The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3588: Launch an offense

The cruiser "Like". The flagship of the Goguryeo Navy, they are mooring on the sea west of Jeju Island, and their large-caliber artillery is being adjusted.

Inside the headquarters. The staff are making detailed calculations and finalizing the plan.

"As we set off. The people of Qi warned us to be careful of the wonderful tactics of those Koreans." Li Yuan said.

"I have also been cautious, but the problem is that I think that the Koreans made a big mistake because they did not care about it. The role that Jeju Island can play is very limited, and their role is also very limited." Li Yuan said easily.

"What do you mean by the sir?" the staff officers on the side asked worriedly. They don't know what their chief is talking about. They don't seem to understand it by themselves.

"I mean, it is difficult for Jeju Island to play the role that they should have. As a result, their threat to us has been reduced a lot, and what the Koreans did not expect is that our number of warships will suddenly increase. Many, especially twenty artillery ships, although the odds of winning naval battles with them are very low, but think about it, if we use larger-caliber artillery to bomb Jeju Island. Moreover, the coastal defense on the coast is reduced. Many, then, we can concentrate on dealing with the navy of Jeju Island that has been lured out. Pirates are pirates, they are equipped with large warships, and they are still pirates.” Li Yuan said.

Immediately, the staff completed their combat plan. Ten gunboats, ten destroyers, and four cruisers will launch a fierce bombardment on Jeju Island. The 150mm artillery they are equipped with will quickly play their role. It should have the power to come. Li Yuan believes that under such fierce shelling, no one can withstand such a crazy attack.

In the coastal defense fortification on the west side of Jeju Island, some army and navy officers gathered here.

"Damn it. The Koguryo Navy really looks down on us." An army major scolded while holding the artillery sight glass.

"Well, at least fifty or more warships, look at them, they are all lined up one by one, damn, if it weren't for the artillery here is only one fortress artillery, I will be reimbursed for all the damn. "The major scolded. Hearing this, the captain on the side shook his head helplessly. I can't blame them for this kind of thing, because the Goguryeo navy came too quickly. They simply can't tolerate their calm arrangement. Most of the fortresses here are field fortifications, and they are very clear about the 150mm artillery that the opponent is equipped with. Those artillery will exert powerful combat effectiveness. One cannonball can blow up their field fortifications. In order to avoid some major casualties. Many artillery and infantry were rushed to the rear to take shelter. Maybe it will be safer there. Although they have increased their engineering efforts, there is not enough time. They still have a considerable number of fortifications in a semi-romantic state. The artillery base on the fort has been cemented, but the artillery still stays in Qingcheng Port, South Korea. And the Goguryeo Navy has arrived. They simply couldn't equip the 280mm fort artillery that they should have equipped.

"Boom, boom. Boom." The dull gun sound came quickly, and the officers immediately concealed them. Although they were hiding in the reinforced concrete fortifications, they knew that the huge naval guns were still very powerful.

"Boom. Boom." The dull explosion sound violently exploded around their fortifications. The shock waves generated by that sound seemed to be beating with their own heartbeats, which made them feel very uncomfortable, and many people felt very dull. .

"Boom." On the position, the Jeju Army left some observation posts. In fact, there was no such need, because such a violent explosion would hardly explode and someone could survive.

"The violent explosion makes people's blood boil. The caliber of the shells is very large, estimated to be more than 120 millimeters. The shock wave produced by the explosion makes people hallucinate in their eyes, and the position is moving. Yes, that is. This feeling. The explosion blew up all the logs that were fixed in the field fortifications to a height of more than 20 meters, and then rolled around us. I saw with my own eyes that a shell directly hit an observation post, and that observation post passed a special The log was laid over three layers, three layers, but as soon as a shell came, it blew up. Sawdust flew everywhere, and half of the body flew up, and that half of the body was blown by the air like pieces of paper, Then it fell to an accident of eighty meters. The explosion continued. The only way to avoid being hit by those **** shells was to close your eyes. The harsh whistling sound of the shells made us feel terrified. "An ensign of the Jeju Army wrote in his diary. His handwriting was very distorted, and it seemed that he was scared at the time. The large-caliber 150mm artillery fell like raindrops, with a killing radius of more than 30 meters, and a large pit could be exploded in many places. The 275mm artillery was even more terrifying, like a huge hammer. On the ground, the huge vibration made them all feel that their hearts could be jumped out.

The first wave of shelling lasted not long, only about thirty minutes, but these thirty minutes made many people feel like they had spent their entire lives. Because it's too painful.

Inside Xue Hai's headquarters.

"Damn it. One hundred and fifty millimeter caliber artillery, two hundred and seventy-five millimeter caliber artillery, the shore defense fortifications are all gone." a staff officer cried out in surprise. Many people looked at him, and then they started busying themselves. Many people have a heavy heart. Even though they already knew all this, when it really came, it still made them feel very terrified, because the power of artillery was too great.

"Sir, do we make an attack? If the bombardment continues, the shore defense fortifications will be completely destroyed." A staff officer suggested worriedly. Because soon, the second round of bombardment began. They don't know how long the bombardment will last, but they can be sure that the bombardment effect of the other party will definitely continue.

"Don't worry. Calm down. Calm down." Xue Hai said. The defense of Jeju Island must not be handed over to the army. The key to solving the problem lies in the navy, but if such a bombardment continues, the navy will find it difficult to bear. After all, it is difficult for them to resist such violent and continuous bombardment. The destructive power of the 150-mm gun greatly exceeded their expectations, and the 130-mm caliber gun was not of the same level at all. This is even more true for the 275mm artillery. It is crazy that he can completely destroy the newly built defensive fortress. Very crazy. Although the report has been simplified a lot, they can still hear how scary the crazy bombardment is from some of the other party's reports.

"We have to figure out the situation. Before we figure out the situation, we can't attack all at once, know? The Koguryo Navy is waiting for them, they are waiting for us to jump in, and then completely eat us, one hundred Fifty-caliber artillery." Xue Hai said. He felt a lot of pressure, and it seemed that the navy needed to eliminate their 130mm caliber artillery. The power of this artillery is too small.

The telegram of the war situation was quickly sent to the South Korean Admiralty, and Qingcheng received the war situation as soon as possible.

"How is it?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked a staff officer. The staff officer handed a telegram to his chief.

"Damn it. If this goes on, those fortifications will be completely destroyed, and we will lose the meaning of resistance. Originally, those fortifications are not much." The navy secretary looked at the telegram and said.

"But sir, the situation is very bad for us. What we should see is that the enemy seems to be waiting for us to attack. They have added 20 gunboats, and their firepower has doubled. Not only that, they There is also a fleet waiting for our attack. It seems that they are tempting us to launch an attack." Said a combat staff officer on the side.

"Well, the situation is very unfavorable for us, but that's it, we must also attack." said the Navy Deputy Commander. They are very passive in waiting passively.

In Jeju Naval Command, unlike Lee Won, Xue Hai's Naval Command is on land. Because they do not have too many sturdy warships as flagships. So the naval command had to be established on land.

"According to our latest reconnaissance, there are still more than ten destroyers and at least four cruisers waiting for us to attack. Our situation is not good." The combat staff reported.

"Well. Do you think we should attack?" Xue Hai asked.

"Sir, according to the opinions of the South Korean advisory group, they believe that we should attack in multiple ways. Actions should be taken in the sky, the bottom of the sea, and the sea," the combat staff officer said. This is the advice of the advisory group. Facing the enemy's crazy artillery attack, if they can't take measures to stop it in time, they will fall into a huge passive state. Morale will suffer a big blow. In that case, the Navy’s responsibilities will be very crazy.

"Well. Okay. That's it. Order the first wave of attacks to be launched." Xue Hai thought for a while and decided. They decided to put in their first wave of attacking power, hoping that they could achieve a breakthrough.

"Yes, sir," the combat staff officer said. They have clearly determined the position of the opponent, and now they only need to attack. But the question is whether they can reach the offensive position they should have, or in other words. Can they do it? They still don't know, but they hope that this can indeed launch the offense that it should be. This is what they are going to do.

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