The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3611: Zhang Erdi has a speech

Zhao Guo, on the streets of Handan.

"You said, what happened this year?" a Zhao country worker said sadly, shaking his head.

"Wei Guo's real estate project went bankrupt. As a result, their real estate went bankrupt. It has affected us, and now the steel plant is not starting much. Before, if it were not for the construction of warships, I am afraid that it would be difficult for us to continue working now. But the problem is that the situation in the factory is very bad now. It is said that our factory is going to lay off some staff. I don't know if this salary can be issued." A Zhao Guo worker said worriedly.

"No, I'm also worried about the situation in our factory. I haven't gone to work for three days. I'm not going to work at this time. This makes me anxious, and I don't know what to do. Now in my heart, I don't know what's going on, anyway, it feels like I was burned all at once." Another worker said.

"Let’s take a look, Mr. Zhang’s speech, an important speech to solve the current economic crisis. If you miss it, it will be difficult to further solve all the solutions. Everyone’s plight is here." At this moment, a young man The man shouted loudly. This has attracted the attention of many people. They don't know what happened. But what is certain is that something big must have happened. Because many people are gathered together. People seemed to be snapping up something, and the two workers looked at each other. They feel that they should also be involved. After all, this thing has a lot to do with them. They went to see it unknowingly, anyway, they are nothing.

"I know, many of you are workers. Your income comes from your salary. Right." Zhang Er said excitedly. When Zhang Er was ousted by Chen Yu, he decided that the friendship with Chen Yu ended. In addition to these, his political career has also entered a low point. At one time, he still lacked financial resources. In Wei, his style was very difficult to understand. He decided to go to another country, Zhao Guo, and the political situation in South Korea. It is very stable, and Zhao Guo, on the surface, it seems that their development speed is very fast, and it seems that they have a great advantage. However, all of this is only superficial. Soon, Zhao Guo will usher in its own economic crisis, because of the development. Too fast means that his society is not stable. Once there is some kind of accident in the economy, his economy is easy to stagnate, and stagnation means that economic development slows down or even regresses, which will cause serious political turmoil. And this is the opportunity for Zhang Er.

"I know that the situation in the factory is not very good, and the products it produces are difficult to sell because the demand on the market has not increased a lot. At the same time, similar products are constantly appearing, squeezing our market share. This way. The situation in the factory is very bad when it comes to the factory. Such a bad state will affect our situation and our situation will fluctuate greatly. This is the reason why our factory cannot provide salaries at present. With the passage of time, this situation may further occur. At that time, the situation we encounter will be even more dangerous. This is not a good thing for us." Zhang Er said so solemnly. The audience in the audience nodded their heads in agreement. They were unable to refute such a point of view, because the other party was right and correct. This meant that there would be a big surprise in their situation. This is the situation. They need to do a lot of things to change.

"Okay. Now that we know the problem, how do we solve this problem?" Zhang Er said.

"So, before, we should look at the impact of other countries. Qin people's products have incomparable advantages. This advantage will allow them to obtain a great advantage. Therefore, their situation will be very good. In contrast, Chu and Koreans, their situation will not be very bad, because they do not have to worry about their products not being sold, the domestic market is small, they can sell to the colony, but our Zhao country, it is not like this at all. Many colonies, and after our market is squeezed, we will not be able to open the situation, which means that our losses will be further expanded. Survival, our survival is facing great challenges, how should we face such challenges , I think we can find. New breakthroughs. This breakthrough is war, foreign investment, and new markets. We should focus our attention on these new markets, and they will give us what we need most. These should be the new situation we are facing." Zhang Er said.

In order to improve the credibility of his speech, Zhang Er also taught himself some knowledge of economics, which gave him a new understanding of the economy and the development of the country. And this new knowledge is Zhang Er's political capital. He feels that he can seek capital to solve these political problems.

Just when Zhang Er was giving a speech. Guo Kai’s carriage happened to pass by, and the noisy sound attracted Guo Kai. Perhaps there were too many recent events, which made him feel very annoyed. The fresh air outside the car window could help him solve some problems. This might be his solution. The fundamental solution to the problem. According to reason, a person with status like Guo Kai should have his own motor vehicle. However, Guo Kai likes to ride in a carriage. He thinks a carriage is a status symbol because it is not something that ordinary people can afford. Therefore, Guo opened the carriage.

"Who is this guy?" Guo Kai asked the carriage to stop, he asked after hearing what Zhang Er said.

"This. It seems to be politicians from Wei. They have been carrying out political propaganda here in order to obtain some capital for their political career. Prime Minister, you know, in this situation, many people want to develop well. There must be some political capital. These political capitals are to make public speeches, and then get a certain popular support rate. In this case, they will become famous." The assistant explained to the side.

"Oh. I know. However, this person's speech sounds very good, maybe I can hire him as my personal consultant, or the chief consultant can also be." Guo Kai said. Zhang Er just talked about increasing the money supply. Although many people don’t know what this is, or what it means, some bankers know what it means, and Guo Kaiyin vaguely feels that he We should support the speech of the politician from Wei Guo. Perhaps he can solve some of the current problems. These problems will allow him to completely solve all the problems. This is Guo Kai's own idea.

Inside the Zhao State General Staff. Li Mu is studying a new combat situation, and his research direction is the Seth Civil War. That is, King Seth put down the war of rebellion.

"Their strategy is correct, blocking one way, attacking all the way, but the attacking way has a big problem." Li Mu said while looking at the sand table. The combat area is on the plain, which is extremely disadvantageous for the new Seth Army, which is full of infantry. It is believed that the infantry’s mobility is very limited, coupled with their small number and lack of weapons, if they take maneuvers to bypass the enemy’s back. If they do, it means that their forces are scattered. It is easy to be broken by the opponent.

"The most terrible thing is that the situation of the rebels is very favorable. First, their supply lines have not been cut off. Second, their forces are quite concentrated. According to the situation sent by Seth telegram, they conducted several surprise attacks. , Did not succeed, unable to tear a hole in the enemy's front, because the opponent's soldiers are quite sufficient, if this goes on, Seth’s new army will be consumed alive. If this time, another attack all the way, this is absolutely It's a difficult situation." Li Mu said, shaking his head. Li Zuoche nodded aside and agreed with this view. After all, this kind of thing lacks too many favorable conditions. Seth’s new army lacks weapons and lacks soldier training. As a result, Seth’s new army was unable to carry out mobile operations that were too difficult. At the same time, because of the lack of enough firearms, their assault capabilities were further weakened, which meant that they could not gather a large number of troops on the other side. Defeat the opponent in the region.

"However, sir, our advisors have proposed a new combat plan. This combat plan is to ambush. They will lure the opponent to retreat to a favorable position, and then extend the opponent's infantry as a battle line. Pull the opponent to pursue. In this case, Their team will become sparse, which means that we have this opportunity to launch a counterattack to fight." Li Zuoche motioned.

"Then we attacked from the flank, and then completely defeated the opponent. Because the opponent's forces are no longer concentrated, their firearm advantage and defensive advantage will no longer exist, and the team should loosen up the pursuit, which gives us a lot of Attacking opportunity, this opportunity is too important for us." Li Zuoche said.

"Is it difficult to implement such a plan?" Li Mu asked worriedly.

"Well. It should be difficult, sir, I think you should understand that the troops being pursued cannot run too fast, and at the same time they cannot run too slow, too fast, it is easy to throw the opponent away, and too slow , And it is easy to be killed by the other party. Under such circumstances, this will be a very passive situation for us." Li Zuoche said.

"But this may be the only tactic to defeat the opponent." Li Zuoche said. Seth’s new army, lacking enough firearms, could not eat the opponent at all, and could only solve this problem through this method.

"Okay. That's it. I hope they can succeed." Li Mu said worriedly.

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