The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3612: Multi-issue banknotes

Twenty kilometers north of Tumer City, the First Army of East Dula is launching a fierce attack on the new army of Seth.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery of the First Army fired again, and the new Seth Army, which had just made a counter-impact, immediately retracted, while the First Army retreated.

"Damn it. How many attacks is this?" Liang Ba said after looking at the front line.

"I don't know, it has been many times anyway. If this continues, our losses will be too great." said the sergeant on the side. The First Army invested two infantry divisions and six infantry regiments launched an offensive. As a result, they were relentlessly blocked by the Seth Militia Battalion. In order to solve these people, they also invested a lot of artillery. This time the artillery shot all at once all the shells that were not many were shot out. The next battle will face an offensive without any artillery preparation. Liang Ba believes that launching an offensive under such circumstances is simply a huge disaster, because it is impossible to achieve this.

"Sir, the Seth people are too tenacious. Although they lack weapons and insufficient ammunition, they have a strong heart of resistance. Under such circumstances, we can't beat them at all. This is for our situation. , But it's very bad. If we can't continue to engage in combat, it will cause great problems." The sergeant said worriedly. Liang Ba nodded and agreed with this view. He originally thought that more troops would solve the battle. But the actual situation is worse than they thought.

The First Army was equipped with light artillery. The caliber of artillery is mostly below 50 mm, and the killing effect of artillery is very limited. Unless they have a 75mm artillery, this is simply impossible, because they do not have such sufficient funds to purchase it, which means that their condition is not very good. In addition to these, there is that the opponent's resistance is quite tenacious.

A large number of trenches resisted the artillery attack, and the capture of these trenches became extremely strong. The six infantry regiments will certainly have no problem fighting downwind. However, it will be very difficult to fight offensive operations, because many soldiers are avoiding them. Even if the officer urges them, they advance slowly, but they also advance slowly, as long as the gunfire sounds. As soon as it was heard, they found a place to hide. In short, the progress was extremely slow. Even when they entered the battle, many people were not willing to fight excessively. The Seth people were desperate, but they were running for their lives. In this situation, they How could it be possible to win the opponent's position? This is absolutely impossible.

"Sir, if this goes on." The sergeant wanted to continue. Liang Ba already waved his arm to signal not to speak any more.

"It is simply not impossible to rely on the First Army to break through the opponent's line of defense. The only way is to detour, but if you do this," Liang Ba shook his head. This is also impossible. The First Army is an orthodox combat method, and they like to make breakthroughs head-on. For roundabout operations, it seems unlikely to reach this point.

"This is also difficult for them to achieve. I think we should apply for some weapons, such as armored vehicles, and provide them with some armored vehicles. They may be able to achieve this goal." Liang Ba said. He is very unoptimistic about the prospects of these First Army, because doing so means that he has lost the possibility of destroying the advancement in person.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Guo Kai personally met Zhang Er. And started to ask some questions.

"The main problem of Zhao Guo is the sluggish demand, especially the narrow market. If Zhao Guo does not solve these problems, Zhao Guo will continue to fall into a huge disaster." Zhang Er said his own views. Guo Kai first asked about the current problems encountered by Zhao's economy. And Zhang Er's answer is the market, because the current market economy is indeed.

"Well. It makes sense. Zhao Guo is currently making such improvements, but the problem is that it takes time. I don’t know if Mr. Zhang has any way to solve these problems in advance. For example, he can provide some better economic policies. "Guo Kai asked.

"Well, I don't know what Cheng's views on the financial market, especially the stock market?" Zhang Er did not directly answer Guo Kai's question, because only by asking in this way can Guo Kai have a better experience.

"This, the view is that this needs a big change, and as far as the current situation is concerned, I am very worried, because you know, if this continues, the situation of the company will be very bad. A large number of companies There will be bankruptcy and workers will lose their jobs. In that case, society will enter a state of turbulence, which will pose a huge threat to Zhao’s political and economic stability.” Guo Kai said.

"So, we must save the market. Only in this way can we get rid of the possible dangers of Zhao Guo in the future. After all, if such a thing goes on, it will be very unfavorable." Zhang Er said.

"It's just that I don't know how to rescue the market. You know, the decline of the market is already inevitable." Guo Kai said helplessly. He has reduced interest rates and bank deposit reserves, but in this way, it is still difficult to offset a large amount of funds fleeing the stock market. The decline in the stock market seems to be doomed. This made Guo Kai very worried.

"Issuing more paper money, injecting a large amount of paper money into the bank, buying the shares and gold reserves of the bank at a high price, in this case, it is equivalent to injecting a large amount of money into the bank. Qin people have done this more than once. In this case, the bank funds will change. If it is very sufficient, they can lend to the company. With new funds, the company can revitalize the current predicament. They can expand some markets, and then sell unsalable products to new places, or go further. In this case, there is a market to be developed." Zhang Er said.

"This example is right in front of us. The Qin people have done this more than once. They used this method to develop the northern seaport cities and the Western Regions. In turn, the Western Regions also brought a lot of markets and raw materials to the Qin people. These are all a virtuous circle. Therefore, their problems will not become so serious. At the same time, we should also notice that South Korea and Chu have sufficient markets in their hands. Therefore, they are not afraid of the coming economic crisis. On the contrary, our situation is very unfavorable, because Zhao’s market is extremely narrow. Although exports have reached a large extent at one time, the demand is a little bit wretched, and countries have also seized the only ones. The market, Zhao's market is being squeezed out bit by bit, which is a fatal threat to Zhao." Zhang Er said. After Guo Kai listened to it, it suddenly dawned on him that he felt that what the other party said was too right.

"Yes, yes, that's it, I said, this has always been like this." Guo Kai said excitedly. He suddenly found the key to solve all the problems. This key has been by Guo Kai's side, but Guo Kai has never known how to use it. Now Zhang Er's opinions have been fully approved by Guo Kai.

Zhao's economic crisis is currently rooted in finance, and finance is in the stock market, because a large number of stocks have fallen in value, and banks do not have sufficient funds to buy these stocks. The problem of funding arises. In this situation. The government must provide sufficient funds to solve this problem, otherwise, this problem will become further dangerous. But the problem is that the government of Zhao State does not have funds in its hands. If bonds are issued, private funds will be scavenged, and bond sales are also very unsatisfactory. Currently, the only way is to issue more banknotes, because only in this way can we completely solve all problems. This is what they are currently doing.

In fact, Zhang Er’s method is not very smart, but it is enough to solve the current Zhao State problem. After all, Guo Kai wants to further slow down the current situation. If the situation is allowed to develop, it will be very beneficial to Zhao State’s economy. unfavorable.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War.

"These bastards, idiots, what did the First Army do for food? They couldn't even open the opponent's first line of defense, and they consumed a lot of ammunition. This is simply a great anecdote." The Secretary of War received from Seth. The side's telegram said so afterwards. The inefficient combat results made him lose a lot of patience. After all, the results of such combat are really shocking.

"Sir, I think there is no way. After all, the size of their army is really too big." said the Army Deputy Commander.

"However, sir, I believe that we can provide them with some weapons, so that their situation can be resolved." The Army Undersecretary said.

"The question is, where do their funds come from? The bank won't lend them too much money to buy arms and weapons. If they don't have it, the situation will be detrimental to the bank. They may not do this." The Secretary of the Army said worriedly.

"Sir, we can convince them that if they can agree with us to do this, I think the problem will not be too big. After all, such a thing is not a difficult thing for us." Army Said the Deputy Chief.

"Is this possible? Maybe we still need to try." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. In his opinion. This seems unlikely. Because the other party's repayment encouragement is very limited.

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