The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3613: Northern Domination

Thirty kilometers north of Tumer City. On the second line of defense. After the First Army paid a heavy price. They finally broke the first line of defense. But next is the second line of defense. The First Army can only curse the **** new Seth army, they are all a bunch of lunatics, a group of lunatics who want their lives.

"This is your new commander." A sergeant introduced to a group of soldiers. They have about fifty soldiers, which seems to be a reinforced platoon.

"Second Lieutenant Tummer." The sergeant saluted.

"Hello, sir." The soldiers stood up and saluted.

"Okay. This is the battlefield. Don't salute during the war. I will learn about you later. Now, tell me about the situation here. I want to know what happened here." Tummer said. To. He has just graduated from the officer training class, and the officers are assigned according to the wishes of the officers, and Tummer feels that he should come here. Under Tummer, because Tummer is in his name.

"Sergeant, can you tell us about the battle here?" Lieutenant Tummer asked. He just got a set of military uniforms, a saber, and a pistol. These are his weapons, but he prefers to use a rifle because the rifle can shoot at longer distances. Unfortunately, the resources are very limited.

"Yes, sir, our situation here is not very good. On average, there is a gun for three people. Each person has only 20 rounds of ammunition. This is what our sir did our best to find us." Sergeant introduced To. Lieutenant Tummer nodded. In the officer training class, he knew these things. But what he knows is that there are some military units where soldiers only have five rounds of ammunition, and their guns are also an average of three people. Their officers are more willing to organize assaults, because only in this way can rifles be used by some people. The person in front can only use the gun if the person in front falls, but if he does this, more people will be killed. This situation is not what he wants to see most, because doing so is too cruel.

"Grenades, how many grenades do we have, Sergeant." Lieutenant Tummer asked.

"There are only two, each person only has two. This is the best way for us to defend our position. If the enemy enters our position, we will throw one, and then swing our bayonet, rifle, and our fist, Of course. And those shovels, we can all fight." The sergeant said. The second lieutenant looked at the shovel. The front of the shovel was sharpened, which meant that this thing was also one of their weapons. It was taught by the instructor Zhao Jun. He dug trenches to avoid the bombardment of shells, and then used the shovel. Bayonets, rifles, grenades, and even fists are their weapons.

"I think we can hold it here." Lieutenant Tummer said. The situation here is worse than he thought. But the enemy came. They can only cope.

South Korea, Xinzheng. An unknown motor vehicle company.

"This is an opportunity. I think we should start with this. This is a military order." A young man said after meeting his boss with a tender document and then handing it over to the boss. To. He believes that this is an opportunity, and such an opportunity is very important to them.

"Oh my God, don't be kidding. This is a military order. This thing is simply not available. I don't know if you know or not. Anyway, what I want to tell you is that if you want to make a military order, you must have a tough one. Background. Without such a strong background, you can't do this kind of business at all. Trust me." The boss said. He knows that the Ministry of War plans to bid for some orders for armored vehicles. This is a very important thing for them, because Xinzheng has many such vehicles, and they will do this kind of business, and many large companies will do it. This is right. For them, the competition will be very fierce, and military orders are not what you think. If you want to do it, you will definitely be able to do it. What is really unnecessary is to seize the opportunity. There is still a relationship, there is no such many relationships. It is impossible to do such a thing at all.

"I know all of these. But boss, what I want to say is that we can take advantage of such an opportunity. I know some things, and maybe it can bring us great opportunities." The young man thought about it and said.

"What do you mean?" the boss asked puzzledly. Although he knows that doing arms business requires a lot of relationships. For example, you must know the people in the War Department. The problem is that he doesn’t know where these people are, or where these people will go. clear.

"What I know is that this order is very small, only 36 armored vehicles. Some large companies think this order is dispensable. Therefore, they decided to abandon this kind of competition. This is the inside information I got. "The young man said so.

"Well, that's it. I don't believe that this **** order can fall on us all at once. Large companies do not compete. Companies that are much stronger than us will notice this. For us, it’s not a problem. Little trouble." The boss said helplessly.

"No, boss, we should seize this opportunity, we have to come up with a design plan, and what I know is that in Qingcheng, there are many shipyards, they have a lot of inventory materials, but the problem is that now The warships are not built anymore. Their workers are gathered here. These are all costs. If we can let them do some things, I think our costs will be reduced a lot, if they can bring us more Surprise. For example, the shipyard has a good relationship with the military. Maybe they have done a good job with the navy guys. They can also help us do something in the army. If this is the case, we are still very advantageous. This It's an opportunity." The young man said.

The boss thought about it at this time, and he felt that what the other party said. That's correct. This is a great advantage for his company. What he knows is that the shipyard does have such troubles, and he only provides some engines or designs. Such cooperation is still beneficial. After all, it is a huge advantage if it is transported out, and there are also ports there. He felt that this kind of thing should be done, so he decided to give it a try.

"Okay. I decided to do it like this. Anyway? You are responsible for this matter. I rely on you." The boss said. The young man nodded. He felt that he could accomplish such a thing. This is how the armored car matter was settled. For some manufacturers, the profit may not be very high. But this is a military order, and once it succeeds, it will bring huge profits.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty.

"The king’s plan is to send a battle group, about two battalions, and seven or eight companies. In this case, we need at least 20 ships, and at least five supply ships, because it’s a long-distance voyage. I think the size of the fleet should be larger.” The Secretary of the Navy said after seeing the plan sent by the General Staff.

"Well. I agree with all of these, but I think our supply fleet should be divided into two batches. If it is a simple batch, it is a bit nervous for us, you know, it means we need to spend More time to raise supplies, and in terms of ship issues, we need to purchase a large number of ships, and they will take the opportunity to increase prices.” Said the Navy Deputy Chief.

"Yeah. Yes, it won’t be too anxious. We just need to do this. Of course. We still need some ports, because these ports are very important to us. Do you think that the establishment of Wadao Island? How about a forward port base?" The Secretary of the Navy suddenly asked this question.

"I don't know what the minister thought of?" the undersecretary of the navy asked at this time.

"That's it. For supplies, the construction of Haicheng Port will take a long time, you know. According to my understanding, there seems to be some freezing period in the port there, which is not good for us. I noticed the location of Wadao Island, where there are several idle islands. If we occupy there or carry out some important port construction, it will be very beneficial to us. In this case, we The freezing period of the port will be reduced a lot, and then a larger supply and transportation mission will be launched." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. Yes. But in this way, our budget will increase again. Those guys from the Treasury Department will make irresponsible remarks to us. Our resistance will not be small." The Navy Deputy said worriedly.

"Don't worry about this. I will explain the situation to the prime minister. The prime minister is a naval party. He will support us in doing this, but we need to do a lot of things to explain such a situation." The Secretary of the Navy said. Haicheng was later near Vladivostok. Although it was good to build a port there, the problem is that there is still a freezing period there, which is not a good thing for them. They need to solve these problems thoroughly, and only in this way can they solve these things. So they noticed Wadao. Although the location there is not very good, but fortunately it can provide a good forward port base, and most importantly, it can protect the only flanks of Vladivostok. This is definitely good news for them.

Western Ocean, Maharashtra, Mon Island. This is where the commander-in-chief of the South Korean Western Fleet is not located, and the headquarters has been relocated several times. Every time they are close to a place that is far forward. But it is also closer to the center.

"The safety of the Suez Canal is the most concerned issue of the king." Admiral Han Lin said. On the side are his Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral, and Heif. He is a diligent and very smart guy. This is Han Lin’s evaluation of him. A smart and hardworking guy is the best candidate for the Chief of Staff, because They will work out a very good plan.

"Yes, sir, so we will set up a special force next. They are all equipped with speedboats to conduct patrols, and can achieve the fastest control of some sudden events." Heif said after some analysis. If they only temporarily deploy some troops to do such a thing, the effect is not very good, which will seriously affect their subsequent battles, but if they are asked to do such a thing specifically, they will definitely meet their expectations. of. Because doing so will make their situation more favorable. This is what they need to do right now.

"Well. I agree with your situation, but we have to garrison in sections so that we can better control the whole canal." Han Lin said.

"But I have noticed one thing, that is, especially in the northern waters of Suez, where piracy is extremely rampant. In other words, our future focus should be placed there. What I am worried about is our speedboat force. , Can they cope with such a situation, and their weapons, can they exert such power." Han Lin said.

"The chief is worried, but I think that such concerns should not be overly concerned. The pirates there use old-fashioned warships. They also rely on sails and oars to drive, and we already use machines. . Not only that, we are also equipped with artillery. They also have artillery, but they are all old artillery. The power of the artillery has been greatly affected, but our situation is different. We are equipped with rapid-fire guns, speed and firepower. Advantages will help us completely suppress our opponents. This is a very easy thing for us to do. Therefore, if we have this advantage, we can do many, many things. We don't have to worry too much." The Chief of Staff of Heif said so.

"It seems that it is difficult to do such a thing with rapid-fire guns alone?" Han Lin said worriedly. He felt that the threat of rapid-fire guns was relatively low. After all, their power is limited.

"Yeah. I think this is enough. If necessary, we can also upgrade and modify it to equip the 75mm artillery. That kind of artillery poses the greatest threat to wooden ships and is the most sure to solve all problems. So, in This matter, I think, we don’t need to worry too much. The modification work has already been carried out. We have also installed machine guns. We will consolidate and better deal with some targets on the coast. For us, these targets will It will be very easy to deal with." Heif Chief of Staff said.

"Well, in this case, I'm relieved." Han Lin said. If their speedboats can really exert such power, then they will firmly control the sea dominance in the northern waters. With such sea dominance, their situation will develop very well.

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