The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3621: Seth preparation

"Why are we pursuing?" Abasin asked after a soldier. The officers urged them to launch an offense. They can only launch an offense. However, why they should continue to pursue the attack? They simply cannot understand such a thing. It seems that sometimes it is very abnormal.

"The spoils. Of course it is for spoils." The soldier said as he jumped into the trench and said.

"The spoils? This is the poor Seth government, there is no spoils anymore." Abbasin suddenly felt that this might be an opportunity to make a fortune. After all, everyone's spoils can be exchanged for something. In fact, it is very important.

"This, I don't know. However, what we do know is that the king's army is going to be pursued. The other way is almost to Babylon. If we don't hurry, the king's treasury will be robbed by them. Once empty, we really have nothing at that time. This is the situation we least want to see, so we rush to attack." The soldier said.

"Only in this way, more spoils will appear, so we launched an offensive." The soldier said. It sounds like this reason seems to be very sufficient, or it should be believed, but the problem is that this reason is really worrying for them. The reason is that they have never pursued such a pursuit, but it is stimulated by the spoils of war. Next, this worry was diluted. They never knew what it was for.

Fifty kilometers east of Babylon, this is the ambush battlefield preset by the Seth military. Many militia battalions have already dug their trenches. In order to hide their true intentions, they carried out a meticulous violation under the supervision of Zhao Guo instructor.

Large amounts of yellow cloth or camouflage woven with haystacks were laid together. In this case, it would be difficult to be discovered by the other party. This kind of camouflage project is quite large, but it does not trouble the militia battalions, because they are actively disguising, and many soldiers have high morale, even though they retreat. But they all believe that what awaits the rebels will be a catastrophe, because the king will lead them to victory.

"Here and there. Standing on the road, you can see you with a telescope. Those places must be modified." A sergeant Zhao said while holding the map while pointing his finger at the place on the map. The officers nearby listened. Then make a record. Then they will make changes. In order to hide their strategic intentions, they must do the necessary disguise. Without these, it will be difficult to see the other party suppress them.

After repeated confirmations, the disguise was finally done. However, camouflage alone cannot achieve the possibility of further eliminating the rebels. They also need more things to do, such as strengthening firepower. Zhao Guo quickly frozen a batch of second-hand weapons, for example, the retired bolt-action rifle, Zhao Guo used the new type 98. The old style 88 rifles were quickly sent here, but the number still could not meet the needs of the new Seth army. They only sent 6,000 rifles, but they needed at least 20,000 rifles, and more. bullet. Compared with the Type 98 rifle equipped by Zhao Jun, this is the specific model of the Zhao State Arsenal, not the year name. The old style 88 rifle has too many shortcomings. For example, after a bullet is fired, the bullet is very astringent, and it is easy to be jammed. Most of the hands are many. When the bullet is drawn, the bullet can be stuck outside the gun. The smoke is as ugly as a chimney. This is not the worst place. , The bad thing is that this rifle sometimes cannot be drawn. In other words, the cartridge case is directly stuck inside, which requires a knife or cleaning rod to exit. This rifle has been eliminated. But they were bought directly by arms dealers at low prices. They wanted to sell them to the Seth New Army because they lacked the necessary weapons. They did not explain the faults of this rifle, but just blindly explained the range of this rifle. It is very far away. It can reach two kilometers on the ruler, and the actual combat distance can be as high as one thousand two hundred meters. At this distance, sharpshooters may not be guaranteed to hit the target. But the arms dealers promised this, and just like that, the Seth military bought these weapons. At the same time, they also imported a batch of more than two hundred hand punches from Zhao Jun. The so-called hand punch is even more of their obsolete products. This weapon, which is between pistols and submachine guns, looks very cumbersome, but it is powerful enough to use 9mm pistol bullets. If you use a long magazine, you can hold two. Ten bullets, plus a wooden butt, can be used in burst mode. In this case, the pistol will become a submachine gun, which has a strong suppressive effect on firepower. However, the Zhao State military did not purchase such a weapon. For them, , This weapon is too tasteless, and the price is not cheap, two pistols can buy a submachine gun. This weapon is really not good. Because his mention is too big, it looks very nondescript when it comes to outfitting officers. The most important thing is that this kind of pistol has many faults, and the muzzle jump is very serious. Sometimes it is difficult to shoot accurately if the **** is not installed. Bullets are often knocked out. After the first batch was manufactured, these weapons were sold to the Seth military by the way, and the arms dealers advertised that the rate of fire of this pistol was amazing. The reason the Seth military bought it is that this can greatly increase their firepower advantage. Indeed, this weapon can bring greater power. At least the rate of fire exceeds that of ordinary pistols. If shooting in the trenches, many soldiers will not be able to withstand such an attack. As for machine guns and submachine guns, because the export of such weapons will greatly stimulate the Koreans. You must know that this weapon is definitely a big killer. Zhao Guoren did not take it out, and the quantity of goods is not very large. They are only temporary. The hoarding is in some important places, and when necessary, they will still sell to each other. After all, the higher the price, the greater the profit.

of course. These are mainly infantry, and the most powerful weapons are nothing but artillery. Zhao Guoren could not deliver large-caliber artillery. This weapon is banned in the military sales of various countries. They will not export such weapons. But the 37 gun is not among them. Compared with the 20mm rapid-fire gun, this gun is relatively lighter. It can be pulled by two soldiers, and the artillery of a squad can easily operate. Moreover, the power of this artillery is also very good. At least it is a direct-pointing weapon. If you use a series of artillery sighting equipment such as artillery sight glasses and scopes to shoot, it may be a short time that these Seth artillery will not be able to learn this. Things, in their opinion, these things are too difficult to learn. Many of them can't even communicate very well in the Central Plains dialect. In such a situation, the best way is to use these direct aiming shots. They can aim directly through the barrel, which is accurate and very effective. This artillery is as simple as a large rifle to them.

Panax notoginseng gun is easy to transfer and small in size. This is very important for Seth's new army, who lacks firepower. With such a weapon, they don't have to worry too much about the opponent's direct counterattack. They can effectively blow down the opponent's firepower, because the 37 guns suppressed the local firepower. Seth's new army is constantly upgrading its firepower, and such upgrades can effectively strengthen their weapon advantage. In contrast, the rebels on the opposite side did nothing. They just chased the fleeing enemy frantically.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Zhao Guoren's paper currency is depreciating, and their bank sold their gold reserves in exchange for a large amount of funds, and these funds will all be used for operations on Seth. This is not for us. Good news." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"No, I don't look at this issue in this way. I think if Zhao Guoren can do well, we can also participate in it. After all, think about it, they expanded production while meeting potential supply of goods in some regions. "Shang Wen said.

"Especially industrial products. In this regard, their advantage is much better than that of South Korea. The situation of Chu people is much better. These two countries are agricultural countries and are transitioning to industrial countries. However, their dependence on agriculture is too great. Strong, many markets are relatively closed, which is not conducive to the promotion of our products, especially industrial products." Shang Wen said. South Korea and Chu have a large number of colonies. These colonies provide sufficient raw materials and a vast market. Relying on trade, South Korea, Chu can achieve their commercial profits. Therefore, these two countries have become relatively somewhat Conservative. The people of Qin are also constantly expanding their markets. Although their markets are relatively open, this does not mean that Qin's products have an advantage. Because the agricultural economy has a strong dependence, and they have a direct connection with trade, for example, the plantation economy, Koreans, and Chu people planted a lot of tea, sugar cane, cotton, etc. in their colonies. These things Commodities can only be exchanged for money, and it has a strong dependence. If they do not exchange, they will lose the opportunity to acquire, and their losses will become very large and passive. This situation exists. Therefore, their economy is relatively closed and difficult to change. This is the problem they are trying to solve at present, and Qin State is trying to break this closedness. Because these two countries are very dependent.

Trade has brought them too many easy profits, so they don't seem to care about these anymore. But Qin people care.

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