The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3603: Infantry assault tactics

Inside Seth, inside the king’s headquarters. In order to facilitate the resolution of military operations against invading rebel forces. The king set up his own headquarters here. But the army in the hands of the king is really pitiful.

"Your Majesty. The forces in our hands are really limited. At present, only three infantry divisions have been established. Most of them are militia battalions. Many infantry divisions only exist on paper. It’s a long way to go. It’s really hard to do for our requirements.” said the chief of staff on the side. In accordance with the requirements of Zhao Guo's adviser, King Seth also established his own general staff. It is used to command and formulate relevant combat plans, but the establishment of the staff can not completely solve the problem, because they need more infantry divisions and more soldiers to complete such tasks, but they currently lack the strength Quite a lot. He didn't know the extent of the lack, anyway. The situation is very bad.

"How long will it take them to go into battle?" the king asked.

"This, it will take us at least one month before we can barely put into combat. Moreover, weapons and ammunition are still relatively lacking. Under such conditions, we are worried that their combat effectiveness will become less effective." Speaking of this long. The chief of staff is an old-style soldier and has a certain understanding of muskets. In other words, he is still more comfortable with muskets, that is, some situations in flintlock warfare. What he knows is that if you want to defeat an army of 200,000, you need at least more infantry divisions to fight. But he is also an old-style military officer. He is safer, but he won't venture ahead, and he won't risk doing more things.

Hearing this, the king walked away in disgust. He didn't want to hear such a situation. He felt that he should do something, or in other words, launch a small counterattack, attack, and boost morale. This is too much for Seth.

"Your Majesty, the current two armies are stuck in the military center and cannot advance. This is good for us. We can have ample time to solve our training and supply problems. This is very beneficial to us. We still There is time." said the chief of staff.

"Time?" The king asked in an extremely impatient tone when he heard this.

"This." The chief of staff doesn't know how to explain it. Is he going to tell the reason why the enemy does not launch an offensive? As long as the two armies continue to stay, they will have time, but this is very passive. The king is a young man. He is determined and enterprising, but he always passively waits for some time, or in other words, waits a longer time to solve the problem before solving the next problem, but others will not give you so much time. solved. This is bound to allow them to solve the problem thoroughly.

"We don't have that much time at all, and I don't want to be passive like this. If this is the case, do we wash our necks clean, wait nervously for the rebels to invade Babylon, and then chop off my head. If this is the case, Chief of Staff, you can wait with peace of mind." The king said with great dissatisfaction. He was very annoyed by the passive defense of the Chief of Staff. In his opinion, the Chief of Staff was incompetent.

"Mr. Li Ping, I want to know how you think about this matter." The king's gaze immediately shifted to Li Ping, Major Zhao Guo. He is a military observer stationed in Persia. His academic performance is excellent. Unfortunately, there is no battle to fight. Therefore, it is difficult for him to enter a higher command academy to study, and the promotion path is deadlocked. But now, the opportunity has come. He has served as the chief military officer, but he has a certain strategic prototype. At the very least, he had helped the Persians to serve as a staff officer, which gave him a certain overall view. Because he knows that the next stage of learning is to learn these things, which can be regarded as giving him lessons in advance.

"His Majesty, in this matter, my opinion is to block all the way and attack all the way. Before the two armies converge, we will attack all the way. Only in this way can we effectively dismantle the enemy's attack. Otherwise, When the two armies gather under Babylon, even if we mobilize more militia camps, we can't resist it." Li Ping hasn't been here for long, but he still understands some of the circumstances. Seth has recruited more than thirty-two militia battalions, but they are the main military force of Seth. But these are not enough. They need more militia battalions to fight. Moreover, their training is not very good.

"Yeah. Very good. I think so too. Waiting passively like this is preparing us to hang ourselves." The king said after seeing his chief of staff. In fact, this can't blame the king. The king's army is a new type of army, and the performance of their rifles is very good. The chief of staff is still in the flintlock era, although he has a lot ahead of most officers, but in comparison. There is still a long way to go. This is the gap. If it is really carried out according to the plan of the Chief of Staff, the Kingdom of Seth will be destroyed.

The king did not want to remain passive, because the more he waited, the worse the situation. At the same time, he also needs a victory to lay the uneasy hearts of those Zhao Guo bankers. Although Zhao Guo has already provided part of the loan funds, only less than 120,000 gold coins, the rest of the funds need a longer period of time. Time can be invested. This clearly tells His Majesty that you must fight a battle. Prove your ability. Otherwise, they will be powerless to solve such a thing. Therefore, the king needs a victory too much. In other words, his situation will change a lot as long as he repels the attacking rebels. This is the situation the king wants to see.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" the king asked. He still doesn't understand the specific battle. Because he found that he was far from some real thoughts of Officer Zhao Guo. After all, he has not systematically received some military education. For him, this gap is still very large.

"Although I am not sure why the two armies stayed in place. I can be sure that their stay in place provides us with a good opportunity. If their two armies attack us together, our The defensive force simply cannot defend against such a large place, because it will be a huge disaster for us, because we can't resist them at all, the 200,000 army, we simply don't have the power to resist the other party." Li Ping Speaking of.

"But if we destroy one road ahead of time, it will be difficult for the other road to pose a threat to us again. This is my strategic idea. I plan to mobilize twelve or so militia battalions to set up deep defense lines along the way for the rebels in Eastern Tula , They need to build a large number of fortifications, resist layer by layer, and if necessary, also need street fighting, which requires the sacrifice of Babylon. I don’t know when His Majesty the King agreed to such a plan." Li Ping asked the king.

"Yes, as long as the two hundred thousand rebels can be defeated, the rest can be agreed." The king seems to have understood what the other party wants to do. The chief of staff thinks that the twelve militia battalions, they are very lack of weapons, how can they withstand such a crazy attack by the other party. This is just a joke. The chief of staff couldn't help shook his head. He believes that such a thing cannot be done.

"Then the rest, the militia battalion and the existing military forces can defeat the other side. We must know that our military strength does not occupy a great advantage. We are far inferior to the other side in terms of weapons and training? These are my best Worry about.” The king said worriedly. The strategic intent is obvious. But the problem is, how to achieve such a goal, it takes a long way to go. It will take some time to do such a thing.

"I think the problem shouldn't be too big, Your Majesty." Li Ping said. He has inspected the militia camps. Although they have no experience in warfare, many people have no weapons. They seem to be just a group of civilians. However, it is no secret to them that a large number of civilians will participate in future wars. A general mobilization order can solve most of the soldiers' problems. Therefore, they don't have to worry about such things.

"Because I see that the morale of your majesty's soldiers is high, their enthusiasm for fighting will definitely be great. Under such circumstances, the combat enthusiasm of the infantry will increase, and the counterattack will be more favorable. Moreover, we reform Infantry tactics, as long as we rush in and tear the opponent's line of defense, it will be more conducive to us launching an offensive." Li Ping said. Because he has seen the combat forces in the two provinces, they are still old-fashioned, old-style troops. Although their training has the situation of modernized troops, they are still a backward army in terms of combat methods. For example, they are not. Good at offensive operations, not good at large-scale assault operations. Because this can be seen from their defensive formation and the line of defense, they simply put their troops on a line, and then set aside a certain reserve team to block such openings. This is extremely passive and stupid. Li Ping feels that the improved infantry can change this way and use new ones to fight old ones. At the tactical level, they will have a great chance of winning.

"If this is the case, thank you so much. Thank you for everything you have done for the Kingdom of Seth." said the king.

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