State of Zhao, Handan.

"Although this is good news, what we need to point out is that it does not have many practical benefits for solving the stock market crash. We still lack enough funds to invigorate the market." A banker said. To. Regarding the news that Guo Kai convened an economic meeting, they got some news. The news is generally good and good enough, but the problem is that their impact is not large enough, because it mainly focuses on In the economic field, the stimulus to the stock market has become a little much smaller. This is not enough for them, because it causes them to lack sufficient funds for stock stimulus.

"There is no way. We still don't have sufficient funds to solve this problem. The decline of steel companies has already led to the collapse of the entire market. What we can do is to keep short selling more stocks. Unless there is something on the stock market. Sufficient funds to solve these problems, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to solve these problems." A banker said. Bankers don’t have a lot of losses, because they are the main sellers of stocks, but they are somewhat passive in selling stocks. They only sell the stocks in their hands after a large-scale decline in the stock market. For them, it was a bit slow. But fortunately, they sold the stock in their hands. However, if the stock market continues to collapse like this, they will lose everything, which is really not good news for them.

"It seems that we can only seek help from the government. If they can solve these problems, it is the best. If they can't solve these problems, the entire stock market will fall into a huge panic." Some bankers said. . What should come, will come eventually, this is unavoidable anyway. The banks also did not have enough funds to save their stock market. In this regard, they had no alternative but to seek help from the government.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"This is the idea of ​​the Admiralty. They think that we can accept these warships, of course. For some warships, we also need to modify them, and it is best to complete the task of supply. The Admiralty thinks so. Construction requires a lot of materials, we can send some materials there, in addition, we can also carry out construction to ensure the coast of our coastal areas, but, in this way, we need not many, of course. We can still need There are some supply ships, but the number is not too much. After all, we need to build it ourselves." Meng Yi told Shangwen about the Admiralty's plan.

Shangwen nodded to show that he understood. The Admiralty’s suggestion is to purchase some of the warships, of course. The price must be right. After all, there are only a few countries that can afford warships. At present, it seems that no country has been able to purchase so many warships. And Qin Guo seemed to be a very good next home. After all, they also need to build their own navy.

"Yes, but not too much. After all, what I know is that the Navy is developing new technologies very quickly. We should be very clear about this. If a large amount of money is used to purchase warships, then, wait until we develop. At that time, these warships may have been eliminated. We cannot let our navy use backward warships to protect our coastal areas. This is extremely immoral.” Shang Wen said. Shang Wen is very clear that the current speed of warships is still relatively slow, and if heavy armor is added, the speed of warships is only a dozen knots. If you add the huge-caliber naval guns, the speed they can move is not enough to deal with fast warships. Warships seem to be caught in such a dilemma, but Shangwen believes that the dilemma has been solved enough. That is, gas turbines that use heavy oil will replace steam engines, because the former will have more power, which means they will have faster speeds, thicker armor, or in other words, they will get bigger The development of caliber artillery will allow warships to enter a new era. At this time, it is obviously inappropriate for them to buy so many warships.

"One more thing is a telegram from the Zhao State Army Department. They hope to export a batch of weapons to Persia through our transportation." Meng Yi said.

"Persia, I think, this will cause a lot of misunderstanding. You should understand this. There is still a big contradiction between Rest and Persia. If arms are exported, the contradiction will escalate. How should we resolve this? ?" Shang Wen asked.

"No. Their explanation is that they hope to send some weapons to Seth as soon as possible through Persia. Because they need to do this. Because Seth is destroying the rebels, they need a lot of weapons." Meng Yi explained this. .

"No, I don’t want to do this. Qin can’t participate in it yet. If the people of Zhao Kingdom deliver weapons, we can manufacture them, and they must be assembled in the border area. But the problem is that we can’t deliver these weapons. This will bring us. Great diplomatic trouble, the Koreans will oppose it, and at the same time it will have a great impact on the security of rest. We cannot let this happen. Absolutely not. We can only feel sorry for their intentions. After all, we do There is no such thing." Shang Wen said. Regarding the contradiction between Zhao and South Korea, Shang Wen believes that Qin should avoid such things as much as possible. After all, this will seriously affect Qin’s diplomatic strategy. What Qin needs to do now is to develop, not Excessive interference in it. This is of no benefit to Qin State.

Seth, 20 kilometers north of Tumer City, seven militia battalions conscripted by Seth are building fortifications here, and more and more militia battalions are rushing here.

"When we dig trenches like this, when will we dig it? Since we came here, we have been digging and digging, and we will soon become rats." A private soldier said dissatisfied. He is still wearing his own clothes, but it is a pity that his clothes are very dirty. There is no way. When the conscription order was carried out, their superiors guaranteed that they would have their own new uniforms, but as a result, they have not seen their own uniforms until now. Under such circumstances, they can only wear their own clothes. Excavation work.

"This is to build fortifications. These things can withstand the bombardment of cannons. If you are tired, take a break and don't make yourself too tired." An veteran handed the opponent a sleeping bag, and then gulped. Private soldiers didn't know why they said that.

"Veteran, do you know that such trenches can work?" The soldier asked curiously. He had never participated in a battle. He didn't know what was going on in a battle. In his opinion, it might just be a casual offensive. Solve the problem.

"Trenches, trenches can solve a lot of things, I think, you don’t have to worry too much. Really, he can solve a lot of things, those Zhao Guo consultants know a lot, they know how to fight, how to use a lot of things. We must know that those shells can kill camels. Our bodies can never withstand such a bombardment, but trenches can. We can avoid the shells safely by hiding in it, and then we drive away. Gun, shoot, and kill the offensive enemy. This is very beneficial to the defending side. That's what we know." The veteran said.

This is what Zhao Guo’s consultant said to the experienced officers and sergeants. The sergeant of Seth is relatively weak, and it is difficult for them to resist the opponent’s swift attack. Moreover, there is a flat plain in the rear. For the offensive side, It is very beneficial. Only by building a large number of fortifications can they play a defensive role. In this case, they don't have to die in vain. In fact, these trenches still need barbed wire, mines, and the cooperation of machine guns and artillery, but for the moment, they can't do anything. The only thing that can be done is to build more fortifications. Then rely on these fortifications to block the opponent's offense.

And in front of their front position, South Korean consultant Liang Ba is also nervously observing some of their situation.

"Sir, if this continues, the offensive East Turks will suffer a lot of casualties. The fortifications they built are very tricky. If they are equipped with some machine guns, the situation will be very unfavorable for us. We can't let this happen. If things happen, otherwise, we will be in a very bad state. This is not a good thing for us.” The sergeant on the side put down the telescope in his hand and said helplessly. Because the side who built the fortifications has a defensive advantage, they don't know how many such fortifications are still in the rear, but as far as the East Dula army is lacking in ammunition and artillery. This is not good news.

"Perhaps, they can detour in the past and launch an offensive. But that will inevitably take a lot of time." Liang Ba said helplessly.

"Sir, we should urge them to launch an offensive as soon as possible. If this continues, the defensive power will be further increased. In that case, Babylon cannot be taken, and any intervention will fail." The sergeant said. It's a pity that it was the East to pull the army, and procrastination has become a fatal point.

"There is no way. They are willing to delay like this. We have no way to solve these problems. We can only watch them proceed further, otherwise, we will not do this at all." Liang Ba said helplessly.

Just outside the city of Tumer, when the Seth army was building fortifications on a large scale, the new Seth army was also gathering in secret. They will fight the rebels in Thira Province first. Deal with the opposing army of 100,000 people.

"The army we finally assembled was only 45,000. This is not good news for us." King Seth said helplessly to Zhao Rui, the adviser to the State of Zhao, in his temporary military tent. It seems that the king apologized. Originally, he wanted to gather more troops, but they needed to deal with another 100,000 troops. If they weakened the other one too much, their capital would soon be broken through. This is the only correct proposal made by his chief of staff. In desperation, the king could only lead the only 45,000 people to attack.

"There are not many soldiers, but the essence. Your Majesty, if our soldiers can penetrate the opponent's line of defense, I think we can completely defeat the opponent. At present we need to understand the opponent. See how the opponent is doing." Zhao Rui said To.

"Yeah. That's right, I have ordered our reconnaissance troops to go forward for reconnaissance. I hope they can bring us good news." His Majesty said. There is not much time for them. They guarantee to resolve the other side as soon as possible. Then opened up the passage to Persia. Only in this way can Zhao's weapons and ammunition and consultants be transported here from there, and their weapons can be fundamentally resolved.

Port Seth, South Korea’s intelligence agency is summing up the intelligence situation for a period of time.

"Sir, I think this is very abnormal. Zhao people pay attention to active offense. They will never wait for such a long time and dig a lot of trenches, which will only make them extremely passive in the end. I think Zhao Chinese people will not do this. In Tumo, they are in a defensive state. On the other way, in the direction of Dige, I think they will be in an offensive state." An intelligence officer analyzed in this way.

"Really?" the intelligence director said disapprovingly.

"Sir, I think we should pay attention to this report, because this report will bring us extremely serious consequences. All this is very abnormal. Unusual things usually bring unpredictable consequences. I think , We must pay attention to this. If something bad happens, it will cause very serious consequences for us. We must not let this kind of thing happen excessively. We should take some measures, at least, we should tell Dige the direction The lifted troops on board, let them prepare, or strengthen their guard." The intelligence officer said.

"Yeah. Okay. Just do this, maybe the Seth people will really sneak attack like this, in that case, it will produce good budget measures. This is a good result for us, and we must give them some preventive measures. Measures." The intelligence director nodded and agreed. In any case, it is good to give them some warning. If something bad happens, they can also deal with it in a timely manner so as not to let them fall into a passive situation. This kind of thing can definitely happen. What they have to do is to prevent such things from happening.

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