The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3604: Use technology to supplement tactics

"Although we lack some artillery, we can use grenades instead, so that our infantry can get a certain amount of fire support. At the same time, our troops can boldly carry out assaults because we can deploy skirmish lines. But Those rebels were unable to do this. I think His Majesty should be aware of this." Li Ping said.

The reason why Li Ping dared to do this is because the Seth army can use their infantry assault tactics. This assault tactic requires more than an improvement in the quality of individual soldiers. At the same time, a certain degree of subjective initiative is required. The main component of Seth’s new army is newly liberated slaves. They understand the importance of freedom better than the rebels. In contrast, the tactics of the rebels are extremely rigid.

"Well, very good, if feasible, I hope to be able to complete such a thing as soon as possible. Is there anything else needed? Is there anything that can help. I will definitely be able to help." His Majesty continued to ask.

"Yes. It is hoped that His Majesty the King can go on the expedition personally. In this way, it can inspire high morale." Li Ping said. The reason for doing this is because Li Ping believes that the organization of the Seth army, or in other words, they have not yet formed an effective organization. They temporarily only successfully organized the first-level battalion units, but higher units, regiments. . Brigade, and division. None of them have formed, and they still lack so many officers. It might be very messy if you go to command all at once. but. If there is a king in command, all the militia battalions can know where they are, and they can play their due role. This is what they are going to do.

"This. No. Your Majesty the King. Your status is special, and the army is so chaotic. In the event of an accident, the situation will have a very negative impact on us. Such an impact can occur. Moreover, it is a very bad situation. , We absolutely cannot have such a thing." The chief of staff objected immediately. He opposed the king's risk of reaching the front line like this. In that case, they may cause big accidents, and such accidents are absolutely possible.

"Okay. I have decided on this matter. We have to do this. Seth is already in extreme danger. We cannot watch the danger develop further. This will cause great danger to us. We absolutely cannot This situation occurs." King Seth said. He has decided to assume the post of supreme commander. After all, it seems that there is no general suitable for doing this in the country.

Qin State, Xianyang. Staff.

"The Koreans seem to be very interested in these old airships. They have asked the prices of these airships many times. If they can, I think they will buy these weapons." Yang Duanhe said.

"Then sell them. Anyway, we don’t need some of these weapons. At the same time, we need to upgrade our aviation forces. Most of them must use aircraft. But the question is, how do we upgrade the aircraft to a higher level. Go up to the height?" Wang Jian asked such a question.

"This." Yang Duanhe shook his head, saying that he didn't have a good solution. Although some aviation technologies have matured, it seems difficult to solve these problems thoroughly. After all, many things will not be solved at once. The air force of Qin State finally gave up the airship. Although the airship has many advantages, for example, its carrying capacity is the largest, and the carrying capacity of a medium-sized airship is equivalent to three times that of the current transport aircraft. The most important thing is that if the auxiliary fuel tank is added, his range is very impressive, but his shortcomings are also very obvious, slow and bulky. In the era of rapid development of high-rate weapons, his slow maneuvering has become his most lethal. Weakness, this kind of weakness will directly cause him to lose the final stage of military weapons, and the people of Qin can only eliminate him.

"At the same time, we must also pay attention to the development of aviation weapons. Some problems need to be solved. For example, the technical basis of civil aviation equipment determines the starting point for the development of our aviation equipment." Wang Jian said. The defense industry of Qin State is very special. Most of the defense industry and civilian industry are connected with each other. The advantage of this is that it can effectively develop the defense industry.

"I have a better way. Perhaps we can hold a competition, have a flight record competition, set a higher bonus for those flying companies to participate. At the same time increase some visibility, after all, such a competition can also train a lot of pilots. I think this is a very good way." Yang Duanhe thought about it and said. Qin has played some of these competitions before, but the competition has gradually reduced the heat. Because more aircraft appeared. The difficulty of the set items is reduced, and with the emergence of warships, it is difficult for people's attention to cross here.

"Yeah. You are right, but I think it would be better if there is an aerial battle, for example, into a movie or something. In this way, everyone can notice this." Wang Jian said. To. Yang Duanhe was a little surprised, he didn't know what Wang Jian thought of. But the aviation competition project went on immediately. After all, this can promote the rapid development of aviation vehicles. This must be supported.

State of Zhao, Handan. Staff. Li Mu watched the wargame of the staff.

"At present, the two local armies supported by the Koreans are staying in two important military towns 150 kilometers away, and we must concentrate three infantry divisions. As well as 30 or so militia battalions to launch an offensive, their total The military strength is about 40,000 to 45,000." Said a staff officer. Then he took out the corresponding chess pieces.

"The two armies are far apart, and they can't cooperate with each other. This way, it gives us the possibility of splitting and eating each other." A staff officer said.

"Don't forget. There are 100,000 opponents and they are still in a defensive state. Such a state is extremely beneficial to them. We must admit this point. Judging from the current state of the war, the defensive side is far better than the offensive. The side is even more advantageous, because the firepower network formed by various machine guns and artillery is very powerful.” said a lieutenant colonel’s staff.

"I admit this. But the problem is, according to the information we have, neither armies have established defensive positions, and their equipment is only rifles, a small number of small-caliber artillery, and morale is not high. They are fighting. The enthusiasm is not too high. In this case, it gives us the possibility of diverting and defeating them. And this possibility exists." The staff officer said.

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel's staff also had to nod his head. Because according to the situation they received, the two armies had been staying for a long time. They were very surprised by the two major military towns. However, what was unexpected was that they stopped advancing for a long time. South Korea is also urging, but it is difficult for them to move forward. Even the fortifications were not excavated.

"Maybe we are facing a mob. It's impossible for them to fight. Maybe they don't have such military capabilities." Li Mu thought for a while and said. Think about it, an army that has stayed for a long time has not even excavated fortifications, and the combat effectiveness of such an army can be imagined. From this point of view, the Seth people only need to launch a swift attack. They may be defeated quickly.

"This. But the other party has 100,000 people after all." The Lieutenant Colonel's staff still said worriedly. They are based on inadequate understanding, after all, they do not know much about these rebels.

"Regardless of the large number of them, in fact, the role they played is really not very large. We can only think that if they can play such a role, it can only show that our luck is really not very good." Li Mu shook his head and said. Based on this alone, Li Mu believes that the rebels can be defeated.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The Seven-Nation Navy Agreement was finally signed, and the Koguryo Navy was greatly suppressed. At the same time, they opened up their own markets. This is very good news for South Korea.

"The Goguryeo incident is basically over. The next step is to look at the development of Jeju. They must have enough merchant ships to develop. After all, they are an inaccessible maritime power." Han Shu finally loosened. In a tone, South Korea's Chu State plans to make Jeju a nail, a nail that can control the trade route between Zhao and Qi, so that they can quickly develop their own maritime trade. The Chu people have a large number of colonies, as do Koreans. The Chu people mainly produce agricultural products, while the Koreans dump a lot of industrial products. They all need enough raw materials and markets. But the rapid rise of Qi and Zhao gave them a great crisis, so they need Jeju. In the next development of Jeju, they will position each other as a huge maritime trading nation. Because his resources are small. Only by developing trade can they continue to survive, because if they calculate according to their financial funds, they simply cannot feed a fleet with a gross tonnage of more than 500,000 tons.

"Yes, my lord, but I think, my lord, we should pay attention to Seth's side. Their situation seems to be a bit bad. Although two rebel forces of more than 200,000 people are far from their capital It’s less than one hundred and fifty kilometers away. However, they have stayed there for a long time. The most important thing is that according to our intelligence, the Zhao people are trying to provide more support through the Persian supply line. A large amount of weapons and ammunition are being supplied through there. Once they defeat one of them, they can get so much supply. I think the situation will pose a great threat to our border." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"The most important thing is that this is a land battle. Our military strength is not enough to fight against the army power of Zhao Guo. Even the supporting army of other countries can hardly form an effective confrontation with Zhao Guo." Zhang Liang This is clearly pointed out.

"On land matters, we can solve them by sea. We can block their port transportation. Check their ships." Han Shu said disapprovingly. You must know that this time their situation can indeed achieve such a goal. The development of the South Korean Army is really not satisfactory. The size of his army is constantly shrinking, while the size of the navy is constantly expanding. His army is less than ninety thousand people. And these 90,000 people, more than 50,000 people are distributed in various regions. In order to control a wider overseas colony, South Korea’s solution is to recruit a large number of colonial forces to maintain law and order, but its navy is 70,000. People, and in the continuous expansion, there will definitely be more than 100,000 people in the future. This means that the size of the army is far inferior to that of the navy.

Although Zhao Jun's situation is quite similar, Zhao's soldiers can fight after all, especially in tactics, they continue to innovate. In contrast, the South Korean Army is more rigid. Facing such an army. Naturally, Zhao has a great advantage.

"However, the problem is that if we do this, we will increase friction with Zhao, and Zhao only uses the Persian ports they control for material transportation. This has little effect on us. We cannot carry out further diplomacy. Interference." Zhang Liang said. When Han Shu focused a lot of attention on naval issues. Zhang Liang has already noticed the occurrence of this kind of battle. If this situation cannot be greatly changed, the situation will be very unfavorable to them. However, the army is not where the Koreans have an advantage. They can only fight for a while. Fighting, mobile and flexible combat methods, I'm afraid they really can't solve it.

"Well. In this case, we still have to provide them with some advantages. Two hundred thousand people, they have an advantage in terms of military strength." Han Shu said.

"I think, let's do this, we can provide them with some weapons and equipment, so that they can maintain more advantages. As long as the blockade can resist the opponent's attack, other things can be solved. After all, tactics We can't make up for it, but we can make up for it with technology." Han Shu said. Han Shu thought of using technology to make up for the soldiers' tactical deficiencies. After all, they have such experience to follow. For example, the Navy, the Navy is relying on technological development to make up for tactical innovation. But can the same experience be used in different services? Zhang Liang still kept clear, but Han Shu said so. Then it can only do so. The development of the situation often exceeds their situation, but doing so will cause another thing to happen, that is, financial problems, how to solve financial problems, if these problems are not solved, they will certainly not solve all problems. of.

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