The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3622: The test of new technology

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House. The Minister of Civil Affairs met with Guo Kai and submitted a report on immigration.

"Immigration?" Guo Kai directly asked his Minister of Civil Affairs after reading the report.

"Yes, Immigration, Prime Minister. I think such a situation is feasible. According to the information provided by the General Staff and the Admiralty, the situation there is indeed not optimistic. The land is large and sparsely populated, and there is a lack of sufficient population. It is difficult to develop. This will greatly increase our burden. At the same time, if we want to get more colonies, we must also immigrate. The Koreans and the Chu country actively expand, but ours There are few colonies, and most of them have military backgrounds. Some commercial companies also have aristocratic backgrounds to participate. Because it requires sufficient funds to solve these problems." The Minister of Civil Affairs said. In the report, he clearly pointed out. The importance of immigrants, immigrants are not just a simple matter of moving in the past to settle down, the most important thing is that they also need to upgrade related technologies. Develop local resources. These all require a large population to do such things. Judging from the current densely populated state of Zhao, they should indeed emigrate. After all, this can better transfer social contradictions. This is still very progressive for the development of Zhao.

"Well. What the report says is very clear, so to speak. Immigration has more advantages than disadvantages." Guo Kai said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this is profitable but harmless," said the Minister of Civil Affairs. He felt that Zhao should emigrate. The domestic situation is still under great pressure. First of all, the food problem has not been fundamentally solved. Zhao is still a big food consumer. With regard to trade issues, their market is gradually being compressed. This is definitely an unfavorable result for Zhao Guo. They need to make great improvements, but the problem is that they lack such sufficient funds and the population to do such things. This is the decision. They are not doing very well.

"Well, the problem is, immigration, how to encourage immigration, we can never send a large number of criminals there, besides, not many people will be immigrated. It is also stated in your report. If there are few immigrants, development will be slow. If immigrate If it is fast, there may be changes. Therefore, under such circumstances, we still have to emigrate more people, but the question is, where do so many people come from and how do they emigrate?” Guo Kai said. . The report submitted by the Minister of Civil Affairs only proposed the feasibility of immigration, but the specific immigration was not mentioned in the report, which caused Guo Kai to feel a headache.

"Well. I think the key factor should be the enterprise, not our government." Mr. Minister thought for a while and said. He feels that as long as there are enough resource advantages to attract, large enterprises will be moved to the past. After all, the local resource advantages will greatly attract them to build factories. The improvement of the investment environment will also increase their desire to invest.

"Enterprise?" Guo Kai asked. He feels that it seems unlikely that companies can solve so many problems. After all, they are just companies, that is, their profitability is very strong, but they are also very limited. It seems difficult to do such a thing.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this requires us to solve some policy and tax issues. If we can change their situation and encourage them to invest, there will be advantages in local mineral resources. I think , Those companies will expand their scale, and then produce there. With such production conditions, they can change their market conditions, and skilled migration will continue. In addition, we should also engage in agriculture. Immigration, after all, we still have a lot of retired workers. If we can say that after they work for a long time, if they retire, they will get a piece of land. I think they will also consider this. After all, land The value of this is immeasurable. In Zhao’s native country, this may not be possible because our land resources are limited. However, in Australia, the situation there may be much better than we thought." Minister of Civil Affairs Speaking of this. Guo Kai heard this. I was moved all of a sudden. The issue of worker welfare and pensions has been plagued by Guo Kai.

Regardless of the good development of workers in Zhao State, the wages of workers have risen a lot, but the problem is that their welfare benefits have not increased too much, for example, their pensions, which is a long-term guarantee agency. Some companies have tentatively said this. The purpose is to retain some technical talents, but this is only a small part, but most companies still cannot do this. The Qin people have already begun to do this. This creates pressure. In other words, under the future trend, it is necessary to implement such a policy, which puts a lot of pressure on Guo Kai.

But now, this problem has been solved all at once, and the solution turned out to be through the transfer of proceeds from the land. In this case, there is a great attraction for immigration. Guo Kai decisively agreed to this, after all, this kind of benefit is in comparison. It has been greatly developed.

The research department of the Ministry of the Navy, Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Steam turbines can certainly bring them a lot of power, which allows us to use larger caliber artillery and stronger armor, but the problem is that the speed change performance is very poor, such continuous output will seriously affect To the power output of the battleship." An engineer said worriedly. Oil-fired steam turbines provide good power output, but another problem has become very prominent, that is, variable speed. Gear processing in Korea is terrible. They can't make a qualified gearbox. It seems that only Zhao Guo can solve this problem. Although this is a small problem, on the battlefield, a small problem will be unrestrictedly magnified.

"We must solve this problem as soon as possible. If it can't be solved well, it will affect the performance of the warship. Therefore, our next focus is still on the gearbox problem." The supervisor said. This issue has been personally named by their Admiralty. This means that their warships must solve this problem.

On the other hand, Zhao’s warships are also undergoing reforms. Compared with South Korea’s, their steam turbines were launched at a later time. However, their system is relatively mature, but on a key issue, they have formed two different types of steam turbines. opinion.

Laizhou, in the research department of the Zhao State Military Shipyard, there are a lot of engineers gathered here, and they have excellent capabilities in shipbuilding experience and work capabilities.

"I think fuel oil should be used. After some detailed comparisons between fuel oil and coal. Fuel oil is more effective than coal. In fact, this has been proved. Some of our companies also use heavy oil to smelt steel. This is a huge innovation for us. This is a trend." A young engineer stood up and spoke first.

"At the same time, we must also point out that warships that use fuel have greater advantages in speed and power, and their endurance has become very strong, and the replenishment at sea has become easier, and if you continue to use it In the case of coal, our situation may become very unfavorable, because coal supply is very troublesome, coupled with coal loading and unloading is also more difficult, these will lead to the weakening of the endurance of our warships, which will greatly reduce the further warships Give full play to the abilities you should have.” The young engineer said.

"But the problem is that we should pay attention to another serious problem. Zhao State lacks enough oil reserves, and there is no suitable place to produce oil in Zhao State. In contrast, coal resources are much more abundant. If you use fuel If we do, our logistics supply will be much faster, but the fuel will greatly limit the ability of the warship's logistics supply. This will lead to the possibility that we will not have any fuel supply in the future. Wait until that time, If we use coal again, we will have to modify it, which will bring more trouble." A middle-aged engineer objected. On the issue of fuel oil and coal, Zhao's naval technicians formed two factions.

One group is the oil group. They believe that future warships should be fuel-burning, such as heavy fuel oil, or other engine types. These are all important evidences of the use of fuel, but the problem is that Zhao is an oil-poor country, most of the fuel must be imported, but once a war starts, if the fuel cannot be satisfied, it will cause their fuel storage to be extremely high. The decline of the warship without fuel is just a pile of scrap iron. This is the worst place for the oil faction. The other faction is the coal faction. Zhao has abundant coal resources in the country. This is also one of the important factors for the survival and development of their steel industry. Without these, they would not be able to develop at all. In contrast, if they used coal, their warships would not have to worry about blockades. Because they have enough fuel to add to their warships. But the problem is that the efficiency of coal is low, and this has directly led to a series of problems, such as the difficulty of replenishment. Warships that use fuel oil can be used for ship-to-ship supply. The Koreans are building their supply ships. This is a huge change. If coal is used, warships must have docks to berth. Only then can they be resupplied. In this way, they will be severely restricted during combat, and coal replenishment is also very time-consuming and manpower-consuming. The efficiency is very low, and it is difficult to use coal to take advantage of the high power of the steam turbine. In contrast, fuel can provide a longer range, but the problem is that fuel, which requires oil reserves. If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult to solve all the following problems. On this issue, the two sides have formed a focal point. Regarding the use of coal and fuel, the two sides still have no winners or losers. This made the Zhao Kingdom's navy suddenly become two kinds of warship ideas, one using coal and the other with petroleum fuel, because they can't tell which is better.

Qin State, Xianyang. Admiralty.

"Our fleet has been initially assembled. But the number is much smaller. There are only twelve warships and only ten merchant ships. It is much smaller than the original size. We can only transport two infantry battalions and other operations at most. The unit gets there. If there are too many, our merchant ships may not be able to get there." The Navy Deputy Chief reported to the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, since this kind of thing has been carried out. Act as soon as possible, this thing must not be delayed. The situation there is very bad. We have not received the telegram these days. I suspect that the situation may be. It will become unfavorable to us." The Secretary of the Navy said worriedly.

"Yes, but sir, there are some problems with our next batch of ships." The navy secretary said worriedly.

"Oh. Isn't it possible that the speed of the construction of warships can't keep up? This shouldn't be. Their construction speed is not so slow." Said the Secretary of the Navy.

"No, it’s not this, sir, it’s the type of warship, that is to say, their engines have been replaced. The previous engines used coal, but the current engines use fuel oil, which is faster than coal. It’s just that this is a new technology, and there is also a steam turbine, which is more efficient than a steam engine. But the problem is that we don’t know whether to purchase such equipment, because according to the report we have received, the efficiency of the new warship There have been many improvements, and the speed and endurance of warships have been greatly improved. This improvement has brought about major changes in quality. So, do we change some and accept these new technologies." The Navy Deputy Chief was worried. Speaking of.

"Because doing so, it means that the new technology will bring some new problems, for example, the instability of the new technology, and more other situations, in this way, it will lead to changes in the situation, we are Not to continue to purchase some old equipment.” said the navy deputy.

"Hmm." The Secretary of the Navy thought for a while. He felt that what the Deputy Chief did in this matter was right, but new technologies also represent new powers. In the future, new powers represent new trends. If they blindly seek stability, they will become Very conservative.

"Well, for new warships, we must also maintain an attitude of acceptance. No matter what, this kind of warship is for us. It is some opportunity. We must accept the revolution brought by these technologies. Otherwise, we will fall behind. Now," said the Secretary of the Navy.

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