The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3583: New torpedo boat

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is a telegram sent to us from South Korea. The Goguryeo people have clearly stated their attitude. They have decided to annihilate the pirate forces on Jeju Island. In their opinion, even if the pirates have established a country, they will still be like this. Do it." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"Haha." Shang Wen just smiled. He can only express his attitude towards this matter in this way, because they are indeed pirates, and no country will publicly blackmail some money from another country, because this is simply not common sense. Things, but that’s how they did it. In this regard, they also expressed helplessness, because they did just that.

"However, our bank's attitude is relatively tough. They hope that we can help Jeju Island, and hope that we can mediate this war at a critical time. Of course. It is Jeju that has to win a certain victory before our role is played. Now, we can only exert pressure. But we can't do anything." Meng Yi said.

Shang Wen nodded. Qin State Bank does not want Jeju to lose this war because they have invested a lot of capital in it. Qin State invested more than half of the funds for the warships equipped by Jeju. Other funds come from South Korea and Chu State. In this way, their shipyard can quickly have business to do, but this cannot be said, they can solve all the problems at once. On the contrary, if there is a major failure on the Jeju side, their funds will be ruined. From the perspective of Qin State Bank, they do not want Jeju to lose the war, even if it is a tie, they are acceptable. After all, war is not the only solution to problems. They can also sit down and talk.

"Of course, we hope that Jeju will win, but how will this war be fought? We still don't know exactly. We heard that the strength of this large-scale naval battle is huge. Jeju's forces are far lower than its opponents, right?" Shang Wen Asked.

"Yes, the South Korean side also expressed pressure in this regard, but they hope to use some new weapons to invest in change and turn the tide of the war, but these weapons are too new. If they can't play the role they should have, then we The situation is very bad." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Well, I see. Maybe they should be able to exert their fighting power." Shang Wen said. He is the one who knows the new weapons that South Korea has put into use. Meng Yi knows some, but he doesn't know the specifics. Even Wang Jian doesn't know what kind of weapons the South Korea will put into it.

Inside the staff.

"This naval battle came very suddenly. Who do you think will have the greater victory?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe with a smile. But Yang Duanhe shook his head.

"I am the army, I can't control maritime matters, and I don't understand. Although our staff is mostly in charge of land matters, the king obviously asked us to learn more about maritime matters." Yang Duan And speaking of it.

"Yes. There may be some larger-scale naval battles on the sea in the future. In short, the sea is also an eye-catching battlefield. For this naval battle, although we are all laymen, the navy does require a highly technical service. "Wang Jian said so.

"However, judging from past battles. I think that Jeju, supported by South Korea, is more likely to win." Yang Duanhe expressed his views at this time.

"Oh. Why?" Wang Jian asked his old buddy somewhat unexpectedly.

"My idea is like this, the Navy, you said just now. He is a relatively technical service, so in terms of technology investment, I think South Korea has a great advantage. It is said that before the war, they I also secretly transported some airships. In addition, there are some secret weapons. I don’t know exactly what they are, but these weapons can play a role at the most critical time on the battlefield, and maybe they can play a surprisingly successful victory. In contrast, the Goguryeo Navy has a lot of traditions. They only used their advantages of large-caliber artillery. This advantage is more obvious, but their advantages are seen by others. And the Koreans have technical advantages. , But it is invisible. One is in the light and the other is in the dark. I think there will be many accidents in this war." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well, that's right, this is indeed a big accident for us. However, if the other party's technology does not play out, what I know is that technology will not work in some special times. This kind of thing happens often. The minds of those engineers never think about what will happen on the battlefield. Although technical troops can bring great surprise effects, it is difficult for me to imagine without such results. There will be such a thing happening, and I feel very sorry about it, or in other words. Such a thing is somewhat difficult for us to accept." Wang Jian said.

"Well, despite such accidents, I still believe that these technical arms will exert their due power. For example, those airships. I think that the future strike warships may not necessarily rely on warships, such as the emergence of air power, and Our air defense exercises have also shown this point. The threat of aviation has become more and more serious. Now countries have not realized this. However, I believe that it will not take long to have such a view. Aviation can provide longer distances. With the development of technology, I believe that they will bring greater power." Yang Duanhe said. The Qin army finally made a clear choice. They chose the plane and abandoned the airship. Qin planned to eliminate all airship bombing units and airship combat units within two years or in a shorter period of time. Can give play to a great firepower advantage, but their mobility is poor, and the increase in defense and firepower is not enough to make up for this shortcoming. The aircraft can make up for these shortcomings and allow them to gain a greater advantage. This is what they are. What they need to do now, they need to show this kind of situation, instead of letting their situation continue to deteriorate. This is the situation they are currently facing.

The emergence of naval aviation will completely reverse the navy in the traditional sense. The emergence of a new technology will inevitably replace the old technology. Because they are following the trend of history.

On the sea outside Laizhou Port, a small fishing boat is slowly sailing, fishing can bring good income, but the people on the boat are not interested in fishing at all, they are hiding in a hidden position in the bow of the ship. , Holding a high-powered telescope to observe the situation in the military port of Falais. More smoke has been flying in the military port. It was billowing smoke from the boiler, which showed that the Koguryo battleship was about to set off.

"It's not clear how many people they dispatched, but it certainly won't be less than a destroyer fleet." A young man dressed as a fisherman put down the high-powered telescope in his hand and said. They are anxiously waiting for the latest situation to appear. The Koreans are obsessed with intelligence to an alarming level. A huge South Korean spy network is constantly monitoring the development of the Laizhou military port day and night. Soon, their information was sent again.

"A ten destroyers and a cruiser are dispatched. The direction is unknown, it may be the direction of Jeju Island. The smog in the harbor is still heavy." Such a telegram was sent out soon. The South Korean intelligence agency accurately grasped the news of the other party's dispatch. In addition to these, there are other things that can be done.

Inside the Admiralty.

"According to the information we have, South Korea and Chu have not added too much military power to them. According to our calculations, they only added one cruiser at most." The Navy Deputy Chief reported. South Korean spies are constantly spying on the intelligence of Goguryeo’s navy, and Qi is also constantly spying on South Korea and Chu’s intelligence. The spies on both sides are engaged in large-scale activities, especially in the case of Chu’s Qi. They As a merchant, they proposed to cooperate with Chu's shipyard. They ordered some warships and clearly requested that they be built using the technology on the warships. This was actually trying to understand Chu's shipbuilding technology in a disguised form. They wanted to test the performance of the merchant ship to calculate the performance of the warship. The spies on both sides were not rampant.

"In this way, the Koguryo Navy has a two-to-one strength advantage?" The Secretary of the Navy looked at the telegram in his hand and said.

"It should be like this. However, according to the intelligence provided by our spy network in South Korea, it seems that South Korea has transported some small ships to Jeju. What I am worried about is whether these small ships will attack our warships. Caused great consequences." The Navy Deputy Commander asked worriedly at this time.

"As long as their speed is not fast, I think the problem shouldn't be big. After all, their condition does not have a big impact on us. As long as we can exert enough firepower advantage, this kind of boat's The threat is not a big threat to us.” The Secretary of the Navy said without worry.

"But they can cause a lot of confusion in our formation. Under such circumstances, if they continue to fight, it may be very bad. I think we should let them pay attention. After all, this The impact of this gadget is relatively large." The Navy Deputy Chief said cautiously.

"Yeah. Okay. Just do it." The Secretary of the Navy nodded.

South Korea, Qingcheng, although some torpedo boats have been built in batches. However, South Korean engineers are still dissatisfied because the torpedo boats use steam engines. Although wood is used to reduce weight, their speed is generally above 23 knots, and the fastest speed can reach 26 knots. However, they are similar. In contrast, the speed is still very slow. They need to change some conventional methods. In other words, being able to greatly increase the speed of the speedboat has become the biggest goal.

"I think the speedboat should not continue to have the shape of a steamboat. It should be made into a planing boat, so that it can be faster. In addition to these, the steam engine is too heavy and I think gasoline should be used. However, the power that the gasoline engine can provide is not very sufficient, so I suggest that the tonnage of the speedboat should be less than 500, so that the speedboat can have a faster speed." A young engineer came up with his own design plan. On board, their speedboats have been modified. They converted a planing boat into a speedboat. They used three 150-horsepower gasoline engines as power, and the speed could reach an astonishing 33 knots. However, after loading their weapons, they may barely reach 30 knots, but they can’t have too many weapons, according to him. It is estimated that it will look like three torpedoes at most. It is estimated that it is better to load two torpedoes, after all, the speed is faster.

"This plan is very good, now the situation is very urgent. Give you some time, how soon can you modify more torpedo boats?" a navy lieutenant colonel asked immediately. Because the frontline is very urgent, many destroyers require that the modification be completed within three days as soon as possible, or the finishing work afterwards should be completed as soon as possible. Some warships that are too late to be built will have to be launched as soon as possible. This is pure nonsense, but time is too tight. There is no time to make detailed adjustments.

"We can only provide three, and a maximum of five." The young man said after calculating.

"Too little. I will give you more people and more resources. I need at least eight torpedo boats. You must complete them as soon as possible. Three days, no, you will leave immediately after two days." Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Speaking of. At present, the South Korean Navy can only provide so much support. Because many destroyers cannot be completed in time, they may not be able to provide so much support. In this case, the only way is to support some small boats to them, maybe they can play their due role, despite this possibility They are relatively small, but they still make this effort. After all, who knows if they will solve these problems, in short, they should try to do something like this.

The young man nodded. Although the task was heavy, they accepted the fact that to them, it didn't matter, it was just that the time was short and the task was tight.

Destroyers can't provide better, but torpedo boats can, as long as they have enough time, such things can still be done. After all, the technical content of refitting these things is not very high. Most of them are made of wood. Such tasks should be completed easily. Many people think this way. In fact, the same is true. The technical content of this weapon is not too high.

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