The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3601: Black city strike

The Bala family lives in a slum in Bangla. The living environment here is very bad. Everyone has less than two square meters to live in. The living area is built by small sheds. These small sheds are collected from the nearby garbage station. The scraps picked up are built and can be used. It's already very good.

As soon as it rains, the sheds where you live will keep leaking. No matter how you fix it, it is of no use. Because this kind of repair will not play any role at all. When it rains, they will sleep under umbrellas, and then they can only repair as much as possible, but their house is still leaking. In addition to these, their drinking water is not well guaranteed, because nearby rivers are their drinking water, but those rivers have long been polluted. It can be said that they drink polluted water. Such a water source can work very well. It is a miracle for them. It is simply the most unacceptable thing. But life continues. Everything must be endured. this is life.

So hasn’t the Bangladeshi government considered these? The answer is yes.

According to the financial budget report of the Bangla government, there have been reports like this to solve the budget for the living environment of these workers, but after calculating it. They rejected such a budget. Because the place to spend is really not worth it. Because there is no better output.

Bangladesh's fiscal revenue is constantly increasing. This has a lot to do with the development of a large number of factories. Many labor-intensive factories are concentrated here, and they are still increasing. These factories have brought employment, prosperity and taxes. At the same time, workers’ personal income tax must also be paid. As a result, the Bangladeshi government’s fiscal revenue is constantly increasing. But the problem is that a large part of the fiscal revenue is handed over to the South Korean government. They need to expand their navy and build a local area. They simply don't have a lot of funds to build Bangla. As a result, the construction of Bangla is at a standstill, and they can only use extremely limited financial funds for some usual maintenance. More than that. In addition, after the war ended, soldiers with a large number of troops entered government agencies, and there were a large number of veterans in the police and various government departments. They formed their own small hills in the army. Then they can use this kind of relationship to collectively embezzle, and collectively use the power in their hands for their own personal gain, because those parliamentarians and wealthy businessmen also want them to do so, just like that, bureaucrats. Corruption and bribery by businessmen are combined. Mengla formed a dirty social circle, but they didn't care about the lives of the people at the bottom. In their opinion, they live a very happy life and earn money, so who cares so much. This is the status quo of Bangla, that is to say, a corrupt government bureaucracy no longer wants Bangla to build. You know, if you build, there will be problems. It's better to let them develop on their own. Anyway, they are only good now, and they don't need to worry about these problems at all.

In the original Champa-Prussian border area, the military personnel of the Bangla Army and the Champa-Prussian Army have been reduced to less than three garrison infantry divisions, each with less than five thousand infantry divisions, and they have to defend the long border. On the opposite side of the border is India. The border is not very safe now.

"Damn, people come to us secretly every day, and those **** Indians don't say they are in charge of their own people." A border guard shook his head and said. They took refuge in their outposts. They clearly saw the Indians smuggling, but they didn't interfere. Because they did not order to do so, only the militants of the Indians entered here. They will only shoot to scare them, and their weapons are equipped a lot, from the original sixty rounds to twenty rounds. The salaries of the soldiers have also been reduced a lot, and the benefits of the soldiers are far from satisfying their own survival needs.

"Come on, I heard that after these people come to Bangla, they will find jobs. They do the jobs most unwilling to do. I don't want to go anyway." said a second-class soldier next to him. To. They have had enough of this kind of life, for them. The problem can be solved by coping with such things in the past.

The situation in the Indian state of the north is not very good either. Their financial situation has entered an unprecedentedly difficult situation. They have not regained their lost state of Maharashtra. On the contrary, Zhao and South Korea divided the area, and even the Chu people participated in the distribution of a part of the wharf area, and they were building there. The Indians spent a lot of financial funds, and as a result, they did not break through the Yueshi's eastern line of defense. On the contrary, their financial situation is in trouble, and no country is willing to provide them with funds. Koreans, people from Zhao country and people from Chu country. They have reached an agreement on the issue of Maharashtra. Only when the Indians sign an agreement statement will they support them and declare the ownership of Maharashtra to be resolved by the above three countries . If not, they will adopt a severe economic blockade. The Indians still have not recognized that the rights of Maharashtra have been divided among the three countries, but in fact, this has no meaning anymore. Because this has happened. They believe that it won’t take long before they can get the Indians to agree to do so. This is what they think.

Although the Indians are still holding on. But they don't expect it to last long. Because the domestic financial situation continues to deteriorate, fiscal taxes in many places have been levied continuously. Because of the increase in taxes. Many Indians cannot survive, and they have to sneak across the border into Bangla. In their opinion, going to Bangla, they can find a good place. They may not be living very well, but fortunately, they can live, and in Indy, they will not be unable to live at all. This has resulted in the continuous smuggling of a large number of Indians in the border area of ​​Bangladesh to arrive here. Their status is illegal, because they don't have to pay taxes, and they are not guaranteed by the law at all. They are the most important source of cheap labor. Therefore, the factory gradually accepts them because they can really eat all the hardships. This is not the best labor, what it is.

This is still just a small wave of development. They believe that it will not take long for this scale to become more and more. Because more and more people are fleeing to avoid taxation in India. The social order fell into disaster again. And these. It's just a small incident in the Korean news report.

South Korea, Qingcheng, the seven-nation naval meeting. This is mainly a meeting held by the naval ministers of the seven countries to solve the naval issues of Koguryo and Jeju, Qin, Zhao, Qi, South Korea, Chu, and Goguryeo. JiZhou. The navy ministers of seven countries gathered in Qingcheng, the South Korean Navy Division.

"I think this issue has basically been resolved. Next, we can sign to resolve this issue. Peace in the East China Sea will come again." Qin State Navy Minister said. After several days of urgent consultation and discussion. Finally, they finally confirmed the Seven-Nation Navy Agreement. In addition to Qin, Zhao, South Korea, Chu, and Qi, Goguryeo and the Jeju navy will sign an agreement on arms limitation.

The Koguryo Navy is controlled within a total of 220,000 tons. In this way, the Koguryo Navy will retain a navy that can protect its merchant ships. On the Jeju side, their naval tonnage will exceed 550,000 tons, which means that the Jeju navy will surpass the Goguryeo navy, and the Goguryeo navy will lose control of the East China Sea. They can only retain a certain degree of competitiveness, but they cannot pose a powerful threat to the huge Jeju Navy. The other five countries are not restricted by such a treaty. Because the navies of all countries are constantly developing, they will not be so stupid to sign such an agreement. This is very stupid.

It is also stipulated in the agreement. Jeju will no longer be embarrassed by Goguryeo. Their merchant ships will be protected. However, as compensation, Goguryeo must open more than five trading ports to Jeju and the other five countries. At the same time, a subsequent additional agreement must also be signed, that is, countries will get a pretty good lease in Goguryeo. Only in this way can they guarantee that Goguryeo will not be attacked by the Jeju navy. Under the interference of the five countries, Goguryeo humiliatedly signed such an agreement. This is quite humiliating to them. Because they lost the sea, they had to let go of their country at the same time. They will become the market of the other five countries and the supply of raw materials, which is unfair to Goguryeo. But basically I have taken care of Goguryeo's emotions.

You know, Qin people actively mediate in the middle, they hope that South Korea and Chu will not be too excessive, for example, to reach more requirements in reparations and cessation of land. In fact, the two countries do not have such requirements, even though the Koguryo Navy Suffered heavy losses, but their situation was not getting better, and they also lost the ability to further counterattack. Torpedo boats are very powerful, but their range is too limited. Under such circumstances, they simply do not have much offensive ability to attack Goguryeo. This is the situation they are currently encountering.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The agreement has come to an end for the time being. But the real contradiction has not been resolved. What I am worried about is the retaliation of the Goguryeo National Assembly." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"Yeah. However, I think they should focus on solving their domestic situation. I heard that their situation is not very good, because most of their financial funds are concentrated there for economic construction. , There is simply not much money used in it, which is bound to cause big problems in their construction." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded and agreed.

"This is not the only situation. The domestic labor movement in Goguryeo seems to be a bit abnormal. If the government does not improve much, society will fall into continuous turmoil. In that case, the situation in Goguryeo will be extremely unstable. We must give them stable support. If other things happen, their situation will be extremely serious, and we cannot let this kind of thing continue to happen." Meng Yi put forward his own views.

"What do you think?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"My opinion is that it is necessary for us to provide a loan to Goguryeo so that they can tide over their difficulties, or we can provide such loans with other countries. After all, their situation is very bad. If we watch them develop If this happens, it is bound to allow this imbalance to continue to develop." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's send a telegram to the countries to have a try. Perhaps, their situation can only be solved in this way." Shangwen did not want to see a chaotic Goguryeo appear, because usually, a chaotic Goguryeo It will bring great sex. This unstable factor has a great chain reaction.

Goguryeo, Heicheng.

The coal workers gathered together, and they besieged the Heicheng government. The military and police gathered, but they couldn't disperse them. This requires an army, and the army is coming. But the number of coal workers has become more and more, and they have become more difficult to control. This is for them. It's not a very good situation.

"Give us a raise. You vampires. Damn government bastards." Many people shouted. In their view, their interests have been seriously violated. No wonder they do this, the reason is simple. The increase in wages and salaries of coal workers is not very large. An ordinary coal worker’s salary is only 132 yuan, but the price of goods has risen a lot. The price of flour suddenly broke through to 32 yuan. It's only 20 yuan, and the price is still rising. As a result, their living conditions are more tense. These are all caused by maritime tensions, which are directly related to naval battles, because Jeju blocked the maritime trade of Goguryeo.

In addition to these, coal mine accidents continue to occur. In this month, more than 152 coal mine accidents with more than 120 casualties occurred. The heavy workload and the dangerous The working environment, at the same time, the money they earn is very pitiful. Under such circumstances, letting them lose so much money to do this kind of thing will only make them feel more distressed than ever. Therefore, coal workers broke out an unprecedented strike. This strike may last longer.

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