In the Palace of Seth, the king is discussing the issue of military expenditures with Juri. After all, solving the financial problem can solve all the problems fundamentally.

"At present, we lack too much capital, and the number is quite alarming. We need to expand two infantry divisions. However, we lack enough equipment and funds. I hope to get a part of the loan from Zhao Guo. In this case, My problems can be alleviated a lot. As a guarantee, I will provide you with some guarantees. I can take the land as my mortgage." The king said. This is the most helpless move. But there are things that must be done. He knows that only by doing this can they get more support thoroughly. If they don't, they won't get anything. This is a fact.

"Well, of course we know this. We are very aware of the current financial situation of Seth Country, but the problem is that I have sent telegrams to our bank many times in a row. The telegrams are very long, and the long ones can match the toilet. The toilet paper is the same." Zhu Li said jokingly. Toilet paper has been invented, and this thing can be invented by the people of Qin. Only the rich can use this thing, and those with no money can only use straw paper. That is the cheapest and worst paper. If it is not thick, it may be broken. That is a very bad thing.

"This." The king obviously didn't care about Juri's jokes, he was concerned about finances. From the other party's mouth, the king came to a conclusion that Zhao Guo's bank did not respond positively to them, and he didn't know what happened. But the problem is that the current financial situation has not been well resolved. This is a great disaster for him.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, an attendant cautiously stepped forward with a telegram, and only the most critical and vital telegram would break the conversation.

"What's the matter?" the king asked. The servant is equivalent to his secretary. They know a lot of things, but they have to keep it strictly confidential because they know everything.

"Go ahead, in front of the chief adviser, we have no secrets." said the king. The waiter nodded, indicating that he was clear.

"The Chief Minister wants to rebel. They have already taken some armed raids against your Majesty." The servant said cautiously on the side.

"What?" The king didn't get the telegram, but he was still taken aback when he received such news. And Zhu Li on the side was the same. He really didn't know why these ministers and nobles would suddenly stand on the opposite side, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand why they did it. They really have no reason not to do this. Only by doing this can they solve all the problems. Otherwise, they can't do anything.

"Damn it. Why are they doing this? Am I treating them badly?" His Majesty said sadly. Without the support of these ministers, they would not ascend to the throne, but now they actually stood up against him. Not only that, they would assassinate and launch a surprise attack. It seemed that they had to kill him.

"Okay. I'll take care of this, you go down." The king did not immediately order the army to be enlisted. He just thinks he should think about it. After all, it is difficult for him to accept such a news at once. And Zhu Li also said that he had withdrawn. He planned to send the matter here as a telegram and send it to the country, which was beyond the scope of his ability to solve it.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The situation seems to be sudden. In this case, we can't provide them with more support." The Secretary of the Navy reported the news of Goguryeo's plan to send troops. They already have reason to think so. Because the Laizhou military port is very busy, a large number of coal-loaded trains enter the port, and the battleships that are training on the sea quickly enter the port to add coal. It seems that a big battle is about to break out. Ammunitions are also being replenished as soon as possible. According to what they have observed, most of the trains from Handan to Laizhou are for military use. They transport artillery shells of various calibers, and the number is very large, already more than two. Thousands of carts of ammunition have been transported to the port. But this still seems not enough.

Speaking of the Secretary of the Navy, he submitted all the evidence that they believed to send troops to Her Majesty the Queen. These evidences are sufficient to prove the next move of the Goguryeo Navy.

"Well, the number of their warships is far lower than that of the Koguryo Navy. Is our shipbuilding capability not enough?" Han Shu was concerned about this issue.

"No, the king, this is not the case. Our battleship construction speed is not weaker than that of the other party, but Qi and Zhao are both large-scale construction. They recruited all the shipyards. It can be said that their use In addition to most of the shipbuilding capabilities of the two countries, there are also a considerable number of destroyers that have been transformed. Therefore, their speed is much faster than ours, but our warships can definitely surpass them in quality." The Secretary of the Navy explained. Although this is one of the reasons, it is definitely not a fundamental reason. The fundamental reason is that Qi has mobilized most of the power of a country, especially his shipyard. Almost all shipyards are involved in the construction of warships. In addition, they creatively transform merchant ships into destroyers. This allows Goguryeo to obtain a large number of warships in a short period of time. In fact, the people of Goguryeo are rich and they have enough. More gold is used to pay for such funds. In contrast, Jeju only provides part of the funds, despite the participation of South Korea and Chu's shipyards. But they are more just for commercial profits, which makes a big difference in nature.

"Alright. Not to mention this, how sure are you to win this war." Han Shu asked. Regarding the specific situation, she did not interfere very much.

"We are only 50% at most." The Navy Secretary said cautiously. Originally he wanted to say 30%, but seeing his king looking at him with stern eyes, he had to improve a little. 50%, maybe this number is more interesting, otherwise, he won't get anything.

"Fortunately, we have half of our ability to deal with them, so let's go, we can do a lot." Han Shu nodded and said. There is no absolute certainty in the war, she knows this point, it is very good to be able to have such a chance of victory. Let's solve this matter like this. Perhaps this 50% still has some hope.

State of Zhao, Handan. The bankers are gathered together, they are discussing things about the country of Seth.

"This is the latest telegram. The prime minister knows about it, but the prime minister told us what it means. I don't know what it means?" said a banker. Zhu Li’s telegram was sent quickly, but the strange thing was that the prime minister did not respond, did not give instructions, and did not move. He just gave them the telegram and let them take care of it, which made them feel very puzzled. , But they can't say anything, after all, they are also puzzled by such a thing.

"I think this must be the prime minister for us to see, don't worry, after all, our funds are not blown out all at once." said a middle-aged banker.

"What do you mean?" Many people asked.

"Isn't it obvious? If their king can control the situation, such as suppressing the resistance of these conservative forces. Then everything is still hopeful. But on the contrary, if they can't do such a thing. If they can't suppress it, then , We don’t have to worry like this. Think about it, the other party can’t suppress even such a conservative force, what else can they do? So, I think this matter is a test. If the Seth government really I think it’s okay for us to give them some financial support.” said the bankers. Others have expressed their approval of such a thing.

"However, we still have another worry, that is, Koreans are also involved. I heard that the surrounding provinces are all controlled by Koreans. If we interfere too much, the Koreans will go to war with us. After all, we It is in the area controlled by the Koreans, which controls a large area. That place also has a very important effect on them." A banker said worriedly. They have seen the situation on both sides from the map. The Koreans took control of the port area. Once Seth was blocked by the opponent, they would get nothing. Koreans can still do this.

"I think the prime minister, and you have all considered too much. Koreans are concerned about prohibited interests. There is no need to compete with us like this, let alone. Koreans will not bleed the Seth people, they will only Let those provinces send troops. The Koreans will never do this. Their fate is very precious. I think the Koreans just frighten us. Let’s watch them fight on their own.” Some wise bankers have already seen it. With the Koreans’ trump cards, the Koreans are indeed like this. They absolutely don’t want them to do something to suppress each other. After all, they still don’t want such a thing to happen and let the Koreans send troops, which will further increase their finances. Expenditure, military expenditure will be very scary, they will not drag themselves into the quagmire of war for a Seth who has nothing to do with them. This is for them. It's not worth it. What they have to do is to squeeze each other's interests as much as possible. This is what both sides are thinking about. They are reluctant to come forward, but they both need a spokesperson who represents their own interests.

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