At the hearings of the Qin State, Xianyang, and the Writing Committee, representatives from all walks of life in the Qin State expressed their opinions on writing and its use. This allows the Qin State Committee to make the most reasonable basis for the lantern ghost.

"Can you start?" a middle-aged committee member looked at a young man and asked.

The other party nodded, indicating that it was time to start. The microphone has been adjusted. Everyone can hear what the other person is saying.

"My name is Yang Feng. I am a government official in the Xianyang area of ​​Qin State. My duty is to copy about 12 documents with an average of 3,000 words each day, with neat handwriting." Yang Feng introduced. All the people present nodded. They understood the job. In fact, many large Qin companies have such people. They copy the documents neatly. Sometimes, some documents have been invalidated. And their hard work has to be wasted. This is a very exhausting thing. They try to print too, but printing requires typesetting. If you can use a typewriter, people have ten fingers, and writing requires three at most. The efficiency will be improved a lot at once, and everyone can see this.

"Can you tell me your opinion? This is very important to us. We know the importance of your work for copywriting." The committee is still very fair. They searched for more than 10,000 people working in copywriting, and other related For writing-related jobs, they come from related occupations such as government office workers, teachers, doctors, and police.

"Well, I think that simplified characters are of great significance to us. I think there are too many strokes for many characters. And because of writing habits, we need to spend a long time, but usually, some places have begun to use simplified characters because This can increase the speed of writing. What I know is that this behavior has been promoted in some important places. For example, journalists need to write a large number of manuscripts every day. If these manuscripts are not published in time, news will become old news. , They value writing speed very much. They often use simplified characters or even simplified characters they invented to write. If they can really use it like this, I think this is a very good idea. This is still a very important situation for us." Yang Feng said.

"Well, we understand, then typewriter, do you think it is important? I mean, such a simplified version of the typewriter?" a committee member asked.

"How to say, I think it is very important." Yang Feng said.

"This can greatly improve our efficiency. I have seen some reporters use typewriters to type. I also tried to buy one. The price is expensive, but the efficiency is very high. However, the type is less, usually I need Use the same handwriting to write some by yourself. If many characters can be written with such handwriting, I believe that I would choose such a typewriter because it can improve my work efficiency." The other party said .

The committee members nodded in agreement. Next is another office worker. It is a policeman who is engaged in document work. His job is to organize a large number of documents. Their documents are various and the relationship between notes and scribbles is not too high. high. This determines that their writing is not very formal, so a lot of copying work is put on them like the police. This is a chore for them, because their workload is very large. Under the circumstances, they usually drive themselves crazy. Therefore, they believe that if the order of strokes is reduced, they can still accept it as long as the general meaning does not change. As for the typewriter, he thinks it is very necessary, because the typewriter can use both hands to type, and the speed is quite fast. In fact, Wubi has a certain prototype in Qin, and they rely on different gesture sequences to type the characters they need. Come, of course. This requires a proficiency in the rules of typewriter's writing, otherwise, oneself would not be able to complete such opinions.

There are many such examples. University professors think it is very necessary for a practical typewriter. Some university professors even said that they are studying the possibility of inventing electronic printers electronically, which surprised everyone. , But Shangwen was not surprised. He felt that this was a demand of the times.

With the unfolding of industrialization, many places require standards, machinery, and efficient operation. This seems to be a specific law. Such a law will inevitably bring about rapid development. This development makes them show An astonishing demand, this is the demand of industrialization. Handicrafts may be regarded as the representative of agricultural civilization. They are regarded as backward, a kind of civilization in a negative state. Therefore, Qin also urgently needs a kind of ability. Things that represent the fruits of their industrial civilization appear in daily life, such as typewriters. This is a demand, a new demand, and no one can change this demand.

Chu State, Wuyue Port, Chen Ping is the Minister of Economy of Chu State. His main task is to invigorate Chu’s economy, and Wuyue area is becoming the most developed area of ​​Chu State. Therefore, Chen Ping spends most of his time working near Wuyue Port, because his work focuses here. He hopes to build the first industrial city in Chu, and his hope is becoming a reality. Because more than 90% of Chu's industry is concentrated here.

"The Prime Minister was too careless. Such a matter should not be handled in this way. How can such a matter be hidden from the past." Chen Ping said after reading the telegram. This is an ordinary encrypted telegram. The telegram comes from a colleague of the War Department who told the other side such an amazing news. And he dared to conclude that it would not take long for the news to reach King Chu, because many people were very interested in the position of the prime minister, and he knew many people. There are also those congressmen, they always try to get some news that others don't know. Fan Zeng may be because he didn't think of this under certain circumstances, or that he has too much fluke mentality.

"I have to go to Pengcheng." Chen Ping picked up the phone and asked his assistant to immediately order a train ticket to Pengcheng. The sooner the better. He can't wait any longer. There are too many uncertain factors in this matter. He didn’t know why Fan Zeng made such a mistake, because Fan Zeng’s departure meant that his position expired, because the cabinet would be replaced by all staff. In that case, the construction of Chu State would become a distant future, a new kind of new The industrial upgrading of the country will die. This made Chen Ping feel very helpless. He didn't want such a thing to happen, or there was a chance of salvation.

Chu State, Pengcheng, inside the Juvenile Military Academy.

"You know? I got a gossip from the Department of War that our military operation in Burma has failed. I heard that we have lost the strength of an infantry regiment. I think that infantry regiment is unfortunate and should be revoked." The young man gloated and said that, in his opinion, saying that this matter seemed to be a matter of other countries.

"How is it possible?" Hearing such a thing, he felt like he had been insulted, and Chu Jun was actually defeated. How could one thing happen unexpectedly. He felt that the news was fake and was fabricated by others.

"Yes, there is such news, but many of us don't know it. But I think this is an opportunity. If anyone can defeat the Cottonmen in jungle combat, I think it must be a great credit. "The young man said to Xiang Ji.

"Well, this is a very good challenge. I am willing to accept such a challenge. Are you willing? I think we can set up a commando team now, and then go to the battlefield in Myanmar, come and let them know about us. It's amazing." Xiang Ji said.

"Do you think it's okay?" Others asked a lot, after all, they felt that they had learned too little. Moreover, this is a juvenile military academy. They still need to study in the military academy for three years, and then they can train officers after graduation, and then they can become ensigns or lieutenants after one year of internship. This is a very long process for them, and it may be a very long process for them. It's too far away. They feel that they are still novices.

"If such a thing is really done, I will be able to get the rank of second lieutenant at the earliest. Instead of being a student soldier here." Xiang Ji was also very excited. He felt that doing so would greatly reduce his chances of learning. He was unwilling to learn. He even felt that learning was a burden for him. He felt that war would come faster in practice. So they started to take action, and one after another they wrote reports and asked to go to the battlefield.

Pengcheng, in the palace of the Chu King.

"My lord, this matter has been investigated, and the telegram side has indeed received such telegrams, with the original telegram on it. This is what happened after the cipher translation." Song Yi reported. He was just a small director of the department in charge of the War Department, and this position was obtained by the glory of his family. He was not proficient in anything, but he was good at getting through contacts. At the same time, he was also good at camping. He didn't know where he got the news, so he ran to report it immediately. After King Chu heard this incident, although it didn't happen on the spot, Song Yi saw that King Chu's hand was trembling. This was an angry and extremely suppressing action. Although it was hidden, Song Yi saw it. He felt that his whistleblower was very successful. King Chu will definitely accept his message.

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