Zhao Guo, Ministry of the Navy. Technical research department, this department is not an easy department, because they need a lot of brain cells to solve the tasks assigned to them above.

"Submarine, the principle of this thing doesn't seem to be very new. But we don't have any research data in this area." A young engineer said worriedly. The Admiralty’s development ideas were influenced by Li Mu, and then they began to request the construction of new ships, especially the development of small ships. This development is bound to require them to have a new technological breakthrough.

In other words. In the future navy, the technicality will become more and more prominent, and the performance of warships will become greater. The quantitative advantage will be transformed into a technological advantage, which requires them to achieve more technological breakthroughs. But how can this kind of technological breakthrough be as simple as that for them. The requirements are bound to become very high.

"Yes, that's it. This is the task above, and we can't say the above. I think you understand what it means, and it means. In the future, the attributes of technology will become larger and larger, so we have to study Come out with new weapons." A director said. The above tasks are very heavy, and they also have a large burden. Under such circumstances, they can only do so.

"Well. Okay, but a single submarine seems to be unable to meet such requirements. According to our ideas, it seems that more new equipment is needed, such as torpedoes and torpedo boats. The Koreans are in torpedo technology. A breakthrough has been achieved. Should we also seek such a breakthrough?" The engineers asked such a question. It doesn't matter to let them study such a subject, but the problem is that they must have relevant weapons to cooperate.

"Don't worry about this. There is already another team that specializes in torpedoes. I think it won't take long for them to make breakthroughs. Not only new torpedoes, but also mines. These weapons will have greater performance. The promotion." The director said. This naval battle has given Zhao's navy a lot of inspiration, for example, the performance of surface ships needs to be improved. Despite the large number of advantages, it is more troublesome to command. Although their communications have become much faster, commanding a large fleet still requires a lot of command capabilities. This requires coordination. Cooperation and continuous training. From the current point of view, Zhao's navy seems to be unable to satisfy this point, because their navy has only just started. There is no way, they can only make up for it technically. For example, to improve the response ability of a single naval warship, the warship will have heavier armor, not only to prevent the enemy’s shells, but also to prevent torpedo attacks. In addition to these, there are speed and new engine items. It has been launched. The South Korean Navy has used steam turbines on battleships, with good results, and Zhao Guo also quickly launched them. In this way, the speed, armor, and firepower of battleships will be fundamentally changed. This is an important reason why Zhao Guo seeks technological breakthroughs.

The engineers nodded in agreement. They knew that there were still many projects launched, because they had heard of some projects before, for example, new-style anti-aircraft guns had also been released. Twenty-millimeter-caliber anti-aircraft guns have a fast firing rate, and can not only fight against the air, but also fight against the ground, with extremely powerful firepower. Such warships made them very satisfied.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank.

"This is a report from Zhao Guo Bank. Zhao Guoren focused on Seth, because a large-scale conflict is erupting there." Yingyu said and handed a report to Xiao He. She hoped Xiao He would handle this matter.

"The Cho State Bankers are discussing how to invest. They need a lot of money to invest in it, because the market there is vast. The Koreans only control the terminal and the resource advantages of the nearby area, but the development of that market is not It’s very big, and Zhao Guoren recently lost their Goguryeo market. This is a very regrettable thing for them. Such a thing sounds very sad, but there is no way, they can only transfer to Sai When Si comes up, they need to solve these problems. I want to know what you think." Yingyu asked Xiao He.

"This matter. There is no specific view at present, because Seth’s investment environment is not very optimistic. At the same time, there is an important condition that is too serious. Zhao must open the condition of this restriction, otherwise, I Thinking, it is difficult for them to break through this point." Xiao He said worriedly.

"Oh. What's the situation?" Yingyu asked.

"Transportation, because it is a landlocked country, it is very inconvenient to transport, and the Koreans control all the piers. Although Zhao Guoren has a remote pier, it belongs to the Persians. But they can solve this problem through diplomatic means. , But I don’t think they can properly solve this problem. A contradiction will happen there. In fact, such a thing has already happened.” Xiao He said worriedly.

"The riots that took place there. And their two provinces have sent troops to intervene. If Seth is not capable, all problems will stop, but the problem is that their king will resist. It seems that the situation is really not optimistic." Yu thought about it for a while.

"Yes, this is the situation, and things are still difficult to change. Therefore, many situations are not very optimistic. Under such circumstances, the risk of investment will be very large. We must consider this." Xiao Hecong Investment Consider the problem from a different perspective. As for the country, that is not something they can consider.

Xianyang. On the stock market. The stock market began to become dull, up and down. The market has become elusive, and at the same time it has become difficult for the market to rise on a large scale.

"Damn it. This kind of market can't go on. You don't know whether to go short or long. I have already slapped my face on both sides. The market fell yesterday and I think I should go short. As a result, I was ruthless this morning. I was slapped in the face severely. Then at noon I decided to go long, but. He turned down in the end, which is really damn. I think I was being teased." An investor complained to another investor.

"Haha. This is probably not bad. Don't be loyal to longs or shorts. If you are so serious, you will lose. Brother. This is what Li Wen said." Another investor said. He is very tall, and from the outside, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who likes to speculate. But the appearance is an illusion.

"Yeah. Okay. Just, I don’t know what the guy Li Wen is doing. I believe that he will lose a lot or win a lot in this market, oh know, he is a speculative kid. This guy is very smart. , Is very sensitive to numbers. It’s just that he seems to have disappeared recently. I bet that this guy must have secretly made a fortune somewhere.” The investor said. But what they said was wrong, because Li Wen was fishing by the sea. He came to Qingcheng, South Korea. Life by the sea makes him feel very beautiful. There was a stalemate in the market, and he felt that the market would undergo great changes because of various signs that the momentum for the market to rise was insufficient.

Life by the sea is very beautiful. He bought a villa in Qingcheng. Affected by the bursting of the real estate bubble in Daliang, real estate prices in the surrounding areas have seen a cliff-like decline. Li Wen decided to buy himself a villa, a seaside villa, he likes fishing, in fact, fishing and his market is the same. You can't worry, because if you're in a hurry, the fish will run away. However, you can't be too patient, because you will overlook some details. In short, this is a very interesting thing, he thinks so.

Then in the process of fishing, he alone can think of something quietly. His previous painful memories can make him forget many things, such as previous failed investments.

Li Wen is also a human being, an ordinary person, who makes mistakes. This is inevitable.

Long before Goguryeo and the Jeju Navy battled, there was a clear downward trend in the market. that time. Li Wen has felt it. The market may have come to an end. Because the impact of the real estate bubble is very huge, for example, overcapacity of steel, many countries have a large number of steel plants. For example, Zhao Guo, their steel companies are quite large, relying on the advantages of coal, their steel costs are relatively low, but the price of iron ore is constantly rising, which means that their profits are reduced. In addition to these, there are even worse things. That is South Korea and Chu, they all have their own steel companies. This kind of competition is very terrible. The profits of the companies are reduced, and their incomes are naturally reduced a lot, but the new industries have not appeared, which naturally caused the production capacity. excess. Fortunately, the war stimulated the further growth of steel, because the current war cannot do without the support of steel. Without steel, nothing can be done. Under such circumstances, steel stocks have risen a lot, but after hitting new highs. They stopped moving forward. Then there are constant fluctuations. fluctuation. Fluctuate up and down. Li Wen felt that the time had come. The time to go short is very early. He was bearish on the whole market. Now is just the time to implement that plan. But unfortunately, after he went short. The market rose again, the specific reason is not known.

The market is full of various news. For example, the Goguryeo Navy still needs to expand, and Jeju decided to completely eliminate the opponent’s navy. These will greatly stimulate steel production. Moreover, new plans for building warships in various countries are constantly being introduced. In this case, steel is bound to have new developments. This is simply terrible news, for Li Wen, however. Li Wen concluded that there was too much steel in the market. He decided to short steel stocks. Although the market is sluggish. But it will still rise.

As a result, the current situation was created. The market continued to rise, then fell, and then rose again. Li Wen tried to go short again and again, and as a result, he lost more than two million and a half of the capital. This capital scale is relatively large. It's huge. Li Wen is already bearish on the market, and this plan is no problem. He didn't eat anything. He was very annoyed. He decides to come out and relax, or maybe he can find something out of it.

"Damn quotes." Li Wen scolded after taking a breath. Thinking about it, he felt very annoyed. He had placed a lot of chips, but it was no good at all. He found a golden mountain, but he needed to dig it, but he spent too much money but got nothing. This made him very annoyed.

But the market situation is like this. There will be no changes in the market because of your irritation. This is not a fact. What he needs to do is to change himself and adapt to the needs of the market. Only in this way can he change a lot. This is Where Li Wen became calm, he clearly realized this.

This is how this era has changed. In the stock market, the development of steel companies is very rapid, but there are also potential dangers, because this kind of danger exists all the time, and this situation is difficult to change. This is why they do such a thing.

It is the market who chooses people, not people who choose the market. People can express the market's intentions through their own subjectivity. The right people will advance further, and the failed people will be discarded by the market. The stock market is like this, all of this is given by the market. Li Wen has always viewed it this way. Only the right person can stand aside correctly, and those who do not have the right direction will only be ruthlessly left aside. This is the choice of the market. This is a very scary theory. But Li Wen thinks that way.

After fully releasing their dissatisfaction. Li Wen began to pay attention to the changes in the market again. Perhaps the market has undergone major changes, which can allow him to make new judgments. He began to collect newspapers. First of all, he wanted to get a reliable guarantee from some news. This is his routine.

At the same time, he began to pay attention to changes in the market. Only in this way can the market change further. This is the situation. The things they need to solve have become so many.

Just as the stock market changes. The State of Seth is constantly changing.

More and more people are participating in military activities. Because they don't have a proper profession, it seems that being a soldier is a very good choice, and the interests are extremely close to them, because Seth has a large number of soldiers that can be transferred. According to preliminary statistics, more than half a million people can be mobilized. A terrible number at this time. This is excellent news for Seth.

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