"Don't panic. Don't panic. Let them stay in formation, maintain the formation of the fleet. Such a thing must never happen, otherwise, our situation will be very chaotic." Li Yuan saw that their battleship formation happened. A lot of confusion. Despite Jeju’s naval aviation. In fact, most of them are piloted by South Korean naval aviation personnel. But the damage they caused was extremely minor. Of course, none of the bombs dropped hit the target. The speed of the airship is not as fast as the speed of the warship, which is naturally difficult to hit the target, and their flying altitude is relatively high. The target is still moving, and the difficulty can be imagined.

The water column produced by the explosion only caused some panicked sailors to jump into the sea, and some unlucky sailors were drowned alive. Because battleships also have to evade. Many warships do not want to see their warships being hit by bombs dropped from the sky, and they are desperately maneuvering to avoid bombs. As a result, the sailors who dived were caught up in the waves of the battleship instead. As a result, a tragedy happened. More than that. The formation of the battleship has also changed a lot. Because of avoidance, they have no time to adjust the formation, and the whole formation becomes very chaotic.

"It's messed up. It's all messed up." The chief of staff came in anxiously and said. He saw the current situation of the navy in the captain's command room, which was very bad.

"Damn it. Let them not panic. All form a new fleet formation." Li Yuan said to his staff.

"Sir, we can't wait like this anymore. I think it will take at least 30 minutes to restore the formation. This time is too long. We might as well let the entire fleet withdraw from the battle. In this case, we will gradually be in a safe sea area. Restoring the fleet formation, in this way, we can avoid the other party's further losses." The Chief of Staff suggested at this time.

"Well. I think it should be possible to do this. After all, we have already achieved a good record, and we can't continue to wait under such circumstances." Li Yuan nodded and agreed. He thinks this is the best way at the moment.

"Execute immediately." Li Yuan ordered immediately. He knew that the Goguryeo Navy was at its weakest at this time, and the aerial bombardment did not cause much damage, but the problem was. Their fleet formation is chaotic. The price of chaos is very high. It takes them thirty minutes to complete the initial re-formation. At this time, they are most vulnerable to fierce attacks from the opponent. You must know that the Goguryeo Navy seems to have difficulty resisting such fierce attacks at this time. This is the weakest and most critical 30 minutes.

seabed. The No. 3 submarine slowly entered the Koguryo naval fleet, and they had already targeted a destroyer.

"Sir. We should sink a cruiser," a navy sergeant said to his officer. But the second lieutenant didn't care what his subordinates said, the air was extremely muddy. They are wearing thin clothes all over their bodies, because the carbon dioxide concentration in the air has risen a little, and their breathing feels more suffocated. They have been five minutes longer than the prescribed time. They need to float up and breathe fresh air. The oxygen in the oxygen cylinder is no longer sufficient for the next battle.

For this battle, they set off when the Koguryo Navy launched its first round of offensive. It is a pity that their submarine speed is too slow, and when they are outside the theater, the second round of artillery bombardment will have to be technical. In desperation, they could only dive, and it took a long time to get here.

"Shut up." The second lieutenant cursed. They seldom talk now. For this moment, they have been waiting for a long time, underwater is not a good job, they need to bear a lot of pressure. And the air is not good, letting them stay for a long time will suffocate them to death. This is the first time a submarine has participated in combat.

"The first torpedo. Launched." The ensign aimed at a destroyer and launched it immediately. He had already found a cruiser. I don't know what happened above, the opponent's fleet suddenly disrupted the formation, and it was difficult for him to find the target. I had no choice but to attack a destroyer. They only have two torpedoes, and their chances are not many.

"Swish." There was a dull voice, and a torpedo had been launched. Then came the second one, in order to hit the target. They can only do this. The ensign felt it a pity. But that's all that can be done now.

The Koguryo No. 7 destroyer. The chaos gradually subsided, but the formation of the entire fleet was still chaotic. Many destroyers changed their formation and they directly inserted into the formation of the cruiser. In this case, the cruiser had to slow down in order to avoid these **** destroyers. The light signal was continuously emitted, and they kept making noise with the light signal. This further aggravated their formation chaos.

"Look, what is that? It seems to have risen from the sea." A sailor said to the sailor next to him. I think it’s a boring relationship. After all, the formation takes some time. In fact, if you are well trained, you rarely get out of the formation in battle, but the Koguryo Navy is a new naval force after all, and they are easy to appear like this. The problem.

"What is it?" A Koguryo lieutenant officer walked over and saw. He was holding the telescope and found it very strange, this kind of thing made him feel very confused, because he didn't know what it was.

"Sir. Sir. Look what it is?" The lieutenant called his Zhao State Navy instructor, maybe they can understand what it is.

"Yeah. It seems to be a periscope. This is what a submarine should have." A captain of the Zhao State Navy came over and took a look. The submarine is not a secret, but the application of the submarine to the military is just one. It's a secret. The Navy of the State of Zhao had also made such a suggestion, but the current naval battles are mostly concentrated on surface guns. There is not much attention to underwater. But at this time they found each other's submarine, which is obviously not a good signal.

"Not good. This, this may be an underwater attack." Captain Zhao Guojun reacted immediately. These submarines can threaten their warships from underwater. But at this moment. Another sailor discovered a new situation.

"Torpedo, it's a torpedo." The sailor found the traces of the torpedo, and a stream of water quickly pushed the torpedo forward. This must be a torpedo. Needless to say, they all know what it is.

"Damn it," the captain cursed. They also realized something. They never thought that an underwater attack could cause such a big thing.

"Boom." A destroyer was hit. There was a huge explosion. Many soldiers were shot into the water.

"The enemy attacked, the enemy attacked." The panic happened again. Because they didn't know where the torpedo came from, who would know that underwater is where the enemy attacked.

"We must get out of here as soon as possible. Hurry. Get out of here as soon as possible." The captain suddenly realized the danger. Just then. The greatest danger is coming.

"Yes, it's a torpedo boat, **** it. It turned out to be a torpedo boat." A naval cruiser that finally ran to the outside spotted the Jeju navy torpedo boat that Dabo rushed over. There were more than forty of them. They are quickly approaching their chaotic formation.

"Fire. Quickly, fire and shoot. Don't stop, we want to shoot." The other party shouted so loudly. Immediately, a new battle began. But at this time, the Goguryeo Navy had lost their last barrier. The chaotic formation was unable to organize effective artillery interception. The torpedo boats quickly inserted into the chaotic Goguryeo fleet, and the local artillery could only hit some unlucky boats. But most of the speedboats relied on their speed to insert quickly, and then they unscrupulously aimed at the huge warships and launched terrifying torpedoes.

"Boom." The sound of the torpedo launch continued. Then came a rumbling voice, and many warships had no time to consider what was going on, and they sank.

"Damn it. Damn it." Li Yuan cursed loudly. A few dozen minutes ago, if they successfully withdrew from the battle, maybe their situation would not be like this, because before they were victors, but now, they are completely losers. Li Yuan has seen five destroyers with his own eyes. A torpedo was hit by a cruiser. Destroyers are not bad, but cruisers, some of their armored destroyers are still thin, and they hit the key position all at once. The result can be imagined. Li Yuan was distressed to death.

In the western fortress area of ​​Jeju Island, observation posts still exist, but they no longer have any power to strike. The only 280 mm fortress artillery was also destroyed. He became a pile of scrap iron without even hitting a shell. This situation is for them. What a pity. However, they are very excited now, it should be said that they are very happy. They will have a great victory.

"Well, we sank another destroyer," an army officer called.

"That's a cruiser, not a destroyer." A naval observer on the side corrected it. Army officers also learned this from naval officers. If it weren't for those naval officers to say it, it would be the same to them, what destroyers, cruisers. all the same.

Inside the Jeju Naval Command, the tension and depressive atmosphere was wiped out. The staff members wrote and drew on the blackboard with chalk. They are ticking off some names. The name of the destroyer, as shown above, more than fifteen destroyers were sunk. Four cruisers. And twelve gunboats were sunk. This is a huge battle. And the battle is still going on.

"We should continue to fight." The Chief of Naval Staff said excitedly. At the beginning, the depression and tension were wiped out. This is for him. This is a rare victory. Such a victory came very timely.

"Yeah. Not bad. This is a good time to attack for us. We should report it to everyone." Xue Hai said lightly. It is strange that such a battle is not nervous, he even prepared for failure for a while. If there is no such idea, he will completely lose a huge meaning.

South Korea, in Han Shu's office. The Secretary of the Navy came in hastily reported.

"Needless to say, I guess." Han Shu judged from the footsteps of the Secretary of the Navy that this must be good news, and then took a look at the other's face. A face of joy. She knew that she was right.

"A victory, a big victory, right?" Han Shu asked with a smile.

"Yes, my lord, the Jeju navy has sunk 15 destroyers and four cruisers, and the results are still developing. I think Jeju may lose two-thirds of its battleships, their main fleet. The loss was extremely heavy." The Secretary of the Navy reported excitedly.

"Great. Great." Han Shu applauded and congratulated. The previous battle report made Han Shu feel very worried, but within a few tens of minutes, there was a shocking reversal. Such a thing happened too suddenly. Sure enough, the war is full of great opportunities. Sometimes it happens very quickly. Soon the telegram was also sent to Qin State, but the first to know was Qin State Wenyang Bank.

"Okay. Great. We can continue to invest. This is the best choice for us." After Yingyu saw the result of the naval battle. Speaking of this. The strength of the Koguryo Navy was greatly damaged. They lost more than half of their warships. For them, the blow is very big. When the Jeju Navy wins, it also means the victory of Qin State Investment. They will get great trading rights. And Goguryeo may lose their naval sovereignty. This is not good news for them. But a very bad news. This is for them. The hit was very big.

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy. Got this news. Everyone was shocked. Because the news they got was the best in the beginning. They completely destroyed the opponent's fortress artillery fortification, which was originally an abandoned fortification. Because many places are not completed. Then it destroyed a destroyer fleet. The opponent lost half of his troops. but now. They lost more than half of their warships, and this result may continue to develop, because they lost control of the battlefield, and the damaged warships are unlikely to return to the base, which means that the loss will be even greater.

"I knew it would be such a result." said Qi State Navy Minister. When he had won a certain victory, he was alert to call the battleship back, but at that time it was a great victory. They have reason to continue to expand their results.

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