"Boom. Boom." There was a loud rumble of artillery. The Goguryeo naval warship quickly noticed the twelve torpedo boats that charged. They quickly mobilized the warship’s huge guns to aim at them, but at first they had not adapted to each other. Offense.

"It's too fast. It seems that we can only effectively solve this problem by forming a bullet curtain wall. We can't wait like this. Otherwise, we will be in an extremely bad state." The combat staff soon realized something. . They know very well what kind of situation they will encounter, that is, they will encounter unprecedented offensive problems. If the opponent rushes over, the equipped torpedo will cause fatal damage to their fleet. So they immediately adjusted the angle of the cannon, and instead of bombarding the rapidly approaching torpedo boats, they formed an effective barrage wall. This bombardment soon worked.

"Boom." A huge explosion came, and the two torpedo boats that quickly assaulted almost reached the two-kilometer line. That was the best point for them to release their torpedoes. In this case. They can defeat large warships with small speedboats.

Unfortunately, a huge explosion came in an instant. One of their speedboats was blown to pieces on the spot by a 150mm shell, and the torpedo was also detonated. The explosion killed all naval personnel on the speedboat. The bodies of many personnel were torn to pieces.

The other one is even more terrible. Because he was hit with a 275mm gun. The huge explosion instantly blasted the entire speedboat into fragments. Such a violent explosion shocked all the speedboats, and many speedboats quickly turned and retreated. This is simply not a situation they can change. Many speedboats launch torpedoes indiscriminately, and many torpedoes are launched four kilometers away. Then, these torpedoes did not cause major losses to the other party at all. This situation makes them very anxious.

Jeju Navy Torpedo Boat Team. They have four squadrons of torpedo boats. The naval officers and soldiers in the squadron are all new-style navy trained by the South Korean Navy. They are extremely tenacious in combat. At the same time very aggressive.

"Damn it. One by one squadron's investment. If this is the case, we are all over. Although there are not enough torpedoes, everyone is equipped with the last torpedo. Even if there is only one shot, the attack should be launched quickly." A lieutenant Shouted to himself loudly.

"Damn, I know. But we didn't have an order to attack at all. The order was just for the first squadron to attack. If we attack, it means resisting the order. Know what it means?" the captain cursed. But he wanted to attack, because the South Korean instructor taught them that the speedboat must attack as quickly as possible and get close to the opponent desperately. Only enter the blind zone of the artillery shooting. They can release the torpedo, in that case, their chances of winning are considerable. This is a good tactic, but their chief does not agree to it. Because their reason is that the fleet of the Koguryo Navy still maintains a relatively complete combat formation. In this way, if they attack again, they will encounter extremely tenacious resistance from the other side. That is a very bad situation.

"It doesn't matter. We must attack. Only by attacking, attacking and attacking, we can win. Even if we are blown to pieces, we must continue." The lieutenant said. The other officers nodded. They are the young and strong faction in the navy. In their view, fighting should rely on courage. Such random command can only show the incompetence of the generals.

Inside Jeju Naval Command.

"The temporary chaos caused by the First Destroyer did not pose a big threat. The attack of the First Torpedo Speedboat Squadron was quickly disintegrated by the opponent. This is the worst news for us. We. We lost. More than eight torpedo boats." The chief of staff reported. Xue Hai nodded.

"Sir, do we suspend the offensive?" The chief of staff felt very anxious in the face of the huge loss. Within an hour of launching the offensive, their first destroyer fleet was destroyed. A squadron of torpedo boats was also ganed off. For the Jeju Navy, such losses are not unimportant.

"No. All weapons that can launch an offense must launch an offense. Don't be afraid of sacrifices. If it is done. It will be done. The opportunity is very rare. We must completely disrupt the formation of the opponent's fleet, and we must disrupt it. "Xue Hai is also a little irritable. Facts have proved that their plan is feasible, but unfortunately, the chaos was only a moment, and the opponent immediately restored their fleet formation, which allowed their firepower to be re-adjusted. The luck of the torpedo boats was very bad, they ran into it directly and faced the blow of superior firepower. They have no way to release the torpedo. Xue Hai thinks this way. Sometimes, he is more like a gambler. In fact, a navy leader like him evolved from a traditional pirate. In essence, he is still a pirate. Also a gambler. He thinks he has grasped the key to the problem, and in fact it is the same. As long as the chaotic formation of the opponent's fleet is disrupted again, they will be able to kill the opponent's fleet at once.

"This. Our loss." The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

"It's all lighted up. Anyway, without the navy, this island can't be guarded. That's it." Xue Hai said, patting the table. All the officers looked at their navy commander. Without any choice. The order to launch the offensive continues, and all naval units must participate. If necessary, Xue Hai believes that he, the commander of the navy, can also participate in the battle.

The battle is still going on.

Pike number.

"Those **** torpedo boats have caused us a lot of trouble." Li Yuan said after reading all the fighting process just now.

"Sir, are we going to retreat temporarily? After all, we have been shelling for a long time. The consumption of ammunition is also very alarming. We have already foiled an enemy destroyer's attack. We should retreat. The goal has been achieved. We have achieved this. You should strive for the initiative." The chief of staff did not take the words of his chief. In his opinion, they should retreat now, because their goal has basically been achieved. Destroying the fortifications of Jeju Island defeated an enemy fleet attack. According to their calculations, they have wiped out nearly half of the opposing navy's forces, and there is no need to continue taking risks. Now their situation is still more dangerous.

"No, the enemy's fleet will launch an offensive. We can defeat them one more time. We have great hope of victory. What are we worried about? Taking advantage of this opportunity, we should expand the results." Li Yuan refused. He felt that at this time the morale of the opposing navy's navy was reduced a lot, and it happened to be able to continue the attack. After all, their power had only ten usable destroyers. It's all launching an offense. They don't seem to have much power anymore.

"This. It's better to retreat." The Chief of Staff suggested.

"Sometimes. We should expand the results instead of retreating quickly when we see a little hope of victory." Li Yuan felt very dissatisfied with his chief of staff. But the Chief of Staff's concern has its own reason, because the crazy torpedo boat attack just now made him feel that the situation is very bad. If it weren't for their fleet formation, they adjusted quickly. In other words, if the impact on their fleet is relatively small. Maybe they will encounter a very fierce attack. And the timing of the opponent's torpedo boat was also very incorrect. Or maybe it was a lot of bad luck that gave them this opportunity, but if you think about it, what would happen to them if there was no such opportunity? It's terrible to think about it. Plus the time is long enough. The staff is tired, so they should just accept it when they meet. But their navy commander did not think so, he believed that the results should be expanded. This makes the navy staff very worried. But such worries soon became a reality.

"Oh. Heaven, look, what is the sky?" At this time. A sailor looked up at the sky. He felt that it was late. They should go back to rest. After all, they have been fighting tensely for a day. Going back to eat and sleep, the results of today's battle were still good, but at this time, he suddenly found out. There seems to be something in the sky.

"That's not a cloud, it's an airship. The enemy's airship." The sailor shouted. Six airships appeared on their heads under the cover of clouds. This shocked many naval officers and soldiers.

"Bomb, avoid it, it's a bomb." The navy officer shouted hastily. Today they were frightened too much. Because they didn't expect that the opposing party would also have naval aviation in the battle.

"Swish. Swish." The bomb has fallen from the sky. The airship unit cannot guarantee whether it will hit the target, but fortunately the opponent’s neatly arranged fleet formation, apart from these, they have not encountered the bombardment of the opponent’s air defense artillery. They do not have such equipment at all, and they can land a certain amount. The height of the bomb.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion. A destroyer was shaken by a huge explosion of water. All they dropped were 500 kilograms of giant bombs, because the bombing effect of small bombs was very unsatisfactory, and they hoped that such bombing could exert the effects they should have. Therefore, such a huge bomb was used exclusively. In their opinion, a 500 kg bomb is enough to explode their defensive armor.

"Boom." Explosions came one after another, but, unfortunately, none of the bombs hit the opponent. And because they are huge bombs, their numbers are still relatively small. There are only twenty bombs.

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