The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3596: Tactical make up

South Korea, Xinzheng. Admiralty.

"This is the attitude of the people of Qin. Goguryeo and our main battleship in Jeju have been severely restricted. We absolutely can't build them as crazy and unrestricted as before." The Secretary of the Navy handed the telegram to the Deputy Chief of the Navy. The chief had just returned from Qingcheng, and all he had to do was to deal with the aftermath, such as completing a summary report on naval operations. There are also some combat processes, as well as orders and so on. These are all important sources of experience.

"If this is the case, the large main battleship we built cannot be delivered to Jeju. This is very unfavorable to us, and it is a big loss for our naval shipyard." The navy saw Such a telegram said afterwards. Because South Korea, Qi, Zhao, and Chu all regard weapon sales as an important source of their military expenditures. With this kind of thing, they can do a lot of things, but suddenly they don't do it. Instead, it will cause them a lot of trouble.

"This is not a good thing." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Of course, I am also aware of this, but the problem is that the people of Qin believe that we should jointly maintain the safety of maritime trade and transportation. If everyone expands naval equipment without restrictions, then a larger-scale naval battle will It will be difficult to avoid, so they hope to adopt some treaties to limit the number of warships.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This, I think, it is enough not to limit the number of our naval equipment. This is very useful for our strength expansion. However, in other aspects, I am still unwilling to undertake such a thing. If Jeju and Goguryeo reach an agreement After the agreement on naval equipment, how to allocate these will have a great impact. Through this treaty, we can restrict the development of Koguryo’s navy and allow them to follow the army route. However, how should our losses be resolved?" Speaking of long.

"We only got something we wanted, but we couldn't increase our loss further. This is not a good thing for us. Therefore, the situation is such a situation that we can change There is only this." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly. Regarding Qin’s proposal, the Minister of the Navy has his own view. That is, Qin people are secretly developing their own navy. They are using some diplomatic victories to curb the possibility of developing a powerful navy in some small and medium-sized countries. In fact, they have already lost With such qualifications, without developed trade and strong financial support, it is difficult to develop a more powerful navy. Goguryeo and Jeju have proved this.

"There are still many things we need to do. Perhaps we can also look for opportunities from other aspects. For example, other countries also need to build their own navies." The Secretary of the Navy said. But that country can bear such a big responsibility. They haven't found it yet.

The Suez Canal, the dredging project of the canal went smoothly, and it was smooth as never before.

The labor force from several countries has exceeded 300,000. Moreover, the number is constantly increasing, so the right labor force is enough for them to clear the Suez Canal. Moreover, some important terminals have been further expanded. They built a series of fortresses and fortresses on the basis of the docks, and then there are trading posts. With the emergence of a large number of people, the scale of the town is also expanding, and the city has already appeared in some scale.

"We should thank those Jews, they are really smart, yes. And those Carthaginians." A supervisor of the Suez Canal said after inspecting the progress of the project. They will be able to pass through in one month. In fact, only a small part is impassable. In less than a month, about 500 tons of motorboats can pass. They have a shallow draft. The cargo carried is still relatively objective. Control the canal, even if the entire trade line is opened. This is a very remarkable feat. Such a feat will bring them huge benefits. Their bosses have already seen this. Many investors who hold shares in the Western Trading Company and Qingcheng Construction Company have made a lot of money. Because their stock prices began to keep rising. rise. rise.

Carthage, the Carthaginians in charge are the Carthaginians in history. Their military civilization is not only developed, but their commerce is also developed. There may be some problems in their country, but this does not hinder it. They develop their own trade. Moreover, they discovered that the reopening of the Suez Canal will bring new trade opportunities, arms, and explosives. All kinds of industrial products, tea, cotton cloth, steam lamps, etc. These things are things they have never seen before. If these things are transported to Lockheed Martin, they will make a lot of money. To them. It will be a huge development opportunity. The Carthaginians came into the eyes of Koreans at this time, and they are called the two most profitable ethnic groups by Koreans. Carthage is probably the most correct pronunciation translated by Koreans.

They buy a large amount of labor from the nobles of several countries. They are cheap, so to speak. Some are free. Aiji Finance is in an unprecedented predicament. Because of the war, that's why after the coalition bombed, they surrendered on their own and sent people to take the initiative to negotiate. Because their finances cannot support them to do so, this is very clear. Therefore, in order to solve their financial difficulties, they adopted the least ought to be taxed. They greatly increased the tax rate, which led to the bankruptcy of many civilians in Aiji, and then usury. The Carthaginians took the opportunity to do it. After starting such a profitable business, many lovers went bankrupt, and then they became slaves themselves, through deception, extortion, and blackmail and other illegal methods, of course. They united with the nobles to do these illegal things. Slaves became their important source of funds. They obtained these slaves cheaply and sold them to Koreans. The Koreans are building and clearing the Suez Canal. They need a lot of people. Because many people die every day, they are too short of people. And some people who love a few people are people. In this way, both sides make up for their shortcomings together, and then transform them into advantages for both sides. On the one hand, they got funding, and on the other hand, they expanded the transportation line they wanted. It's that simple.

In Seth, the free people's enthusiasm for participating in the war far surpassed that of the king, and many people spontaneously organized to resist the invading invaders. The representative of the guard has become the greatest place of faith, which represents the king. The interests of the king are the interests of their free people.

"We should do it for the king. Only the king can treat us this way. The noble masters will not care about our life or death. If the invading army comes in, we will never be new slaves, and our identity will be very miserable. ." said a freedman. An advisor to Zhao Jun asked the Freedmen this way, and their answer was like this.

Under the leadership of the King’s Guards, they organized spontaneously. They established a militia organization. From squad to battalion, many people participated in the militia organization, including 60-year-olds and teenage children. They seem to be very powerless, but from their faces, the consultant sees that they have firm confidence that they think they will be able to win this victory, but the truth is cruel. Their weapons are extremely lacking, and their lack reaches its apex.

"Among the militia companies they organized, only a few had old-fashioned flintlocks. Most of the others were armed with cold weapons like spears. Many of them were slaves before and never participated in the battle. More often, they are really doubtful whether they can still fight physically. Not only that, children are also involved, there are also women, they are helping those men dig trenches. In a relatively short period of time, the Seth people have been constantly Digging trenches, they dug three layers of trenches outside some military targets. The kilometers they dug may have been able to dig to Handan from here." The consultant wrote in his diary.

The mission given by Zhao Guo's military adviser is defense. They must carry out effective defenses. Only defense can completely solve all problems. Therefore, in order to resist the opponent's attack, the only way they can do is to dig trenches and build fortifications on a large scale. However, how to solve the problem is still not there. It has been completely resolved, and there is also the problem of training. Those Seth militiamen seem to be very good at digging. But they were at a loss as to how to fight. The officers didn't know how to fight, and the training was severely lacking. It was fundamentally difficult for such an army to withstand the opponent's attack.

Inside King Seth’s office.

"We lack enough weapons, even if it’s good to provide some grenades, but we can’t meet such conditions. Not only that, but we can’t make a single rifle for three people. It seems that we have won. The chances are still relatively small." The king said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, perhaps we can change this situation in other ways. For example, we can use our tactical advantages to solve these problems, such as bayonet. After intensive shooting, we can initiate a bayonet charge. Spear soldiers can take advantage of their advantages. After all, such a violent impact requires extremely strict fire suppression to complete. And the other party does not have such intensive firepower." said a consultant.

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