Eastern Tula Province. The governor is discussing some issues with his Korean advisers about resolving the riots in the north.

"The actions of the king really disappointed us ministers. I firmly believe that those ministers must have been killed for some special reason. Because only in this way can the king have more power. That's it." said the governor.

"So." the South Korean consultant asked.

"Therefore, we need to express our dissatisfaction with the king’s random killings and protest. If we do so, we will have very bad ideas. This is very detrimental to us. Therefore, we cannot let This kind of thing develops, so I eagerly hope that we can take a punitive measure against our king." said the governor.

"Yeah. We understand." The South Korean consultant said. Only then entered the most critical place.

"We need some weapons. In addition, there is a big gap in funding. As you know, our trade is completely cut off. The oil coming from the north is temporarily stagnated because it cannot be transported. This is not for us. A good thing. So, we need some subsidies." said the governor. His meaning is very simple, that is, he hopes that the Koreans will be able to give them some assistance when they send troops. The assistance does not need a lot, as long as there are enough weapons and ammunition.

"This. I think we also need to ask about the domestic situation. Now the transportation is very tight. This requires the domestic government to carry out some scheduling. Only in this way can we completely solve these problems." The South Korean consultant said.

"Well. In that case, I hope your government can resolve it quickly. After all, the riots have just been calmed down. Everything seems to be very unstable. Under such circumstances, I hope to help us resolve these issues as soon as possible. We These problems need to be solved thoroughly. Only in this way can we develop better." The Governor said.

"This, we understand, we will do this." The South Korean consultant said.

Port Seth, South Korean intelligence agencies are sorting out the situation of their opponents.

"Zhao's merchant ships no longer stay in the port of Seth. In addition to transporting some oil resources. They will use some small ports controlled by the Persians and use the inland lines for transportation, according to our observation." A second lieutenant officer. Speaking with the report.

"They transported a lot of people, but they didn’t have a lot of equipment. They didn’t have too many artillery. But no one knew that if the Zhao government provided assistance, we would not be able to stop them from doing so. Who made their situation better? We are much more special," the second lieutenant officer said.

"Yeah." The recorder put down the pen in his hand. In his opinion, Zhao Guoren had chosen a path opposite to them. He predicts that in the future, the forces supported by the Koreans will inevitably engage in a large-scale battle with forces supported by the Kingdom of Zhao, but no one of them knows how long such battles will take, let alone the outcome. Although they want their country to win, they are after all intelligence personnel, and the analysis of intelligence is more of a digital analysis. The rest of them really can't do much.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank.

"All the results need to look at the results of this war, and the results of this war can finally solve all the problems." Xiao He reported with a report. Yingyu nodded while sitting in her boss chair. She thought about a lot of things, and there may be more things that need to be solved, but she has no idea.

"I don't know how many naval victories are in which aspect. Jeju's naval power is too weak." Yingyu said.

"Chairman, although Jeju’s naval power has been weakened a lot, I still think that they are very confident of victory because they have the support of Koreans behind them, and they are used to large-scale innovations at sea. Under the circumstances, they will inevitably carry out large-scale fleet operations, and in such operations, innovation means surprise victory. This kind of surprise victory will cost the other party an extremely heavy price." The true opponent said.

"Well, I know this too." Yingyu said.

"But I don't know what's going on, I just have some worries, maybe my worries are unnecessary." Yingyu said.

In the staff, Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe are paying attention to this naval battle.

"We have sent a 150-person naval observation group to Jeju, and a 150-person army observation group. In this way, we can learn in all directions." Yang Duanhe Introduced.

"There are some things that we still can’t see. After all, South Korea has first-hand information. I am worried that the South Korean navy will conceal the use of some special weapons. If it can send some military officers from Zhao to observe the other side. I believe that it will be even better if you take actions that you do." Wang Jian said regretfully.

"However, I heard that Zhao also organized a similar military observation mission. Perhaps we can draw some conclusions from their research after the war. After all, our navy is only on paper. "Yang Duanhe said.

"Perhaps it can only be so. We can get some information and data we want through some technical exchanges, which is still very useful for us. After all, these things are not available all at once. This is Experience, this is a very precious experience." Wang Jian said.

In fact, Li Mu paid more attention to these issues than Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe. Before the war started, more than 400 naval officers entered the Koguryo navy. Most importantly, the day before the war, Zhao Guo was even more direct. All the graduates of one year and more than 450 graduate interns were dispatched to the Koguryo Navy, although doing so would bring great sacrifices. After all, it is not easy to train an officer. But Li Mu still did. In his view, the Zhao State Navy is still very immature, and through this method of dispatching an observation group, you can quickly learn some experience, which is extremely important to the growth of the Zhao State Navy, and this time Its opponent is the Jeju Navy trained by the South Korean Navy. They believe that through this battle, they can fully understand their opponents. They are all too aware of the purpose of this. This is the purpose of Zhao's navy.

Outside the Laizhou Military Port, the Koguryo Navy has completed the preliminary fleet formation. But this time the battleship formation seems to be much larger.

"We have 30 destroyers and seven cruisers. In addition, we also have 20 modified gunboats. They can provide us with previous fire support in a safe environment. In addition, some supply fleets will follow. We will leave." A Koguryo navy colonel reported from the Joint Fleet Headquarters of the Long Gun. The observers of the Zhao State Navy recorded all this with their own heads. They were all officers sent by the Zhao State Navy. Many of them were elites in the navy, but most of them faced such a big naval battle for the first time. This is for them. This is a good choice.

"Yeah. Okay. Tell me, is there anything new in our search fleet?" asked Li Yuan, the commander of the joint fleet. His military rank is only lieutenant admiral, but the forces he controls are very large. Such a naval force is very advanced, which makes him feel very good about himself.

"Yes, sir." The navy colonel nodded.

"According to our latest observation report. The search fleet has still not found the Jeju Navy. They have reached the outskirts of Jeju waters and they are conducting a comprehensive search." The navy colonel reported.

"Okay. Let them come back. If you put them too far away, they will be in great danger. We can't watch our subordinates have such problems. After all, they are our own naval power." Li Yuan said so.

"Yes. Sir." The navy colonel nodded. The communications staff immediately communicated the new order.

"This naval operation is related to the national fortune of Goguryeo and the Jeju pirates. We will eventually be wiped out. According to the scheduled plan, we have to carry out more than three days of bombardment before launching an attack on Jeju Island. Our artillery fire must be extremely high. Fast. Let them realize. Our combat power is so terrifying." Li Yuan said. The staff around them nodded, they seemed very confident.

"Is the Jeju Navy really frightened and avoided it? I don't think so." Li Bing, Lieutenant Zhao Guojun, who returned to the officer's lounge, wrote.

"I have carefully analyzed the difference between the Jeju Navy and the Goguryeo Navy destroyers. The destroyers of the Goguryeo Navy seem to be unsuitable for such reconnaissance and search tasks because their speed is too slow. The speed of the destroyers of the Jeju Navy is generally Soon, they were able to maintain a speed of at least 19 knots, but our destroyer could only maintain a speed of 14 knots. In contrast, our speed was much slower. In this case, the Jeju Navy can usually be higher. Reconnaissance at our speed means that when we did not find the other party, the other party has already found us. What I am worried about is that the Jeju Navy has been hidden around us. That would have a great impact on us. Because an enemy that is hidden and does not know where it will suddenly appear will be very scary, because fear has always existed around us, isn't such an enemy scary?" he wrote. But the Goguryeo Navy did not realize this. They only thought that the Jeju pirates were scared. They are hiding.

Qingcheng, South Korea. The undersecretary of the Navy is in his office here. At the same time, the South Korean East China Sea Fleet Command is also here.

"This is the situation. Our intelligence has some discrepancies. The other side actually has 20 gunboats transformed from merchant ships. These gunboats are equipped with four 150mm artillery. They are very powerful. If If they are allowed to attack, they will encounter an attack from the other's 150mm artillery. Although we think these artillery commanders attack the fortifications on the shore, they can also exert the power of their fire walls at special times. Said the fleet commander. The staff on the side has already submitted the relevant report. The 150mm gun is more powerful than the 120 and 130mm guns, because this caliber gun has a stronger destructive power, which is fundamentally different. Level artillery.

"Huh, it seems that this war will be fought under extremely unfavorable circumstances." The Navy Deputy Commander nodded and said. He knew what kind of opponent he was facing. Although they had made a strong estimate of the Koguryo Navy, he did not expect that in the end, there would still be some special circumstances. Now is not the time to propose corrections to the intelligence reconnaissance of the intelligence department. They should figure out how to face this special new situation. Twenty ships, which means more artillery will be put into it. A terrible firepower net will disrupt their assault plan.

"Do you have any plans?" said the Undersecretary of the Navy. He didn't know why the intelligence department hadn't noticed this, perhaps because of some special circumstances, they had reason to believe it. The intelligence department did not do this deliberately. Because they do not have this need, it is not good for them. In fact, this cannot be blamed on the intelligence department, because this was modified by a merchant ship, and it was all carried out in the merchant ship’s dock, and the intelligence personnel did not notice it at all. Their focus has all been transferred to the naval shipyard, and they have not noticed at all about the construction and transformation of merchant ships.

"Our plan is that perhaps the speedboat force should be involved in an impact, an experiment, or a destroyer should also make an assault. After all, in this case, the reconnaissance firepower can be carried out more quickly." The fleet commander said.

"Well. It can only be done. But I suggest that the destroyer should be able to cover the speedboats, and it is best to form a breach. If there is such a breach, it will be of great benefit to us. "The undersecretary of the Navy suggested.

"Well. I will order them to do this. In this battle, how to fight it, we need to see how Goguryeo has changed." The fleet commander thought. Although they have made a lot of pre-plans, but in many cases, they will not proceed as they expected. There are very big variables in the variables, and this kind of variable is a big test for them, but they like such variables. After all, there are still many places where they need to do such things. The Goguryeo naval fleet is moving towards Jeju Island.

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