The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3597: Zhao's capital export

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty.

"Regarding the limitation of naval armaments, I think that the Koguryo Navy is a big country. At least their tonnage is the same as that of Jeju. This is our final bottom line. Because according to the current comparison of forces, we do have a certain advantage, so On this issue, we must not make too many concessions, otherwise, we will be in a very unfavorable state, this kind of thing must not happen." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir. But. sir, I think it is unlikely that South Korea and Chu will reach such an agreement. Because they hope to expand the influence of Jeju. After all, if you control Jeju Island, you control trade on the peninsula. The Koreans are very clear about this. They don’t seem to want a strong opponent. This is of no major benefit to them. On the contrary, it is for us.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Whatever? We still have to fight for it. If we don't even fight for it, it's too unjustifiable." The Secretary of the Navy said. Although the Goguryeo Navy is in various unfavorable conditions, the negotiations still have to continue. After all, the Koguryo Navy still has a certain amount of power. The most important thing is that the follow-up orders are still exerting strength, and the Koguryo Navy has stabilized the number of their warships. . In this case, they still have considerable leverage at the negotiating table.


"The navy is indeed a highly technical service, you can take a look." Li Mu said.

"Torpedo boats, naval aviation airships, and submarines. The space for war has changed a lot. This is no longer the era of simply using surface ships. The technical performance of these weapons has been greatly improved. According to the information we have obtained, South Korea has increased the range of their torpedoes to more than two kilometers before the war begins. In this way, they have a great advantage. This advantage is extremely obvious. In contrast, our condition is not very good. We still use old-fashioned ships, the surface ships of the Goguryeo Navy. Although the artillery is powerful, it cannot stop threats from underwater and air. , And their formation was messed up, and they lost their combat value. For them, it was the worst thing. I have a feeling." Li Mu said.

"The form of naval warfare has undergone a lot of changes. Defeating the strong with the weak and the more technical arms will have a great victory. It is difficult for a pure surface warship unit to perform its due role." Li Mu Speaking of this. I have to say that Li Mu has a strong strategic vision. He has already seen from this battle that the form of naval battles has undergone great changes. The previous state of war that relied on artillery fire has undergone great changes, except for these. In addition, the future trend is also changing. This change is the emergence of new arms, such as high-speed assault speedboat units, in addition to submarines, and naval aviation units that have not caused much damage. .

"But sir, according to some theories on the science of science, naval warships still have a lot of inertia. Such things will happen. For example, the artillery of warships will still play some role in dealing with coastal targets and the opponent's rapid approach. In terms of warships, they still have the advantage. This is inertia.” said a navy staff officer.

"Yes. This is our current idea of ​​developing the navy. Our navy must pay more attention to the development of new types of arms in the future, such as submarines. They can bring great suddenness and concealment, which can cause damage to the enemy. The other side's maritime trade will play a very important role. In addition, it is the naval aviation force. We must not give up the development of the naval aviation force, otherwise, we will lose a great role. Eventually, our situation will be further passive." Li Mu Speaking of this.

"Yes. Sir. So, how should the warship develop?" said the navy staff officer.

"As for the formation of warships, we should pay attention to flexibility. The experience of the Koguryo Navy’s failures has taught us that the huge fleet of warships will be very complicated. We are very aware that this requires a long period of naval training, but we It is impossible to carry out such a long period of naval training. Moreover, the situation of large-scale warship operations will be very, very complicated. At this point, we cannot guarantee at all. We are all aware of our current situation. What is it?" Li Mu said.

"So, on such a problem, the only thing we have to do is to find a way to solve such a problem. For example, we can reduce the number of warships in the fleet while increasing the combat effectiveness of a single warship. In this way, our situation can be Great changes have taken place." Li Mu said. In fact, this is the only problem that the Zhao State Navy can solve for change. I heard that this naval battle, the Zhao State Navy’s development, the quality of the South Korean Navy's sailors, especially the overall quality gap is still relatively large, the South Korean Navy can play flexibly. The true level of a battleship was developed, but the Koguryo Navy, or the Zhao State Navy, could not exert such capabilities, because they knew too well how bad their combat situation was. If they use large formations to fight, they will be very disadvantaged, and the disadvantage is very, very big. Therefore, they can only improve the small formations, plus the development of some special arms to make up for the situation of the confrontation of large warships. This may be a passive choice, but it is also a helpless choice.

Guo Kai's prime minister's house. The military adviser provided relevant reports and suggestions on the Seth issue.

"The Seth side lacks a lot of weapons and equipment, and our funds can only help them expand two infantry divisions. And the weapons side will be seriously inadequate. If we want to do more, we must provide more. However, the danger of the intervention army is still very great. They have maintained an offensive posture of at least 200,000 troops." said the military adviser.

"So, what should we do?" Guo Kai asked this question. The pressure on the royal family was very high. Zhao Guo Industry needs some places to concentrate on exporting their industrial products. Only in this way can their trade develop. In other words, their banking industry must find a fast-growing industrial expansion area to drive their market development. Otherwise, Zhao's industry will be under unprecedented pressure.

"The best way is to provide more resource support. My view is to provide more weapons and ammunition. However, this requires transshipment because the Koreans will block our weapons passages. At the same time, the military also hopes to be able to To open up a new channel, they need to divert to some armed areas in Persia. In this way, the problem can be fundamentally resolved." said the military adviser.

"Yeah." Guo Kai nodded.

"Let’s do this. We have to give them more financial support. As for what kind of mortgage, we can set up some factories there. After all, in contrast, if we set up factories there, the advantage is for us. , Is still very big, we should see this situation." Guo Kai said. Seth’s situation has been studied many times by Guo Kai’s economic advisers. They pointed out very clearly that Seth has a large market potential. For example, for some countries in the north, they have a large demand for weapons. If they rely solely on import trade, it seems difficult to satisfy the other party. At the same time, the Seth country lacked considerable funds to support their war, even though their country had taken various measures. However, they cannot make up for their financial advantage.

And if they build the factories they should have in Seth, the situation will be greatly changed. First of all, they have an industrial foundation, and this will have a source of tax revenue. Solved their financial problems, and the second was to solve a large number of employment problems. If it were not for war, the living conditions of the freedmen would not be very good. You must know that the Seth Nation has gathered a large number of freemen, and they have just been liberated. Freedmen, this is simply the best situation for them. Because they have sufficient labor to support their industrial development.

In addition to these, this industrial base will face the industrial demand in the north, especially the demand for arms. New weapons have brought new opportunities. The increase in demand for arms will inevitably increase their industrial demand. In this consideration. Guo Kai decided to relocate part of the factory area and set up there. In this way, Zhao Guo's pure trade turned into capital export, which can more effectively control the other party's economic development. This is a very, very advantageous decision.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"On the naval issue, we are determined not to give in. If we give in, our trade will suffer great losses. We cannot afford such losses. We must seek greater benefits for Jeju. For example, Give them an advantage in tonnage, while restricting Goguryeo's development of the navy." Han Shu said clearly.

"Yes, Lord." The Secretary of the Navy nodded in agreement.

"Not only that, you must also suppress technically. In short, you can't give the Koguryo Navy a chance to develop. Once you have such an opportunity, it will be very troublesome for us." Han Shu said worriedly. To. Although the Koguryo Navy failed. But their strength still exists, which is a greater threat. This threat exists for a long time.

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