The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3595: Stop the arms race

Just when Seth was preparing to further expand the scope of conscription, and at the same time adopt a national mobilization method. The situation in Zhao State is also undergoing further changes.

"I heard. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has initially conducted small-scale consultations with South Korea, Chu, and Qi, and the situation is not very good." In Zhao's parliament, the members of the assembly whispered discussions.

"Of course. This is definitely not good. Those Koreans will definitely let Goguryeo open the market and reduce the price of their raw materials. In this way, their industrial production can be further improved. In contrast, our situation is not so good. Okay. Our market is going to be lost. It's really anxious." said a member of the Diet.

The conditions of the Koreans are really harsh. The Goguryeo navy has lost the possibility of further fighting. It will not be able to fight again without recovery for more than a year. The worst thing is that the domestic situation in Goguryeo is relatively turbulent, the finances are exhausted, and the situation is developing towards the situation that Koguryo is least willing to develop. This is for Goguryeo. Is the worst thing. Although Zhao and Qi have been fighting, the passive situation cannot be changed at all.

"Yes, who made the Goguryeo navy no longer withdraw before 20 minutes. As a result, in only 20 minutes, they turned a victory into a huge defeat." A member of the Diet hated that iron could not become steel. Speaking of appearance. News reports that changed the battle situation within 20 minutes have spread from all over the world. Qin’s war correspondents published a detailed report on the naval battle in all aspects. During this process, the 20 minutes was specifically mentioned. Because these twenty minutes are really critical.

At the end of the first wave of naval battles, if the Koguryo navy can meet well, it will be closed. If they immediately withdrew from the battle, they might not face such a dangerous situation. There is no need to face such a passive situation. Goguryeo at that time will win a huge victory. Because they have defeated half of the battleships of the Jeju navy, and at the same time, their torpedo boats have no such opportunity to attack. Even ten minutes. Or five minutes. After all, the airship in the sky can't cause serious damage. The facts also proved this, because their own fear caused the chaos of the battleship formation, and this was the time. The torpedo boat team suddenly arrived, which led to the final tragedy. It can be said that everything that shouldn't have happened within these twenty minutes.

This is how the tragedy was staged, but these twenty minutes will never go back. Therefore, many naval personnel have accused their commanders of not being excessively greedy within these twenty minutes, because such greedy will lead to further disasters for them.

"The situation has already happened. Negotiations seem to be difficult to change, and we should clearly realize this. After all, this kind of negotiation requires a great war victory as a basis. Goguryeo is not up for it. They went like this. At the first opportunity, we simply couldn't do such a thing. We can't blame us for this," said a member of the Diet.

"But the problem is that we have lost the market and can only expand our market elsewhere. Fortunately, Seth has developed well. They seem to rely heavily on us. Their domestic situation is very bad. "At this moment. A congressman brought the topic to the issue of Seth. At this time, Seth entered the eyes of Mr. Zhao Guo. Because Seth’s demand is very large and the location is very large, starting from Seth, through a series of trade routes, they can enter the Central and Western region, which is now the Middle East region, all of which are relatively speaking. For the Central Plains countries, the interests of the Far West are the interests of their markets. The population and the market there are relatively broad, suitable for exporting a large number of commodities.

"The problem is that Seth is very poor. According to the report provided by the Prime Minister's Office, King Seth wants to develop. However, we should see that Seth is very poor. This country has nothing. The financial situation has long been there. They have entered the most exhausted state. Politically, they have performed well, but what is the result? Several surrounding provinces have launched large-scale counterattacks. This is not good news for us. "The congressmen are worried." Speaking of.

"In any case, this country of Seth, we must participate in it, and if necessary, we can also invest in the construction of factories. After all, there will be broader market demand in the north, which is a very good thing for us. If we support them, we may not lose to us. We must know that we have already lost a lot of the Goguryeo market. Without a market expansion, the domestic industrial development will enter a very unfavorable situation. Such a situation will affect us. That's not a very good thing," the congressmen said worriedly. In such a situation where there is no choice, members of Zhao Guo felt that they should try Seth, maybe they can bring greater benefits, although they will have a certain conflict with South Korea, but they have already lost a market. , And let them regress, they would definitely not do it. This is for them. It is extremely unfavorable. This kind of thing can never happen like this.

Seth country. South Korea’s intelligence services are operating at high speed because the troops sent by the governors of the two provinces are still very capable.

"They have already occupied some important military towns. This shows that our support is still very advantageous. This is our advantage. We should expand this point. This is very beneficial to us." The intelligence director said.

Without the support of South Korea, the governors of these two provinces would definitely not send troops, because they did not have this need. Although they were very disdainful of the king in their hearts, they would not get enough benefits if they sent troops. But now, the Koreans support them and give them more benefits. For example, in terms of munitions, their weapons have been supplemented, which can expand their strength a lot. At the same time, they also provide a lot of ammunition. The ammunition of the three ships gave them the strength to speak. In contrast, Seth's military strength is very weak. If their central government is destroyed, they will not be subject to strict diplomatic control. This is for them. This is good news. Considering that they can expand their strength. The thinking of the warlords is much simpler. Therefore, their dispatch of troops has become very simple.

"But sir, what I need to point out is that there are a lot of problems. Their army's combat effectiveness is very limited. If it weren't for the chaos deployed at the border of Seth. Coupled with poor morale, they would be unlikely to break such an important town. Not only that, but the quality of their soldiers is also very low. They enter the military town to kill and rob at will. This kind of thing keeps happening, it is really bad for us.” The intelligence officer reported.

The composition of the army in the two provinces is very complicated, and there are some bandits and rogues among them. One third of such an army is the main force, and two thirds are temporarily recruited troops. Such personnel are naturally unavoidable. In this case, this makes South Korean intelligence personnel very suspicious of their combat effectiveness. But the fact is that they did lay down these military centers, and their advancement is still very strong. But they stayed there after they got there. This makes some military experts very worried, because staying means that the time left for the other party will be very large. This is not good news for them.

"This. It's not something we can manage. Moreover, I think you are too worried. Okay. Write a report. Give it to me and I will submit it." The supervisor declined. In his opinion, such a thing is normal. To know. They have done this before, which is understandable. In his opinion, the intelligence personnel are too entangled in small things. Such small things will have a great adverse effect on them.

Qin State. Xianyang, General Staff.

"We have collected a lot of information. And a lot of it was shared from the South Korean Admiralty. They are also summing up. For this naval battle, they think they already have some of the characteristics of modern naval battles." Yang Duanhe looked at Hou. The thick information shook his head and said. These materials are all naval files submitted by the Jeju Navy and a series of operational reports after the war. This is very helpful for the detailed study of the combat process and for summing up experience.

"Yeah. There is a lot of information, but we should pay attention to a few points." Wang Jian read the briefing, and then read the news report of the Qin war reporters, and began to have some general ideas.

"I think the threat from the air is relatively large. Although the firepower of large warships has strong support. However, the development of naval aviation is still more advantageous. Although it still has many shortcomings, such as bombs thrown from the air. It only caused chaos. This gave the torpedo boat troops an opportunity. However, if the naval aviation forces launch a powerful attack and can cause a large attack on the other side, they will not be able to withstand the opponent’s attack at all. You must know that the other side does not have it. Air defense force." Wang Jian said. Wang Jian saw the power of naval aviation at once. It must be said that Wang Jian's strategic vision is very unique.

"Yeah. It seems we must pay attention to this point. The construction of naval aviation cannot be stopped." Yang Duanhe agreed. Because the situation of the war has shown this. The future development of the navy lies in naval aviation. Although the artillery of those large warships poses a greater threat, the future trend is still that of naval aviation.

"The next thing is the auxiliary function of some small arms. We should see that the auxiliary role of those small arms is still very powerful. For example, torpedo boat troops and submarines, although the results of submarines are still very limited, However, he created an era after all, and we should see what this era brings us. What we need is such a power, and we must not ignore such a role." Wang Jian said.

"In addition, it is the development of maritime reconnaissance forces. The range of naval guns has far exceeded the visible distance of people, but reconnaissance forces have not yet developed. It must be said that this is a huge limitation. , We can’t let this limitation develop further. Because it will cause us a lot of losses, this kind of loss cannot continue, we must change this situation, otherwise, our development may be in a stagnation In the state." Wang Jian said. Wang Jian has some other ideas, but these ideas have not yet developed to a certain extent. This requires technical support.

Inside the prime minister's house. Shang Wen is studying some diplomatic goals and strategies of various countries.

"According to our initial contact, the Koreans seem to want to get the Goguryeo market, and at the same time lower the price of Goguryeo's raw materials. This is beneficial to them. This is the only place where South Korea and Zhao are currently in a favorable position. After all, Zhao cannot. Do not let go of the Goguryeo market, but in other places, such as further reducing the size of the Goguryeo navy, Zhao and Qi insisted not to make concessions. Their view is that despite the defeat of the Goguryeo navy, they still have the ability to make further progress. Fight. As long as they are given some time, enough for them to do such things, so they hope to mediate such things, and South Korea insists that Jeju navy strength is not bad. If this is the case, both sides will form a huge problem. "Meng Yi said.

"Well. Our view is that they should limit their naval armament expansion. Otherwise, if such expansion continues, it will be extremely detrimental to our future development of the Qin State Navy." Shang Wen expressed his views at this time.

"Yes, this should indeed be noticed." Meng Yi said in response.

"Therefore, in the following diplomatic negotiations, we should impose a restriction on the expansion of the navy's armaments. If these countries continue to proceed in such a chaotic manner, their armaments will not know how far they will expand. In that case, a major war will be unavoidable again. , We must see this, so what we have to do is to prevent such things from happening. Otherwise, it will become very crazy." Shang Wen first saw the madness brought about by the naval arms race, although it must be To a certain extent, it stimulated the development of naval shipbuilding technology, but the problem is that regional peace cannot be settled. This is extremely sad for the development of trade. This is definitely not a good thing. Therefore, Shangwen wants to prevent such things from happening, and how to prevent such things. An agreement can only be reached in the ensuing peace negotiations.

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