The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3599: Tomorrow the day after tomorrow

In Seth, the military center of Tumo, and the Dongdula barracks, the South Korean military adviser, Major Liang Ba entered here with his Sergeant Major.

This is the station of the First Army, First Army, and Second Infantry Division of Dongdula Province. In the city, they stationed three infantry divisions, and most of the infantry divisions outside the city are stationed here. They are here. No military fortifications were built, they just entered the barracks of the original Seth army, and then they began to desert themselves. The situation in the barracks is very bleak.

"Damn it. They don't even have a guard post." Major Liang Ba looked at the situation in the barracks and felt very bad. Indeed, they came directly in, yes. It is straight in. No one intercepted, no one checked their documents, no sentry at the door, not even fortifications. In the barracks, they have been in for a long time. Many soldiers just watched them enter the barracks, and they didn't even ask. Then they continued their affairs. They were gambling, playing cards, and chatting. The content seemed very excited. Major Liang Ba didn't even think about it. They must have something to do with women. And their weapons were dropped on the ground at will, and where they could get them, many soldiers drove away, they didn't know where they got food and snacks. They seem to be very happy.

"Sir, they seem to be very entertaining," said the sergeant behind. Because he actually saw it. A group of soldiers actually hugged the woman, roasting something around the fire, and they were drinking wine. In a more remarkable way, there were still people in the barracks smoking Yapian. Yapian things spread very quickly, and it spreads very quickly in the army like Dongdula, because Yapian can bring a lot of comfort, and life in the military camp is boring and boring. And smoking Yapian can make them enter such a state of air, which is the best result for them. It can be said that it seems normal for such things to spread in such an army.

"It's true, they don't even ask. If the enemy suddenly launches an attack, they will definitely experience the greatest degree of collapse." Liang Ba shook his head and said with an incredible attitude. It's incredible, but they did just that. This may explain it. Why did the First Army of Eastern Tula Province launch an offensive? They just stopped here. Because their soldiers have dispersed. There will be no further fighting at all. In their opinion, the people above are very boring. They sit on extremely boring things with an extremely boring thought. In their view, that's it.

"Sir. Are you South Korean military advisers?" Just then. A well-dressed ensign officer came to greet them. Liang Ba and his sergeant looked at each other with extremely strange eyes, obviously, in this barracks. Such officers are monsters.

"I'm just a military academy graduate. Our chief is waiting for you. Please follow me." As the ensign said, he took Liang Ba to the headquarters of the Second Infantry Division. Their teacher is having a banquet and it went very smoothly. But Liang Ba desperately wanted to know why they were staying here. According to the truth, they should move forward madly, because they were not far from the capital. Babylon is at your fingertips. But they stayed here, motionless. This makes them very annoyed. More is puzzled.

"The reason is such a sir. These soldiers were civilians before. Perhaps you have already seen what kind of people they are, sir. They are indeed such people. The situation is very unfavorable to us. I think you should be aware of this. Our condition is just that bad." said the ensign.

"The supplies provided by the above are very small. Many things need to be solved by ourselves, such as food, clothing, and use. The rear will not transport them. They will give us some ammunition at most, but the ammunition is now It can't be a good guarantee." The ensign explained on the road.

"What else?" Liang Ba asked the ensign curiously.

"There is also a large amount of military pay. Most of these soldiers are social members, and they take money very seriously. They just entered the military town and took away all the valuables. They said that it was them. They are staying here now, not only because of the difficulty of supply, but also because of the difficulty of supply. They think that the above does not provide them with sufficient salary, so they refuse to fight further. In fact, they are no longer willing to fight. Now. This kind of battle is very boring for them. So. They all stayed there." said the ensign.

"To be honest, sir, we can occupy this place and the army can still maintain its organization. I think this is already a miracle." said the ensign. After listening, Liang Ba nodded and agreed with this view, because it was indeed a miracle. A group of mobs did not even disband. It was a very remarkable miracle that they could occupy such a military center.

Soon, they saw the people they needed to meet. Major General Torres, Second Infantry Division. He is a businessman, and he doesn't have the demeanor of a soldier at all. He is holding his belly, which can show that his food is very good, and it is true that they are enjoying the camel meal. The staff are chatting with their chiefs about all kinds of food. knowledge. Their tableware is exquisite. Major General Torres also used a gold cup to drink his fine wine. This is simply unimaginable.

"My friend, our Korean friend." Major General Torres welcomed him with a waving arm. He looks more like a businessman than a soldier. The military uniform didn't fit him very well. He doesn't even have a gun on his body. Can you imagine that such an officer can still fight? The answer is unbelievable.

"These are our South Korean allies. Without them, there would be no military victory for us. Everyone should see this. We must believe that this is an important understanding for us. Understand?" Major General Torres introduced.

"Dear Korean friends, you can call me Yang Si. This is my Central Plains name." Yang Si said. Many Seth people. Especially high-level people, they all have their own names of Central Plains, only in this way can they integrate into the world trend. This is a trend and represents strength.

"Yeah. My friend, I came here to know why you stopped. If you calculate according to the time you stop and rest, you have now entered the King Seth. This means that you have lost. Lots of precious opportunities. This is extremely detrimental to the development of the war. I think you should clearly realize this." Liang Ba said solemnly. He is a new Korean army, and he looks at the development of the war from a Korean perspective. In his opinion, such a situation shouldn't happen, because they know that the condition of the Seth people is very bad. They lacked enough troops to resist their offensive. They lacked weapons, soldiers lacked experience and training. All kinds of advantages were beneficial to them. Now, as long as they launch an offensive, everything can be resolved. It can be said that they are not far from victory. Far. But now, they stopped here and did not move forward, which made them feel very puzzled. More should be why they did this, which was far beyond their expectations.

"Well, our soldiers lack salary, and their morale is not good. There is also a supply problem. We still have not solved it, the commander of the group told me. Such things often happen in his infantry division. So, it's not that I don't want to go forward. , But it is difficult for my soldiers to advance. Fighting is a more complicated matter." Yang Si said.

"Okay. My advisor friend, you have come from afar. You should take a good rest. The offense will be launched, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Why should we worry about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? We will launch an offense." Yang So comforted.

"It is true that you are right. Those Seth people have lost a lot of things. You are very correct. They have no weapons, how to resist, and they have not been trained. They are all recruits. I heard that they are still slaves. How can the army resist our thunderous blow. This is very advantageous to us. Since it is advantageous, why don’t we wait and enjoy the fruits of this victory. Okay. Don’t worry." Yang Si already took the beam. Eight took his seat. He is very enthusiastic. This makes Liang Ba feel very worried, because their senior generals have such an attitude. He has left three infantry divisions, and their division commanders have such an attitude. They are enjoying the fruits of victory, thinking that the war is very important. It will be over soon, don't worry, because he said it himself. Seth people shouldn't worry about it. What they lack is a suitable opportunity to send troops, nothing more.

But what Liang Ba wants to say is that such an opportunity will disappear in an instant. This possibility exists very much, but they just don't worry about it. What can be done about it. Although the Seth people have this kind of danger. However, it can be guaranteed that they will not change, and the longer the delay, the more advantageous it will be for them. Seth New Army, they are erupting in a positive and upward trend, in contrast to the Free Army in those provinces. They seem to be very sloppy, not a matter of war at all. In their view, that is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and today should be a time to enjoy. In this way, they lost some opportunities, and the loss will never come again.

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