Jeju Admiralty. The Secretary of the Navy sat in his seat with a sad face.

"Sir, I think we should be happy. You know, we have got 550,000 tons of shipbuilding quota, which is more than enough for us." The Navy Deputy Commander said with a smile. With that said, he handed over the shipbuilding plan in his hands to the Secretary of the Navy.

"This is indeed a good thing, but it is also an out-and-out bad thing. We should pay attention to this point clearly. Shipbuilding, five hundred and fifty thousand tons, requires a lot of capital. Moreover, don’t look at our current situation. There are also some destroyers and cruisers. However, they are inevitably in a backward state. I heard that South Korea and Zhao are planning to develop new warships, but these warships in our hands are still in contrast. It will not pose the most deadly threat to Goguryeo. If it hadn't been for Goguryeo to become chaotic, we might not have had such a chance at all." said the Navy Secretary. Building battleships is great, but it requires a lot of money.

"Sir, I understand that this requires a lot of funding for the construction of warships. Doesn't the Treasury Department already have such a plan?" said the Undersecretary of the Navy. He believes that Jeju Island is an island country and a newly emerging country. It is extremely unrealistic to develop industry. First of all, his land is extremely small. Therefore, all he can do is to develop trade, and because of the war, their financial expenses are already very small on economic construction. In the next stage, the Ministry of Finance will not be able to concentrate a large amount of funds on this, after all. They still need to survive, and economic development is a must.

"Therefore, it is impossible for the Navy to provide sufficient funding for the construction of warships for a period of time in the future. I think you should understand this. At the same time, the Navy Department has another task, which is to find ways to raise military expenses. If possible, we have to sell some warships to repay debts and solve the current economic situation." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This. Sir, our warships are not many originally." When the Undersecretary of the Navy heard that some of the warships were to be sold, he suddenly became nervous because they were really reluctant, and at this time the overall scale of the Koguryo Navy still lags behind. Goguryeo, fortunately, there is a lot of chaos in Goguryeo. If there is no such situation, they really can't think of any situation that can solve this situation. This is a great disaster for them.

"Just deal with those speedboats. Their range is very limited, but the power is still relatively large. What I know is that on the Suez Canal, they need such a ship. They worry that the draft of the warship is very deep, and the Suez Canal is It's impossible to get through there. So, only such speedboats, punts, can achieve their fast goals. Okay. That's it. Let them handle it." The Secretary of the Navy decided in this way.

Although torpedo boats can have a great effect, for example, in this naval battle, if the torpedo boats did not attack quickly, the chaos caused would not be enough to cause major damage, and there would be no such results. However, the torpedo boats still have their fatal weaknesses. With short legs, it is impossible for them to travel farther. Moreover, they are all old-fashioned boats. They use steam engines. Their speed can reach 24 knots. It's an amazing miracle. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to expect them to conduct further operations. So, in this matter. The Secretary of the Navy has his own considerations. He felt that the speedboat force had become a burden, and it was impossible to maintain so many speedboats to solve these problems in terms of funds. Therefore, he decisively canceled other orders for speedboats, and it was much better to spend some liquidated damages than to manufacture them. And these old speedboats, he decided to sell to the Suez Canal.

South Korea, Qingcheng, the naval branch office.

"These Jeju guys. Really. If you don't want it, you don't want it. I'd rather not give liquidated damages. Really fucking." A shipyard director said excitedly.

"Not really." The same goes for the middle-aged man on the side.

"This speedboat requires a lot of parts, and the requirements for wood are relatively strict. I ordered a large amount of wood, and I thought I would make a fortune. As a result, the war stopped. They didn't even want it. But in my hands. What can I do with this kind of wood? It is impossible for me to make it into furniture. This **** thing is too irritating." A middle-aged man said excitedly.

"No, I think so too. If something like this happens, the result will be too sad. This thing can't happen like this. If it happens, the situation will be very bad for us. This. Alas, Don't talk about it. Speaking of it, it's really annoying." The factory director said.

Speedboats are built at a fast speed and are not technically difficult. Some small companies can accept orders and then cooperate with other manufacturers for production. This is also regarded as a cooperation model. This is an opportunity for companies, but this Opportunity now brings disaster, how to say. Because they ordered a lot of materials and parts in order to make more money. As a result, they didn't need to absorb them. Their order fell through. And they have already paid part of the funds for the raw materials. Next, if the raw materials cannot be solved well, the situation will be very bad. Therefore, they went to the Admiralty Department, hoping that the Admiralty Department could resolve these issues. But the Admiralty is also powerless. After all, they are just taking the lead to help solve some of the problems in the order, but they did not expect this to happen. This is a very bad thing for them.

"I didn't expect this situation. I think you know the economic situation of Jeju very well." The Secretary of the Navy walked back and forth. They are discussing and dealing with the aftermath, because there are still many semi-finished naval warships in the shipyard. They have completed the final assembly, and it will only take a while. They can go into the water. But the problem is that the Jeju Navy does not want it. The reason is simple, they have no money. This war also emptied their last bit of financial funds, and now both countries are solving their own economic problems, not naval funding. The situation in South Korea and Chu is still more difficult.

Because they started to work with all their strength to build a large number of warships, but they only delivered a small part, which is a lot of loss for them, because a large number of warships are still in the dock, and the other party has cancelled the order. In this case, they have to deal with these naval warships. The problem is how to deal with them. There are no countries in the world that need these warships.

"This, sir, I think we can sell it to the Suez Canal Company. I think it will be needed there, and we can also transform it into some merchant ships. In this way, the problem can be solved. We should deal with these ships quickly. Otherwise, when the problem further fluctuates on a large scale, it will affect the shipyard. In that case, our navy's potential will be further weakened." The Navy Deputy Commander thought about it and said this.

"Suez Canal Company, can they? If they can't eat so many ships, what should we do? And how should we solve it?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"This." The Undersecretary of the Navy didn't know how to solve this problem.

"Well, we can only try this. Anyway, this is also a good solution." The Secretary of the Navy reluctantly agreed. In fact, he is unwilling to happen when such a thing happens, but what can he do if he is unwilling? It has already happened.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty.

"Sir, I think you should look at this." The undersecretary of the Navy took a telegram and handed it to his Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy quickly looked at the telegram from the Chu State Navy Department.

"What do they want? Let us buy those warships?" the Secretary of the Navy asked the other curiously.

"Yes. That's what they mean. Jeju's orders are all cancelled, which means that many warships can no longer be built. But the problem is that most of the warships have been built, and they are in the dock. , Chu State urgently needs to get rid of, they must solve these troublesome orders, otherwise, their shipyard will be in big trouble." Said the Deputy Chief of the Navy. The people of Chu also encountered the same problem. Qi and Zhao did not have a big problem because their warships had already been built. Although it was sunk. But the problem is not very big.

But the situation of Chu people is not good. They can’t be like the Koreans. The Koreans still have a solution, which is to transform and sell a large number of warships to the Suez Canal or some commercial companies. They need ships, and they also have such capabilities. But the problem is, Chu State. The human situation is different. It seems unlikely that their market can afford such a large number of ships. This is a warship. If it is transformed into a merchant ship, the cost is relatively high. Moreover, the battleship itself is quite different from the merchant ship. In this case, no one seems to be able to eat such surplus orders.

After thinking about it, they met with the people of Qin, and they hoped that the people of Qin could solve these problems.

"This matter is still very tricky. We don't have much funds. What's more, what do we want so many warships for? They are relatively behind." The Secretary of the Navy thought for a while and said. In his opinion, these are all tatters, and they don't need these tatters.

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