Seth, outside Babylon. A large number of militiamen gathered here. They are stationed here in units of battalions. They come from Babylon and some surrounding areas. Many of them are free people who have just been liberated. They came after hearing the king's call-up order. In their opinion, such a thing is for them, it should be. They think this war was fought by the king for them. Therefore, they have the obligation and ability to do such things for their king.

In the Thirty Militia Battalion, all the militias gathered here, and they received simple military training. Assassination and how to use guns. What's bad is that they just saw how the instructors use guns. Then they touched one by one, how to use the guns. However, they did not have the opportunity to fire a shot, which was said to be due to insufficient bullets.

Tummer, the son of a slave from the outskirts of Babylon, was also called here. He was enrolled in the Thirty Militia Battalion.

"I think we should shoot a gun. The instructor said that it still has recoil. This kind of gun can hit far, far away." The two militiamen are sharing their experience of learning guns. In their view, they are particularly eager to get a rifle of their own, because the rifle can make them feel safe, and they don't know why, after they come into contact with the gun. The inferiority complex of slaves was suddenly released, and they felt that they were truly respected, or the violent factors that had been suppressed for too long were awakened by the state machinery. As long as they maintain this situation, they can quickly make themselves stronger. This is a very strange behavior, but it is this behavior that makes them very normal. This is war. The war has given them great opportunities, and they need to seize such opportunities.

The entire barracks were flooded with a large number of Seth languages. After all, many people have not accepted the official Central Plains dialect. Unfortunately, the entire Seth leadership is moving towards Central Plains dialect. All officials must speak Central Plains dialect. Central Plains dialect is their official language, not only that. A large number of military officers and non-commissioned officers must be able to speak this language, otherwise, they will not be promoted. Seth officials are using such a method to improve their ability to fully integrate with Zhao Guo. After all, language is the stepping stone, without such ability, it will be very complicated.

"Sergeant. I'm sorry, sergeant." Tummer found his sergeant, and he said in the Central Plains dialect. This surprised his sergeant.

"Sergeant, I want to report to some officers' study classes. I think. Seek progress." Tummer said when he saw the sergeant. The sergeant was their squad leader. He was a veteran. He was a veteran who used a flintlock before. He looked very strong. Unfortunately, he is already over forty years old. I have fought a war, but they are all fighting with cold weapons. There are not too many battles with hot weapons. He can only speak a small part of the Central Plains dialect, so that he will be promoted hopelessly. But he has the right to recommend.

"Well. Do you want to study in the officer's class?" the sergeant asked. He asked the other party in his own not too many Central Plains dialects.

"Yes. Sergeant." Tummer said.

"Well. I want to know why you speak the Central Plains dialect. You know, there are not many things like this. I think you understand this." The sergeant asked.

"This. Sir, it's like this. I am a slave. I followed the noble lords to Seth for business activities. Therefore, I have learned a little bit. If I don't learn it, it is difficult to get mixed up there. However. , I don’t know much about what I can say. I don’t know much about many technical professions, not just this, but there are many things that I don’t know too well.” Tummer explained.

"Okay. We need such a person, but you have to study hard. There are not many opportunities. Learning can change a lot of things. You have to seize this opportunity. If you can't grasp it, the situation will be very complicated." Scholar encouraged to. The king followed the advice of Zhao's military adviser, and he established two military academies. The first is this kind of preliminary officer study class, which can make up for the shortage of officers in the new Seth army by teaching them some language, preliminary command, and tactics and weapons courses, and the other is in the existing officers. The selection was carried out on the basis of the squadron. Of course, this selection had to be carried out many times. After all, they had not many officers. A lieutenant led a battalion. Even when the infantry battalion was established, there was only one second lieutenant and the sergeant. Rarely. The corporal can command an infantry company. This shows that they are seriously short of officers, and the number may exceed two thousand.

"Yes, sir, I will definitely work hard." Tummer said with a smile. The sergeant nodded. This is indeed a very good opportunity, because once you enter the officer's study class, the treatment will become different, after the general militia is enlisted. The country is unable to provide military pay, and the finances are extremely tight. There is no way, not even military uniforms, let alone weapons. Many people also used sticks as rifles for assassination training. The treatment of these militiamen is that the state provides some land or some land bonds. There is no way, there is not much land available to them. The land bonds are also issued under Zhao Guo’s economic adviser, which is equivalent to providing some in disguise. Military pay to solve the problem. This has the same idea as multiple banknotes. The state can solve these problems by using some waste paper.

The treatment of officers is different. Because Seth is a new army, the first expansion is very large, so the salary of officers is still relatively high. For example, a second lieutenant officer, the treatment of a second lieutenant officer is equivalent to that of a junior nobleman. They not only have land, but also certain assets. The country will provide a place to stay. Therefore, the treatment of the Seth army at this time is still relatively high.

When a new country is born, as long as you continue to learn to enrich yourself with your own efforts, you still have a chance to get a certain promotion. After all, such opportunities are not many in other places. What they need is Such an opportunity.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai called an emergency economic meeting. Mainly, steel stocks have experienced a sharp decline. This is completely beyond the control of the government. In other words, everything that should come will come.

"Okay. I don't want to say more. Everything that should come is here. There are so many problems that we can solve." Guo Kai waved his arm and said.

"The situation is very unfavorable for us. Steel stocks have begun to decline. This shows that the competition and profitability of companies are very limited. Under such conditions, our company will have a lot of trouble. This may cause problems. A great economic crisis. Although this situation can be very dangerous among economists, I think we still have a chance to overcome this kind of crisis." Guo Kai said.

Qin's steel stocks also fell. Although it rose a lot at one time, it was still affected by the construction of a new economic zone. However, not long after, the stock price fell again, and the speed is getting bigger and bigger, in this case. Zhao Guo's steel companies have also been greatly affected. Not only the steel companies, but the entire Zhao Guo company's stock prices have fallen a lot, which has caused a new wave of disasters in the stock market. Guo Kai must solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise, the stock disaster will be transmitted to various industries, and they will ruthlessly destroy everything, which is more terrifying than a war.

"I want to know, how can we solve these problems?" Guo Kai asked.

The ministers participating in the meeting did not know how to solve this problem, because they had never encountered such a problem before, and now letting them do such a thing would make them feel very passive, or, in other words, very upset. This makes them feel terrified. But they can't come up with a good plan. Perhaps there is only one solution, which is to expand abroad. But in this case, a certain amount of financial funds will be consumed, and there will be greater risks. This kind of thing is difficult for them to proceed.

"Well, Minister of Finance, tell me how to solve these problems." Guo Kai asked angrily. Because Guo Kai did not have any good solutions.

"Stocks have fallen, especially steel stocks. I think the most important reason is that steel companies have too much inventory. And their profits are not too big, although some steel companies have used new technologies. However, The promotion of new products takes time. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is difficult for stocks to get rid of the danger of falling. Therefore, they fell." The Minister of Finance said.

"How to solve this problem, I want to know the specific solution." Guo Kai said without any patience. If there is a problem with the economy, he will be removed first, and there will be no benefit to these cabinet members. This is extremely obvious.

"My solution is to stimulate demand. I noticed that Goguryeo is in a state of anxiety. If we can provide some help for them to carry out economic construction, they may need a lot of steel in our hands, not only Goguryeo, but also Persia. , Rest in peace, and Seth, we have already got a lot of benefits from them. Such a thing is not difficult for us." The Minister of Finance said.

"Do you have any other solutions?" Guo Kai asked. But the other ministers did not speak, because they did not have a very good solution to this complicated economic problem.

"Well, that's it, we need to tell the economic department such good news." Guo Kai said.

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