On the battlefield against the Celtics, the battle was at a stalemate.

"Look, the Celtics over there, what are they doing?" Li Wei handed the telescope to Hannibal and said. Hannibal took the binoculars and looked like he was taken aback.

"That's not a mistake. They dig trenches, just like us?" Hannibal put down his binoculars and said to Li Wei unexpectedly.

"It seems that the Celtics are also learning, and they have to learn to do this." Li Wei said.

"Yeah, a little analysis can understand why they did this. They can't attack us, and building defenses above the surface is too difficult for them and at the same time useless. Under such conditions, they There are very few things that should be able to do. To dig trenches, it should be a very easy thing for them to accept." Hannibal said.

"Yeah, that's it. In this way, they can quickly solve what they are going to do. They can avoid our roll call, sniping activities can cause great casualties and morale damage to them, but the trenches are Avoided such a situation, and, have you seen it?" Li Wei said.

"They are approaching us by digging trenches. In this way, the attack distance between us and them can be shortened. This is not a good thing for us. If we continue to develop like this, it may cause a lot to us. Big disadvantage." Li Wei said worriedly.

"Then what should we do?" Hannibal asked. In musket warfare, Li Wei has a great advantage. A lot of experience is something they have never had before, and Hannibal has never encountered such a thing. This is still very difficult for them.

"Build a turret and block the ditch. Then use our advantage in height to give full play to our firepower to hit them, of course. It’s best to use hand grenades to interfere with them. But I also hope that we can have some mortars, so that If they do, they can suppress them from the top of their heads." Li Wei said.

"Well. Let's do it this way, but this is not the solution to the fundamental problem. It is very unfavorable for us. If we continue to do this, it is us who consume the most." Hannibal said. .

"Don't worry, we are making a battle plan. We want to eat all of them instead of defeating them. In that case, there is no point at all." Li Wei said. Because of the supply situation, Li Wei was unable to carry out a large-scale encirclement operation at all. At the same time, some new situations caused Li Wei to reconsider their combat plan, such as the trench. This was unexpected, but it was As expected, this situation is indeed changing with a large number of firearms fighting. After all, the enemy will not always be passively beaten, and they also need to make some changes to deal with the new situation.

Rome. Li Fu constantly urged Scipio to go to Spain as soon as possible, but Scipio believed that going to Spain would be fruitless. In order to deal with Li Fu, Scipio sent a large number of reports to the other party. Scipio hopes to pass this Ways to deal with each other.

"What's the matter?" Scipio asked Li Fu.

"Have you watched the battle in Spain? I think you Loma might have some trouble in Spain. Carthage is equipped with a Musketeer. This is the information you got through the Celtics. And they are Use continuous firepower shooting methods. This shows that the opponent's tactics have begun to evolve." Li Fu told the opponent that he hoped to attract the opponent's attention or adopt some military reforms. But Scipio didn't seem to be interested in such news.

"I don't think we need to go to Spain. Our Senate has accepted your government's assistance. We will accept 2,000 well-equipped Shazhou cavalry, and then land in the waters near Carthage by boat, and then use the cavalry. The speed of maneuverability, quickly hit the city of Carthage, in this case, all our affairs are over. Spain, there is no use." Scipio said. The Senate were very excited. Because they found that they had found the best way to end the war quickly, directly attacking the weak points of the Carthaginians, they would be able to fight quickly. For the idea that the war would last a long time at the beginning, they simply Never thought of such a problem. Or they were optimistic from the beginning.

"I think you seriously underestimated the Spanish affairs. Perhaps they will take some actions and quickly launch an offensive. In that case, your situation will be attacked by the opponent first." Li Fu said worriedly.

"No, no. Don’t worry, our offense will be faster than them. We have cavalry and ships. All this is going well. What we need now is to raise a certain amount of money to solve this problem. I don’t think it will take long. This problem can be solved." Scipio said. Li Fu is noncommittal, he doesn't know how to convince the other party, maybe everything needs to prove his judgment to be feasible. Otherwise, he can't do anything.

Thebes, inside Zhang Chen's office.

"A few people are clowns. Give them some color and they will know what to do with us." Zhang Chen said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Sir, this is the intelligence we collected from Carthage. The people of Zhao are helping the Carthaginians to reorganize their army. They are fighting the Celtics. Once they put down the Celtics riots, I think they We have the ability to attack the Roma. These are some things that we assessed ourselves." The assistant handed a report to Zhang Chen.

"Offensive? Oh, if they attacked, it would be better, you know? This can drive us to a greater arms trade. At present, we can't open their market. This is a big loss for us, but If there is a war, the demand will become a lot, especially the arms trade. This is a good thing. Report such things to the Supreme Command and let them operate such things. As for other things. We can pay attention to it, and it is best to let it go. The inspection of the import and export weapons of Zhao Guo, so that they can be transported to Carthage as soon as possible. In this way, we can solve many problems." Zhang Chen said.

"Oh, sir, there happens to be a large number of Zhao State arms merchants who are applying to pass through the Suez Canal, shall we let it go?" the assistant asked worriedly.

"Yes, it's them. Let them go. This is of great benefit to us. Why do we use this situation is because we want them to do this kind of thing. In this way, they can solve a lot of us. The problem that can’t be solved. That’s it. Sometimes the arms business is relative. If you don’t use the spear, you will never know the benefits of the shield.” Zhang Chen said, in fact, the South Korean government even condones some. In it, they think that Roma people are very smart and they buy some weapons they need. Koreans don’t like this. Although they like smart people, if smart people don’t behave stupidly in certain places, they too Would not like such a thing.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"Hehe. Zhao Guoren and Qin Guoren are so smart, they actually set up a neutral zone. They are not ordinary smart." Han Shu said and laughed in a mocking tone.

"Does the king think this is inappropriate?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Well, this thing was not done very well. The people of Zhao were ordered to return the Taishan area to the Goguryeos. According to the truth, they should fully support the Goguryeos. After all, the garrison of the Goguryeos was still surrounded there. This is not a good thing for them. If Zhao people support them, it will let the Goguryeo people know that they will be more encouraged to do such things, but now they have set up a neutral zone, which is diplomatic. Because Zhao people can no longer retreat. Their capital has entered Goguryeo. If they do not support Goguryeo, they will not support their capital. For them, it is simply the most difficult thing to accept, so in this way Under the circumstances, Zhao Guoren had no choice, but Zhao Guoren did so. It is difficult to understand them. Therefore, for them, this is a stupid decision. At this time, Zhao Guoren should show his own Attitude." Han Shu commented.

"It may be that Guo Kai wants to avoid a bigger war. I heard that Guo Kai is a typical peaceful school. Many people in China do not support such pacifism, because pacifism brings about not much market expansion. This has caused serious dissatisfaction among many people. Under such a situation, their domestic situation is not very good." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, expansion has become an inevitable. Zhao people should use their strengths to conduct war, instead of letting peace tie their hands and feet. This is an act of self-willing and depravity. In my opinion, the prime minister of Guo Kai will definitely not It’s been a long time. They need the war faction, not the peace faction. They have seriously affected the development of the situation." Han Shu said dissatisfiedly, and he also agreed with this. After all, such things are coming to him. , Is already a very good result.

Zhao Guo chose the strategy wrongly, but this may have his own inertia. After all, if he changes direction all at once, the old policy will still exert great power. This kind of power is inevitable to make them value such a thing. This situation. And Zhao Guoren will also make his own choice.

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