Seth domestic. The blood stains that suppressed the rebellion against the noble ministers have not yet dried. The king's expression became serious. This is not because there are too many killings. But because after killing these ministers. Some independent provinces even protested. They asked the king to correct their mistakes. If they did not correct them, they would send troops. This is a threat, a naked threat.

"Your Majesty, we have anticipated this situation a long time ago. Such a thing is inevitable." Adviser Zhuli persuaded. In his view, this kind of thing is inevitable and will happen because it cannot be avoided at all. Those provinces will not control the attitude of the central government at all. They see only their own interests, for their own interests. They can rebel openly and openly. This is not difficult for them, and they still have great advantages. Their economic independence and military strength are far stronger than the other.

"Well, you are right. The key at the moment is that we must repel their offensive, and it is best to launch a counterattack. Regain some lost ground." The king said in a tone of teaching his subordinates. Although it seems a little difficult to do so, it is not a very difficult thing for him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but in this way, we need to expand the army. We have at least three infantry divisions and more than nine infantry regiments to complete this kind of thing. In addition to these, there are some technical equipment, and these equipment, soldiers’ Military expenses. All need a lot of money. Although we got a part of the money, this is not enough to expand us to three infantry divisions at once. For us, there are still no small difficulties. The main difficulty is The direction of the source is finance, and our financial funds will soon be consumed." Zhu Li said worriedly.

It is easy to start war, but it is very difficult to end the war after it starts. Because this requires the help of funds, without sufficient funds, they simply cannot achieve such a situation. If they have financial support, they can completely solve these problems.

"We still understand this situation." His Majesty the King said.

"So, I hope that most of the next funds will be able to get enough support from you, and your bank's attitude has shown this situation, as long as we get a certain degree of success, you should support us. After all, this victory has a lot to do with you," the king said.

"Well. Well, I will try to contact them as much as possible. Perhaps our bankers have changed some attitudes, but I still hope to publish some articles to encourage them and let them see. We are winning In addition, we can also get support from some other countries, of course. Benefits are still needed." Zhu Li said.

"This, there is no problem. We will develop a good cooperation in the military, but at present we should complete the work of conscription, after all, the enemy is coming. We must be prepared." The king said. Zhuri nodded. He hopes that domestic bankers can change their stubborn way of thinking, and hope they can know what they are doing now, at least this is still very good for them.

On the west side of Jeju Island, the continuous shelling finally stopped temporarily. Jeju’s army fortifications were completely destroyed. The huge crater is like the surface of the moon, making them look very desolate. The only two-hundred-eighty-millimeter artillery did not withdraw. Such fierce artillery bombardment was for them. It was a huge disaster.

"If this continues, we won't have to fight anymore," said a lieutenant sitting on the ground covered in dust. The violent bombing was too much for the soldiers to bear. Many soldiers are going crazy because of excessive tension. of course. There are a few more crazy. It can be seen how fierce the shelling is.

"Perhaps the navy will launch an offensive soon," said a captain next to him. Just as the Goguryeo Navy stopped its fire attack, the Jeju Navy’s First Destroyer Fleet was approaching quickly in the north. They get orders. It was to attack with torpedo boats and airships, as well as unknown underwater weapons. Cooperation means that their offense is only auxiliary in nature. They don't have to bear too much offensive responsibility.

"Have you been contacted?" Rear Admiral Tian Shan, the commander of the naval fleet, asked his communications staff. There were some problems with their communications, which was quickly fixed. But the problem is that there are still minor problems, such as intermittently, and the radio code that they accept is often incomplete. In this situation. It is difficult for them to solve the problem further.

"Sir, not yet, but judging from the telegrams received so far, it seems that the torpedo boat force and the airship force have already set off." The communications staff said in a speculative tone.

"Yeah. It seems so." Major General Tian Shan thought so too, because the speed of torpedo boats is faster than them. The most important thing is that they are not far away from the opponent's fleet, although the speed of the airship is very slow , But they can fly in a straight line. It can be said that if according to time, they should indeed attack.

"Sir, we are cooperating. If we don't, they may suffer huge losses. Without us covering them behind the scenes, I believe the situation will be very bad." The combat staff on the side said worriedly. . In their view, they may have reached the war zone by this time. And they still need to move forward for twenty minutes. These twenty minutes are very critical.

"Yeah. Issue an order immediately. All the formations move forward quickly. We have to rush in, cover them, and give them some firepower support." Tian Shan is a commander with fiery temperament. He felt that the navy should adopt large-scale impact tactics in order to play its due combat results. Relying on firepower to shoot, this is not a solution at all. Shock, disrupt the opponent's formation to give play to their advantages, is the real offense.

"Yes, sir. If the other party is not there, we will arrive first. In that case, our situation will be very uncertain. The worst thing is that the telegram has not shown this. Isn't it too dangerous?" The staff officer said worriedly. After all, what kind of situation can happen on the battlefield, they must make a perfect response. This is war, not a game.

"I see. That's it, no matter what? We have this opportunity. What do we care about?" Tian Shan said dissatisfied. Then he ordered an immediate attack. This is the worst thing for them.

Inside Jeju Naval Command.

"Sir. The torpedo boat force is adding new torpedoes. At present, they can only dispatch twelve torpedo boats. The time may be ten minutes late. The airship force is setting off, but it still takes some time to reach the battlefield." A staff officer reported. .

"Where is the First Destroyer Fleet? Did they attack?" Xue Hai asked worriedly. What he was worried about was that the First Destroyer Fleet was the first to appear on the battlefield. His intention was simple. When those small speedboats appeared on the battlefield, the loss would be lost. After all, their cost is not very large, but destroyers are different. After all, the cost is still relatively large. He hoped that the destroyer could greatly avoid greater losses. After all, the commander of the navy knew very well that those fleets were built with money. They will be very distressed if they lose one.

"This, there is no clear news yet. Sir." The staff officer reported helplessly.

"What?" Xue Hai asked.

"Their radio station seems to have broken down. It is impossible to contact us in time. In this case, it will have a great impact on our situation. We have temporarily lost contact with them." The staff report said.

"Damn it. Send a telegram immediately to get them to stop outside the battlefield. I would rather see the torpedo boats lost. I can't see that they have any losses. Hurry, go." Xue Hai ordered anxiously. The staff officer went immediately. This is the result that Xue Hai is most unwilling to see. If their destroyer fleet loses, they will lose the possibility of winning the final victory. Their number of warships was originally small, and a destroyer fleet had half of them. If he loses, Xue Hai feels that he will feel distressed to death.

Koguryo Navy, Pike, in the naval headquarters.

"Sir, we have been shelling for three rounds. However, Jeju's navy is still quiet. Are they afraid of us. Or where did they go?" a staff officer said worriedly. When they were preparing for the second round of firepower shooting, they had already begun to prepare to deal with the possibility of the opponent's warship attack. But until the end, the opponent did not appear. Li Yuan also had some concerns, worried that the opponent would not take the bait, so after stopping, they launched a third round of bombardment, but until the end, there was still no shadow of the enemy warship. This makes Li Yuan feel very disappointed.

"Sir, maybe they are scared?" the chief of staff said.

"No. I think these Jeju pirates seem to be brewing a bigger offense. They won't forget it. I believe that you should know more about these pirates. They are a group of fierce thugs who have been hit so hard. They may be waiting until we have almost shot the shells. I think they will appear." Li Yuan thought about it for a while and said.

"I wonder if we launch the fourth round of strikes, maybe they will strike us while waiting for us to run out of ammunition." Li Yuan thought about it and said.

"Sir, this is unlikely. If you do this, it will not do them any good. If you do this, I don't think it is realistic." The Chief of Staff said.

"And in this case, our danger has increased a lot, although we have half of our troops waiting for the other side, but the price is too high." A staff officer said. For them, those coastal defense fortifications that were not many have been knocked down a lot, and this is for them. It's not that hard anymore.

"Alarm, alarm." At this moment, the alarm bell rang. This is an emergency alert.

"It seems that the enemy is coming after all. Ready to fight." Li Yuan said. He knows his opponent too well. He felt that the enemy would definitely launch an offensive sooner or later. They are waiting for each other now.

Soon they confirmed their news. They saw eight destroyers appearing to the north of them, and the Goguryeo destroyers waiting at any moment had spotted them. They immediately lined up and prepared to shoot, the ten gunboats were adjusted, and the three cruisers began to outflank the flanks. For them, this would be too easy. Soon, they found each other. Ten destroyers, they corrected the information just now.

"The opposing warships are in a vertical formation, and our warships have been lined up, all the artillery is aimed at them, they are finished." A Goguryeo destroyer captain put down the telescope in his hand and said. He saw that the Jeju navy fleet was approaching them quickly, and their speed was very fast. But without their artillery, they have aimed at each other.

Inside Tianshan's headquarters.

"Sir, we should retreat. We have the advantage of speed. Let's retreat. I think those torpedo boats may have been sunk. How can there be such a small boat status in naval battles." The chief of staff looked at the battlefield. Speaking later. He saw the Goguryeo Navy calmly set out the fleet formation. The artillery has been adjusted. They have aimed at themselves, rushing over in this way, they are looking for death, they don't want to be beaten to death like this.

"No, we don't have such an opportunity, and we have to create such an opportunity for the other party. We should not be afraid of death, although we can retreat, but in that case, we will have no chance. We rushed over and disrupted their team. Shape, rush over." Tian Shan ordered. At the same time, he also issued an order that the warships should rush over directly with a spirit that is not afraid of death. This surprised the Chief of Staff very much. If they did so, they would suffer heavy losses. But the order has been issued, and the warship is moving at high speed.

But at this time. The warships of the Koguryo Navy also completed subsequent adjustments, and their artillery held a meeting to launch an offensive.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery sounded immediately. The first round of attacks began.

"Swish. There was a sharp sound of cannonballs." The huge water column was shaken up, and most of the cannonballs exploded around the battleship. This is a test shot, and the next cannonball will not be so simple. Just like this, several shells directly hit the battleship, causing them a lot of casualties. Immediately afterwards, a new round of shelling came again. This will be very fast and violent. This is a huge test for them.

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