The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3616: Martians are coming

People in Qin, Xianyang, and Qin are talking more and more after they work, and they have never known many things. In other words, they are full of curiosity about the unknown. This curiosity makes them fanciful.

Prime Minister's House. Shangwen is immersed in work. In fact, the prime minister's work is not very complicated. After all, there are so many things. No matter how busy, the prime minister would not be able to finish these things.

"I think you should read this." Meng Yi smiled and handed a newspaper to Shangwen.

"Any news?" Shang Wen asked. Because Meng Yi usually gives him a newspaper, it means that something big has happened.

"No. It's a Martian." Meng Yi said with a smile. Shang Wen was a little surprised. He didn't know how to express this question, did the Martians invade? This is only available in future movies. Could it have invaded Qin country so soon? Oh my god. However, thinking about it, this feels impossible again, because Shang Wen knows that in the future it has been proved that there can be no Martians on Mars. Although future exploration projects have not yet been systematically explored, no intelligent creatures have been found. It exists, Shang Wen feels very surprised, or in other words, he himself can hardly believe such news. With such a mood, Shang Wen read the newspaper, and then suddenly felt relaxed.

"You scared me." Shang Wen said after reading it. It turns out that this is a serialized novel, and it is very popular. Many well-known newspapers continue to load, not only that, they also formed a broadcast, with a considerable audience. Shang Wen can understand these as entertainment for the people of Qin to do nothing.

"Haha, but this is indeed the hottest topic recently. No one." Meng Yi said with a smile.

"Do you want your prime minister to determine that there are no Martians?" Shang Wen asked. The novel is very clear. The Martian era leads the Qin people by hundreds, hundreds, or thousands of years of technology. The Martians were only careful at the beginning, and they even carried out kidnapping. The novel stated that they kidnapped a farmer in a barren area and the whole family was taken away. Including their cattle, sheep, horses, and chickens and ducks. They performed a vivisection on them. This paragraph is very cruel. But it has aroused the excitement of many people, and it seems that only in this way can they arouse their interest.

In addition to these, there are many technologies, such as lasers, particle beam weapons, and so on. Their aircraft is also much more advanced than Qin. Their aircraft does not have propellers, which is simply a huge science fiction. But this is true in the future.

These horrors and scary descriptions quickly attracted the attention of the people of Qin, but the people of Qin had nothing to do, because they had no way to defeat each other. After all, there are too many leads. The subsequent descriptions could not describe the terrible period of the Martian invasion of the earth, which brought huge disasters to mankind. The novel is still not finished. In Shangwen's view, I am afraid that the author himself cannot describe the latter. Because some things have exceeded Shangwen's own imagination.

"I think there is a certain basis for writing such a novel." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Oh. According to them, do they want to say that the people of Qin will suffer a terrible invasion one day in the future?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. You know, we all know that there are big loopholes in air defense, and our protection is indeed insufficient in terms of aircraft. Not only that, but there are quite a few things, such as technological leadership. Before we, Qin Guo It has always been ahead of other countries, and it is the same now. However, there are signs of bad things. For example, Zhao people are coming from behind, and Koreans are also chasing after them. In many areas, Qin’s technology is not as good as these countries. For example, Mathematician, Qin lacks well-known mathematicians. In terms of machinery, Zhao Guoren is ahead of us. Recently, they also have several physics geniuses who have put forward many bold ideas. In contrast, our technology is too practical, but in theory There is not a lot of construction." Meng Yi said.

Shangwen was surprised not only by this novel, but also by Meng Yi's vigilance. Judging from the current development situation, the development of Zhao and South Korea is gradually accelerating, and they are catching up with the development of Qin at a speed exceeding a hundred years. This may have made Qin feel a sense of urgency. After all, this superiority is gradually disappearing. At the same time, Qin is rarely able to obtain a peaceful environment, but in the bones, the people of Qin still have the nature of war. This development makes them feel When it comes to the threat of terror, this may be caused by the background of this novel. After all, many excellent science fiction novels will be concentrated in the Cold War period in the future. At the same time, the background of the times also makes Qin people very sensitive to their own threats. Qin State seems to be experiencing the same thing.

"It really scared us. But we don't have to worry about Martian invasion. After all, Mars is not inhabitable. If we can, we can focus some excellent scientists on this area. Or this is where we need it most. "Shang Wen said. This puzzled Meng Yi, because Meng Yi couldn't understand what Shangwen said.

Seth Nation, the recruit training camp of the Royal Seth Royal New Army. Tummer, who was resting in the rear, has now been promoted to lieutenant. He is a head of the recruit training center, and he is responsible for training more than 300 recruits.

And those veterans who took a break also became their instructors, and they had to teach the recruits a lot of things.

"On the battlefield, many things have to happen, so you must kill. The role of infantry is to cover, attack. And kill. Killing is the most important thing." The veteran shouted loudly from the side. They did not conduct queue training, which would waste time, but they only conducted preliminary training and then focused on maintenance. Many recruits still make mistakes. The role of veterans is to teach those disobedient guys with a stick. Because they brought trouble.

"You have to keep crawling, because crawling allows you to dodge bullets, and bullets kill you, just like you kill a lamb. It will make you very uncomfortable, but that is the truth. I am saving you. "Fate." The veteran shouted loudly. Soldiers have to crawl on the ground like lizards. They don’t know what they need to do on the battlefield. They have a lot of training. For example, holding wooden sticks with bayonets installed on them, and then assassinating those grass men. At the same time, they are practical. Sex training is also going on. For example, in narrow trenches, the use of shovels, and trench digging. They are all skills they need to master. But there are too many things to learn, so that they can only learn about the same, and there are many things that make them have to retrain.

"These recruits can't master these in a short time. On the battlefield, they will only be sent to death in vain." Lieutenant Tummer said to the veteran on the side. His worries are justified, because the training time for recruits is less than a month, and they were originally given two months, but when they were trained for less than half, their time was compressed.

"But at any rate, it is much better than being killed by the opponent. What I know is that we will be on the battlefield soon. The battlefield will be faster than us. Many times, we have to do this." The veteran said. .

"Sir, I wonder if you heard some news?" The veteran said worriedly at this time.

"What news?" Tummer asked curiously, these veterans have much more contacts than him. They didn't know many people in the officer training class, and the time was too short to communicate, so they were sent to the barracks. in contrast. These veterans are relatively stable. They are the stable stratum of the entire army. Without these veterans, the officers would not be able to command these soldiers at all. The veterans are the non-commissioned officers of Seth's new army. This is the idea of ​​Zhao Guoren, and it was also put forward by Zhao Guoren.

"On the Eastern Front. We are going to fight. There may be a larger offensive combat plan. After the training of these recruits is completed, we will go to the Eastern Front to fight." The veteran said worriedly.

"The scale will be huge," the veteran said.

"Oh. I don't know this well, but for these, I personally support it, because only in this way can we solve the rebels. We need a huge victory." Tummer said. He also heard some news, these news came from the recruits, because they gathered here from all walks of life in the society, many of them were businessman children, they were forced to join the new army of Seth. For them, the battlefield is the most unfavorable place for them. They must adapt to the environment here, and the free people should pay the price, not the civilians and businessmen who have been freed before. Therefore, their news is more flexible and extensive than theirs, because businessmen are sensitive.

"No matter what, we must fight to the end." The veteran said. Tummer nodded in agreement. But what will happen in detail? He didn't know very well, but what he knew was that they had to fight this war, as the king said, it was a battle of life and death.

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty. The Naval Strategy and Tactics Research Department, in fact, they are equivalent to the staff of the Zhao State Navy.

"What we should notice is that in the next development of Jeju, they have already occupied Jeju Island. If they develop northward, occupy Wa Island, or connect the southern part of the peninsula. Then develop southward and establish an island on those islands. A series of naval bases. Once they are connected to the Korean Queen’s Island. Songdo Island. The situation will pose a huge threat to our navy, and this threat still exists." A lieutenant colonel Zhao Guo on the huge map Signed up. They clearly drew the existence of the first island chain with a red pen.

"Among them, South Korea's Qingcheng is also included. Do they want to surround themselves?" said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"No. Sir, their intention is not like this. Their intention is to blockade the islands. If they connect these islands, it will be difficult for our merchant ships to go to the South Ocean. Besides, the Western Ocean has Zhang Xiong Island. The existence of there has become a military fortress, and our warship seems to take it down very well. In this case, the entire front will be very unfavorable to us, and it will be difficult for us to break through such a front, which means that our losses will be It will be very big. Our situation is very unfavorable." said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Our warships can break through. However, our merchant ships will stay within the blockade. In addition, our navy cannot exceed the number and scale of the South Korean Navy. The South Korean Navy has always maintained their superiority on warships. This allows us In a disadvantaged position. Once a large-scale war breaks out, for example, this time to support the nation of Seth. Neither of us has torn the final diplomatic relationship, but if one day in the future, we tore the diplomatic network. , Our warships may not be able to achieve a breakthrough, and then they are like a big net, indenting little by little, eating our situation." said the navy lieutenant colonel. Other naval officers suddenly realized that this is a terrible fact, and this fact still exists. For example, it seems that their navy can hardly break through such an offense. This will make it difficult for them to move on. Is it possible to keep their navy blocked here all the time? Obviously Zhao Guojun felt that something should be done.

"Should we do something?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked.

"Sir, I think we should re-divide the types of warships we build. For example, we should build more warships of some arms with stronger assault forces. In this case, the role of our navy will be Very many. Once we encounter a special war, it will form a very favorable situation for us." Said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"What kind of arms?" the undersecretary of the navy asked.

"I think it should be submarines. They cost less and have achieved great results. The most important thing is that they can achieve such a concealment effect. Large warships have already had the experience of being strictly guarded, but submarines, there is no relevant means at present. Stop, which means that we have great concealed means to attack. We can attack their warships, and after reaching a certain level, we will attack again. This will be very beneficial to us." Speaking of.

"But there are still many problems with submarines, such as the inability to carry out ocean voyages, slow speed, and worst of all, the single communication, range, and their operations. They are all unpredictable. Technical instability. It's a great risk." Some naval officers objected. They are well aware of the dangers of submarines.

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