The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3826: Super typewriter

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house. Shangwen looked at today's newspaper. He usually only reads the headline. If there is enough attractive content, he will take a closer look.

The State of Qin did not restrict what the newspapers could not report and what they could report. For them to be relatively lenient, King Qin also supported them, because they could see a lot of things that they could not.

"Bang." Meng Yi suddenly entered Shang Wen's office. Shang Wen is used to it. Usually only two people come here, Meng Yi, or Yingyu.

"Did something happen?" Shang Wen raised his teacup and asked. The tea may be good, but Shangwen generally treats it as early.

"Look at this? I think you will be interested." Meng Yi said and handed the contents of a newspaper to Shangwen. Shangwen almost bit off the teacup after reading it.

"What's a joke. Super typewriter? Zhao Guoren's invention?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Yes, Super Typewriter. Super. Typewriter." Meng Yi nodded and said. In fact, Qin and other countries in the Central Plains are working hard to invent typewriters, because the current office documents require a lot of copying and regular printing, but the problem is that none of the typewriters on the market can meet this demand. Office documents are becoming more and more. Only the very important and confidential documents will be copied by a few fixed scribes, which is inefficient and unregulated. Sometimes, a series of errors are caused by the copying of handwriting. Therefore, with the formalization of office, the demand for typewriters has become very urgent. However, Qin people have tried typing, not only making them very large, but also very messy. The worst part is that some characters cannot be typed. This is the same as nothing. But countries still do not give up the pursuit of typewriters. Because this can greatly prove the correctness of the existence of Chinese characters.

This seems to be a mental illness in the Central Plains countries. Shang Wen thinks so.

"This typewriter is probably a small safe. The text used is lower case, but a simplified version of lower case. This person is called Wang Yong. He is a very bold young man. In his previous job, he was a typesetting clerk in a newspaper. Because he has a lot of contact with words, it is not surprising that he has such an invention." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Can he type all the words?" Shangwen cares about the result, not the intermediate process.

"Yeah. In fact, he can type many characters, almost all of them can be typed, but the problem is that he needs to simplify some characters and transform them on the basis of lower script." Meng Yi said.

"Tell me, I'm very interested in what's going on. If necessary, I believe that our Qin government will purchase some such equipment." Shang Wen said.

Meng Yi immediately began to explain. The development of this matter is a bit long, probably because this man named Wang Yong also saw the huge typewriter market. Because government offices, journalists edit manuscripts, and more office workers need such typewriters, their demand is very large. But most of the time they need to write by themselves, coupled with the effect of handwriting habits, leading to many times, they can not understand the text, they need a machine that can type very fast. This is a demand.

Wang Yong carefully compared several products that appeared before. They were expensive, and he couldn't type many rare characters, especially the official script version. This becomes even more difficult.

At this time, his work gave full play to his work. For example, he often typeset lower-case characters, because these characters look very comfortable and formal, and many regular books use this type of characters.

Qin's textbooks and some important reports all use these words, but the problem is that the gestures of some words are random, for example, random. Some of them are quite random, and the strokes are very irregular. He thought about transforming these characters. He first summarized the five simplest strokes used in the characters, then disassembled more than two thousand characters, and decomposed the five most basic strokes. In fact, this may be the earliest Wubi typing technique. Then he began to compose characters, and through experiments, he found that in the five-level code, they can achieve the characters they need through a series of machines, but the primary product is still very large. Then he modified it himself and made it look like this. Currently he has applied for a technology patent, and many manufacturers have already approached him to plan production. The special equipment is the Telegraph Bureau. They think this is a great move. To say that he is greater than Cangjie is of course nonsense.

"But then there is a problem, the simplification of the text, because the other party has to simplify a lot of text, only in this way can we type the words we need, but in this way, we need to promote such texts. At present, there are The attitude of the two parties, one is the government, they believe that this is nothing, this should have followed the pace of the times, on the other hand, mainly a group of Confucian scholars, they believe that this is undoubtedly destroying our great civilization history in China. This is an unimplementable result. They strongly oppose this.

"What should we do? It is to support simplified characters. If we follow the previous set, it will definitely not work. Typewriters can't type such characters. We can't do this at all." Meng Yi said.

"Well, we need to set up a committee to verify that we need such a typewriter, but we need to persuade everyone to accept such a new type of writing. This may be a difficult thing for us to challenge, but we Such things must be done, after all, many things. We need to do it ourselves." Shangwen said. Meng Yi nodded.

Yan State, northern Liaoning region in the north. A Gu met with a quartermaster from Yan State and needed a batch of equipment.

"That's it. This is especially for you from the top." An officer of the Yan State Captain said disheveledly. Quartermasters are like this, because they are very stable in the rear, so they are generally loose.

"Can these artillery be used?" A Gu asked the quartermaster.

"I don't know, it should work. This is from the Ministry of National Defense. I just appropriated it to you. The rest is not our business." said the captain's quartermaster.

"When your chief taught you, didn't you say that you saw someone with a higher rank than your own called a chief?" A Gu said angrily.

"Yes, okay, sir." The captain looked at each other and had no choice but to say so. Because he saw that the other party was very fierce, because the other party was a major and a mountain man at the same time.

"These artillery can no longer be used. The above gave us such equipment, it is simply unbelievable." A Gu looked at the rusty 37mm artillery angrily. The muzzle and the gun mount were all rusted, and it glowed a disgusting yellow. It is estimated that if you push it, you will make a squeaking sound. This is the most unacceptable place.

"This, sir, this is given by the Ministry of National Defense. We can only give it to you. We don't know if it can be used." The captain looked at the other party and said. They know that these mountain people are people who have fought a war, and they think that they will be completely incapable of offending if they have fought a war. Otherwise, they will be very troublesome.

"Sir, what do we do with such a weapon?" Addo was very angry, but they were helpless.

"Take it away, we need to find someone who can repair the artillery." A Gu said. He knew that he was angry and couldn't solve the problem, because they needed these cannons to get down Taishan. Addo wanted to say something, but he was helpless. He had to tow away these abandoned cannons. These cannons were old-fashioned artillery. They may not be able to find all the shells, but this is the best artillery they can provide. Yan's finances are very poor.

They can't provide the best cannon.

The Gus need cannons because they have already tried to attack the Goguryeo people in Taishan. They failed in several attempts. Because their firepower is insufficient, the only thing they can do in this situation is to find a way to get more artillery, because only with artillery can they solve this problem, but the artillery provided to them by Yan Guo, There is only such a cannon.

In Myanmar, the march of the third regiment is still advancing. They are very close to the cotton cave, but they can't reach it.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots kept coming, but they just didn't know where the enemy was.

"Damn, come out, come out." The continuous harassment made the Chu Army soldiers very tired, and the exhausted condition made them more irritable and restless. And this irritability caused them a lot of trouble.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier was hit. He kept bleeding from his chest.

"Damn it, dog, dog. You're up." Li Er held his rifle. From the beginning of the attack, he hadn't fired a single bullet, because he knew that shooting was of no use.

"It's no use. We must get out of here, and we have failed. We have completely failed. We can't move on." Asha said vigilantly.

"This." Li Er looked at Asha worriedly, whether this was a deserter.

"Retreat, go forward, it is a trap, we will all die here." Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, Yue Renbing Asha persuaded.

"We leave here now, and there is still a chance to survive. If we don't do this, we will all be dead." Said Asha and dragged Li Er away from here.

"Come out, you cowards, you are a bunch of chores." Huang Wan shouted loudly.


He took his own pistol and kept shooting randomly, and he was completely irritated. Many of them suffered casualties, and their march became a death march. Faced with such a situation, no one can continue. Their military operation failed. They lost to guerrilla warfare, to wars they shouldn't lose.

The Vietnamese soldiers chose to leave here. They knew that this was a huge trap, and the Chu people didn’t care about breaking in. Such an intrusion would inevitably cause them a lot of trouble. The trouble is that they To lose more people, this war is over.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"No matter what the Qin people think? And what the Qi people think, our Zhao country will continue to implement this, simplify the characters, I think there is nothing, now it is industrialized, if we follow the hand-written characters, our characters will become very different. It’s ugly, do you know what it means?" Guo Kai strongly supports the use of simplified characters, not only because of the lack of strokes, but the most important thing is that he can use machines to type. He only needs to dictate to solve more problems. With more text problems, the text looks more uniform.

"This is not so clear, Prime Minister." The assistant replied.

"Because we are entering industrialization, do you understand industrialization? What we need is uniform and efficient writing, not those ancient writings, they represent agricultural civilization, and our country, Zhao, is now industrial civilization, industrial civilization , Understand?" Guo Kai said to his assistant like this.

"This. I, I seem to understand. Prime Minister." The assistant nodded and said.

"Yes, what we need is such a civilization. They will form a huge rush to us. The old civilization will inevitably be powerful, and our country of Zhao will definitely rewrite history." Guo Kai said with confidence. This is an important reason why Guo Kai promoted the reform of simplified characters. In his view, those old words are all pathological, or in other words, they represent only a backward agricultural civilization. His symbolic significance is very great, and there are quite a lot of signs in order. In this situation, it seems difficult to adapt to the current needs. And Guo Kai regarded the simplification of the text as a kind of progress of industrial civilization.

Zhao's industrial civilization is progressing very fast. What he does not need to show is such a situation, not the agricultural civilization represented by the old civilization.

This is the reason. It may sound ridiculous, but sometimes it is because of such a psychological need that changes history. There is no alternative.

A super typewriter is changing the process of mankind, or in other words, having a greater impact on the civilization of the Central Plains. This impact is that industrial machinery has mechanized their writing.

"Qin people will have the same needs as ours. Don't worry about this. They will meet us and become exactly the same, solving all the problems. Under such conditions, they will form a great advantage for us. Faced with such a situation. This kind of advantage, they will have a great influence on us. What we need is this kind of influence, understand?" Guo Kai expressed affirmation on whether Qin State participated in text simplification, because he knew that the people of Qin State would definitely participate in it. Yes, they will never give up such an opportunity to show it, because participation is closely related to industrialization. Because both countries have such a need for certification.

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