Seth country. On the Eastern Front. Seth militia battalions one after another are retreating, and they will be readjusted to the scheduled battlefield behind them.

"Sir, why are we retreating? Didn't we fight the rebels?" A soldier carrying a rifle without bullets asked his officer, a veteran, his rank is sergeant, which means that the opponent has Rich combat experience. This is the object of their envy, after all, such veterans are not common in the team.

"We want to fight the enemy, so we retreat." The veteran replied.

"Can retreat also hit the enemy?" The soldier changed a rifle carrying himself on his shoulder. It was captured by himself. When they attacked the opponent's city, he picked it up on the ground. Unfortunately, there was no bullet. But it's better than those guys with five bullets.

"Yes, retreat can also hit the enemy, as long as we retreat to a certain point, and then set the battlefield there, we can defeat the enemy." The veteran said.

"Can you defeat the enemy by retreating?" The soldier asked curiously, but the veteran did not answer their questions. In his opinion, he didn't need to answer the other party's questions like this, because he himself didn't know why he had to retreat, but He can vaguely feel that their retreat will bring greater victory on the battlefield, which is too important for them. Seth’s new army is adjusting their combat deployment, and new troops are constantly deployed on the preset battlefield. In this way, their situation will change a lot. But it is not just Seth’s new army that noticed this, but also South Korean military advisers. Chen Yong, he is a military observer dispatched from Mengla. In addition, he also selected several sergeants, who are responsible for specific training, battlefield observation, and so on.

"The situation of the Seth people has changed a lot, and their number has been greatly reduced. We haven't noticed it before, but in the past few days, I found that their camp has not decreased. However, in the number of people The number of them has been reduced by at least half.” A sergeant reported to Chen Yong.

"Oh. This situation is very important." Chen said with a nod.

"The question is, why did the number of people decrease, and what happened? Let's speculate. If the decrease in numbers means that their strength is a little bit tight, they may be dispatched to other places, such as their southern route. You know, it's not just us. One side is launching an attack. The other side is also attacking. Both sides are the same distance from Babylon." Chen Yong thought about it.

"But. Sir, I think there is another possibility. Judging from the opponent's combat attitude, they would not have the advantage in number. If they divide their forces, they will have no chance of winning. But now, their situation is very big. If they retreat and pretend to be defeated, we will pursue them quickly. I know these armies too well. They may be reluctant to defend, but they want to attack and repel the current Seth army. . That is absolutely impossible." The sergeant said.

"If the enemy on the opposite side retreats, they may pursue it. In this case, the more aggressive the pursuit, the greater the possibility of their failure. I think this possibility exists." Sergeant said Speaking of.

"Do you think such an offense exists?" Chen Yong asked.

"Sir, I think that such an offense exists. After all, the opponent can do this as long as they launch some offenses. In contrast, if they continue to consume here, their loss of force will become extremely large. In contrast, our situation will become very unfavorable. Therefore, in such a situation, I think we should actively respond to such a situation." Sergeant said.

"If it's really as you said, I can't stop the opponent, because these guys will definitely attack. They can fight downwind, but they can't fight the most intense battle. Once the opponent sets an ambush, they are very likely. They are fooled, but the problem is that they can't stop the other party from being fooled. This is really not a good way for them." Chen Yong said.

"Sir, we must stop them. In this way, we can avoid a greater failure." The sergeant said.

"Sir. New telegram. It comes from the southern front." At this moment, a communications soldier came over and delivered a new telegram. Chen Yong shook his head after reading it. Reluctantly handed over to the sergeant.

"Let's take a look. It seems unlikely. This kind of ambush is no longer possible to change the opponent's mind. Unless there is a big change on the battlefield, for example, they suffer losses. Only in this way can all this be changed. "Chen Yong said with a very helpless expression. The sergeant narrowed his mouth after seeing it, and he thought he was too worried. The offensive on the southern front became very smooth. They advanced for more than fifty kilometers at once, and they are still advancing, you know, before they were still advancing slowly, it seems that everything has become too smooth. In this way, the Opposite Seth army has a reason to retreat. Seeing that the opponent's strength is significantly weakened, they seem to have no reason to pursue it, but if they do, they will jump into the opponent's trap. This is really a bad situation.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War. They are evaluating new-style armored vehicles, and a weapon officer shook his head and looked at the sample sent. He is a colonel. His name is Cai Da. He could have been promoted to major general, but he is now blocked from the general. Because of his contradiction, and his bad tone. Because he believes that technology will bring different advantages to the army, he strongly urges South Korea to form an army of armored combat vehicles, and he strongly urges the elimination of cavalry, and he also tells his story on different occasions. Point of view, as a result, no general liked him, so his promotion became very hopeless. But people didn't kick him away, after all, this guy was taking things too seriously. Therefore, he was left in the technical department. Specially responsible for technical equipment.

"How is it?" a major general came over with a smile, and he asked friendly.

"Sir. None of these technical samples are suitable. They look very powerful. However, if they are used for a long time, their repairs and maintenance will not be able to complete the offensive task. Moreover, the armor is too thin. All iron armors are used. At close range, rifle bullets can penetrate these armored vehicles, let alone bombard them with artillery." Raida said with great dissatisfaction.

"But they are cheap enough, my old buddy, I think, you should know that what those guys need is this kind of weapon, they can exert great combat power to scare people. The most important thing is Yes, there is no such artillery in the Seth battlefield this time, so we don't need to worry too much." said the major general. He is telling the truth. After all, no one likes things that are too expensive. Although their value is very good, the problem is that they are too expensive and no one buys them at all. Moreover, those Seth people spend all the money of Koreans, and Korean talents don’t. They will give them practical things, they hope to use some cheap things, if it breaks, they can buy again, and then it will be a good fee. As for the result of the war, that is the business of the Seth people. There are not a few people who think this way. Many people think so.

"Squeaky." Just then. Three new armored combat vehicles appeared. They are using crawlers, which do not have rubber plates. In fact, they don't have any of them now. Because they are all metal, the armored tanks rubbed against the ground, making an unbearable squeaking sound, which made the major general very annoying. From the beginning, he hated this weapon.

"It's an unbearable weapon. Such a weapon should be eliminated." The major general said. He decided at first that the weapon was useless.

"No. This is the weapon we need most, he can play a huge role." Cai Da said excitedly. Because the opponent uses crawlers, other armored vehicles use cast wheels, which are slow and have great special requirements on the terrain. They cannot pass through various terrains, but the crawlers can pass through various types of terrain. Terrain, the most important thing is that the use of tracks means that the opponent's power is greatly increased, and a 20mm rapid-fire gun is on it. And the twin-mounted machine gun, which shows that the opponent's firepower is strong. Mobility, defense, and improvement in firepower all indicate that this is a very powerful weapon. This weapon will greatly change the situation on the battlefield. This is the weapon they need most.

"Oh. God, no one would buy such a thing, it's too expensive. Have you seen it? It must have exceeded the budget. I think it must be a loss-making business." The major general said unoptimistically. Cai Da is very excited. This is the weapon he needs most, but it is not the most suitable weapon for the South Korean Army, because the price is definitely expensive. Such weapons and equipment are for the military in the Seth provinces. It's too expensive, and buying such a weapon must be a huge loss.

But in the end, under Cai Da's strong request, this weapon was included in the list of materials to be transported, but there were only three prototype vehicles. They will not buy the others, which will cause them a lot of trouble. No one will buy this stuff. The major general said. But these are enough. They will prove that their existence is valuable.

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