The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3602: Smashed in the hand

Black city. Koguryo Ministry of Finance. The Minister of Finance looked at the protesting workers outside the window and shook his head.

"Look, if we don't solve the fiscal problem, this country will fall into a serious financial dilemma. I have said before that we can't concentrate a lot of money on the construction of the navy too much. In that case, we will pay a very heavy price. This price is unbearable for us. It is also unbearable. We should understand, or say. We should be soberly aware of this. Unfortunately, our Prime Minister is very I don’t care at all, I can say. Now that something like this is happening, it’s an early ambush, what can we do?" The Finance Minister said helplessly while looking at the crowd demonstrating outside the window.

The Minister of Finance is firmly opposed to investing a large amount of financial funds in the construction of Goguryeo's navy, especially sparing no effort to invest in the construction of a large number of warships. Financial funds can no longer meet the construction of those large warships, so he invested gold reserves in it. If they weren't using Qin and Yan banknotes, if they issued their own banknotes, the situation would be very crazy. In fact, the bonds of some banks have tended to collapse. The financial funds invested in the military field are showing a huge disadvantage.

"Mr. Minister, I heard that there have been serious worker riots in the coal mines in the north. They killed local police and officials, robbed all the materials in the warehouse, and announced that they had separated from the government. Jurisdiction, and this kind of thing is constantly rioting. This kind of thing seems to be the most important to us. In contrast, the situation of the workers does not seem to be very serious." The deputy minister on the side said. To.

"No. No, no. You don't know. The key to the problem lies in financial funds. Goguryeo needs a lot of funds to solve the current problems. If the funds are not in place, we will not be able to solve these problems at all. The national debt method will no longer work. , It’s just a pile of waste paper. No one will buy it at all. The only way is to find our allies. Borrow a lot of money from them. Oh my God. Goguryeo’s situation is far greater than any situation we have encountered. It's a lot of trouble." The Finance Minister said helplessly. Without funds, Goguryeo can't do anything. This is already very obvious. If they can do it, they won't encounter such a thing. But the problem is that the current situation is difficult to change. Unless they take some other measures to solve such a thing. Otherwise, they will encounter considerable trouble.

The Minister of Finance of Goguryeo is thinking about some possible solutions, but the only thing that can be solved is to borrow money. Without money, they can't do anything. In fact, that's it. The Minister of Finance does not have much confidence in solving this problem.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War.

"Damn it. What do they want to stop there?" The Secretary of the Army took the telegram and came to the huge map. He didn't know where the two major military towns on the telegram were. The huge map did not show such a place. Come. Because of the scale, there is also the fact that South Korea’s intelligence agencies cannot fully understand some of the situation there. Only the local area has a detailed map.

"Sir, for now, it doesn't matter if they stay there. After all, the situation in Seth is not very optimistic. Their army has just been called up. Weapons are lacking, training is also lacking, and most importantly, lacking. A large number of officers. We still have plenty of time." A lieutenant colonel said from the side.

"Sufficiency. No. I don't think so." The Secretary of the Army looked at the map. He didn't know where he was, but what he knew was that those two places were very important. The two armies supported by South Korea have opened the gateway to Babylon, the capital of the State of Seth. It won’t be long before they can enter the capital directly and solve all their problems, but now. Both armies stayed there. Motionless, this has happened for a long time. This made the Secretary of the Army very annoyed.

"Our time is being lost bit by bit. Lost, understand?" said the Secretary of War.

"We need to solve all the problems as soon as possible and let them launch an offensive. The longer the stay, the more disadvantaged we are. According to intelligence, the Zhao people are urgently mobilizing a large number of forces to support them, and wait until we solve these problems. They are. There will be great changes in their strength. Without an army, they can be enlisted, they have no experience, they can be acquired through training, and they have no weapons. As long as they are given enough time, I believe. They will definitely be armed to the teeth and wait for that time to launch The offensive is too late. This is not alarmist, but an indisputable fact. I think you should understand this. Otherwise, we would not do such a thing at all." The Secretary of War is very clear about those **** army groups. The officers should know this, but there are many reasons to stop, they just don't move.

"Sir, did we give them too little support. If that's the case, I think we should provide them with more funds. In this way, we might be able to solve these problems." The lieutenant colonel on the side said .

"Support. If support can solve the problem, I think we can solve more problems." The Secretary of the Army said. He knew very well that the Queen seemed reluctant to get involved in inland matters too much, such as matters north of Port Seth. Because the trade profits there can bring to South Korea are very limited. Because South Korea cannot play to its naval superiority, and the army needs to develop in depth. In this case, it means that they need to build railways and require investment. Banks seem to be reluctant to do it. This requires money and high returns to do such things. Without these, they would not get absolute support at all. . This is an indisputable fact. Therefore, the support that South Korea can provide will be very limited.

"Did you know? The admiral guys, the new channel they got, the Suez Canal, that small canal can pass hundreds of tons of ships. Yes, it's a few hundred tons of ships, and they will build more. And then transport a large amount of cargo to Aiji, to some countries in the north, we don’t know where these countries are. Anyway, the commercial channels they opened. In contrast, the situation here is not very good. Yes. The business is like that. You can give up or not. In short, our situation is not very good." The Secretary of the Army said.

This has a lot to do with South Korea’s national policy. South Korea rarely takes the initiative to build a local area. They only conduct trade. They will only invest in places that are of special use to them, such as Bangla. But the situation there is not going to get better. In short, trade and expansion of market demand are what the Koreans need.

Zhao Guoren is different. Zhao Guoren not only hope to open up the market, but also hope to develop some markets and then build some factories there, because investing in the construction of factories will not only bring employment. Stabilizing the local situation will also result in a large production base, and further development will continue. It can be said that the development method of Zhao Guoren is much more advanced than that of Koreans. This is also some of the important reasons for Zhao Guo's rapid expansion.

But their current situation is not so good. Fortunately, the Koreans did not give more support.

"Sir, maybe we can think of other ways, such as using some technical equipment. What I know is that the Qin State Air Force, and their heavenly forces, don’t know why they transfer a lot of airship technology, not just that, they A lot of technical equipment has also been eliminated. They have to deal with those technical equipment, we can buy some. And then provide them, bombing is better." The lieutenant colonel thought about it and said. Land combat takes a lot of money to be carried out. This is a big difference, but if they purchase some technical weapons, it may be possible to make up for their land funding problems.

"You mean to buy a lot of aviation equipment from Qin State?" the Secretary of the Army asked.

"Yes, the people of Qin have dealt with a lot of such weapons. Maybe they are upgrading their own air force equipment. If we can buy from them and sell them to the military, we may be able to change the current uncertain situation." This is recommended.

"Well. It is better to be more cautious about such things. First of all, we must clearly know whether the other party has such a demand. If there is no such demand, our situation is very bad. We should be clear. Knowing such a result, we need to know more detailed information." The Secretary of the Army said cautiously. What he knows is that if no one buys such weapons for them, those weapons may fall in their hands. Although the airship has a strong deterrent effect, if it is not handled well. May be severely eliminated. Because Qin people have to upgrade their weapons again. This shows that the practicality of the airship has become very impractical. The airship is being eliminated.

"This. We can experiment. Okay. Sir, we can try." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said.

"Let's do this. Don't dare to let the equipment fall into our hands, in that case. Our losses can be very, very large." The Secretary of the Army said.

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