The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3610: I believe in your plan

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House. Guo Kai is in a bad mood. Because Zhao Guo’s stock market has fallen, this is not good news for Guo Kai.

"According to the truth, we have introduced some specific economic stimulus policies. We are exploring the market. Our products can be found in good places to sell. Seth, where war is breaking out, they can make our arms A lot of weapons have been sold. Why is the market still falling like this? Are they expressing dissatisfaction?" Guo Kai regarded the decline in the stock market as a provocation to him. In other words, the decline in the stock market slapped Guo Kai in the face. This is not good news for him.

"Prime Minister, it will take some time for the economic policy to be implemented. We should not be too anxious. If we are too anxious, it will cause more losses to us. We should be patient and patient." The Minister of Finance persuaded.

"No. You can't do this. If you do, it will cause us greater losses. We can't let this happen." Guo Kai refused.

"If this continues, my prime minister will not be able to do anything. We have to do something, or in other words, we should do something we should do. But the question is, what should we do?" Guo Kai He asked himself, but he didn't know how to say it.

Guo Kai’s economic measures seem to be slow. At the same time, the decline of the stock market also requires a process. This process is a long time demand. However, Guo Kai can’t wait for such a long time. In his opinion, the stock market The fall in the country is a disaster, in fact, it is also true. They are generally pessimistic about the economy, and investment and production will decrease. Although there are more complicated economic laws behind this, it will greatly affect the actual economy. The economic downturn will inevitably lead to the turbulence of Zhao's economy. Guo Kai absolutely does not want to see such a situation happen. For him, it is simply the most unacceptable thing, and he does not want such a thing to happen.

Qin Guo, in the Wenyang Bank headquarters, Xiao He is making such a report.

"As for the decline in the Zhao State stock market, I think the main reason is that they are not optimistic about the economic prospects of the State of Zhao. The economies of South Korea and the State of Chu still have a certain degree of expansion. After all, they have a certain colony and they also have a certain market development. On the contrary, Zhao and Qi, their development mainly relies on industrial products, which requires a lot of demand, the market is constantly saturated, and without the emergence of new markets, their industrial products cannot be further satisfied. Their production needs, this point must be clear. Therefore, for this point, I personally think that our situation is not very optimistic. At the very least, our situation cannot be clearly known whether Zhao’s economy is To be able to find this kind of market demand, after all, it needs a lot of economic support to get development." Xiao He said. Yingyu just nodded. Yingyu doesn't know much about economic development. This requires professional study, observation and analysis. She knows that she can't do this, but what she knows is that her bank is making money. They made a lot of money in Zhao Guo. Zhao's industrial development is inevitable, because there must be industrial demand of one kind or another. But the problem is that this kind of demand has caused problems in Zhao's industrial development. They need a lot of capital investment. Qin State Bank is one of the important factors to meet the needs. They provide sufficient funds to meet the needs of the other party, so , The development speed of Zhao Guo industry is very fast, once surpassed South Korea, they export a large number of industrial products, which are mainly concentrated in steel, cement, glass, special weak, boilers, machine tools and so on. However, they The speed of development is too fast. There are problems soon.

The rapid economic development has brought a lot of investment, and investment will bring them new prosperity, but this kind of investment and prosperity will not last long. For example, Qin's investment also needs a cycle. Industrial development will inevitably lead to a lot of economic development, but this kind of economic development also requires time constraints. The arrival of an investment cycle happens at exactly this time.

There has been some stagnation in the sales of industrial products. This is a very bad signal. The vigilant Qin State bankers have discovered these because similar products have also appeared on the market, such as rebar and steel plates. State of Qin, State of Zhao, now South Korea, Chu, and Qi can forge such products, and Yan State’s steel industry can also produce such products, and the price of raw materials rises, which leads to lower product profits and lower turnover. These are all bad signals, but unfortunately, the stock prices continue to rise, and the board of directors of companies continue to issue announcements that they want to allocate shares and share dividends. At the same time, dividends should be increased. All kinds of good news paralyzed investors, which allowed them to continue to invest. However, alert bankers began to unite shareholders of the enterprise and sold their stocks one after another. Because they know that this thing will soon be like a bomb, and the last hapless person to take the bomb will be completely finished. This is their situation.

"So, do you think there is still investment potential in the Zhaoguo stock market?" Yingyu asked at this time. The decline in the stock market has caused the value of investment to be lost here, and they need to stabilize for a considerable period of time to resolve these issues.

"This. There is currently no investment possibility. It will take some time to repair it. It also depends on the ability of the Guo Kai government. If they can actively expand some markets, I think this problem will not be very big, but If this is not done well, I think the situation may be very troublesome. After all, this matter is sometimes difficult to handle." Xiao He explained. Guo Kai nodded and agreed with this. After all, this kind of thing is sometimes difficult to solve.

"So, where is the next hot spot for investment? Any good suggestions?" Yingyu asked.

"For the time being, not yet. After all, this kind of hot spot cannot be developed all at once, and because of the influence of Zhao Guo's industry, the development situation of various countries is not very good. They have too many problems to solve." Xiao He said. of. Yingyu nodded to express understanding.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"This is a telegram from the Suez Canal Company. According to the information provided by their guides, the volume of trade in the Suez Canal has tripled and is still increasing. But the problem is safety. We have dredged the canal. Trade increased. However, the safety of merchant ships has been seriously threatened. Many smuggling merchants may have been ransacked. Not only that, but there are also a considerable number of people whose lives are not fully guaranteed. This is for us. It is a very bad thing. Our situation will face great threats." Zhang Liang reported. Increase in trade is a good thing. However, if protection cannot be carried out in time, then this loss will increase. On the contrary, it will produce a reaction force to push them not to increase. This is for them. Will produce great disadvantages. This disadvantage will continue further.

"Then let our Western Fleet send warships to protect them. I think they should do this?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy nodded.

"We can do this, but we need to increase some expenses. At the same time, some large warships cannot pass there. We can only deploy some speedboat units. What is their combat effect? ​​We don't know about these." The Secretary of the Navy. Speaking of this at this time.

"Then increase, yes. I remember. The shipyard under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, they are building more speedboats, we might as well put these speedboat troops into it, let them maintain our shipping safety." Han Shu suddenly Thinking of this kind of thing, in this case, it can be regarded as solving part of their naval speedboat sales problem.

"Yes, Lord." The Secretary of the Navy nodded. In fact, the Navy Department already had such a plan. In view of the unfavorable security situation, the destroyer units have been mobilized there, but they cannot pass to the other end of the Suez Canal. In this case, they can only use some speedboat units to solve the problem. These speedboats will play a big role, and their situation will be greatly improved. The speedboat can only be used here. However, the speedboat must first be modified. These modifications must first be adapted to the current mission requirements. For example, they will remove the torpedo tubes, and the torpedoes are no longer useful. Because the opponents they faced were wooden ships and their combat effectiveness was low, they needed to be replaced with rapid-fire guns. Such artillery was so powerful that it could deal with those small boats. It can be said to be quite easy, and this problem will be solved very well.

Seth, Dige.

"Bang. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." Seth's First Infantry Division was shooting at the Tila rebels in Dig City, and neither side made any progress. But such shooting will only increase their ammunition consumption.

"It's really bad to go on like this." King Seth came to the front line to observe. His chief of staff is very worried about his safety. He stands on the left and right, and will throw his king down at any time. In this way, his king's safety can be finally guaranteed.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we didn’t have much ammunition, and we didn’t have much rifles, but the other party was reunited together. We tore them apart, and after the sneak attack, they were very alert. This is very unfavorable to us. If we consume it like this, we will suffer the most." Zhao Rui also said very worriedly. He knows the other party's situation too well. Because in this situation, they lost too much ammunition supplies. This will bring them great disasters. If this kind of disaster continues, their new Seth Army will lose this war, and they will fall into a huge defeat. The king is under great pressure, and he doesn't want this to happen.

"If we attack from the flank, I will concentrate only a few cannons to launch a cannon bombardment. In this case, our attack may open a hole. Is this possible?" The king asked excitedly. He knew that the key to the problem was that they had to open a hole and seek a breakthrough. If there is no such breakthrough, they may not be able to open the opponent's situation.

"This is not so good. Most of the opponent's forces are reunited together. Even if we can open a hole, it will be difficult to pour in further." Zhao Rui said. They encountered a very tough tortoise shell. First, they could not cut off the other's supply line, because most of their troops were reunited around, a group army with more than 100,000 people, but they only had a force of more than 40,000. In terms of maneuvering, they are just simple troops, and it seems that it is difficult to detour farther behind the other party. This possibility has been ruled out, and they are already on the bright side. This means that whatever they do, they can't expand further.

"The situation is not here yet. They have much more troops than us. If we defeat them, their superiority will become very chaotic. But now they are only defending. In defensive operations, they The advantage of this will be very large, and this will be a very bad situation for us. We can’t go on like this.” Zhao Rui said.

"So, do you have any plans to do?" the king asked patiently. Although he was very anxious, he also knew that anxiousness could not solve the problem, and many problems could not be solved.

"Well, I have a bold idea. We first retreat and lure the opponent to pursue, and then we ambush on the main channel in advance. If the opponent chases us quickly, we can launch a counterattack at the predetermined place, and we take advantage of the situation to launch an attack. . Chase and kill them all the way." Zhao Rui said one of his thoughts.

"Because the enemy's forces are too concentrated." Zhao Rui said by licking his lips. In fact, he also feels very nervous. If the other party is not fooled, or if they detour to the other side to attack them, everything will be completely finished. But now, they can only try this way. After all, this is their last chance.

"We can only bring them out. Only in this way can our plan be completed. If we fail to do this, our losses may be very large. We cannot let this situation continue to happen. If this is the case, we are too passive. "Zhao Rui said.

"Yeah. Well, I believe your plan." said the king.

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