South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"In the latest news that I just got, ten destroyers of the Goguryeo Navy dispatched one cruiser. They officially set off in the direction of Jeju Island. It seems. A big battle is inevitable." The Navy Deputy Chief reported.

"Yeah." The Secretary of the Navy nodded.

"The next thing is left to the Jeju Navy. I hope they can create a miracle." The Secretary of the Navy said. This was just an outpost, and the two sides conducted a scheduled fire reconnaissance, but this meant that a great sea battle was inevitable.

"Our strength has not been fully replenished, everything seems to be very unfavorable to us, but war has always been like this, he does not care whether you are advantageous or not." Said the deputy commander of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy agreed with this view, but the war has broken out. Goguryeo has its own maritime trade, but the emergence of Jeju has made their maritime trade extremely unfavorable. Goguryeo keeps exporting its own mineral resources, such as coal, copper, gold, and a large amount of wood, etc. In exchange for a large amount of foreign exchange, Goguryeo became rich, but Jeju was very jealous of this. Their pirate habits hindered Goguryeo’s dream of prosperity. It is naturally difficult for the two parties to reconcile, and this also clearly made Goguryeo. In doing so, the only way for Goguryeo to develop better is to eliminate Jeju at sea. In contrast, shipbuilding is much simpler, and the transportation value is greater, and the demand will become extremely large. The construction of railways can solve this problem, but it is far less simple than that of merchant ships. What they need is Such a result.

Seth country. The king secretly assembled his army. At the same time, he also allowed some highly motivated civilians to tentatively form a militia. From the outside, this was just a bold attempt by the king.

"To be honest, I don't want to deal with those ministers, after all, I rely on them to get to this position." The king said to Zhu Li.

"Your Majesty, I think we should talk about banking." Zhu Li didn't want to talk about this issue, because he felt that King Seth is also an ordinary person, he has his own feelings, but this feeling is Repression is distorted. He does not want betrayal or greater passivity. Therefore, he himself wants to be understood. Talking to others is also a way to vent, but Zhu Li is not interested and unwilling. Listen, knowing too much will be very detrimental to him, after all, the king is a tough representative.

"Oh. Let's talk about it." His Majesty eased over. He adjusted his emotions. He was essentially unwilling to kill. Therefore, he secretly gave the assembly order instead of publicly killing the ministers. The hope is that those ministers will not act rashly and let them dispel such a move by themselves.

"The attitude of Zhao Guo Bank is that you completely control the entire Seth and show a strong posture. If there is no such posture, they will not buy national debt. At the same time, they will not accept any mortgage. , Because that kind of mortgage is very risky, and their bank can't get it back. I'm sorry. In this case, I know." Zhu Li said apologetically. This is a fact. Banks are concerned about their own interests, not what the country is doing. If they can bring enough benefits to betray the country, they can do it.

"It doesn't matter, they are such people, I can understand, so we must be tough in controlling the country. Is it?" the king said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zhu Li nodded helplessly and agreed. After all, he couldn't change much of this kind of thing. This is an order. It is also a serious situation he has to face.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." At this moment, there was a rush of gunfire, which sounded nervous. The king just frowned, obviously feeling very dissatisfied with such a thing.

"Your Majesty, there is an emergency military situation." At this moment, an inmate cautiously stepped forward and said. It seemed that he was very anxious because there was sweat on his forehead.

"Let's talk about it," the king asked at this time.

"The chief minister's family private soldiers are attacking the city gate. They seem to control the entire royal city. But our people are holding on to the city gate." The servant reported.

"Telegraph. Let our people attack. Eliminate them quickly." The king looked at the servant for a long time, and then slowly gave the order. The servant seemed to have been seen through by His Majesty the King at once, which made him very cautious. In fact, the King was struggling in his heart for the last time. He did not want to be divided into two different opposites from his minister, but, The other party doesn't seem to think so. In their view, the king had betrayed them. They have no reason to remain loyal to their king.

Soon, the king's march was dispatched. They were already prepared. The gunshots outside the king's city became more intense. As the chief consultant, Zhu Li also began to learn about some of the latest happenings.

In fact, the rebellion came very suddenly. It can be said that it was an accident. The cause was a son of a nobleman, who seemed to be provoked by a son of the chief minister, because he insulted the civilians who were free, but those civilians seemed to get Like the king’s approval, they responded positively to each other’s provocative actions. As a result, no one could tell the specific circumstances of the serious fighting between the two sides. Some said it was the civilians who won the victory. There are reports that the children of the nobles won because they have guns in their hands. It is normal for the children of the nobles to have guns. However, those civilians are extremely sensitive to their identities. They originally had some inferiority complex. It began to evolve into a larger group fight. But in the end, the private armed forces mobilized by the noble children didn't know what was going on, and the matter suddenly turned into a rebellion. Then there was an attack by the minister's private soldiers on the royal city. then. The rebellion happened.

It can be said that this rebellion happened inexplicably. It sounds like it is a rebellion that should not have occurred. Many things can be avoided, but because it can be avoided, nothing can be avoided in the end.

There is always contingency and inevitability in the development of things, and a rebellion occurs. An accident happened. But quelling the rebellion is so inevitable.

On the streets of Seth, the minister's personal armament was quickly defeated. They were originally just a group of stragglers, or just a group of brave and cruel bullies. After encountering a real army, they were nothing.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." A well-lit, uniform new king army defeated the opponent a lot, and the platoon gun tactics were very effective here.

"Come on." After firing the gun continuously. They quickly launched an offensive. What they are good at is to fight bayonet, this kind of tactics have been established before. However, what was really perfected was that the instructor of the State of Zhao came to them.

Seth soldiers, especially the Seth New Army, do not know how to fight bayonet. For them, the bayonet-equipped rifle is just a twisted short spear. It can be said that the bayonet is not very important to them. This is why the independent armies established in many provinces will not purchase or equip bayonet on a large scale. In their view, the bayonet is completely superfluous. Sometimes they will carry short knives or not, because They are not used to it.

And Seth’s new army used bayonet tactics before, and only invented some simple bayonet movements, which they figured out by themselves, and then they launched bayonet assault tactics after shooting, which was very effective. Because the opponent will not fight you with bayonet after being hit continuously. It takes courage and morale. This is what they lack.

Seth’s new army is superfluous to deal with such an enemy. However, if you want to become a first-class army and a new type of army, the bayonet must be effective. The military instructors from Zhao country have perfected this. They gathered together and held Zhao Jun. The infantry drills practiced them. This allows them to shoot and shoot at stationary targets. There have been more advancements in stab and grenade throwing techniques, but they have not yet learned more methods of skirmish combat, such as advancing skirmish lines and so on. These more complex tactics cannot be learned all at once.

"Charge." The soldiers of the New Army rushed over frantically. They needed military merit and needed to establish their own merits. For them, the heads of the opposing insurgents were their merits.

"Rush. Brothers, for our freedom, rush." ​​Following behind, there were spontaneously organized militias. Their weapons were extremely simple, clubs were everyone’s equipment, and everyone was bare-handed, but this For them, it is enough. They still have a lot to do. However, they are definitely a new force. This is the Seth Militia.

Their formation was established according to the instructor of the State of Zhao. After all, they saw that the king wanted to expand his army. However, how to ensure that there are more and sufficient soldiers? The militia is a good choice. In fact, Seth is changing a tradition. In the traditional sense, the composition of soldiers comes from those nobles, but now, the composition of soldiers mainly depends on civilians, which provides a possibility for the country to recruit more soldiers in a short time. . This is a new situation that has never been seen before, and it is impossible for independent provinces to learn this.

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