"Boom. Whoosh. Boom." Artillery shells continued to explode around their Jeju No. 1 destroyer fleet, and many artillery shells hit their warships from time to time.

"Ah." A 120mm caliber shell ruthlessly hit the Artillery Observation Deck of Battleship II, where the artillery officer surveyed and adjusted the position, but the shell hit there ruthlessly, several officers on the spot. The son was blown to death. There were blood, broken limbs, and pieces of meat all over the platform.

"Ah." A sailor shouted loudly, and he was strongly stimulated. There was a lot of confusion in his nerves. This panic was catastrophic, and he might have hallucinations. Worst of all, the wounded were not given timely assistance, because there were still a few shells that hit other positions on the warship, there were wounded everywhere, there were fires, and some places were out of control. The damage management team is desperately repairing their warships, which may be the only thing they can do right now.

Half of an officer's body was still on the deck, and his intestines had been torn apart. The other half of the body was gone. It may have been blown into the sea, or it may have been blown into pieces of meat. There was blood everywhere on the deck anyway. The Jeju Navy did something very meticulous. When the war started, they sprinkled some fine sand and sawdust on their deck to prevent the slippery effect caused by blood on the deck. But this will make some soldiers look more uncomfortable, because the blood does not stay. The screams greatly stimulated the soldiers' nerves.

"Sir, we can't go any further. It is meaningless to do this." The chief of staff said to his chief, Tanakami. What they already know is the second ship. Battleships No. 7 and No. 9 and No. 1 suffered unprecedented losses. This loss is extremely staggering. They suffered bombardment from large-caliber artillery shells. Some shells also hit the boiler, and the two warships have left the formation. Because the shells directly damaged their boiler.

"No. We must assault, keep assaulting. Only by disrupting the opponent's fleet of warships can we have the opportunity to create opportunities for those torpedo boats, that is, to destroy the entire fleet of warships. As long as the opponent's fleet is chaotic, we will There is such an opportunity, this kind of opportunity must not be lost, it must not be lost, understand?" Tian Shan explained. It was his decision, he saw it. The torpedo boats did not reach the battlefield. Although he didn't know it well, what he knew was that they had to carry out assaults to disrupt the opponent's formation. They were destroyers and had a certain advantage in speed, and they also had torpedoes. They can launch torpedoes close, and the torpedoes they are equipped with are all the latest and can have a range of more than two kilometers. They don't know the specific principle, but they know too well that this is their advantage, because the other party still doesn't know the impact of their torpedoes, so they have to make surprise attacks.

"This. The loss is too great." The Chief of Staff said anxiously. He knows the temper of his chief, and only he can fight this kind of battle. But he didn't care at all.

"Boom." A cry. A huge explosion came, and a cabin below was hit, and the huge shaking made everyone unstable.

"Sir, it's too dangerous," the chief of staff persuaded. But his chief shook his head. Standing up firmly, it seemed that none of this would make him change his decision. In desperation they can only move forward.

The front 130mm artillery fired continuously, but it didn't have much impact on the opponent at all, because they were shooting while advancing. Moreover, the distance of the shell is relatively long, and the trajectory is relatively curved. It takes a lot of luck to hit the opponent. But they are approaching each other quickly.

The cruiser Pike is swimming fast. The battleship does not need to be bombarded, because there are already enough artillery aimed at them. The two destroyers that were hit by the boiler were quickly hit by the boiler, and then more shells hit the fixed targets, and soon one was sunk. The other ship has already been severely tilted. It seems that it won't take long for them to sink.

"They are looking for death." Li Yuan said while observing the battle with the telescope in his hand.

"Yeah. Sir, they rushed over completely regardless of the danger. They didn't know that our artillery was so crazy that they couldn't resist it at all. It was a vain sacrifice. I really don't know what they thought, but they would do it. If such a thing happens, it is simply a massacre for us." The Chief of Staff echoed.

"Hehe, their threat is still relatively big to us, no matter what, we should continue to play." Li Yuan said with a smile. The Jeju First Destroyer Fleet has spent a great price and still failed to break through the opponent's circle of fire because the opponent's artillery is too powerful. The 275-millimeter-caliber artillery was as high as 21 guns. In addition, there were more than one hundred and 150-millimeter-caliber artillery fired, forming a barrage that blocked the destroyers' attack. When it was close to two kilometers, the First Destroyer Fleet had lost more than six destroyers, and the rest had basically suffered heavy losses. They also saw a shell hit the turret of a destroyer. It was an armor-piercing shell of a 275mm artillery. The shell opened their turret easily, as if the bullet hit a person's head and then hit the turret. With a bang, a huge explosion exploded quickly. Obviously, this was a martyrdom of ammunition. The double-mounted 130mm turret was lifted up to more than 20 meters on the spot. The turret was dismembered in the air. The barrel was thrown lightly like a wooden stick. It looks chilling.

But that's it, the destroyer that rushed within two kilometers was still a torpedo. Because the Goguryeo navy never thought that the opposing warship could launch torpedoes at a distance of two kilometers, which greatly exceeded their understanding. In their opinion, they still need to attack a long distance, but they are only in accordance with the distance. The torpedo was launched, which was far beyond their expectation. The result of this expectation was that two gunboats were sunk. But the other warships did not suffer much damage, but their fleet formation was a bit scattered. But it should be possible to adjust it in ten minutes. Because the torpedo caused a lot of shock to them. You know, one shot of this thing can make their warship completely lose the value they should have.

"I was scared to death," the chief of staff said to his chief Li Yuan.

"Unexpectedly. Jeju's torpedoes are so powerful. No wonder they can attack us like this. It turns out that this is their killer." Li Yuan said with some surprise. Long-range torpedoes surprised them a lot. It was the first time that many officers knew that the range of torpedoes could reach this distance. This really surprised them a lot.

Inside Jeju Naval Command.

"The first destroyer fleet launched an offensive, and their effect is very bad. More than seven warships were sunk. The other three were also hit hard, and the personnel losses were extremely heavy. The formation of the opposing fleet did not disrupt. We just They sank two gunboats of the other side. Their losses, it can be said, were very slight." In contrast, the Jeju Navy’s losses were relatively large. This made the report's staff feel very distressed. These are seven destroyers. All of a sudden, their losses exceeded nearly half.

"Well. I know. Keep your breath. Don't worry. Where is the torpedo boat? They should attack immediately." Xue Hai said after hearing the report. The offense is far from over. This is just the beginning. Because of communication and other minor faults, it is inevitable that such things will happen. This led to the destroyer fleet that was originally the last in the battle sequence and was the first to attack. They did not pose a real threat to each other. But this is not over yet, the war has just begun. But the remaining large surface ships will not be moving anymore. After all, they have consumed half of their warships.

"Yes, sir." The staff nodded and agreed. Their situation is very pessimistic.

The naval battle continues. With the sinking of another Jeju Navy destroyer, which made the Goguryeo Navy easier, they were greatly relieved, because their battle was over for a while.

"Look. Our south, look. What is that. They are quickly overtaking us to attack." At this time, a sailor quickly reported. Soon there were more sailors, and the officer immediately noticed this, and they quickly approached their fleet.

"Oh. Look, they are very fast." Many cried out in surprise, because their speed is indeed very fast, and the speed may have reached an astonishing twenty-five quarters. This speed is very fast for them. .

"Quick. Quick, sink them immediately, then, that is the enemy's torpedo boat." An observing officer shouted loudly. Through the telescope, they saw that there were torpedo tubes on the fast approaching boats, and the shore stuff was a disaster. Because I just experienced a torpedo attack, everyone knows the power of this thing.

"Quick. Quickly adjust the cannon, quickly." All of a sudden, each battleship adjusted their artillery. The formation suddenly became a little messy, but they could still display some of the power of artillery.

"Boom. Boom." The huge artillery began to roar. It seemed that they were very dissatisfied with the small boats approaching, and they forced each other to stop in this way. stop. The naval battle has once again entered the white-hot degree, and many ships are still approaching, for them, this is a rare opportunity.

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