"The key to the war is support. It is finance. Judging from our current financial situation, it is not very good." The Minister of Finance said. The cabinet ministers and several key members of Jeju gathered to discuss their future. After all, the current situation in Jeju is not very good. Many naval officers and army officers are not optimistic about their future.

Their naval warships are not many, only more than twenty. Not to mention the Army. Most of their shore defense fortifications are field fortifications, fixed fortifications, only 5% of the construction, if not at the last moment, increased some manpower. They may not even reach 5%. Faced with the crazy offensive of the Goguryeo Navy in this situation. Many people have lost the confidence to win. Of course. There are also a group of arrogant officers who are still clamoring for the final battle, but many people are beginning to think about preparing for their own future.

"I think the key to the problem does not lie in the second. Although you are right, I think we should pay attention to the attitude of Qin people. We must know that there is a lot of Qin capital support behind us. If they If we can continue to get more support, I think we still have a chance. Not only that, we should also see that the support of the Koreans for us is very large, if not for them, I think we might Nothing can be done.” said a member of the Diet. He suddenly felt it. They seem to have grasped a key. Behind the Goguryeo people are Zhao people, but they are not supported by Koreans and Qin people behind them. Not only that, but Chu people also seem to be willing to participate. After all, they don’t want to see this situation continue to deteriorate, they think. It is to solve the problem as soon as possible, not to make the problem more difficult to entangle.

"Well, that's right. If the people of Qin continue to support us, we can certainly win, but for now, it seems that the people of Qin are evading us on purpose. You must know that the people of Qin have invested a lot of money, but they have to avoid it. There is a certain risk. As far as you can see, I personally think that we should win the battlefield war so that we can get more support. If we fail to win, we will lose everything. The people of Qin lose a lot. Funds, but we have nothing." The Minister of Economy said. Originally, the economy of Jeju Island was trade. In fact, it was more of a pirate trade. They knew this. If it were not for the rise of the Goguryeo trade, they would never develop. In addition, the development of Qi's silver mining on Wadao Island caused dissatisfaction with the Qi government, largely because these trades were cut off by them. Or it caused a strong loss. But behind the pirate business lies greater huge profits. This is also the significance of the participation of the people of Qin, Chu, and South Korea. They must reflect their own value. Otherwise, they will not be able to do anything.

On the western beach of Jeju, this may be the first place facing the Goguryeo Navy, but it is calm here. Can't see how the war is coming. A South Korean navy captain was fishing with his fishing rod lightly. It seemed that he was very leisurely.

"Sir. Should we attack, reconnaissance, or that we should conduct tactical maneuvers and so on. Fishing here?" said a navy lieutenant. They are a member of the South Korean Navy Torpedo Boat Team, but they have been on vacation these days. A rare ease. However, some military officers didn't think that such a holiday would have any benefit. It would paralyze them, and it would be better to make them nervous. The lieutenant is such a person. He is a very anxious person. Despite his stability on the surface, he is very anxious.

"Driving a torpedo boat is just like fishing. You have to wait and you have to be patient, because there are few baits, just like you have very few torpedoes on a speedboat. If you shoot indiscriminately, that's your luck. Fishing is not just a look. Luck depends on your brain and patience. This is what you lack. We are just relaxing now." The captain put down the fishing rod and said. Not nervous, that's weird.

Because the torpedo boat brigade has never ambushed and some experience in using torpedo boats, there is no such case in the history of naval operations. Many naval officers believed that the small boat was sunk by the opponent's artillery. Relying on these small boats to fight, then there will be no need to build large warships in the future. The navy in the traditional sense disdains them. This is even more worrying to the lieutenant. After all, they really couldn't think of a good way to deal with those large warships.

"But I think we should study it carefully. Find a reliable way to launch an offense to prove that our existence is correct. At the very least, our value is still there." The lieutenant said.

"Well, I think the same, but we really don't have to worry too much. We can do this as long as we use our advantages and attack when the enemy is in chaos." Captain Navy Speaking of this. They still don’t know how to do it, but they have already figured out some rules. For example, the torpedo boats can only attack when the opponent’s battleship fleet is in chaos. Otherwise, the fleet will let their artillery fully display their capabilities. Firepower advantage, such an impact would become meaningless, those large-caliber artillery, any bullet that hits their speedboat, can completely tear their speedboat to pieces. Such fragments will make them lose their final meaning.

As long as the opponent's formation is chaotic, they can completely solve this problem. But this kind of battle opportunity will not appear. He is not yet clear. Maybe it will not appear. Maybe it will appear. After all, none of them have such experience. They need to find such experience by themselves. This is a relatively difficult thing, but To them. It doesn't seem to be difficult.

On the cruiser Pike, this is the flagship of the entire Goguryeo combined fleet. Li Yuan is looking at the huge sand table in his headquarters. Tomorrow they will be able to reach the sea near Jeju Island. If this is the case, they will face a huge battle. Up.

"Sir, we can take the entire Jeju Island in only three days. The defense on Jeju Island is very lax. According to the report sent by our destroyer fleet, most of the fortifications on the shore are field fortifications, in many places. Although permanent fortifications have been built, there are no shore fire guns on it. This is very good news for us." A combat staff officer reported.

"Well. In this case, the threats we receive from the island will be reduced a lot." Li Yuan said.

"Yes, sir, it seems that our offensive is good for us," the combat staff officer said. Li Yuan nodded and agreed with this view. The situation is so favorable. The reason why the senior leaders of Goguryeo insist on launching an offensive is because the Navy is unwilling to face two attacks at the same time. If time continues to delay, they themselves know that they will face What a terrible result.

When their warship faces the defense on Jeju Island, they must do their best to deal with it, but at this time the opponent's main fleet appears, and they will face the situation of being attacked by the enemy. Therefore, the first priority is to annihilate the opponent's fleet, but the problem is, If they don't attack the defense of Jeju Island, they will not find the attack of the opponent's main fleet. The situation is so complicated, but they are helpless. Now, the effect of their early attack has come out. The impact of coastal defense cannot be further expanded due to time. As long as they launch two rounds of firepower offense, they may be able to fully achieve the desired goal. In this case, the shore defense poses a very small threat to them. They can concentrate on dealing with the opponent's main fleet. This is very good news for Goguryeo, because they are relatively relaxed a lot. This is the benefit of launching an attack early, and this benefit is obvious.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The concerns of banks are not unreasonable. If they continue to invest funds, their losses will be even greater, but if they do not invest funds, their losses will become even greater. Because the funds invested before will be wiped out. Circumstances are a difficult choice for them." Shang Wen also said embarrassingly. He understands the current situation of the bank very well.

"Yes. But this war still needs a result. If Jeju loses this war, there may be nothing left. This is not good news for us." Meng Yi said helplessly.

"So, we can only watch a miracle happen. If there is a miracle, there will be big variables, but if there is no miracle, I think the bank must accept such a fact." Shang Wen Speaking of this. Meng Yi nodded and agreed with this view.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Han Shu is also worried about this war. After all, from the perspective of military strength, they are indeed in an extremely unfavorable state. If this state continues to advance, it will be difficult for them to continue.

"Unless, unless a miracle occurs, we ourselves feel unlikely to win." Han Shu said. But will miracles happen? Han Shu faintly thought it would, but her hunch would not react to how such a miracle happened. This is entirely dependent on the creativity of the Korean Navy. A miracle will happen to whoever is creative.

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