The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3585: Is it time to invest?

East China Sea. Especially refers to the area east of Qi. Eleven Goguryeo battleships are unfolding in a long line. They are searching for naval power in Jeju, but strangely, they have been sailing for a long time and haven't found them. Under normal circumstances, there will be some patrol boats on the Jeju navy side, but now. They didn't even have a ship.

"Special" destroyer, this is a type of Qi Changshan class destroyer, he is equipped with two 150mm caliber artillery. Four 120mm guns. In addition, they are equipped with six torpedoes, because of the artillery and armor protection, they use thick iron armor. This makes their sailors feel very safe, but it is also destined that their warships will not have too high speed. Their maximum speed is only 18 knots. But now, they only have 14 knots. This speed can only be described by a tortoise. They found the enemy, maybe the enemy has escaped.

On the observation deck, the officer on duty went down to drink tea and have a snack. It is ten o'clock in the morning in Qi State time. The officer on duty is already a little hungry. They go to eat some snacks and drink some tea, so that they can continue on duty, and the two sailors continue to stay here.

"Damn it, those officers will enjoy it. If Lao Tzu is an officer, I can also eat snacks." A sergeant said angrily.

"Haha. Let's talk about it when you become an officer, let's eat some of this." A sergeant next to him took the candy in his hand and handed it to the other party.

"This. I'm so embarrassed." The other party said embarrassedly.

"Hurry up, eat this thing, only sergeant and above can eat this thing, I am not used to it. Keeping this thing is for nothing." The sergeant said. The sergeant took the candy and ate it. It tasted of orange, which was not bad. Officers are treated as officers, and soldiers are treated as soldiers. This is the tradition of the navy. The officers have morning tea and afternoon tea time, and their treatment is still good, but soldiers have no such possibility. They need to stick to their posts, but officers can leave their posts during duty hours. This has caused many soldiers to complain, but complaining can't solve the problem at all, because you are not an officer, and you can't solve such things.

"We can't find the Jeju pirates at all. Their warships are much faster than ours. Their destroyers can reach 21 knots, and no matter how bad they are, they can reach 18 knots. I heard that they have faster speedboats. I can’t chase them down. Finding them by us is worse than letting them find us. I really don’t know what the officer above thinks.” The sergeant shook his head and said. The reason is simple. Although they can start searching, the problem is that the opponent’s warship is very fast, they can find themselves quickly and then disappear, and they can detour behind them or watch them elsewhere. Anyway, their warships Can't catch up with each other. But this is how the Koguryo Naval Command issued the order. This makes many soldiers think that those officers are stupid. Wouldn't they absorb this? Many soldiers were puzzled. In this way, the dispatched destroyers did not find anything. In fact, Jeju is monitoring them near them. It can be seen that the naval forces of both sides have been judged at once.

In the Laizhou Military Port, a large number of warships are leaving the port. Their warships were still chaotic at first, because in order to increase the efficiency of the port, the commander of the fleet even let the two warships leave the port together. As a result, the chaos intensified. Because there is no order, fortunately, their fleet commander corrected them in time, and the warships that followed quickly adjusted and went to sea slowly.

Such a dramatic scene was seen by South Korean spies. They sent back to China in detail what happened here.

South Korean Navy Department.

"I think that our combat plan should change a lot, but now, things have happened." The Navy Department looked at the telegram sent by the intelligence department and said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" the intelligence officer asked their chief in a puzzled way.

"Knowing that the Koguryo Navy's fleet is so chaotic, we should give them a surprise attack before they strike. In this way, many of their warships will be sunk at the pier. There will be no such verbosity in the back. It’s up to you.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"But, sir, we did not do this after all, and the Jeju Navy seems to be reluctant to do so. Their combat capability is just higher than that of the other party. They may not have gone smoothly for a surprise attack," the intelligence officer said. To.

"Well. It's just a matter of thinking about it." The Secretary of the Navy put down the telegram in his hand.

"But the analysis of your intelligence department is correct. Looking at the Koguryo navy, even the formation of the fleet can't be made. In this way, how can their firepower be used, we should give full play to our advantages and continue to suppress the other party. I believe we will win," said the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy understands. A navy that can't even arrange a fleet of warships is not a threat at all. In fact, it is true, they only need to do so. Other things are really not something they can worry about.

Inside the city of Seth, there were corpses everywhere outside the chief minister, blood was flowing everywhere, and the blood had turned black in some places.

"This is an action to quell the riots without any suspense. The Seth soldiers proved themselves with their courage and loyalty, of course. It is also inseparable from our effective organization." Zhao Rui, a retired Lieutenant Zhao Jun I have started to write my own notes. Seth soldiers and those militiamen were collecting some weapons. Although most of the guns did not have bayonets, they quickly found what they liked. The **** of the rifle, like the **** of the rifle, can kill people. This was taught by the instructor Zhao Guo. .

"Seth soldiers, especially the civilian militia organizations, have a certain degree of awareness. Their enthusiasm is much better than the private armed forces formed by the ministers. I believe that after some systematic maintenance, these civilians will form an army. I must agree to Seth at once, because none of the surrounding provinces is their opponent." Zhao Rui is very confident about the new army of Seth. Because of their way of training, their way of thinking has surpassed that of the surrounding army.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. In Seth's new army, the newly formed engineers exerted their power. They successfully blasted the gates. In other places, they also blasted higher walls, and a battle broke out in an instant.

"Kill." Seth's new army, the militia rushed in frantically with the captured weapons, but the smoke did not dissipate. The charging team has already entered. For them, this is not a difficult task. The battle soon ended. Because the minister's personal armament has been completely frightened. They have never seen such a crazy army. In their opinion, those Korean soldiers are not as crazy as the other side.

When the last fortress of Minister Seth was breached, the South Korean intelligence agencies had already received the news. They had clearly affirmed that the situation in Seth had stabilized because they could not do anything.

"It seems that next, we can only look at the attitude of each province." The chief intelligence officer said helplessly. He originally thought that the private armies of those nobles and ministers should be able to play a big role, but now. They lost to each other all of a sudden, which made him hold no hope for those people.

"But sir, every province wants to send troops, they will definitely spread their hands to ask us for more supplies." An intelligence official on the side said worriedly.

"You know, sir, these supplies may not be given to them smoothly. Not only that, but the country seems to be unwilling to see such a situation. We must explain the situation here. I think that independent armed forces in those provinces are unlikely Suppress them for too long at a time, because they simply don't have such a great ability, they can't do this." The other party said.

"I know, but now the domestic center of gravity is on the sea. Jeju and the Goguryeo navy are fighting a battle. A lot of domestic resources are leaning there, but we can't do these things at all." The chief intelligence officer said. .

"Okay. I will fight for such a thing as much as possible. After all, things here are related to our position here. We must stand firm, and we must stand firm here." The other party kept talking. The intelligence officer nodded and left here. The situation here needs to be forwarded to the South Korean Xinzheng side.

State of Zhao, Handan. The bankers sat quietly in the conference room, they sat quietly, no one spoke. Some people can't bear it and can only kill time by drinking tea.

"It seems that King Seth still has some abilities. He didn't expect that he would put down the riot so soon. But what's next." A banker asked tentatively.

"This, investment matters, require risks." Then there is no more. A banker said so.

"We all know there are risks, but should we invest some money in it? Maybe this king can bring them some surprises. What you need to know is that these things cannot be solved all at once." Another banker said so.

"I think we should be more cautious, to be sure. The Seth people will still encounter greater troubles, but the problem is that they do not have the funds to survive this test. We should really support it, but how much is a degree, we must be cautious. Click." Some people said. Others have also spoken. But this makes them feel very annoyed, after all, this thing is not easy to solve.

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