On the dock, many people gathered to discuss this matter. This matter touched them too much. This makes them feel very uneasy. After all, they are all businessmen. In addition to money, they also value their lives very much. If there is no life, nothing is important. But now, what actually tells them is that the robbers not only demanded their money, but also their lives.

"This must be the pirates and robbers who did it, and it must be. You don't need to guess to know that this is a good thing they did." Said the businessman among the crowd.

"But what to do next? If we don't let us do business, it will be more uncomfortable than killing my life, but if we do my life, my life will be lost. It is really a difficult question to choose." Many businessmen said. .

"I think the only way is for all of us to gather together. In this case, our numbers are so large that the pirates will not be able to start." A businessman suggested. But is this useful? Because the number of dead bodies in the canal is still increasing, this shows that the number of people killed must be very large.

At the dock, a lieutenant of the Korean New Army and a police lieutenant were examining the bodies.

"They were all **** with their hands and then killed, that is, they first gave up resistance, and then. Pirates or robbers killed them all in order to kill people. They were all cut. The throat. The blood was emptied. The wounds were concentrated on the vital points. This shows that these pirates are repeat offenders and they have done this more than once. Moreover, some of the wounds are chaotic, which shows that some of them are small people. They are all involved. It seems that our pressure is not small." The police lieutenant shook his head after taking a look. There are a lot of corpses, and they have recovered almost 27 of them so far, but this still doesn't mean to stop, on the contrary, there are many more.

"What I am concerned about is how many of them are Koreans. You know, if a Korean businessman is attacked, the situation will become very unfavorable." The lieutenant said after looking at the corpses. What he is worried about is that the military will magnify this matter. After all, they killed the Koreans. According to the queen's nature, they will never forgive those pirates.

"I can't control this. However, these pirates are difficult to catch because they can become merchants. I have heard some news that their tactics are generally very deceptive. For example, they will do this. Disguised as a businessman approaching the merchant ship, then there will be a lot of robbery, this kind of thing is inevitable." The police lieutenant said helplessly. This kind of thing has happened many times. It's such a simple tactic, but it succeeds every time. The amount of goods, personnel, and property lost is hard to estimate. This is an unbearable loss for them.

"In this case, we can't do anything about it. We can't write good or bad people on everyone's forehead," the lieutenant said. The police lieutenant shook his head. Things are far from simple, and there are more complicated things behind. However, they still reported this incident. In their opinion, this incident will have a profound impact on them.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

Han Shu received such a report as soon as possible. She felt very annoyed.

"The telegram has stated that at least three Koreans have been killed there. It seems that those pirates are very rampant. They actually attacked the Koreans. Next, are they going to attack our navy?" Han Shu felt very annoyed. To kill Koreans is to challenge the dignity of Koreans. For the sake of dignity, Koreans will inevitably pay the **** price to make up for their losses.

"Wang Shang calmed down his anger. What I worry about is that this matter is far from simple." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"It's far from that simple?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang at this time. She felt that Zhang Liang must be aware of something, or he realized that something was wrong.

"For example, talk about it." Han Shu asked.

"Generally speaking, pirates become pirates because they are poor. For example, in Jeju, they first developed like this when the Qi people who had no way out gathered there. It can be said that Jeju is a pirate country. However, pirates are not. It is not a special robbery. Generally speaking, they occupy a trade channel. They will rob only when their strength is not equal, or when they are too poor. When the robbery reaches a certain level, they will rob Will develop into business pirates. For the time being, these pirates are still in the first stage, and our route has proven the value of his existence, which means that such things will be inevitable in the future Happened." Zhang Liang said.

"Don't we just let the other party grab and let them develop, they are like disgusting maggots. Let them absorb all our nutrients?" Han Shu said annoyed. She would never endure this matter.

"No, my lord, we will not tolerate such things. What we have to do is to pressure the Aiji government to make them do such things. In this case, in our joint attack on the West, we will deal with these things. Pirates will become very easy and simple. If we squeeze here, they will flee to a few countries, in that case, our losses will become very large. This will be very for us. Not good." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded in agreement. Zhang Liang’s analysis is indeed correct. If you rely solely on the South Koreans, you may take the trouble to kill these pirates. However, the problem still exists after the killing. This will push up their navy funding, but if you unite If this is the case, this may be a good solution to some things. For them, this is a lot simpler, and Han Shu agrees with this approach.

Dige City. The Second Army, the rebels in Thira Province were formally organized into the Second Army, and they were a regular force. But their results were not very good.

Sergeant Abasin was the same as before, holding his bayonet-mounted rifle and walking among the positions, which seemed to be his usual practice. He is a person who does not like to talk, but he is also a guy who can talk. In the barracks, no soldier likes him. The reason is very simple. This guy is very powerful, but he also has his own advantages, that is, he can Bring yourself a lot of good things. For example, when all the soldiers are crowded in the trenches and sleeping under blankets, he has his own bed and his own house. If necessary, he can exchange the rewards he received from his superiors for some fine wine. Or a supper. His job is also very simple, it is inspection. He was a patrolman in name. In fact, he never patrolled outside, just walked around the trenches, even if he had completed his mission. He is very satisfied with his work, and he can get such a good job because he can speak fluent Korean, or Zhongyuan dialect, because it can cheat some benefits from the Korean consultants, canned food, and small things. , There are some banknotes and so on. Those are tips. He will help the Korean consultant get some women, carpets, and local precious things, and he will get some rewards he wants, of course. In order to acquire these things, he also needs to pay some price, for example, he will often exchange some things. This is his job, safe and reliable. Many people envy but cannot get the job, so they can only curse each other by saying bad things behind their backs.

However, his inspection today felt a bit weird, because many people looked very nervous, and, at the forefront, is also the place he least likes to go, where it is easy to be attacked, most of the dead are gathered there, usually he will Get some benefits from the dead in a safe place, such as rings, some precious things, etc., because these things are carried with you.

"What's going on?" Sergeant Abasin asked a recruit. The recruits would say everything. They were the most serious leaks of military information.

"No, I don't know. Sergeant, what I know is that many people have bayonet installed. This thing has never been used before, but now they seem to be very nervous. I heard that the chief said that we It's time to launch an offensive." The recruit said.

"Offensive? You're not kidding. We would attack with this kind of thing. Could it be that Seth’s new army retreated. Oh. My god. This will never happen to us. I think this kind of thing is for us. It is the most unacceptable situation." Abbasin shook his head and said. He thinks this is simply impossible. Those new Seth troops are simply a group of desperate robbers. They will rush over frantically and kill them. They will still hit you and leave in their souls. The flesh will take away the flesh near him at the last moment, this is a group of terrible people. Abbasin would hide away by himself.

"Rush. Hurry. Rush." ​​At this moment, the officer yelled and urged the soldiers to attack quickly. The officer seemed to go crazy all at once and urged the soldiers to attack. Then came Abasin, a safe patrolman who was also taken and rushed into the crowd. A large number of soldiers charged at the front line with bayonets. The strange thing is that this time, he himself did not see the resisting soldiers of the new Seth Army. Their positions were discarded, and some corpses were also thrown on the ground. It seemed that everything had changed. It went smoothly.

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