The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3608: Dispatch reinforcements

Rigg. King Seth Headquarters, here is less than 30 kilometers away from the bottom grid of the front line. It can be said that the position here is already very forward. The chief of staff of Seth's new army is very worried about their King, because the other side only needs to launch a raid, it is estimated that they can kill here. In that case, their command center will fall into a huge disaster.

"Okay. Don't worry, we are safe here. We have three militia battalions guarding us here. I believe them." His Majesty said.

"This, Your Majesty, this is a bit too insecure." The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

"I know this. How about Dige's rebels?" The king immediately turned his attention away and asked.

"This, there is no news yet, but we have launched an attack. If possible, I think it can be taken down by a quick attack." The Chief of Staff said. According to Zhao Rui’s advice, a battalion was sent to attack. About 500 elite troops were equipped with pistols, rifles, and grenades. What Zhao Jun is good at is this kind of offense. Let them maintain a high level of combat flexibility. Originally, there was such a tactic in infantry assault tactics.

"Your Majesty, there is new news." Zhao Rui's leather boots made a crackling sound, but he looked very energetic.

"The raid failed. We only caused some damage to them. There were about a thousand casualties. Our casualties were not large, but the effect of the raid was not very good. The enemy already knew that we were coming." Zhao Rui took it. A telegram was delivered to His Majesty the King.

"The militia camp, there are also the 2nd Infantry Division, and the 3rd Infantry Division. Did they attack?" His Majesty the King asked anxiously at this time. Obviously this was far beyond his expectation. Zhao Rui's plan is to attack from the center, the tactics of outflanking the two wings, the more elite second and third infantry divisions will protrude from the two wings on the battlefield, and they will attack from the flanks. The raid will start from the front. The 1st Infantry Division will attack, followed by the militia battalions of various echelons. They will intrude into it under the leadership of the 1st Infantry Division. For this assault operation, the king will take his The elite troops of the 1st Infantry Division, which is the first royal new army to be established, were put into it. This is why there are only three militia battalions around him serving as escorts. If the opponent initiates a counter-assault, the king's situation will become very dangerous, and this situation will indeed happen.

"From what we know. Your Majesty. When they arrived at the battlefield, it was too late. The 1st Infantry Division launched an attack, but the opponent quickly counterattacked. The opponent's ammunition was sufficient, and our ammunition was not. It is sufficient. If it were not for the assault team to launch a wave of destructive assaults, the 1st Infantry Division might have defeated them. In this case, they would have a very bad influence." Zhao Rui explained helplessly.

Indeed, the Second Infantry Division and the Third Infantry Division are just infantry divisions, with very limited mobility, and there are a lot of rebels defending the base. Although they did not organize effective fortifications, they were very crowded.

"Why?" the king asked in surprise. He expressed strong confidence in this raid. He believes that he can beat the opponent at once. But now, his situation is very bad. Because the enemy is stronger than expected, this means that he needs to pay a considerable price to solve these problems, and this situation will make them more difficult to proceed.

"There are too many enemies, and they have not deployed at all. All the combat troops are arranged inside. When the commando assaults, there are a lot of rebels. We can't intersperse further, plus the follow-up troops arrive at the battlefield too late. It is very unfavorable to cooperate. Under such circumstances, the raid failed. However, there is another good news, that is, we surrounded the other side, we surrounded the other side with about 30,000 troops, and they all curled up to the bottom. In Gecheng, you can't move." Zhao Rui said.

The raid was undoubtedly a failure. Because there are too many opponents and the number of troops is quite dense, in this case, the effect of the raid is very limited, and the follow-up troops cannot initiate a frontal attack to give certain support. It is difficult to accomplish such a thing by assault alone. This requires cooperation, and the new-style Seth army cannot do this. Zhao Rui obviously overestimated the combat effectiveness of Seth's new army. After all, they have morale and enthusiasm, but they can't do this because they lack enough experience, training, and weaponry. These are impossible to complete in a short time. Although the expected results may be achieved through a raid, they still lack a lot of things after all. His Majesty's idea failed.

"Oops. The next battle will enter a cruel battle. If they see that we are not many and launch a counterattack, our situation will be very bad." His Majesty suddenly realized. They may be caught in a passive situation. If these problems cannot be resolved quickly, their situation will be very unfavorable. This is for them. Is extremely bad.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty. The Vice Admiral of the Navy moved quickly, and he quickly came to the Secretary of the Navy's office.

"Look at this." The Undersecretary of the Navy handed a telegram to the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy quickly read it.

"How is their situation?" the Secretary of the Navy asked nervously.

"It is not clear, but according to the situation we have obtained, they have temporarily stabilized the situation. However, the opponent has a numerical advantage. If they continue to attack, our reinforcements will take at least half a year. In order to get there, the local indigenous people may take the opportunity to break through our camp. In that case, we may not be able to hold on for that long.” said the Navy Deputy Chief.

The content of the telegram comes from today's economic telegram in Mexico. The Qin State Naval Communication Station stationed in Hawaii forwarded the telegram. They didn’t know why they were attacked by the other side. They lost some personnel, but fortunately they retreated to the camp they built. However, the situation is not very optimistic. They need reinforcements because the other side has thousands of troops. people. And they only have more than a hundred people. There is a considerable gap in the number of people. The worst thing is that they can’t send reinforcements. The nearest Qin State Navy can only send dozens of troops at most, while in Hawaii, they can only send troops of up to 100 people to support. The duration ranges from two months to half a year. The situation is very dangerous.

"This is the situation we are currently experiencing." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the telegram and said.

"Yes, sir, we are too far away from there. What's bad is that we don't have a decent fleet in our hands. Maybe we will buy Chu people's battleships, but in that case, we need to increase the budget. I don't know if the prime minister will Will agree to it." The Navy Deputy Chief said worriedly.

"Anyway? We should tell the prime minister about this. We must send reinforcements to do such a thing. Otherwise, when we lose a lot of people, the situation will be very bad." The Secretary of the Navy said.

Chu State, Ministry of the Navy.

"These warships are already behind. When they were built, they were already behind." Xiang Liang said while looking at the warships that had not yet been built. Despite their huge numbers, the demand has suddenly decreased. In addition, this warship has led to the development of new naval technology. In particular, some countries have seen the shortcomings of the current warship, because this greatly limits the armor, firepower, and maneuverability of the warship. The new power is being Invented, and these old-fashioned warships seem to lack sufficient solutions.

"What should we do next?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked worriedly. You know, they don't have too much military expenditure to further build warships, and their navy must have a larger fleet of warships in order to protect more of their colonies. However, doing so will cost money, and the construction of new warships will pose a great threat to their warships, and they must have new warships in service. But the State of Chu simply did not have so much military expenditure to build so many new-style warships.

"We can only sell to the people of Qin, and hope that the people of Qin can help us. In this way, we can solve this problem." Xiang Liang put some hope on the people of Qin, because the people of Qin had promised them to come and see. As for how much to buy, as long as the Koreans are not too competitive, they can still sell some.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"We must dispatch an expeditionary force as soon as possible to provide support. If we do not take some actions, it may put us in an extremely disadvantageous state. Therefore, we must expedition as soon as possible." Shang Wen said.

"The question is, how many troops do we need to dispatch, a battalion?" Meng Yi asked.

"At least one Marine Corps, but in this way, the demand for supplies will become very large." Shang Wen thought for a while and said. Because it will require a lot of logistics supplies to complete such a thing.

"This is the only thing we can do at present. We can only say that. If the force is too small, we may still need to send another troop to go. But in this way, the scale of the number of merchant ships we need will be very large. It's big." Meng Yi said worriedly. After all, this is not a small number.

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