The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3619: Immigration to Australia

On the Persian pier at night, everything here becomes quiet. At this moment, a dark merchant ship approached slowly, and then a small boat landed first. On the shore, like a ghost fire, three torches floated up at once. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"Damn, you are finally here." A Persian businessman cursed.

"Haha. There is no way, the Korean patrol boat is too strict. We waited a long time to come, otherwise, we can't do it ourselves." A Zhao country businessman said.

"Okay. Let's not say. Hurry up and unload the cargo. We are still waiting for the guns and ammunition." The Persian said helplessly.

"Wait a minute, my friend, this ship can only give you a part of the ammunition, and all the rest will be transported to Seth, where we need more support from the ammunition." Zhao Guo merchant said.

"What? Are you kidding, why do you want to give it to the Seth all at once?" the Persian businessman asked anxiously.

"This is caused by changes in diplomatic relations. You can only get some assistance at the moment, and others need to open up the situation. Otherwise, it will be impossible for these arms to enter here. I hope you can understand. At the same time, yours The government has decided to do this." Zhao Guo businessman said.

"Okay. But we have to divide more on the next ship." The Persian merchant said helplessly. Most of Zhao’s arms entered the Kingdom of Seth from here, but the situation in the Kingdom of Seth is still not optimistic, because the Koreans and the provinces they control completely cut off their external contacts, and the only channel is from Persia. Channel, enter Thira Province, and then enter the country of Seth through the secret smuggler road. Their arms and weapons came from such a place. The Persians had the support of the Koreans before, but after seeing the chaos, the Koreans took a laissez-faire attitude, especially for some governments that were unfavorable to the Persian government. As long as they gave enough money, they would talk to each other. Transaction, which made the chaos in Persia even more chaotic.

Fortunately at this time. A businessman from Zhao country appeared. They brought plenty of weapons, and the quality of their weapons was much better than that of Korean rifles, and the price was not very expensive. It seems that Zhao people are more advantageous than Koreans. Therefore, the Persians decisively betrayed the South Koreans, and then they established full diplomatic relations with the Zhao people. This kind of diplomatic relations still need to be maintained. After all, this situation is not many.

In this way, when the Seth Civil War broke out. Their only way is to send a large amount of arms to Seth through the Persian line, thus completing the supplementary on the arms of Seth, but this line is slow and long, and the supply efficiency is very high. Poor, unless you defeat the rebels in Thira Province and control some of the gaps there, the problem of unblocked supply lines is still very serious.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Just when Zhao Guo Merchant Ship secretly supplied supplies. The South Korean War Department became happy.

"These First Army, if they don't put some pressure on them, they don't know how much to advance." The Secretary of the Army looked at the map excitedly and said. Under the urging of the Ministry of War, the First Army launched an offensive. However, what they did not expect was that their offensive became very smooth. At first they encountered tenacious resistance, but gradually, they suddenly felt that the opponent's strength It seems that the feeling of tae exhaustion disappeared, and then they decisively increased reinforcements, because the South Korean War Department stated that if the First Army does not have some new breakthroughs, they will stop assistance or cancel more arms support. , In this case, it is a very bad thing, which means that their supply line will be broken. In order not to lose their supply line, they had to attack and increase their strength. As a result, they didn't expect to be able to break through the opponent's 50-kilometer line of defense, which greatly surprised them. With joy, I immediately reported it to the South Korean War Department.

"Minister, this good news, I feel a little abnormal." The undersecretary of the army came in with a telegram at this time and said with a very unpleasant attitude.

"It's not normal, what's abnormal, I think it's normal, can the First Army, more than 100,000 people stay outside the first line of defense? In this case, our situation will be very bad. Let's just It is impossible to defeat the Babylonian government in a short time." said the Secretary of War.

"No, I'm not talking about this. We encountered stubborn resistance before, but now we suddenly let go of the position and let us go straight ahead. Is there any conspiracy in it? Otherwise, they won't do it. Yes, I am very worried. There must be some abnormal behavior in it." The Army Deputy Chief said.

"Well, maybe they have, but maybe their troops were attacked by another way and suffered heavy losses. In this case, they had to divide their troops. Maybe, the previous tenacious blockade suffered serious losses. These are all possible. "That's what the other party said.

"No, this is a new telegram. On the other hand, their offensive also started to go smoothly. The frontline reported that the number of the Seth’s army had been reduced by more than half. Where did we go. We don't know at all. What I am worried about is that this is a conspiracy, and they will take a larger ambush on one of our two routes." said the Army Deputy Commander.

"This." The Secretary of the Army looked at the map. The two armies were not in one place, but their targets were Babylon. Only by occupying there could they solve all the problems. But the question is, can they really solve this problem? Or maybe they frighten themselves. The Secretary of the Army prefers the latter, because only the latter can bring them more surprises.

"I think it should be the latter. At least, this shows that the enemy's military strength is not very sufficient. They need to defend the capital and have to mobilize troops from another direction to return to defense. You must know that their strength is insufficient, according to According to our calculations, they are only 60,000 people at most. These 60,000 people simply cannot defend such a large area." The Secretary of the Army thought for a while and said.

"Perhaps they can recruit more militias to join them. In this case, they will barely have another battle." said the Army Undersecretary.

"I don't want this anymore. Maybe, as long as we keep breaking through. To reach Babylon and occupy there, how about they have the main army to win a victory? Two armies are enough to put more pressure on them. They simply can't survive. We should pay attention to this point, the situation is still beneficial to us, we are too anxious." The Secretary of the Army said.

"However, I feel that the situation is still not right. Or we should be more cautious." The Army Undersecretary emphasized.

"Okay. We are frightening ourselves, don't think like this. Everything is fine. We should happily wait for the telegram from the front line. They will bring us more victories. We should Be happy. This is good for us." said the Secretary of the Army. In his opinion, there seems to be no danger anymore. They can solve the problem as long as they wait until victory.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff. Li Mu only cares about two things now, the first is the war situation of the Seth people.

"They are retreating in great strides. These retreats will bring more fighters. In this way, we can calmly launch an offensive. Attack those fast-moving rebel forces." A lieutenant colonel's staff member gestured with a wargame. .

"Well. If they can, it's better to wipe out one of them. But the defense of the other one is not very good." Li Mu said.

"Under such a defensive situation, it seems difficult to resist the fierce attack of the opponent. I think you should think about it. The rebels rushed into the city of Babylon at once, and then launched a large-scale street battle. In this situation, we should fully consider ." Li Mu said.

"That's the case." The staff members gave a demonstration. They felt that this possibility was still relatively high. After all, to resist the opponent's offense in the wild, especially when the opponent's morale is high, completely resist it. Some are unlikely. That place is all plain, and there is no good place to block it. This possibility is still relatively large.

And another thing is how to break the strategic blockade between South Korea and the Kingdom of Chu. This blockade is very detrimental to Zhao's economy. When Li Mu's staff submitted such a memorandum. Both Zhao Wang and Guo Kai expressed concern in this regard.

Wang Zhao’s worries are superfluous. He is only concerned about the expansion of Zhao’s territory. As for other things, he believes that as long as Zhao’s economy improves, it can be resolved. And Guo Kai's worry is that such a blockade will jam Zhao Guo alive, and then slowly suffocate a little bit. Zhao Guo needs to stretch out space and need air, but they lack too much. This will drag Zhao's economy into disaster. Guo Kai wants to avoid such a thing from happening. Therefore, he wants to solve this problem from a strategic point of view.

"Sir, we may be able to carry out the layout now. We can seek a breakthrough in this place in Nanyang." Li Zuoche said.

"Nanyang's breakthrough?" Li Mu asked. He does not put hope on the navy, because the efforts of some arms alone are far from enough. Sometimes a tactical victory cannot make up for a strategic defeat, and this kind of defeat is fatal. So they need to do a lot of things to solve these problems.

"Where is the breakthrough?" Li Mu asked.

"Iron ore, we have found a larger land in the southern part of the South Ocean, where we can build some infrastructure, there are more steel plants, shipyards can also be built there, and at the same time, by detouring, We can get there successfully. In this way, we can go in another direction and enter the Western Ocean. It is difficult for the Korean island chain to reach an important link. If this is the case, we have formed an important breakthrough there. , This is very important to us." Li Zuoche hinted. Zhao Guoren has clearly discovered the iron ore there. The Koreans also know this. It seems that it is no secret. The problem is that all the mining and transportation there need to pass through the Southeast Asia, and at the same time it takes a lot of money to develop. The Koreans cannot expand there in time, and the Zhao people are also the same, but the Zhao people need to make a strategic layout, and they have it. This kind of demand, this kind of demand will inevitably lead them to pay attention to the development there.

"In this way, the blockade effect of the island chain will be reduced a lot, and at the same time they will face two blows, which for us will be in an extremely advantageous position." Li Mu said after seeing it.

"Yes, sir, in this case, we have a strategic advantage. At the same time, we can also provide more raw materials, but there seems to be a lack of people, and the demand is not very strong. This is not for us. Good news." Li Zuoche said helplessly. This place in Australia is indeed very good, but the problem is that they lack too much population. The land there is vast and rich in resources, but there are not many people. Without these populations, it would be difficult for them to develop there. Perhaps the Koreans have also seen this. They know that it seems difficult for that place without 20 years of development. Developed, no one wants to go to such a place.

"Immigration, we must emigrate, and at the same time attract more people to go there." Li Mu said while looking at Australia.

"We need to submit a report. A related immigration report. He said it is very beneficial to us." Li Mu said. He seemed a little excited.

On the Suez Canal, the business here has become extremely busy, because there are more and more goods, and most of the merchants gather here. They are all Korean goods that can make money, so they enter here crazy, and then big Trade on the scale, trade, of course. They will bring a team of merchants armed, because the environment here is not very safe.

"Look, what's all on the canal?" When everyone was busy trading, someone suddenly shouted. Many people noticed there. Some people saw something strange appearing on the canal, and then took out the binoculars they just bought to check it, and then he was surprised and covered his grown-up mouth.

"What did you find?" Many thought asked.

"The corpses are corpses, a lot of corpses, **** it, how could there be so many corpses? Is it because someone has been robbed?" Many people said worriedly.

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