreans, they will inevitably draw forces from other places to intervene, and they will come from multiple directions. Intervention, you are looking at the Seth country. They are in the middle. There is a plain area. There is no dangerous fortress to hold on. How long will this situation last." Li Mu said while looking at the map. He could not see the specific situation, but from the strategic situation, he understood that the situation of the Seth people was very bad. This will have a great adverse effect on them. This is definitely not what Li Mu hopes to see. Li Zuoche was also aware of this, but it seemed that they had nothing to do.

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