Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"The situation in Goguryeo is gradually stabilizing. The funds provided by our bank are only a small part, and most of the funds come from Qi." Meng Yi submitted a report. Shang Wen took it over and looked at it.

"Qi Guo?" Shang Wen may be a little surprised, but if he thinks about it carefully, it is definitely not surprising at all. Because Qi’s economy basically made the Goguryeo’s war fortune, you should know that a large number of warships were built in Qi. If there is no order on the military warships of Koguryo, they may not be able to meet such demand, or in other words, Qi will not have a chance to develop its own shipbuilding industry. Now, it seems normal for Qi State to borrow part of the funds to the Goguryeo government.

"Yes, Qi, the people of Qi people borrowed a lot more money than us. They bought a lot of government bonds and solved the shortcomings of the Goguryeo government. Of course. Goguryeo did this at its own price." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. It's good for them to stabilize. At least we don't have to worry. They will use other methods to solve domestic conflicts. In this case, it will seriously affect our supply on Haicheng. After all, the Koguryo Navy still Has always existed." Shang Wen said.

"However, there is another thing I am worried about. The telegram from Jeju and the telegram from the South Korean Admiralty. Their intention is to develop towards the southern part of the peninsula. After all, Jeju Island lacks great strategic depth. They need To develop such a depth, at the same time, they intend to control some areas near Wadao Island. If it weren’t for Qi people’s territory, they might have already done so. As for Nanyang, it’s too far for them. After all, there The development is not very good. The rest of the land is oceanic, with only a few small-scale islands, but the development is extremely difficult." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen just nodded, and didn't say anything. To be honest, Jeju’s development constraints are too great. In other words, it is a miracle that they can build an island nation. But after this war in Jeju, they also realized the cruelty of the problem. First, they only have one island. In the future, they will have a huge navy, and the navy will be very large. Under such circumstances, they The development will be very limited. Because they only have one island, they need more naval ports, or in other words, more areas to make themselves safer.

The Koguryo Navy was hit hard, but he still exists, and, most importantly, the people of Qi will provide such an opportunity. Their navy will recover soon, and if they do it again, they feel that they must not be so lucky to defeat the opposing team's huge naval fleet, and they are in security considerations. They feel that they should have a depth of development, or in other words, they should have their own reasonable conditions for development.

"The southern part of the peninsula is suitable for their development, but there is the sphere of influence of the people of Qi, and the development of Jeju Island needs to be developed from other angles. At the same time, Jeju cannot rely solely on the military for development, and the military cannot bring financial revenue. On the contrary , It will increase their financial expenditure, which is definitely a disadvantage. Therefore, we hope that they can develop trade. Perhaps, in this way, they can solve their own problems." Meng Yi said. Shangwen nodded and agreed, but doing so will inevitably bring some troubles. The trouble is that they will break the original balance. For them, the break of this balance means that the situation will become turbulent.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Jeju's development can only be concentrated on the islands. After all, only some uninhabited islands will solve this problem. I think we should be clear about this." Han Shu said. Han Shu was looking at huge maps. These were the latest maps drawn by the Admiralty, accurate and detailed.

"In the south, there are still some islands that have not been developed. We can leave these islands to Jeju and let them develop. In this way, they will have some depth. At the same time, these islands can be connected to us, and In this way, it will be difficult for the navy of Zhao and Qi to attack. If we occupy these island chains, we will strategically achieve a large blockade of the other side. We should expect this situation." Han Shu drew with a smile. Draw a line to say it, and this line is the first island chain today. The effect of this blockade is extremely influential, which will greatly limit the development of Qi and Zhao’s navies, and Han Shu has already It is planned to build such a blockade circle.

"My lord, I am worried that Jeju is out of our control. If that happens, it will have a great impact on us. This will be very unfavorable to us. And this situation may still go crazy." Zhang Liang said so. After all, this possibility exists. Zhang Liang doesn't want South Korea to make such a strategic mistake. The existence of this kind of mistake will greatly restrict their development.

"I know this too, but if you take a closer look, the development of Jeju Island has seriously fallen into our development dilemma. Their warships need us to build. Even if they have shipyards, they also need us a lot. The raw materials, technical support, and the situation between them and Goguryeo is endless. If they want to develop, they must rely on us." Han Shu said.

"Moreover, even if they leave us, you can see, if we start from Qingcheng and launch an offensive along Queen’s Island, their island’s depth cannot withstand such an offense. Therefore, strategically speaking, their This kind of threat does not exist." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang looked at the map, and it turned out to be the case, and from the perspective of Jeju, it is impossible for them to be in the arms of Zhao and Qi, because they can only maximize their interests by relying on South Korea, and relying on Zhao. He Qi country, they can't help themselves at all, but in the end they will lead themselves into disaster.

In addition to the dependence on resources of Jeju, they can only develop trade, and the Koreans provide financial support. This is the basis for their survival. They must have a continent to support them.

Seth New Army, the second line of defense. They had just repelled an enemy attack, and the positions were full of corpses, blood, and the wailing of various wounded soldiers. The war went extremely tragic.

"We defeated the enemy's offensive again. They dropped a lot of corpses, but they were so numerous, as numerous as ants. It seemed that it would be difficult for us to destroy each other." Lieutenant Tummer wrote in his notes. Tao, these are some reports he submitted. These reports will be very helpful for his promotion. Because Seth lacks too many officers.

"Our platoon suffered heavy casualties. There were originally more than 50 people, but now there are less than a dozen people, and many others are seriously injured. They are almost impossible to rescue." Tummer then looked at the wounded soldiers, they were quiet. Lying in the trenches. They are enjoying some of their last time, they remember, or ask for something, in short, they can't continue to live. This is a sad moment, but many people have become accustomed to it.

When the rebels came, they hid in the trenches, and then waited for the opponent to jump into their trenches. When there were a lot of people in the trenches, they would attack. The first person would throw away the grenade. After the explosion sounded, They will rush over quickly. The first person will shoot the opponent with a rifle, and then use a bayonet to assassinate someone. The people behind will rush over, wave a spade, fist, **** the opponent’s weapon, and then kill. Their condition is still good, because the second lieutenant has a pistol, he leads the first person to rush over, and then kill. Then more people rushed over. Of course. The grenades will be thrown in the past continuously, and the opponent who blows up can't react at all, they are fighting under such circumstances.

Fighting in the trenches requires the courage and creativity of soldiers. Whoever becomes astonishing in creativity will win the war. This is the new situation they face.

"Our soldiers are very brave, and they are also the most trustworthy assistants. When I charge, they will protect me from behind. I don't know his name, but what I know is that he is very young, only ten. I was a few years old, but in order to cover me, I was stabbed in the stomach by the opponent's bayonet, and the bayonet stirred in his body. In order to hold the opponent, he actually grabbed the opponent's bayonet and did not move. In this situation, I really admire their perseverance, they gave me a lot of confidence. This allows me to give my back to them. But they paid the price of life, this consumption is amazing, we lack too much With more weapons, if we can provide enough ammunition and grenades, we can avoid such casualties.” Lieutenant Tummer wrote helplessly. The rest of the people have become very numb. They have experienced too many deaths.

Immediately, their platoon was retreated, and a new militia battalion arrived here, and they would take their place in new defensive operations. And they will replenish personnel in the rear, and will not return to the battlefield until after a period of rest. This is a new beginning for them, but they have become veterans. Only by becoming veterans can they qualify for such activities. The First Army is slowly training these people to become veterans.

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