South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War.

"Such a speed of advancement really makes us feel very worried. Maybe if this goes on, it will be difficult to make a big progress if the entire First Army is lighted up." A South Korean army lieutenant colonel worriedly said. .

"Well. We need to urge the First Army. If they continue like this, I think we can't wait to get there before we can end the war directly." The Secretary of the Army also said dissatisfiedly.

"Sir, I think we should pay attention to their reasons, not their results. After all, there are many reasons that lead to the inability to move forward. For example, the lack of weapons and the improvement of their military quality. These are all important reasons that led to poor fighting conditions." The lieutenant colonel explained.

"These are useless. If they can't reach Babylon as soon as possible, the situation will be very bad for us. Those bankers will put pressure on the king. They will say how much money is lost and how much money is lost. , They will force us to take some military actions. This is a very unfavorable thing for us. What we have to pay attention to is that we have to launch more offensives to solve so many things." The minister said so.

"This, we understand." The lieutenant colonel said. The other officers also nodded and understood that the Bank of Korea’s power was behind the First Army, but the bank did not invest too much. However, for them, this is still unacceptable losses. After all, such losses are right. For them, it is also a major problem that is difficult to solve. They urgently need to achieve breakthroughs from other aspects.

Seth, King Seth’s forward headquarters, the chief of staff reluctantly left, because he had already proposed for the seventh time in a day that their king should transfer the headquarters to the rear. In that case, their soldiers would be fine. Concentrated on the war. But the king once again refused the other party's request tirelessly.

"Our soldiers need the morale, high morale, our number is very small, but we must defeat the enemy in morale, and we must not be merciful to those rebels." The king said to Zhu Li. Because of the existence of the king. The morale of Seth soldiers is generally high. Because they can often see their king, just like they see their old friends. That feeling makes the officers and soldiers very comfortable. This situation will make them extremely confident. The existence of the king will change the soldiers' fighting will. Be more tenacious.

"Your Majesty, our military strength is gradually being adjusted. I believe it will not take long for us to solve these problems." Zhao Rui gestured to the side. The Seth front-line army is being redeployed in a planned way, and the most beloved will be that they will leave around 12 infantry battalions to lure the enemy to attack, of course. In order to cooperate, they will lose some positions on the southern front battlefield. In this way, the enemy on the opposite side will believe that they have to withdraw some combat troops to resist because of the southern front. The opponent believes that the attack on the other front is very smooth, and the enemy on the other side has lost the possibility of the final attack. In this way, they can quickly launch an offensive and destroy their last enemy. As long as you launch a bold pursuit, everything is possible. This is the deception to be achieved at present, and few people know this plan. Maybe some military commanders don't know this very clearly.

"The situation will change a lot for us. This change comes from changes on the local battlefield. I believe that it will not take long for us to prove our ability. I believe those bankers will change our investment situation. And the first bad impression." His Majesty the King said.

"No. Your Majesty, the situation has changed. This is a domestic telegram." Zhuri said and gave a telegram to the king. He hoped that the king would notice this, or that the king would see it. After the telegram, their hopes will be fulfilled.

"This. Is this true?" The king looked at each other with a look of disbelief.

"It is true, Your Majesty, the domestic bankers have agreed to our financial support plan. They will provide economic loans of more than one million gold coins. Of course. There are other things, they will put forward additional conditions. , But they are all within a reasonable range." Zhu Li replied. The bankers in Zhao Guo finally made concessions, and they believed that under such circumstances, they could only do so. After all, if they don’t do anything with a large amount of money, they will end up harming themselves. In such a situation, what they can do is to solve these problems properly. Under such a situation, they will change. It is very advantageous.

"This is the situation. However, what we need to pay attention to is that the currency provided by the bank this time is Zhao Yuan. This is Zhao's currency provider, because of transportation and other relationships. Of course. Our company is You can accept currency in such units." Zhu Li immediately explained the situation.

"This is no problem. This has solved our problem. If this is the case, can we issue more bonds next. After all, these bonds have a certain purchasing power. Zhao Guo's bank helped us solve this problem. We should thank them for the difficulties, and at the same time, this is also an important way to further solve the financial problems." The king said. Zhu Li did not refute, but nodded in agreement to do so. The king was right. The war was fought financially. Without such financial funds, it would be difficult to proceed. Know that if there is no sufficient financial support, Seth’s army could not be organized at all, because their government had gone bankrupt.

The king had no idea of ​​what currency to use. In his opinion, it was enough to be money. After all, the Seth government has reached the most critical moment, and their fiscal deficit has been very scary. If there is no more assistance, they will be completely defeated. They cannot take such risks, and they absolutely cannot do so. After all, they cannot afford such a large loss.

State of Zhao, Handan. Staff.

"Our next expansion will be carried out at sea. We cannot fight against the Qin people, but we can guard against the Qin people. Therefore, the situation is not bad for us." Li Mu said.

"But what we should notice is that the situation at sea is worse than we thought. The Koreans and Chu people have built a large blockade to surround us, if, if possible, it will become true, because In this way, our situation will become extremely bad. They formed a huge chain of blocked islands. Starting from Jeju Island, then along a series of islands to Queen Island, and then starting from Queen Island and descending south to Song Island. Then there is Zhang Xiong Island. The entire area is blocked, and our navy will be trapped here alive, and the markets and colonies far away will let us completely lose control there. For us, it will be a huge failure." Li Mu said.

"In this way, our situation will be very unfavorable. After all, once such a blockade goes on for a long time, economic sanctions in a peaceful environment will be enough to get us into trouble. The domestic market is small. . We simply cannot meet such development needs. We should avoid war as much as possible. After all, in such a situation, it is difficult for us to ensure that the navy has a strong combat capability. Break through the other side’s island blockade." Said this afterwards.

"Yeah. I think so too. This is definitely not good news for us. It will aggravate our situation indefinitely and cause us a major collapse. If this collapse continues, we China’s economy would collapse, and Zhao Guo was really finished at that time.” Li Mu said helplessly. At this time, Li Mu discovered that Qin was not the only place in Zhao State, but also a real threat. Zhao’s economy was seeking independence, but they still had some dependence on Qin, for example, some crude oil, special Materials also need to cooperate with the State of Qin, and the people of the State of Qin also need a cheap processing country like Zhao for processing, and the two sides have economic ties. In contrast, the threat from Chu and South Korea will be huge. Because the two countries control the market, this uniqueness of the market allows them to tide over the economic crisis calmly. The economic crisis caused by an imbalance between industrial development and the development of raw materials has become regular. It seems that any country has It’s difficult to get rid of such a predicament, but if you get through such a predicament, each country has its own way. The people of Qin have overseas markets. For example, Yueshi and Karachi can all flow into Qin’s goods. Korea and Chu can also solve this problem. There are vast colonies, and domestic unsalable goods may not necessarily be unsalable in the colonies. Moreover, there are many people and money there, and the people there are stupid. They can buy everything, and they will still go after the outrageous prices. This is the solution to the crisis between the two countries. However, it is impossible for the people of Zhao to solve their own crisis in this way, and even Qi himself cannot avoid such a thing. If this is the case, it will inevitably lead to a lot of contradictions between the two countries on market issues. This contradiction eventually escalated into war.

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